A Lonely Voice

A Lonely Voice By SeytauiW L*od«n Hi AKKEN to a lonely voice arising from a profession 1 that has all but lost its identity in a chaotic world now begot ten with economic...

...Vladimir Karapeloff of Tompkins County...
...My own choice...
...Well, hardly, although I'm trying my...
...New Jersey The Fast Biitherford-Carlstadt Branch la engaged In a spirited campaign ta elect I...
...A lettetr will, be **nt to the State Federation of La°°r pledging the aid of the unemployed in any strike It was announced that the "code" for the unemployed adopted by the OTanizatipn was receiving the supP°rt of numerous social, tradesman, and other groups...
...What theatre do 1 play in...
...New York...
...S. Rifkin, Chairman, N. Chanin, Secretary...
...tf, atTiM p. as...
...For the Drat time Detroit Socialists naed radio to convey the municipal platform...
...hearken, Mr...
...Jack Brlti Onerlly, memher -at large from Catena via...
...1S| Spring Valley, Station Plasa, Tue...
...26 for WM...
...Were greatly cheered by the SBO algna at both Thomas lectures Sunday...
...NEW YORK STATE i JOBLESS TO MEET ¦ IN JANUARY, 1934 ( SCHENECTADY, Oct 8.—The Executive Committee of the New York State Federation of Unemployed Organisations in session here laid plans for a mass conven- J tion of unemployed delegates to , meet in Albany in January to pre- < sent demands to the opening of the J legislature...
...Slelner mayor and Max Brail councilman of East Rutherford, tn addition to the nominees, Comrade Rev...
...It is also planed that previous J to the convention there will be held daring the last week in December ; mass protest meetings throughout the state, to which will be invited 1 State assemblymen to demand that they take immediate action...
...Anderson, Kokomo...
...Socialist Party Progress Our National Chairman 1 All party activity waa halted for a J brief period during the past week to do i honor to the memory of our revered leader, the Incomparable Morris Hill- , milt...
...The i committee will act on thin and any j Other requesta for the convention at Its i next meeting In Chlraga, October 39 and 3ft...
...Roosevelt, with ¦our trained Blue...
...Sample* and quantity prices may be obtained direct from the Alliance...
...Ormabee, Rntenherf...
...the expense of having Junior or Sister indulge in music lessons, when it is difficult enough to find means to feed them—I'm a truck driver...
...Commemoration meeting* for Delia are anggeated between October 20...
...He will be with ua again on Oct...
...He will go aa far aa Vln crnnca, back through Sullivan and on Into line Haute, holding meetlnga in all the towns...
...R. F. Nye, Henry j Cox and others will address the meeting...
...You see—a victim of technological unemployment, the Vitaphone, which spread to even the smallest of the theatres...
...1. Santera home, lit N, Highland Ave., Nyack, Than., Oct...
...darnedest to maintain a none too secure grip on that...
...snd Plormont Ave., Friday...
...The discussion of the agenda ioplc, "The Rise of Fascism" was led by Prof...
...Comrade* Rev...
...Through incessant toil he became the worldrenowned Socialist leader, known to all workers throughout the world...
...Meeting* at • p. m. A. flatten, Assembly candidate, and T. Davis will apeak...
...Death took him from us...
...Hoan and Henderson Mavor Hoan and Fred Henderson are the first two In ¦ series of lectures , sponsored during the winter by the Detroit Labor Forum...
...Resolution of the Verband r\KAIII has taken from amidst our rsnks one of the finest personalities the Socialist movement has known, not only in this country, but throughout the world...
...It is especially hoped to start a state wide drive to force Gov...
...Ills subject Is "NBA and Socialism...
...and William R, Duffy, Stat* Organiser, leek pari In Ihe discussions...
...His knowledge of Socialism, his keen mind, his leadership will remain a loss for a long time for the workers of America...
...Dinner by the Federation of .wlnli*( Women...
