Socialist Party Progress

Socialist Party Progress John M. Collins on N.E.C. John Murphy Collins of Chicago will fill llie vacancy on the National Executive Committee caused by the death ot Mures Hillquit. Collins was...

...classes in Current Events and Public Speaking...
...New local organized at Wanatai through the efforts of Coinrile C. Ii...
...1 aatappeal was made by Halpb Col- . |g| Jerome, for each Socialist to make I It a point to convert 50 others...
...lfew Roebelle...
...Col-ina is the author of a pamphlet, 'Tower nd Weaknesa of Trade L nionf," pub ished in English and
...The call for nominations has been sent to all locals...
...Snow < h letture several weeks In Idaho after J Oct...
...It Should be mil.pled Amendment Ns...
...Tks Socialist ticket Includes: Mrs...
...A. Sumner Thompson, King County Field Secretary...
...Nielaen MILL VALLEY, Cal.—The Auditorium of the Sun Francisco Throlnglcul Seminary at San Anselmo was packed to an overflow with people who hud come to hear Norinun Thomas speuk...
...Newark.—Essex County is planning a whirl of activity for closing days of the campaign...
...This meeting bos already proved beneficial to the morale nnd prestige or our organisation lis well as an Increase of new members...
...The office of the party will he In Pocatello...
...Thomas in California By Carl...
...Young People's Socialist Uague will hold a slate wide public speaking contest Sunday afternoon, Oct...
...Branch 1 is holding a Hallowe'en Tarty Saturday, Oct...
...In Valley Cottage at Fire tlntije...
...Proposition No...
...A. Aupperle, Hay j Overhulse, II...
...David C. George, it state neadquarters, 819 West Cary St., Ifchmnnd...
...Each one come as the Invited guest of the Semi-nury...
...Comrade Thomas brought home to iiiniiv the terrible Injustice and disgrace of the Mooney case...
...R. F. Nye...
...A. L. Adams...
...30, tn discuss new county constitution, and Tuesday evening the Women's Auxiliary will hnid a Hallowe'en Party...
...A rising vote of thanks was , ntended to Freeilhelin for his efforts In S» two years he held that office...
...Besides the faculty and the one hundred students there were also a good sprinkling of educators mid students from other schools...
...This would* be an Improvement of the present method and may eliminate the scandals In condemnation Slll'll as forced Judge (inter In disappear...
...Collins was elected as alternate it ttie Milwaukee convention in May, "vjj...
...Street rallies Tiief day...
...Leader: Mark Stsrr, extension director of Brook wo-'h...
...r," ,rvl"K "Ise Masi tjj...
...under the NRA Eagle, is paying $960 a week for forty hours' work, the Socialists found, by signing up under the Soutrtrrn code, while other finrtories in the same town are operating under the Nnithetn code...
...He has been a neniber of the Machinists' Union mice 901) and has been president of his lodge nd organizer for several ternia...
...RESOLVED, that copies nl thia reaiilu-tlon he sent to Vera lllllrmlt, the local preae and The New Leader...
...28, at headquartcra, 225 E. For.t...
...Fifteen joined at once and twenty turned in theii names as interested...
...1, Marion, Jn The State Secretary will visit the north part of the state, speaking for locals en route to St...
...At Ilonne Terre the Socialists had trouble with the local mayor, who admitted that the town was owned body and soul by the St...
...Dates and nr < aagements were made for W. It...
...The opposition lo thia amendment comes 'mm the wealthy owners of large estates...
...he necessary to draw a ST 55??h ,hr names of the other •tfTOMateii on the ballot... Work-men's Circle Lyceum, 190 Belmont Ave, with Dr...
...PROGRESS IN IDAHO | tf H. H. Freed heim...
...The Iniiiieillate results were, the local established eon I Is wllli the students, who started n drive for strike funds and elected three delegates to gn Into the strike none to Investigate and report...
...He suggested Unit ' kw much detail lie left out and the . main effort he concentrnted upon get 1 Sag authority...
...of Idaho to ; Bake a survey for the application of so-dalistlr principles In a co-opernllve I taatmonwealth in the state...
...Ciood meetings being held...
...Local Marion has several good speakers willing to visit other locals for expenses, if, in return, the other locals will do the same with their speakers...
