Too Much and Too Little Not Enough
Too Much and Too Little Not Enough The Chaos of Production and Destruction, of Wages and Prices, Money and Markets, Folly and Fools, in a Looney System that Socialism Will Destroy THOUSANDS of...
...The excitement of the campaign had not yet worn off, and the Socialists continued to refer to their chosen spokesmen as "the candidates...
...By the time you reach the roof the rule recovers a fourth of the length it lost...
...It is chaos...
...Bread has been taxed a cent a loaf, cotton goods bear a few cents, and later cheese, butter and milk will be taxed...
...We are caught in sjftfflied, unorganized, drifting forces...
...t treat was the enthusiasm and ¦itett of the workers that the P»ation of the Socialist ad-¦*tlon could not be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall...
...I On the ballot straight votes are listed separately from split ballots...
...We make and they take...
...The Socialists polled a high vote In Hemp-fleld Township, running ahead of the field In straight votes and beating the Democrats throughout...
...The vote was almost invariably straight, Reading Socialists vote for principles, not personalities...
...At 11 s. m. the hall was Jammed...
...This year the vote for various offices varied, rising as high as 246 for school director...
...So*0-0-0, as Ed Wwm would say, the Wise Men at Washington will See this gear's crop from 700,000,000 to 500,000,000 nounds...
...National Chairman JKrxycki came to see his fellow N.E.C...
...One lever cancels the other one...
...Socialism is planned and scientific production for human welfare with the idlers discharged from their ownership and control...
...For Sheriff, Lightbowne polled 1,684...
...while F. A. Muhlenberg, high old-party man, polled 7,529 as a Republican...
...He begins to climb out of the hole but is halted...
...Farmers have half the income they had ten years ago and workers have about the same...
...Which do you want, chaos or Socialism...
...The straight party vote ran as follows: Mayor, Long, 287...
...It means formless, confused, unorganized drifting matter, shifting here and there without plan...
...We lose and they win...
...Farmers are expected to be helped a half-billion dollars within a year by these taxes...
...Here is how it works...
...In the county of Berks, outside the city, the Socialists nosed out the Republicans for second place in virtually every contest, and in every single case carried the city for county officials by substantial majorities...
...and Herman R. Ansell for Attorney-General polled 173 each...
...It works against the laboring masses and favors those who'live on their labor...
...You couldn't make 1 Sioux Indian accept that sort of thing...
...Henry Johnson polled 41 votes for Highway Commissioner out of approximately 450 votes lor all candidates...
...Two feet are four at one period and four are three at another...
...So acres of cotton are plowed under to make us happy...
...running the city in the PP*' of the workers...
...We work and they shirk...
...Understand that...
...C. Stanley 26 and 37 votes respectively for Justices of the Peace...
...Mjfttt McLevy, Socialist work-fcfMn and member of the party's "Usual Executive Committee, re-•hsd the gavel of Mayor and the gjto the City Hall and to the JJWrt office before a wildly en-JMiStlc throng at a ceremony in *Unaitorium of the Central High Monday at noon...
...We want the rural workers to get out of the hole...
...Socialists came from many cities, a lsrge delegation from New York included...
...It is a rare occasion when a nan enters public life supported by such a sizeable portion of the electorate...
...Mayor Buckingham had not run for re-election, so there was no bitterness of defeat to mar his part in the proceedings...
...Substantial gains in the Socialist vote were registered here...
...Two Socialist Aldermen were elected, John J. Hommas in the Sixth Ward beating his combined opponents, and in the Tenth Stanley J. Mehoskey coming within five votes of beating the combined votes of his two opponents...
...What a chaos of basement, steps, walls, roof, rooms and halls we would have in a house erected by the use of such an absurd method of measurement...
...Only a Democratic-Republican fusion, plus the disfranchising of many Socialists for inability to pay the poll tax, defeated the party's candidates...
...The party scored a heavy increase in this city...
...There is more than can be sold, yet there ire millions who could use what cannot be sold...
...McLevy Sworn as Bridgeport Mayor gRIDGEPORT.—This important industrial city is now in tbt hands of the Socialist admin-¦tntion swept into office by the election landslide November 7th...
...President of Council, Weltlich, 338...
...Hpday morning, lass than a *•*» after the election returns P* announced showing the great ¦"Wirt victory, Mayor McLevy J* hi hi* office to the City Hall, Pi complete Socialist adminls-Wwn... the worn face of the new Mayor appeared...
