By Norman Thomas TIMELY TOPICS Prohibition—and More Delay* AT last Congress haa started the repeal amend-ment on its way. If in our confused political situation the people gave a clear mandate...

...Since then the Austrian workers hava lost confidence In Communists...
...That means profit for legal as well as illegal makers and retailers of...
...The Austrian workers are united in the Social Democratic Party and they will'hold fast to the Party...
...The Great Surrogate Foley took all these facts under advisement...
...In a great war there would be no victors, only survivors...
...It is quite true that we are well waranted in uniting with other nations to bring moral pressure on Japan, but under no circumstances roust we be drawn into any sort of war on the pretext of preserving peace or justice...
...Ths Communists havs remained a small sect without a following...
...Conceivably that, sympsthy might, go far enough to put us into war on the Japanese side against, let us ssy, a combination of Russia and China...
...There is an amazing and alarming sentiment in America, a little be* low the surface perhaps, but there, as any one csn' discover, In fsvor of the kind of wsr which would craete a new market for American wheat, iron and cotton, fit is perhaps significant that the Depart* ment of Agriculture itself has drawn attention to the fact that the Japanese are not wheat esters...
...another time as the 'Revolutionary Trade Union League,' or 'Anti-Fascist Committee...
...Yet the Senate turned it down for the Wagner substitute which reduces the ' amount to 800 million and makes that a part of the sums already authorized to be raised by Reconstruction Finance Corporation bonds...
...If Congress has not the power to set up ratifying conventions—and It seems" to me it haa—then our constitution is even more of sn obstacle to peaceful change than we Socialists had thought...
...The Austrian workers, knowing what the result would be should they Imitate Bela Kun, did not follow the Communists...
...political prophet who would hsve dared to predict two years ago that this Congress would send a repeal amendment on its way...
...She lias only $116,537 a year, and slit lias been denied the immediate use of all that money...
...The Austrian workers know that only a united working class can succeed, that only a united working class can prevent such defeats as have come to the workers in Hungary, Italy and Germany...
...Assuming the failure of that bank might have been so disastrous as to warrant such extraordinary measures it is never, theless an amazing commentary on the weakness of our capitalist system in general and of our banking system In particular...
...The Austrian workers know that they would be lost if they permitted these wreckers to split their ranks...
...Well, this little Vsnderbilt went1 and hired her, a lawyer...
...do not forget that we Socialists hsve insisted thst profit must be taken out out the business...
...A war by America to aid China and to liberate Manchuria would turn out worse than our Spanish war...
...So far as the United States is concerned, the greatest danger to peace is in the Far East...
...It is infamously wrong and hideously dangerous for us to grow rich, for any section of our nation to groat rich, on the slaughter of human beings...
...This is not likely, but it is not' so likely, thst ws have a right to run the risk of the kind of trade which might lead to it...
...No matter how many people starve, we must have a navy...
...The real class struggle, the struggle, of the workers with cspi-talism, does not Interest the Communists...
...Now, it would cost you about $25 or $50 to get your tonsils out...
...They also parade as 'Friends pi Soviet Russia,' 'Un«-employed Councils...
...We pay sometimes a very big price for our excessively rigid constitution...
...These business affairs are too much for some poeple to understand...
...a former Attorney-General of the United States, no less, who has the skill and training and experience to deal with such deep problems as how much a nine-year-old needs to keep from starving...
...They cap prescribe fantastic rules for the conventions, quite inequitable as between different states...
...ONE A L OVER WEVD .lames Oneal, editor of The New Leader, will be the speaker over ststlon WEVD during The New Leader period next Friday, March 3rd, from 4:46 to S p. m. The WEVD broadcasts of The Note Leader speakers are becoming an increasingly popular feature each week...
...Today our sentimental interests seem to be greater...
...First, the president should be given the power and entrusted with the duty to declare an embargo on the sales of the means of death to beligerent nations...
...Granger added that a U. S. official called the American newspaper correspondents to the legation in Vienna and asked them to explain the Has about rioting on election day...
...The supreme task of our time is to preserve peace...
...What is still worse, the 300 million is to bs losned to states and cities rsther thsn given outright...
...Ths American newspapers, including two in Chicago, reported great disorder and bloody riots...
...and he added that Gloria came home from Paris in March, 1932, and is attending private schools here and that she and her mother have an apartment that rents for $6,000 a year, and that they have a four-year lease( without concessions, but with an electric refrigerator and garbage incinerator, to make household duties easy for Gloria and her ma...