...The choice will >c made by the National Kxecutive ''om...
...hl« s'rvlres to the Snciait" and labor movement mere Immeatur.ble, therefore, hr It * RESOLVED, that the Soeialilt Party tf New Rochelle extends to the widow and family our alneerest sympathy, an... badly needed...
...General membership meeting at eourty headquarters Monday, Oct...
...Proposes an .....• nihil, ni to |he slate constitution creating a special court for condemnation to determine consumption for property acquired by I*a city...
...Hun ting ton repoiti very hue inc'tings wit-i Comrade Strickland...
...Harry Ltchtman, John J. Crowley, Jr., and Benjamin Robinson, assembly candidates, will speak the same evening at oi'tdoor rally of Branch No...
...Discussion of work accomplished by the A. F. of L. convention...
...He proposed a resolu-tien "that an economic organization he farmed within the S.P...
...29 30...
...18 WJ.1t . ' WIIKRF.AS Morris Hillquit was -me of the 'founders of the Sirlnllst Parly, and waa an mil standing lender and work-r in the nartv for over thir'y yean, end WtlFRF.AS...
...I lie City nerds Mils land water front lo build piers for Ihe larger steamships...
...Enlist .now for sn in the campaign hy addressing He campnlgn manager...
...4. Literature distribution squad will assemble at headquarters H a. m. Sunday...
...It Is Important that Socialist voters vole right...
...The c-mradfn want (speakers each month...
...3. Successful JSiJL ji» ,Whl'<' «nd George as tttvl' ^"'"rsily of Virginia, Oct b*im.A '2*™ n'wspnper publlrltv...
...Socialist Party Progress John M. Collins on N.E.C...
...Rally Nov...
...Business meeting Friday...
...Also an ajfaaj was made to every comrade that the least he rould .In would he to hulld tktSocialist party press...
...4—Vete Yes...
...outjtnndlng enmnnlgn develop •Saaiw ! Comrnde Whlte'i apnenr •aisiTV01' V"'r,y 'very union In Hlcli-Endorsement of Comrade Kll JBJ W Hopewell Potters' Union, of ?2 »« Is president... of plans for educational work for the winter months...
...Indiana Marion...
...Louts and Lake counters...
...Donuhue secretary...
...This would give emuloymenl lo many...
...1. A. I . Adams gave n talk on the 1 debt burden and Its relation to the 1 that struggle...
...He told the audience what a tremendous Influence an iiinlii in e of tills kind could he In the state to bring public and offlelnl opinion to bear on the Inhumanity and brutality perpetrated ngnliist the starving rotlun and iigrletilliirol workers...
...Florida Tampa has adopted a fine platform for the following candidates: City Clerk, John P. If...
...I(a.k of Montezuma reports prospects for a local in thai locality are very favorable...
...29, in the Phin-field High School, at 3, Esther Suchomel, chairman, and Eric Ross, Merman Kelt** ner snd Morris Stfmpa, j-idires...
...For In...
...1085 Broad St., Saturday night...
...and begged that lechner and K.ismussen not insist on speaking because it would get him into trouble...
...On the economic front the local is cooperating in the organization of i trade union in a large public utility...
...n County, as guest speaker...
...t.™ A. Aup-•erle, Idaho lulls, wus elected chulr-mn and D. I...
...Cony of resolution adopt...
...4th at Oik-ley Hall, 211 Market St...
...1st tn Municipal Building, with McAllister Coleman and Rev...
...A. L. j ioama...
...Huston, apoke upon the MIA and Hid he would not opposr It because It seta us machinery that rould lie used la a step towards a planned economy...
...Slate j netullve eomniittee elected T. J. Coon- J nd, H. T. Owens...
...tiv Branch New Rorhelle, Oct...
...The meeting was held...
...Comrade il...
...Proposes to build a Slate highway In the Adlron-daeks...
...address one of the test Socialist meetings that we have had in a long time We have a large, commodious hall and all seats were taken and standing room was it a premium...
...27, at 8, at Main Ave...
...A. R. Spaur, C. II...
...Joseph Co...
...Yona Finkelsfein...
...Local Marion ii'.itt rap'1' gains Columbus reports two very gnnd propaganda meetings, with F.ugene R. Cole and Ed...