...N. .Y., has Just published a leaflet "Dm Xatotniaw *> 4m„,r.t" which gives In Polish the 8oelallat position on the National Recovery Administration...
...The topic Is on "Democracy va...
...Albert Alllnger of Palisades Park will he the guest speaker at a rally In East Rutherford Bnro Hall...
...Polish Leaflet on NRA The Polish Socialist Alliance, 39 East 7th Street...
...Pasaale.—Branch 1 continues weekly meetlnga nn Saturday, Oct...
...Ix*al meeting af Com...
...The meeting I* held under tha auspices of Loral Providence...
...Having manifested promising talent for music during my early childhood, my mother, envisioning a future Fritz Kreisler among her brood, provided me with the first stepping stone that was supposed to lead me to the lame destination as Kreisler's...
...The position of lbs party on the NBA received consideration, but th* Conference re fuaed lo concur In resolution* of an proval...
...This Is the only date Comrade Henderson haa in New England...
...if** copy Me| 7 for $1.38...
...Herbert M, Merrill...
...u rfcBD MRRKRI...
...The NRA ? It is as useless to him as his large store of music without an instrument with which to play—as forgetful of him as the millions who once applauded and thrilled to his melodies...
...At least, 1 am still young, but thousands of my older brothers, entire lives spent in the pursuance of only their music, now forsaken, unfit and untrained to enter into a strange, cold industrial sphere of action, fortunes expended upon their careers now blighted, they find themselves as helpless and pitiful a class as any that this capitalistic system impartially exploits and suppresses...
...Rhode Island Provlcier.ee...
...Debs Memorial "Notes for Speaker*" haa just been ' mailed, giving Information about the ramnaJgn agalnat education now being conducted over the country by blg-taxpayera...
...P*U organisations interested in the "code" for the unemployed are requested to get in touch with i»lcua Most at 819 West 18th Pgaji, Hew York City...
...For 45 yers he served the interests for the cause of a better world, for 45 years he served the ideals of Socialism, and throughout chose years he was the captain of the Socialist movement, never once wavering from the road set out before him, the road of Socialism...
...Several hundred people turned away at each...
...Indiana The party In Indiana la doing splendid work In spite of financial handicaps...
...Five years ago 1 stepped into high wage positions in the theatre field with great hopes...
...There followed a thorough musical and academic educationyears of intense study and practice — renowned instructors —an expensive violin that forced my parents practically to mortgage themselves—and finally 1 branched out into an .mom plished and well-trained musician...
...eve, Oct...
...Manv locala are not In a position tn pay much Into the treasury, are holding meetings, cooperating In taking speakers, etc...
...Imagine, listening to the harsh crescendos of a rattling, banging truck—\o the blaring fortissimos of auto Horns—to the nervous stacatoa of a backfire—to the shrill cadenza of a directing traffic cop's whistleto the tympanic rumblings of an overheated motor—keeping my fingers in artistic shape by lifting and heaving foul-smelling loads | that all but crush them and tear them from their sockets...
...An effort will be aside to secure the co-operation of the State Federation of Labor and the Continental Congress...
...I. tn Indlnnapnlla...
...hut now of Toledo, 0„ held some good meetings In the state and la with na again, going In the southern part through th» coal fields...
...Hoan la to speak Frldav...
...Circle* which have matters to bring op, or auggeatloni, should communicate with National Secretary Winston Danrls, S4B Randolph Street Cbldagn, III...
...Fred Henderson will speak In the Swedish Workmen's Hall, Pine and Chestnut St*., Oct...
...14, at *:H> p.m., at Main" and Passaic Ave*., with Amicus Moat, guest speaker...
...Morris Hillquit began his career in this country as an immigrant in a vest makers' shop...
...Comrade Thomas apoke briefly, Introducing Dr...
...Massachusetts Boston.- I/uils Marcus will lecture nt the llnaton Central Branch on Oct...
...BseSlas, Ptaaa...
...Brother, I'm a truck driver...
...Both lectures will be held fn the auditorium at Northern High Rrmol...