...Of course you do...
...Last week the new Federal processing taxes on pork were effective...
...NRA is going to get the farmers out of the hole by increasing prices of their products...
...Plow under what cannot be eaaght though it could be used or reduce the next for the same reason...
...But to pay more for their products we must receive more wages...
...Yeah I Jasper...
...The party carried 81 of the city's 73 precincts, and came in second in many others...
...SPLENDID VOTE IN ROME ROME, N. Y.-The City of Rome gave Darwin J. Meserole, candidate for Court of Appeals, 615 votes this year, compared to 262 polled by Thomas snd 175 by Waldman in 19X2...
...City workers also want to get out of the pit...
...It was kept down somewhat by a fierce factional fight in the old parties, but a good gain was registered nevertheless...
...GRATIFYING VOTE IN BERGEN COUNTY, N. J. RUTHERFORD, N. J.—The Socialist vote in Bergen County was gratifying to party workers...
...We face chaos...
...Most of them were Socialists, and the excitement and enthusiasm in the crowd were intense...
...At 11:60 "the candidates" began to I arrive and they were hustled to the platform...
...Sell, here is the tobacco crop...
...It is reported in headlines of the fcily press...
...It was like a high school commencement, with Mayor E. T. Buckingham as principal handing out diplomas and with McLevy as prise pupil getting the greatest honors...
...For all offices there were about 80 to 85 Socialist votes, to about 60 Republicans, and in some cases the Socialists ran up to 60...
...At 12 sharp there was a shout of "Jasper...
...The Ward council candidates polled 50, 30, 45, 80, 66, 54...
...You get a dollar which is supposed to be equal to a certain quantity of things...
...He finds that workers pay more but they buy less...
...You start the basement with a certain dimension and by the time you start to build walls the rule has contracted one-half...
...We don't object to paying more to help farmers get more...
...They had not yet got used to the fact that "the candidates" now constituted the administration of then- city...
...A Brief Ceremony It was a brief, a simple, a democratic and a deeply moving ceremony...
...oftEENSBURG, Pa...
...In 1982 the party polled less than 1,000 in the entire county when the total vote was 66 per cent greater...
...Row on row was Jammed with people, every sest in the orchestra and in all three balconies being taken and hundreds standing...
...Suppose you started to build a house with a standard footntle...
...Roses and Cheers Long before the noon hoar the platform was banked high with floral pieces, sent by labor and Socialist organizations...
...The Socialist Party, despite the terrific fusion campaign waged against it, actually inereaaed id vote in this city oyer the record Presidential vote of In a total poll "000 less than last rear's the top Socialist vote was 11,642 aa compared to the top Socialist vote of 11,288 in 1982...
...Mayor Buckingham, in a graceful little speech, referred to the siae of the Socialist sweep...
...In five of the nine wards the old parties fused to defeat the Socialists...
...The branch printed its own literature on its own press and widely distributed the Socialist case throughout the community, laying the foundations for greater success in the future...
...Prices for the farmer and wages for the worker arc realized in dollars...
...The word has come down to us as "chaos...
...If there are less workers to buy both rural and urban workers are still in the hole...
...and for Freeholders, Hoke, Doremus and Carman polled 1,901, 1,972 and 1,900 respectively...
...The NRA hands the workers a wage lever to lift the farmer and hands the farmer a price lever to lift the wage workers...
...Detail* of the voting in Heading...
...Now it is plain...
...Next year it may represent half the present quantity...
...Too much tobacco Hugh jobless workers pick cigarette butts out of ¦putter...
...Meinte Schurmans, candidate for Alderman in the city's largest ward, trailed the winner by less than 200 votes...
...member inaugurated...
...VOTE IN FREWSBURG FREWSBURG, N. Y.—The Socialist vote for the township of Carroll was excellent for a first attempt at putting a ticket in the field...
...There must bo enormous satisfaction for you in the knowledge thst as you assume your duties you are fortified by the substantial good will of the community...
...There is more cotton than can be sold although plenty can be used by those who cannot buy clothing..., 825...
...Less than a week after the dection the outgoing administration surrendered control of the «¦> to the Socialists chosen by « overwhelming majority by the workers an(j jobless...
...George Cary White polled 77 for Governor, and J. Luther Kibler for Lieut.-Gov...
...Ruttenbur received 32 for Supervisor, Alleman 21 for Town Clerk, and Emma Alleman and Wm...