...nsahath Lewis Otey of Lynchburg, for JjJJI States Senator...
...Hall, Caldwell, spok on the mu-sjjjs| and Its effect upon social condl-neat...
...Main and I'assaic Ave., with William K. Tall-man, candidate for Assembly from Hml...
...apenkers, Frank Martel of the A. P. of L., F. W. Thompson of the I.W.W., and Matthew Smith of the M.F.S...
...gOCJAI.IVI .s from ten counties convened In 'I win Fulla Sunday, Sept...
...In firlin Iple the veferons' preference law It lad nnd the Socialist Party opposes the original amendment giving rireferrtice to veterans, who were rlllKcns at the lime of enlistment...
...Neither does the proposition prnvlde for minority representation on the commission...
...Amendment No...
...14, to formulate a state platform and enjiahrat'-" policies...
...Labor and the NRA' 'is the aubjeet for discua-sion Sunday, Oct...
...In addition, the Y.P.S.L...
...I l" Workmen's Council, a subdivision of Local Marion, ha...
...Four Cities Bid for 1934 Convention Invitations ha\e been received from Socialist locals in four cities for the V>H convention...
...Vote No...
...If cnrrieil It would mean a commission of Tammany MeCooey henchmen and should he defeated...
...But since that amend, ment was adonted In 1039, the same privilege should be estended to veterans who were not cltlren* when they were drafted...
...The cities are Buffalo, De-roit, Krie and St...
...A. Batten, C. P. Svenssnn and T. Davie...
...on the educational front it is conducting discussion groups and forums...
...The campaign tins jp Vigorous and effect Ive, and has ksm waged on straight party lines... nnd women, walking up the wide steps post the literature tables...
...California San Francisco is lighting its battles on our fronts...
...The Missouri Pacific Railroad and the factory of the InfFfnational Shoe Company at De Soto warned their employees not to attend the Socialist meeting, but over two hurdred turned out...
...11, I'eary River, Central Ave...
...Amendment No, i—Vote Yes...
...Oary reports the meeting with F. 0. Strirklnnd the h#l1 they hive held for a long time...
...rlll/ens at the time of enlistment...
...The State Secretary held two very good street meetings in Terre Haute...
...He lias been ear., idate for Governor of Illinois, for Mavor f Chicago, and for U. S. Congress...
...M. Irart Walker, assembly candidate, will speak at county headquarter...
...Martin Lechner, newly-elected state secretary, has just completed a tour of southeastern Missouri accompanied by Paul Rasmuiscn...
...hJm* mt t'l'0 eleven randldntes for « lust of Delegates...
...Kokomo makes it similar teport...
...W are on the march In Idaho...
...C. Garrison of Montpelier, Ind...
...Write to A, W. Morris, Station No...
...It permits the present mayor lo appoint Ihe rontndsson even though he may be defented at the election...
...B»e5*Jn're no Socialist candidate *m House of Delegates or for City JzT: Soelnllsts are requested to »¦I out all other candidates, even g^™** J" unopposed, and write In mSf* n prnmlnent Socialist...
...He pointed out what the student body could accomplish by oi'gmii/.lug to help the strikers, by sending delegations Into the strike rone unci by their reports force the newspapers tn publish the truth about the strike situation... it further...
...i»Jita the Socialist ticket, scratch of every rsndldate for g* "see, leaving the Socialist eandl-"<n aasatrked In any way...
...m the political front it is campaigning for Thomas F. Feeley as municipal super visor...
...Campaign rally Nov...
...and Main St.- Thursday, Nov...
...The 5th proposition Is a local law proposing the appointment by the Mnysir of New Noil, City or « Charter Revision Committee While lb* Charter needs revision, the proposition contains a had plank...
...Representatives, J. N. Dudley and Kathryn E. Fraley...
...J. Lather Klbler of Newport far lieutenant Governor: and T*—* a Anaell of Richmond, for 'JPJW -Oe« seal...
...Meetings every Sunday evening at Northern High School...
...Th' C.rlsls In the Inler-HrWt methods'"1'1 r,wir|" f«™rlng Michigan Tlie Detroit Labor Eurum under the leadership of Wayne County Local has been inaugurated...
...ithere ore slv randldntes for and to vote for Comrade aTT...
...A lumber mill in Cape t.irardia...