...It seems thst becsuse they know their own psrty is discredited they masquerade under aliases' to fool the unwary and catch the innocents...
...Our material interests in Manchuria or China are not 'very great but they are likely to assume sn importance out of all proportion to their size...
...We don't want thst...
...but Vanderbilt tonsils are s special kind of tonsils and it would not do to employ a proletarian tonsil-ectomy upon a Vanderbilt tonsil, and it cost $7,250 .to get them out —and possibly they are in a museum together wtih Henry "Ford's appendix, where the awe-struck yokels can look and worship...
...Now, owing to the long delay of Congress, it is quite likely hat it will be years before decisive action can be taken and the wet-dry issue will remain a red herring across our political trails...
...If the repeal amendment had passed Congress early it would have been comparatively easy to facilitate the necessary action by state legislatures, most of which are now in session, to speed matters up...
...As it is many legislatures will doubtless adjourn without taking any action to set up the conventions called for in the amendment...
...1 was In Vienna ths day of the election at which Premier.Schober was defeated," Granger related...
...So Gloria Laura Morgan Vsnderbilt, daughter of the late fat Reginald Vanderbilt, hired her (ieorge W. Wickersham...
...A good war, of course, is one that we finance and provision while other men fight t. The trouble Is that good wars have a way of becoming bad by drawing us in...
...To go back to the subject of prohibition once' more...
...What can a popr, self-respecting little Vanderbilt Ho...
...that the fortune yielded $116,257 last year—earned by the sweat of her childish brow, of course—and that this year it would not be less, thus proving that depressions mean nothing to smart people who know how to get along...
...We liberated Cuba only to turn it over to a cruel dictator like Machado who is really the representative, to no small extent, of great American fiancial interests...
...What can we dot" the conei' povdente replied, according *» Granger's account...
...a fortune of $2,830,276 in bonds and cash (winch she undoubtedly accumulated by the employment of foresight, thrift, care, knowledge of business conditions, abstinence—and the selection of Reginald Vanderbilt as her father...
...All these things are proper subjects for this great 74-year-old former president of the American Bar Association to worry his gray head about...
...Michigan THE more one hears about that Michigan bank holiday the more extraordinary it appears...
...Now we must look to states to set up the best control that can be had...
...It is high time to socialize banking when such things as this are necessary...
...This comes close to pure hypocrisy...
...Behind these two specific things there must b* a war against poverty carried out constructively in America...
...Unquestionably there was, some sort of politics, not too creditable, behind this situation...
...and thst her mother has only $1,400 a year, and therefore cannot help her out...
...The same soft of pressure Can accomplish results even against handicaps when applied to Congress...
...and when a Vsnderbilt hires her a lawyer she hires none but the best...
...Second, the United States should take the lead ot merely in bringing full moral, and possibly some qualified economic, pressure on Japan but in holding that kind of conference on the Far Eastern situation which would persuade Japsn thst we all of us sre relsxing o,ur special claims against China...
...Some of these state legislatures do not meet again for two years...
...Thst bill, so fsr ss it went, wss admirable...
...The LaFoHette-Co.tigan Bill f\N the same day thst the House of Representa-v tives acted to expedite the return of legal whiskey the Senate defeated the LaF.ollette-Costigan bill which would have done a little to provide the people of America with bread...
...alcoholic beverages...
...Five hundred million dollars is not enough for America's need, but the form of administration of the money as provided by the bill was excellent and the sum appropriated was the largest yet proposed In Congress...
...If in our confused political situation the people gave a clear mandate for anything in 1932 it was for repesl...
...At times they call themselves 'Labor Relief,' then change to 'Red Relief...
...that the child has...
...By attempting to rush matters at the opening of the session in reality Speaker Garner delayed them...
...We may find ourselves drawn by such trade into sympathy with Japan...
...REPORTERS TOLD TO INVENT DISORDERS O AVINIA, III.—Reports In the " capitalist newspapers about Vienna era entirely unreliable, said Alfred Granger of ths architectural firm of Granger * Bollen-bacher, Chicago, in ths course of a talk about ths remarkable Socialist housing projects in the- Austrian capital, delivered to the Ra-vinla forum...
...States snd cities sre too near the end ef their rope to return this great amount without dam-age to themselves...
...but they have no luck among the Austrian workers...
...Bear that in mind when we are considering relief and other measures of greet consequence...
...They will not be misled by the Communists, no matter under what name they masquerade and to what lies they retort in their fight against the Social Democracy...
...The Japanese militarists will continue to hypnotize the Japanese people until we give such evidence of good faith...