...w In other eitles and towns, as returns straggle in, it appears that the people in increasing number turned to the Socialists as their only hope...
...Wesley Eastman, candidate for Assembly, received 372 votes, compared with 340 in 1982 and 237 in 1931...
...It is a looney system...
...shows that In that industrial city the Socialists more than held their own despite the inability of thousands of workers to pay the poll tax required before voting, and that they are now the strongest party in the city by 4,000 votes...
...there were 20 marked for the Socialists to 5 Democrats snd If Republicans...
...It compels us to destroy food while there is hunger...
...This curtails the buying of industrial products and workers are laid off...
...The Socialist vote in this city, long the home of "General" Jacob S. Coxey, who was elected Mayor two years ago, was good, but it varied considerably from office to office...
...It heaps billions of wealth into the laps of idlers and makes chaos of everything...
...The farmers sell more but at a low price level...
...It's the same the other way around...
...When McLevy took the oath the flash lights popped agsin, and the air was rent with wild cheering...
...Birch Wilson, running for School Commissioner, received 11,149 (only 493 lower than the highest Socialist vote...
...In addition, the corridors were jammed and the streets outside were black with cheering workers, come to celebrate theh* victory...
...The huge auditorium of the Central High School was pressed into service, but even that was inadequate...
...Some of the details are given below...
...At once the cameras began to go oft...
...Although the Communist, have been very active In Jamestown, their mayoralty candidate polled only 104 votes...
...The highest vote ever polled in the past was 50...
...But the ceremony was a Bridgeport show, snd Bridgeport held the center of the stage...
...The Sayre Socialists nominated a ticket and carried on a campaign for the first time in fifteen years...
...A graphic picture of the situation in the city is the lowest Socialist vote as compared to the highest old-party vote...
...If a higher price level absorbs any increase in wages it is a game of see-saw...
...They cannot buy but they could use...
...The dollar measure is based upon the capitalist system of production of commodities...
...Here again there is chaos...
...The two high votes were 729 for Mil-horn and 2,494 for Slusser for Board of Education...
...Some products pile up and Rfertfoy them and human beings who need them are piroyed by disease and hunger...
...He opened the meeting with s stroke of the gavel that within a few momenta he turned over to his successor, and then retiring City Clerk Robert E. Noonan called upon each official in turn, swore him in, and shook him by the hand...
...ITHACA GAIN ITHACA, N. Y. —Darwin J. Meserole received 381 votes in Tompkins County, compared with 267 votes polled by Waldman last year...
...In all major contests the Socialists were a mere 3,000 or so behind the combined Republican-Democratic vote...
...Say the workers get more wages and buy more fanners' products, but the price level is not higher...
...The dice are loaded and the cards are stacked against us...
...The farmer gets his increased prices for his products...
...Work like a slave then destroy much that is produced...
...Too Much and Too Little Not Enough The Chaos of Production and Destruction, of Wages and Prices, Money and Markets, Folly and Fools, in a Looney System that Socialism Will Destroy THOUSANDS of years ago the Greeks puzzled their f^jtaiat for a word that would fit what they thought the universe was at one time...
...His Democratic Vote was 6,674...
...The products do not reach those who need them and millions who need them are not allowed to produce...
...Although the party candidates were not considered serious contenders they piled up more votes than in any previous election, Howard Beagle, candidate for the state legislature, polled 659 votes, the largest ever given a. Socialist candidate here in many years...
...Or a certain quantity buys a dollar now and buys fifty cents a year later, tor goods buys dollars as dollars buy goods...
...C. Dorothea Greene, Socialist candidate for Mayer, received 989 votes out of a city total of 10,048...
...Councilmen at Large, 287, 279, 291...
...Again chaos...
...Suppose that rule contracted and expanded from year to year or month to month...
...N. Y.—Fred J. Smith received 670 votes fo« daycr of Jamestown tnis yuar as candidate of the Social Progress Party, national party names not being admissable in municipal elect'ona...
...they shouted...
...This sorry scheme of producing and distributing wealth has become chaos...
...The candidates for Assemly, running at large throughout the county, received from 1,984 votes to 2,087...
...Norman Thomas polled 69 votes in 1982...
...Heavy Socialist Gains Scored Everywhere DELATED election returns show that the Socialist Party scored heavy gains in every part of the country except where special conditions existed, as in New York City...
Vol. 16 • November 1933 • No. 21