Garden Rally to Surpass All Records
Garden Rally to Surpass All Records No, He Didn't Slander the WJews; He Only Maligned London and Socialism ftp Holy Joe McKee says he ¦ was'nt taking a crack, at the WLn when he wrote his...
...The time for retrenchment has paeeed...
...They are willing to cripple or destroy the most important values of educstlon to serve their own pockets...
...The injection of religion, and especially the issue of anti-Semitism, in the municipal cam oaign is what the city needed just about as much as it needs aa earthquake or the bubonic plague...
...M meant, he takes pains to point ¦pady" the Socialists...
...Generally speaking, they send their children to expensive private schools where there are no false economies, where classes are small, equipment ia adequate and teaching is performed under the most favorable conditions...
...Hely Joe says it wasn't the Jews fw was taking a crack at in the tag-forgotten article of 1915, and ft* prove it he permits the article, and...
...In 1915, two years before the passage of the Espionage Act, five years before the notorious Sweet Her, the Lusk lawa and the Bainal raids of A. Mitchell Palmer, Joseph McKee, was en-Hworing to raise up hysteria against Socialists...
...The major portion of the Garden will be open to holders of the free tickets...
...The offices were parceled out among Democrats and Republicans, 'each aaintlf party supporting the candidates of the other...
...That ia what is called ejeussing the issues...
...When they save money (for their own pockets, mind you) THEY ROB OUR CHILDREN OF THE ADEQUATE EDUCATION THEY ARE ENTITLED TO...
...A bi-partisan deal was negotiated...
...There will be several thousand seats in the reserved section, however, and the sals of those tickets is counted upon to make the expenses of the meeting...
...This Is No Time for Retrenchment By William M. Feigenbaum, THIS is as good a time as any , to have a word or two about the schools of New York, what they cost us and what we ought to do about them...
...Teachers' Salaries ' Teachers' salaries have been slashed, and there are thousands of young teachers, educated and trained at the expense of the city, waiting for appointment, or devoting their talents and higher education to the task of selling goods in department stores...
...on such topics as *Is lying justifiable?' or $* it wrong to cheat?' their words tattistently show that they recognise no cods of morals, and" are ISverned by no motives higher wan those originating from fear ef detection and consequent loss of the then De Witt Clinton High School Teacher McKee was not referring to ALL Jews when he Mots that in the Catholic World...
...New York needs thousands of new teachers, more AND SMALLER SCHOOLS...
...And from now on, by the P of the "libera?' Piorello H. LaGuardia, the campaign is going to be about as dirty as the campaign of the period when the Ku Klux madness was at its *t%ht...
...And yet It is recognized by all educators that clssses of mere thsn 25 or 30 are unwieldy, and impose too great a strain on the teachers...
...They look upon the schools aa a means of rewarding faithful political service at the expense of the city and of our children...
...To that deal LaGuardia lent himself and from it benefitted: If he thinks, with that record, he can gain any comfort from McKee's attack upon Meyer London he is welcome to itl • » » Now that tfiis matter is disposed of—we hope permanently—decent and self-respecting people will address themselves to the main business on hand...
...That is the Socialist ednea-tlonsl program based upon the Socialist platform, philosophy and ideals...
...the Socialists had to be kept out of office...
...I In the article Instructor McKee ••plores the fact that in his school t» 8,000 boys "hardly 10 per cent ¦f Christians, and it is a rate •hg even to hear an Irish Qjtholic name I Surely such a con-Won warrants immediate atten-wm...
...A Raw Deal There was an outcry among the political racketeers and reactionaries...
...Carried to an extreme," the document, expressing the best educational thought in the country, says, "they may weaken or destroy the most important values of education...
...For consider these facta: Meyer London was in Congress In 1918, one of the most respected and honored members of the House...
...The city, having been brought to the verge of bankruptcy, Is "economizing...
