YPSL NOTES Brownsville Installation.—Circle 2 Sr., Kings, will Install its newly elected officers Saturday night Feb. 26. A Hot Dog Festival will be held in with ths new administration st the...
...Theodore Shapiro: "Why a Socialist Party...
...MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Leonard Bright: "The Socialist Movement in England," 4046 B'way, Manh...
...Young people between the ages of 14 and 17 will bo welcomed Friday, Feb...
...Mid wood Branch...
...Young Israel Forum...
...Abraham Kaufman: "Class Struggle and Class War," 904 Prospect Ave., Bronx...
...18th A. D., Branch 1. FRIDAY, MARCH I . Loess Wsldssaa: "The Leg" leave Progress ef the SocUlut Brooklyn...
...Alfred Belskin: "The Essentials of Socialism," 789 Elsmere Place, Bronx...
...7th A. D. Joseph Glass: Topic to be announced, 167 Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn...
...East Harlem Branches...
...Refreshments will be served...
...Herman Salzman: "Communism and Socialism," 263 Cypress Ave, Bronx...
...Johns PL, Brooklyn...
...Ethical Culture Danes Educstlonsl Alliance, March 11, evening...
...S current review of ths position of the international soclsllst youth work...
...Basketball Teem.—Another practice for the league team will be held Saturday, Fob...
...Our Soclsllst Youth International Is publishing monthly the "Socialist Youth's International Press Service," which reports regularly on ths work of the Inter, nstlonal and affiliated federations, snd Js also the official news sheet of the Socialist Educational Inter* national...
...Queens Forum...
...Msry Hillyer: "Building for Socialism," 8:00 p. m,, 2006—7th Ave., Manhattan...
...Yorkville Branch...
...Washington Heights.—A Junior circle is being organized st 4046 Broadway (170th St...
...A debate on Socialism vs...
...Lecture Calendar SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2t Rabbi Alter Ephraim Fisehhof: "Economic Basis of Nationalism," 11:80 a. m., Burnside Manor, Burn-side and Harrison Aves...
...Msrch 11...
...Mem* bars may bring on* non-member Strike Relief Dsnee.-A baiket-ketball game and dance will be held Saturday evening...
...at the Stuyvesant High School Gym In cooperation with the Young Circle League...
...The demonstration against Fascism will be held at 2 p. m., Fob...
...TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 8. Lifshits: "The Situation In Germany," 1722 E. 12th Et., Brooklyn...
...Socialist Party Branch...
...Also that those who have joined or who wish to join and have not yet signed membership applications snd paid dues should do so st ones...
...Bronx Labor Lyceum...
...A Hot Dog Festival will be held in with ths new administration st the Brownsvills Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman St...
...West Bronx Socialist Forum...
...Circle 4 Br, Kings.—Sam Tol-mach will bo guest speaker Sunday, Feb...
...6th A. D. Max Delsons "Breaking the Bread Lines," 4046 B'wsy, Mann...
...High School Rally.—Morris snd Monroe students are being circularized to attend the rally oA Sunday, Feb...
...Graphic Arts Group, Bernard Ziskind snd Ben Belsky...
...4th A. D. August Clsessens: "The Evolution of Morality," 229 East Broadway, Manhattan...
...Music snd Writers' Group, snd all other information, Samuel H. Friedman, executive director—all at 7 East 16th Street, N. Y. C. Rebel Arts is the organization of artists in all fields affiliated with or sympathetic to ths Socislist labor movement The Dance Group (under Frances Leber) will appear at the following celebrations: International Woman's Dsy, Rand School, March 6, afternoon...
...Communism will be hold Ssturdsy, April 8, at 8:80 p. m., at the Debs Auditorium...
...Young Socialist Forum...
...William E. Bonn: "Technocracy and Socialism," 241 E. 84th St., St., Manhattan...
...Abraham Cahan, Algernon Lee, Jacob Panken, Bruno Wagner, Vln-cenzo Vacirca: "Hitler and Fascism," Town Hall, 128 West 4Srd St., Manhattan, 2:00 p. m. AusSices, Socialist Party and ths eue Volksseitung...
...Circles 1 and 8 ere holding this affair and Meyer Levensteln and Gus Tyler will speak...
...26, at Town Hall, 128 W. 43rd St Debate with LovestoneRes...
...26, at 8:80 p. m., at 1722 East 12th St Ping pong, chess snd checkers ere played at heed-quarters every Friday night Refreshments are ¦erred...