...and this Wickers-ham, who is 74 years old and some shakes of a lawyer, applied his giant mind to this and that, and then he appeared before Surrogate Foley and being duty sworn, deposed snd said: That Gloria needs the use of no less thsn 84,000 a month "for her support, maintenance and education...
...DOOR little Gloria...
...For thinking over such things he (and his illustrious former colleague, J. Patrick O'Brien, now translated to the City Hall), receive $25,000 a year of the people's money...
...In Austria They Aire Wise To the "Innocents' Clubs" _______ ." . , . ' -5* |\T a recent issue of the Vienna Arbeiter-Zeitung there t appear an article on the Austrian Communists, indicating a striking similarity in methods with ' .ethods here, from which the following is taken .(translated for The New Leader by Julius CJcrbcr) : "The Communists have a habit of masquerading under all kinds I of names...
...This last item seems to indicate a fly in the ointment, for is it possible that a girl is so brilliant that shs is worth nearly three million, while the mother who bore her is starving on a mere $28 a week...
...and again as 'Anti-Imperialist League,' and many other names, but (hey are all the same Communists...
...There is no...
...It isn't likely to be very good...
...Nevertheless there is encouragement in the fact that this Congress did set on repeal...
...By Norman Thomas TIMELY TOPICS Prohibition—and More Delay* AT last Congress haa started the repeal amend-ment on its way...
...The liquor question will remain with us, though, I hope, in a less acute form thsn at present...
...the next time they call themselves 'Proletarian Solidarity...
...such conventions and to expedite matters...
...Her Imperialist adventure has not yet corns to sn end, but she presses forward against Chins...
...This is necessary so as to remove the danger that men consciously or subconsciously will look to a good war as the means of relieving their economic depression...
...Apparently the Governor closed temporarily all the banks of the state in order to save one big Detroit bank thst was in difficulties...
...To have to wait for forty-eight different states to act in a matter of such importance is to add one more handicap to those already existing in bringing about.desirable constitutional changes...
...The most practicable plan would have been a public, non-profit making corporation, set up under federal authority to manufacture liquor, with state authorities set up by states that desire to go wet, to sell the aforessid liquor...
...If war does bresk out on a largo scale in the Far East and if we go on supplying Japan with money, arms, and the materials of war, it is at least possible that sentiment will shift...
...They cannot succeed in breaking the unity of the Austrian working class and bringing about a struggle of the workers against workers...
...Two specific things should be done...
...Further, the Great Lawyer pointed out to the Great Surogate, last year Gloria had to have her tonsils out, and that costs money...
...Or is thst all she has...
...Hostile legislatures can now sabotage amendments by delay in setting up the conventions...
...What is essential is outright fdeersl relief...
...Ststss and cities will hot repay the loans or will rspay them only under circumstances which will make it a bookkeeping transaction...
...A constitutional amendment should be passed on by specially elected conventions, but Congress would have power to prescribe a uniform way ofTiolding...
...Snd after due consideration of all the painful circumstances decided that the majesty of the State of New York required that Gloria get her 4,000 a month...
...As a matter of fact it was as quiet in Vienna that day as it is In Lake Forest" Ithe ritzy Chicago North I Shore suburb...
...IncdentaHy, once more it is proved that "to him who hath it shall be given...
...A* e substitute for war against our neighbors giv* u* a holy war against poverty I" Pitty Little Gloria...
...What was accomplished is a direct result of political pressure...
...Their whole activity consists of waging relentless , war against the Social Democratic Party and the' bona fide...
...Today American sentiment is properly very criticsl of -Japan for her high-handed imperialism in Manchuria...
...labor unions, using the lowest and meanest policies in that fight...
...ONGRESS is getting ready to vote 315 million dollars outright to the navy...
...The Austrian Communists in 1919 tried to drag the Austrian workers into an adventure like the Hungarian dictatorship, at a time when they knew that the Hungarian Soviet dictatorship was already a lost cause, at a time when Bela Kun's adventure had been liquidated by the Rumanian army and Horthy's bloody counterrevolution was in the ascendency...
...Hence delay, bicker, confusion...
...We extend no such favors to little folk, not even the little banks, as were extended to this big bank in Detroit...
...When word of the sorrows of the poor little Gloria resched the breadlines the sounds of weeping and wailing reached from Union Square to Bryant Park...
...They realize the reaction Is gaining strength in neighboring countries because of divisions in the ranks of the working class...
...Our editor* order us to write mob stories S*J Mat's what we have to do...

Vol. 15 • February 1933 • No. 8

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