...There is no retrenchment in the style of living to which the exploiters of labor, the bankers snd the political plunderers have been accustomed, but there must be economy in the schools...
...What do they care...
...The project for a building for Brooklyn College has been laid over and the students of that institution continue to pursue their sutdies in numerous annexes...
...And if Fiorello H. LaGuardia thinks he is without sin in this whole business, he is the most mistaken aspirant after office in the Metropolis...
...By all means drive out the spoilsmen and grafters...
...Tammany and its allies and satellites caah in on school sites, consider important educational positions as just* as many jobs...
...We want to pot an end to part time and overcrowded classrooms, to employ unemployed teachers, to build for the future, NO MATTER HOW MUCH THE HANKER* AND BROKERS AND REAL ESTATE SPECULATORS SQUAWKI The city for the workersl ROLL UP A COLOSSAL VOTE FOR THE STRAIGHT SOCIALIST TICKET...
...On .examining the papers the writer [that is...
...And he 'sought to stir up hysteria against the "bad" lews—that is, those who espoused Holy Joe indignantly denies that ? was slurring the Jews when he wrote this: "In oral discussions Shis high school classes...
...The meeting, all party worker* agree, will be a teit of genuine Socialiet sentiment in .the city...
...In two other East Side Congressional districts the Socialists were creeping up on the Democrats and had far outstripped the Republicans, There were ten Socialist assemblymen running for re-election, and many Socialist senatorial candidates...
...Hundreds of party members come to the party of Ase at 7 East 15th Street every dsy demanding their quota of reserved tickets for selling to the public...
...In the 14th Congressional District the candidate selected to defeat the courageous, scholarly and high-minded Scott Nearing was a Republican with Tammany rapport named Fiorello H. LaGuardia...
...So that's that He wasnt impugning all Jews but only those bad Jews who were glad that Meyer London had been elected to Congress over the representative of Tammany vileness who had so long befouled the seat from the East Side district That will make a hit with the people who revere the memory of the saintly London, as well as with those to whom Socialism is a noble and glorious ideal, of Whom there are more than Joe suspects...
...Morris Hillquit having been defeated for Congress in a Harlem district in 1916 by a slender margin (with the sid of Republican arithmetic), it was conn dcntly expected that he would be 'easily elected in 1918...
...To the only cause that matters: M THE CITY FOR TBI WORKERSI Party Members Responding To Appeal for Ticket Sales TPHE great Madison Square Garden rally, with which the mayoralty campaign will close on Novemlier 5, the Sunday afternoon before election, gives signs of becoming the greatest political rally ever staged !>y the Socialist Party...
...It was not a spontaneuos outburst of enthusiasm for the man in one district...
...Teacher Joe himself] found that over 90 per cent of these students rejoiced particularly ia one thing—the election to Congress of the Socialist Meyer London...
...a follow-up article printed shortly thereafter, to be reproduced la the course of municipal cam psign in 193S...
...Many people are sending in for...
...That it is possible," ssys s recent bulletin of the National Educational Association—the most important educational body in the United States—"especially in large schools and cities, to spend less money by increasing class sice has been demonstrated...
...He Only Maligned London and Socialism ftp Holy Joe McKee says he ¦ was'nt taking a crack, at the WLn when he wrote his puerile article eighteen years ago, and that ought to settle that...
...It is to wage war upon the bankers and exploiters, no less than upon the grafters and plunderers...
...he calls upon his church to make a religious issue of Socialism and fight it in the name of his Faith...
...To that task the Socialists are giving their whole energies, to the campaign for the Solomon-Cross-waith-Laidler ticket...
...We want an extended, enlarged, IMPROVED educational system IN THE INTEREST OF THE WHOL1 CITY...
...In New York City there are 4,000 classes' of 50 pupils or more... the building is only one-fourth occupied, the remainder being still empty... was a city-wide deal, the main purpose of which was to keep men of the type of and London out of Congress... all means cut out the school site graft and grafts In contracts, in school books and equipment...
