Socialist Party Progress
Socialist Party Progress Michigan Detroit - Pnrly member* are asked to support the Sunday evening I'orums at Northern High School. "Capitalism or Socialism?" Is the subject for dlscussliill...
...This is the more significant considering the fact that Comrade Henderson delivered a lecture and not a propaganda talk...
...true Socialists, to the elecw* of fifty Congressmen nexl and from then a steadj »•* to Victory...
...He luis engaged In three «yiti|Mslums with the other five candidates, two being arranged by Ihe Ton pa jits' Association, beside* < speaking at open* nlr meetings, lie wua the only inaynriilly candidate to aildre** the Central Unemployed Association, meeting at the High School Monday evening, nllhnugh one of the Democratic Assembly candidate* showed up...
...I think the p*rty has been extremely fortunate in being abh to brinr* a man of such outstanding ability," says Francis King, secretary of the Socialist party in Michigan...
...Nor am I concerned because the liberals," the Communistic-Rooscidtians and others with weak hearts, knees or heads have quit Ike Socialist Party...
...Syrjata on "Have the Socialist* of Milwaukee Failed...
...Waldron concluded his letter by saying that he had no regrets because of his activities and that the "respect of the workers is more precious to me than a school teacher's pay conditioned by suppression...
...Apply Immediately to take advantage of this offer...
...On Nov...
...Ir, Ti 15 rent...
...Your action menaces such freedom in the schools as there has been...
...Plans are under way for Nathan Fine to deliver five lecture*, commencing In December...
...Although there is n i widespread public propaganda, the public spontaneously abstains from buying German goods...
...It smacks of the growing tendency toward absolute control of education by the privileged classes...
...David 1, Baposs of Drnokwood l.i.l...r College Is continuing III* \Vrdnnulay night lectures on "The History of Trade Unions In th* United States.'' Nov...
...The lectures by August Tyler will be resumed Nov...
...14, New York State Albany.—The local met nt Workmen's Circle Center last Wednesday, with Nbit< Secretary Merrill present...
...rSiisiON OF FAITH By David Georgo ¦ AM a Socialist and expect to I remain true to nay present ^avictions...
...The - educational program begin* promptly ^it S p. m. and ia follnwril by a business meeting...
...The Swedish boycott is all the more significant in view of the considerable Swedish-German export trade...
...It is said on reliable information that the decision is due to orders from Moscow, which wishes to refrain from any "undue interference...
...I till givs no aid or comfort to the Fascist enemy by preaching any oad of dictatorship, blindly depending upon the masses to differentiate between kind* of dictatorships I Whenever and wherever democracy is imprisoned or slain, I favor the most bitter and relentless battle igainst the barbarians with any and all methods and weapons...
...The educational program for November of lh« Boston Central Branch la a* follow*: Nov...
...4. Massachusetts Boston...
...Organise no¦•tomorrow...
...This year hla subject will tie "The City Campaign: Its Results and the Future...
...was uvvw luiviiun DISCHARGED FOR AD) TO STRIKERS By B. Cohen CT...
...Thai Is why it has announced the opening of a new term on Nov...
...His action is considered a fine Socialist position and he is congratulated by his comrades...
...I believe that three refusals should discourage any lover...
...was In Cohoes Nnlunl i.t evening, anil has been engaged Ibis wri'b at organizational work In Newlnii nk...
...I proclaim the certainty steady success and ultimate "rtory if those who have faith in fts undying principles of Karl aarx, the party of 'Gene Debs, will twwn down the gauntlet for the ¦Met vigorous drive for organizaand power that we have ever w*»d...
...The feature will be a symposium, "Democracy v...
...The main disagreement with the Bolshevik rulers of Russia by our party and the Socialist parties of the world has been the policy of terror and every resolution of every national convention of the parly has expressed this opinion...
...Uth, Dr...
...I believe* that the Socialist Party should not even consider counterproposals from the Communists (who do the spade work for Fas tarn in each country) until these noisy nuisances, who have totally failed both as politicians and as revolutionaries outside of Soviet Russia, come to us with a foolproof proposal, accompanied by laple confession of error...
...Clear the decks...
...S—George K. Roewer on "The Failure of Rugged Individualism...
...Norman Thnmn* will give his annual address on the campaign...
...As reports from Germany show, the tightening of the boycott is sharply felt in German business circles...
...74— William DnhMr and Donald Ilurd on "Socialists In Municipal Campaigns...
...Comiade Henderson is British rnrroKnondent...