...All members of ths team and those who have aspirations should report to Victor Riesel at 2 p. m. at ths city office...
...For information, apply: Camera Group, Lee Stein...
...YPSL NOTES Brownsville Installation.—Circle 2 Sr., Kings, will Install its newly elected officers Saturday night Feb...
...Michael Strange, Joaeph T. Shipley, Samuel A. DeWitt, Chairman: "The Theatre as a Socisl Fores," Academy of Music, Flatbush and Lafayette Aves...
...Socialist Party Branch Party* Ull Brighton Beach Ave., As gust Claessens: "The Essentials of Socialism...
...The annual subscription to the "Socialist Youth's International Press Service" is only 8 RM (76c), Subscriptions should be sent with the order and it should be stated] that an English edition is required...
...Samuel A. DeWitt: "A Poet Looks at the World," 904 Prospect Ave...
...Marx Commemoration Meeting, Brooklyn Academy of Music, March 12, evening...
...THURSDAY, MARCH 2 Esther Friedman: "The Vanishing Family," 188-10 Northern Blvd., Flushing, L. I...
...4th A. D. William T. Hade: "Cancellation of War Debts," 144 Second Ave., Manhattan...
...Orders and payments shonld bi sent to ths Secretariat of the Youth Internationale, Belle Alliance Flees 8, Berlin Sw 61...
...1st A. D. John Chamberlain and Howard Y. Williams: "Is Progressivism in Politics Dead in America T", Monroe Court Community Room, 43-13 Carolin St., Long Island City, L. I...
...Admission will be between 16c and 18c...
...Danes Groups, Hans Geiger snd Edith Turgell Friedmsn...
...REBEL ARTS Rebel Arts makes the preliminary announcement that headquarters will be opened for the organization on 18th Street, on March 1. Further details will be given later, but meanwhile members snd friends sre asked to remember that donations of furniture, musical instruments and records, lumber for benches snd psrtitions, etc., will be gratefully received...
...Members end circles of ths YP SL tan now obtain, at smsll cost...
...League Hike.—The hike scheduled for Sunday has been postponed to Sunday, March 19, 1988...
...Bensonhurst Branch...
...Socialist youth work today is inconceivable without systematic contact and exchange of experience with ths youth federations "of other countries...
...William Karlin: "Unemployment Insurance," 1539 Madison Avenue, Manhattan...
...126 Delanoey St., Manhattan...
...Washington Hghts...
...Admission 15c...
...Washington Heights Branch...
...Socialist Party Branch...
...INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY INTERNATIONAL Woman's Dsy, 4 celebration of whieh has been set by the Socialist movement this year for March 5th, will be observed at a mass meeting end concert under Women's Committee auspices at the Debs Auditorium, 7 East 15th Street, at 2 p. m. International Women's Day is an institution in all countriee with a substantial Socialist movement, and in every country meetings, concerts, demonstrations snd celebrations sre hsld to demonstrate the solidsrity of women with the Socislist movement as a whols...
...With Esther Friedman as chair man, short talks will be given by Gertrude Weil Klein, Alice Goldberg, Mary Boettjer, Lillian Epstein, Jessie Wallace Hughan, (.oldie Meyerson, snd Lens Lln-hardt In addition, there will be Negro spirituals by Marion Calloway, the Rebel Arts dancers, Genevieve Ksufman in songs, and a chorus from the German Sports Club, snd songs by the Socialist Sunday Schools led by Samuel H. Friedman...
...7808 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn...
...26, at 2:80...
...WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 Esther Friedman: "Marxian Economic Theory—Commodity and Exchange," 1855 Mott Ave., Far Rockaway, L. I...
...August CUessens: "Social and Collective Behavior," 4th lecture in series on Social Psychology, 48 Avenue C, Manhattan...
...26, at 4 p. m., at 904 Prospect Ave., Bronx...
...24, at 8:80...
...Brooklyn Forum...
...There will be games, singing and dancing...
...1489 St...
...All for 10c...
...8th A D. William M. Feigenbausa: "What Next ia Germany...
...When sendinf for the Press Service, key "l"** national Reply Coupons" for IN amount from the Poet Office...
...People's Educational Forum...
...International Notes Every YPSL should keep informed on the international socialist youth movement...
...Circle 1 Jr., Sunnyslde.—A social gathering will be held at ths homo of Comrade Berger, 4811 Skillman Ave., Sunnyside, Sunday, Feb...
Vol. 15 • February 1933 • No. 8