...The great new $5,500,000 building of Brooklyn Technical High School stood for a long time wholly unoccupied because the city, having completed the building, was "economizing" and did not buy equipment...
...New York needs thousands more classes... eave money for the city AND TO SAVE MONEY FOR THEMSELVES...
...He then deplored the leu of belief in Zionism and orthodox Judaism, and added the crack about ths boys who defended lying and cheating...
...And he answers P*n question: "After the elec-¦ftat November [1914] a composition entitled 'Why I liked the election' was given to five classes totaling about 150 boys...
...It wasn't Jews as such he was worrying about* It was the "menace" of Socialism that was getting him excited...
...Job* and Plunder Tammany looks upon the schools as a source of patronage, just as that benevolent organization looks upon everything in which public money is expended...
...Shortly afterward Joe followed up this state paper by another, in which he denied that he had slurred ALL Jews, and insisted that he wm only attacking Socialists...
...Ever since the city faced imminent financial collapse in the last year of the late Mayor Walker all improvements have been suspended...
...In our great Metropolis there are 9,000 classes of 40 pupils or more... add to his •flense, he was linking up the "crime" of "radicalism" with the race issue...
...LaGuardia says .here are no economic •toss...
...Hundreds more are mailing in their remittances for tickets disposed of to their friends and fellow-workers...
...Charles Solomon, our Mayoralty candidate, ia enthusiastic about the prospects of ths meeting as well ss the election...
...No new buildings have been built... for the rally, and more have supplied themselves with the reserved seats which are being sold throughout the whole eastern section of the country...
...Schools sre overcrowded, but no new buildings are built, no appointments of teachers are made, no new equipment is being installed...
...There's a demand for economy, and these days that demand awakens a responsive chord in millions of people...
...The bankers, brokers, real estate speculators and other gentry of that class who make op the backbone of the Fusion forces and of the army of Holy Joe McKee have one Ideal In government AND ONE ONLY, That is to eave money...
...although he fails to indicate These boys," he adds, "so few • whom belong to ns [just who «• US, Joe?] will be the lawyers, It doctors, the educators, the pro-HpMl men of the coming gener-(Do we hear echoes of this Stat wait till yon read this: Shocking...
...And so 5,000 highly educated, well-trained young teachers are waiting, or getting jobs in some other line of endeavor while overcrowded classrooms sre crying aloud for teachers and more teachers...
...more and better (and smaller) buildings, more and better equipment...
...Wj>*i can We expect much from Hfays who are so eager to re-¦knowledge...
...Some of My Best Friends" .Like all bigots and silly reactionaries, he drew a line between *|0od" Jews—those whose religious devotion to Judaism was satisfactory to him—and "bad" Jews— Hie who embraced ideals he disapproved of...
...In overwhelming numbers these students are Socialists, or Socialists in the making, whose gospel ia contained in the New York Call, and whose ambition ia the furtherance of Socialistic dogma...
...From present indications, Harry Kritser who haa charge of the arrangements for the meeting ssys, the rally will far surpass the Garden rally last year with which the Presidential campaign was brought to a conclusion...
...There ia one ray of light and one alone...
...And it will he a tribute to the memory of the never-to-be-forgotten Morrie Hillquit: it will be the flret important meeting fa many years from which he will be physically musing, but hie Spirit and hie shining inspiration will be everywhere present there...
...No more Londons, Hillquits, Shiplacoffs, Waldmans and Lees to pollute the fair political atmosphere created by those two political archangels, Murphy and Koenig...
...Too Much Economy The bulletin, however, goes on to say, "THAT SUCH RETRENCHMENTS ARE REAL ECONOMIES IS OPEN TO SERIOUS QUESTION...
...The schools cost over $125,000,000 a year— and a lot of people think that's too much...
...But have we the prospect of improved educational work in the next few yeara ? The future looks rather dark...
Vol. 16 • October 1933 • No. 17