...Ilrnnrh meeting* are held weekly at 1 Stuart si., Boaton...
...of The New Leader...
...On Nov...
...tin ry Rlseman will ipeak for Democracy, and Arthur lllsb/ip, of the Proletarian party, for Dictatorship...
...I fc • the next steps »f the party of Huey Long, Jim Farley, Harry Byrd, McNutt and loosevelt as much as I detest the toncent ration camps in which they hive placed a quarter-million tin employed youths...
...Algrrnon, In making the announcement, emphasized that a limited number of nrw scholarships are offered nt this time...
...Nation, Race, and Class.—The Monday night scrlrs, too, has ehree more events on Its program...
...Swedish exports to Germany constitute less than 25 percent of the import figures...
...ut the Jackson Park Branch, 1507 E. 55th St., Saturday, Nov...
...Isadnre I'nlaky I* the candidate for Mayor...
...When Socialists assume power, bestowed upon them by the people, I favor immediate use of that po\ er to the end of pushi...
...Cooper and Mrs...
...Illinois Chin...
...Duff/, Slat* Organl/cr...
...Arrangemints made to open Hand School Socialist study class, and a committee was elected to arrange for the Clarsscns meeting early In December...
...The pressure of the Swedish trade unions and the powerful Socialist movement is also bearing results...
...I deny that anyone has as yet ntm scraped the paint off the Socialist platform...
...Connecticut N»w H*v*n.- The Sm lallsl candidate* plan a whirlwind finish of the campaign...
...The last lecture In the scries will be delivered by Ix>ul» Woldman, State Chairman of the Socialist Parly, on "The Roosevelt Policies and the Socialist and Labor Movement...
...Let traitors •werters and the weak-spirited dis•»»»ge themselves from us...
...t:ii i linn rally and organization meeting by I'ollah Brunch, Sunday, at Monlag'* Hall 60 Third SI...
...NEW RAND SCHOOL LECTURE COURSES Now That the Campaign Is Over.— The Hand School always expects a new crowd of Socialist party members after the campaign...
...Ail n. I...
...3, at 8 p. in., at 5SS "VI lii Avr...
...William E Duffy, Ntale Organiser, spoke twlc* art week, discussing the NBA...
...The educational feature of the la»t meeting was a talk on "Co-, operation" by a *rhnul teacher...
...Otto Nathan formerly economic adviser to the German government nnd now Professor of Economics at Princeton, will discuss "The Nazi Regime In Germany...
...Three of the most import Hit numbers will bring tincourse to on end...
...Current Events Lecturer*.—The Thurs day night course "Current Events" has been slightly rearranged...
...German-Swedish Trade Sharply Falling Off STOCKHOLM.—According to a survey of the influential daily Sozialdemokraten, the Swedish people are strongly In favor of the antlHitlcs boycott...
...Being a Socialist, I besjn in democracy, even though it ( sjgy not seem very romantic in , (law days of "flight from democjiej" towards Fascism, and Com sjgniem...
...Magulre of ths Orange* Branch In charge...
...h¦nier Social by the Ylp»els of ('<'>U County to Inaugurate • rounty organization of the circles IhriiiiKhnut Chicago, Evanston, Oak Park, and the other suburb...
...M. Hart Walker, Assembly randldale, will apeak fpr the Irvlngton branch i ii.i iv evening In the PostofOre Illdg., Sprlngfleld and Ilrookrtd* Avenues, Irvlngton...
...I have never been one of that hopeless bunch tillini* themselves "liberals," who f)taffy every ti' " a ruler grants iailii reform or purrs about the for l>cc pul...
...Women'* Auxiliary announce* special • -nt" riiiliiiin nt to follow supper Saturday •veiling at county headquarters...
...16th, I-co M. Krzyrkl, the new National Chairman of the Socialist Party and one of the executives of the Amalgamated, will speak on ">or nnd the Recovery Act...
...Rill his subject will be "Labor In Wartime...
...6th, Gaetano Salvriiiini...
...17—Joseph Rearnk on "HUlorjr of Soelnlltt Tactics...
...This item* refers to the death of Comrade Morris Hillquit...
...I hail the greatest opportunity I have seen for party Wilding...
...g at the highest speed the transition to the Cooperative Commonwealth...
...Some were •retty good cusses, but—farewell, ud good riddance to people who •ever belonged...
...I assert that the Mople are turning to us faster Ian ever...
...15.000 piece* of the Socialist campaign paper have been distributed every week and many street meetings held every day and evening...