...Amendment Ne...
...2—Vets Yes, Proposes to extend preference on rlvll service examinations In veterans who were no...
...t— Vet* Yes...
...Rush rfona-^ w> t-omrnde George...
...George Cary jj*)*) al Prince George County, for J*wh»er...
...Ten persons signed application for charter Hymera has re organized with 5J members...
...This proposes a Issue of SOO,IM)0,000 for unemployment relief...
...We who remain must fight doubly hard to make up for his missing enirgy •nd leadership...
...I—Vote Yes...
...New Jersey East Rutherford.—On the job in heal campaign...
...Coaltnont, Jas.iii-ville, Bloommgtori, Martinsville and I> gamport flH repoit very got d mertints with Comrade Cole...
...At Flat River, a lead town, over three hundred miners stood for over an hour and a 1 alf in the rain to listen to Rasmusscn, refusing to let him stop until their eagerness for infermatun about the party was satisfied...
...Municipal Judge, Dr...
...Stele Issues and a comprehensive list la proposals for Immediate reform JW( Seen presented against the back-pound of our proposals V the substitution of Socialism for • capitalist system...
...Approximately about 2!i ministers from this and adjoining counties were present...
...It was suggested that ISM be made for a Continental Con-trtai In December or January...^ttk...
...w"irh to have nt lenst two ¦nkttj?' "roadeaatg, anr] another l&j^PHpttng ,10.000 rampnlgn propn^B5U',~ * rally In November s*i...
...Lahor College...
...fie first oined the Socialist Labor Tarty in 1894 nd went over to the Socialist I'nrty with Iclis and Hillquit...
...A rail vas made for organizing to the point ¦ savins the 2600 delegates in eonven-¦h by the find Tuesday of August, sjju arder to he on the ballot...
...Will hnld sessions every Sunday afternoon and teach three classes, one hour for each subject: Tubhr Speaking ,Parliamentary Law and Social and Political Economics, with "The Case for Socialism" us the first t-xt book...
...nittec at its meeting in Chicago Oct...
...2, in Spring Valley, Station Plara...
...All meetings at 8 p. m. Speakers...
...Passaic—Branch One continues weekly outdoor meetings Saturday evening...
...Felton, lkilse, suggested that Socialists spend less time crltlcll-tng capitalism mid more time In enn-Srartlng the future...
...Washington Local King County wishes to express its sympathy to the New York comrades in their personal loss which they have suffered through the death of Comrade Morris Hillquit, and our deep understanding of the great loss we have all suffered in the passing on of this great Socialist leader...
...New York Rockland County...
...Missouri St...
...C. 11...
...JW the first time In Its history, the nrglnla party Is presenting a full {¦.St candidates...
...Collins is a member of...
...Virginia J I Rv David C.enrgp I The Socialist rnmpnlgn has attracted tlvorahle attention...
...The largest meeting of the campaign will be held Thursday, Nov...
...has organized a local congress of youth against war...
...He reports an increasing interest in the Socialist message, especially in regard to the NRA and «le administration's farm program...
...the International \ssociation of Machinists, Kailnay Lodi'e 178, and haa worked on the Chicjgy, Northwestern Railway for many years, lie was torn in 1864 in Ireland and came to the .'nited States in 1K84...
...IMPORTANT FOR VOTERS IN NEW YORK STATE In addition lo voting for candidates for public office the voters In New York Slate will have to vole on sis questions...
...on the ''ammunition" front it is raising funds for its other activity...
...Proposes the esrhnuge of piers and land between Hie State and Ihe City of New York...
...Kreedhelin read the New Dei location of ladependrnce written by the Continental fgagrfii The Co-operative Commonwealth Federation plan of Canada was explained and discussed...
...Every Monday night at 66 Washington St...
...Marion scnrlt...
...The newly-elected secretary sends a very encouraging report...
...Felton, C. V. , Dean, Ralph ci.Mings, James I'endle | bury, and J. I, neid, D. P. Donahue, a neietary...
...What astonished the comrades most was to see so many of the counties' most prnmlnent i ill/ens...
...Kugene K. Cole ju3t completed a 15 day trip, holding ineutintjs m several plires where we have no local...
...Frank Kingdon and all candidates...

Vol. 16 • October 1933 • No. 18

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