...National Executive Committee, Jewish Socialist Verband...
...It is planned that over i two hundred delegates will come from all sections of the state and go in a body to the Governor...
...Eagle to the yejtce of s real "forgotten man" r~the voice of a musician...
...Comrade Fred 0. Strickland, formerly a Hooaler, but now of Columbus, Ohio, an old-timer, la doing aplcndld work In the stale...
...His important position in the Socialist movement of America will be vacant for some time to come...
...Comrade Morris Hillquit was one of the leading figures of the International Socialist movement, not because he represented a very large Socialist party, but because of his talents, of his accomplishments and his sound knowledge of 'Socialism...
...Channon and Coldwell...
...The afternoon lecture alao afforded an additional publicity In the arreat of two comrades who were dlaIrlhutlng Socialist Municipal Platforma...
...date of his death, and November 6. hla 78th birthday...
...W. 0. Bergman ran dldate for mayor, .who gave a splendid talk outlining the Socialist outlook on munlrle.nl government...
...IS, at Dom Ludnvy Hall, Harper at Jos Campau...
...Huntington and Marlon...
...a member of a normally overcrowded profession, now much more so...
...Lehman to keep his pre-election promise for the enactment of unemployment insurance...
...a General meeting Friday, Oft...
...State Secretary Rmma Henry haa been going out for week-end dates In varloua arctlona of the atate and the reception from audlrncea la excellent...
...Detroit Asks for 1934 , Convention ¦ Wayne county, Michigan, hai Invited 1 the national executive committee to hold the party's national convention tn the spring next year In that city...
...First Anniversary of this branch lo be celebrated oq Sunday, Oct...
...and a biography with excerpts from the ipeeehea of F.ugene V. Debs...
...YPSL Committee to Meet in Pittsburgh, October 21-22 A regular meeting of the recently elected National P.xrrutlve Committee will be held In Ptttahurgh...
...SO, and Henderson Sunday Oct...
...A Lonely Voice By SeytauiW L*od«n Hi AKKEN to a lonely voice arising from a profession 1 that has all but lost its identity in a chaotic world now begot ten with economic convulsions...
...State Secretary, will spend a fortnight In Schenectady, beginning Oct...
...11, af .SSS Main Ave., at 1 p.m...
...The committee In charge ronalsta of Comrades Sldebottom...
...And in moldy "hock-shops," on the same musty shelves with waxhes, rifles, silverware, etc., lies many a silent instrument that only a short time previous emitted beautiful melodies, into which all the hopes, sorrows, joys, secrets were poured, now torn almost from the very heart of some artist, the last thread that connected him to his beloved music—snapped...
...11, in connection with his candidacy for mayor...
...Rorfcloarl Canty...
...Eugene R. Cole, another former tloaaler...
...A resolution was also adopted wider which jobless workers will refuse to accept employment* as strike-breakers...
...15 at a :.10...
...In deep mourning, with bowed heads, we join the workers and Socialists of America in the sorrow of our loss of a great leader and thinker, our Comrade Morris Hillquit...
...New York State Central New York Conference The Central New York Conference af th* Socialist Part/, delegates from locals within a hundred miles from Syracuse, met si Rochester party headquarters laat Saturday and Sunday...
...Main and Park SI*., Thura...
...SocialUt Arsenal of Facts DBHD EDITION PRINTED JUNK...
...10, at 1 Stuart St...
...National Secretary Senior Im- ! mediately left Chicago for New York to attend the funeral, accompanied by Mayor Hoan of Milwaukee...
...Michigan Detralt—Joint Session Oct...
...Slreet Meetings: I Piarmonl, Aah 11...
...Lost in the mad bedlam set up by producers, artisans, industrialists, vet the useful functions of the musician in society are undeniable ; he comes into prominence when capitalistic apologists exclaim, "SOCIALISM WILL DESTROY HUMAN INCENTIVE IN ART...

Vol. 16 • October 1933 • No. 16

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