...Dismissal of J. ^ Clark Waldron, economics teacher in a local high school, on the ground that he had brought "the pOblic schools into approbrium," has aroused general resentment...
...A Debs dedicatory program will be Klvcn by ilrnnrh 1 Snturdny, Nov...
...Socialists TTHE City Executive Committee i * of local New York, Socialist ¦ Party, calls the attention of the : party members to the shameful item which appeared in "Th:1 American Guardian," edited by Oscar Ameringcr, a member of the party in Oklahoma, in the issue of October 13...
...Clnss In Socialism led by Andrew P. Ultt.l...
...Resolved, that copies of this resolution be sent to the National Executive Committee and to the party press for publication...
...William I...
...On Nov...
...On Nov...
...201 h, Algernon Lee will sum up the facts and theories presented In the course and give them a Socialist Interpretation...
...The Post-Dispatch and StarTimes protested in editorials against the dismissal and are running letters regarding it...
...New Jersey Passaic.—Vv'llllnm K. Tallman closed successful outdoor meetings with his usual fine lecture, singing and sale* of The New Leader...
...The Swedish Communists have decided not to participate in the boycott measures against Hitler Germany...
...Socialist honor and respect for the more than forty years of service of one who was loved by the workers in many nations, urges us to declare that the falsehood of the "Guardian" merits the severe condemnation by Socialists of the slanderer of our dead comrade...
...Being a Social Democrat, I shall . Ifht for the preservation and ex- 1 t«n»km ef democracy and shall ,ttempt closely to identify the Sogghjt Party with this struggle...
...formerly Professor of History nt the University or l-iorence ana member of Ihe Italian Senate, will speak on "The Nature of Italian Fascism...
...I am not conccrntM any mon over <;t|) Roosevelt's efforts to patch up Capitalist) v:i MliA than I was by Cap Hoover's similar efforts via R.F.C...
...The mayoralty campaign I* getting good publicity In th* press, the speeches of Herbert M. Merrill, our candidate, being printed In full...
...CANADIANS ASK FOR HENDERSON DETROIT.—Following a speech before a branch of the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation at Windsor, Ontario, Canadian Socialists have asked Fred Henderson, touring the United States, to return for several months of lecturing in Canada...
...While party members and party organizations throughout the United States, leading Socialists and Socialist organizations in other nations, trade unions and other labor organizations were paying their tribute of affection to our late comrade nnd affirming their nenae of the great loss the working class of the world has suffered, "The American Gunrdian" enrriod the following statement: "Hillquit was a member of the 'right wing* of the Socialist Party, and waa a bitter enemy of Soviet Russia...
...Many merchants have decided to sever all relations with German business...
...His lecture in Detroit was one of remarkable brilliance...
...4, at 225 E. Forest...
...Resolution of N.Y...
...Waldron is a member of the Socialist Party and has been active in recent strikes and on one occasion was arrested...
...Have politics actively entered the schools...
...Is the subject for dlscussliill Sunday, Nov...
...The program Included three myitery feature...
...I do not recall ever seeing an audience that was more appreciative and enthusiastic than the one he addressed...
...Michigan win take all the time that he can possibly give...
...Thursday, Nov...
...S. Lurry Davldow will rrprnient the Party, while Judge t.ilw:inl llensroe will defend capltnllani...
...Waldron has sent an open letter to the Superintendent of Instruction in which he said, "My participation in the strikes was lawful and as a citizen I sought to help correct the revolting sweatshop conditions existing in the city...
...German exports to Sweden have decreased more than twenty percent during the first eight months of 1938...
...Sprrliil emphasl* wua laid on the cooperative movement In Denmark...
...I hope that the party will bring him hack next year...
...It is hardly necessary to point out to Socialists that Comrade Hillquit, in common with other , party members, vigorously opposed American and Allied invasion of Soviet Russia, asserted the right of self-determination for Russia, und always insisted on American recognition of Soviet Russia and trade relations with the Soviet Union...
...George Pfauas, campaign manager, rolled for challengers to serve at the polls Election Day, Comrades should call at county headquarter...
...There will be new classes and new lecture courses...
...All begin at 8:30...
...I cannot be brought to the belief that you oppose academic freedom, and yet, your statements relative to my conduct in the strikes of these unfortunate workers, leave no room for any conclusion than that you are opposed now to teacher-freedom or that pressure has been put upon you...
Vol. 16 • November 1933 • No. 19