I.L.G.W.U. Joins Big Drive
I.L.G.W.U. Joins Big Drive Dubinsky Calls Upon Locals to Send Delegates to Feb. 23rd Conference i U.H.T. Joinsjoo. THE International Ladies' GarI ment Workers* Union, one of At most...
...Mar!el claims that the law provides that the handling of such a situation is the function of the department of labor and industry...
...OPERA CONCERT fHB Women's Committee of the **»d School and Camp Tami!J*nt,!?Ve *rr»n«Ted a concert at t»« Metropolitan Opera House for Btaday evening, March 12th, the ««operatic concert of the season...
...Wage Cuts Cease as Auto Strike Spreads Workers' Ranks Solid Despite Provocation — Thomas Cheered by Strikers...
...The firm refuses to employ union men...
...boss Ackelberg), Simon Ackerman Stores, Title Mortgage Co., Crawford Clothes, and others...
...One particular concern, the Bon-hard Affiliates, Inc., is known to pay from $4 to per 10-hour day and has a 7-day week, with intense exploitation for production of work...
...Despite threats and intimidation, the use of state constabulary, local police and a small army of gangsters, the bosses hsve not been able to break the picket lines of the strikers...
...Robert M. Pill.Ington of the U. S. Depailment of Labor has arrived to investigal1 the strike, and Mayor Mu.phy has appointed a fact-finding committee headed by Rev...
...According to Elias Reisberg, International Vice-President and Manager of the Union, the entire industry is operating at sub-standard conditions with wages ranging from M to 111 par week...
...The employers and bankers have seized the opportunity to begin a drive to reduce the worken to a state of serfdom...
...Special to The New Leader) nETROIT.-The series of strikes in the automobile industry struck the plant of the Hudson Motor Car Company, and over three thousand employees walked out, throwing many thousands more out of work...
...The present standards, including the 8-hour day and 5-day week and wage scales of $11.20 for new and $8 for old work, have little significance, as painters are employed an average of six months a year...
...There has bi . no violence, and there will be none on our part...
...at 172 and 17:1 Streets...
...In a short period of two weeks the Organization Committee has succeeded in forcing the following concenrs to hire union men: Manufacturers' Trust Co...
...Norman Thomas, chairman of the Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief, addressed several meetings while in Detroit, including one held by the strikers...
...The return of the sweat shop in the dressmaking industry in Philadelphia has brought several thousand employees face to faee with a general strike...
...Local 810, Laundry Drivers...
...Included in the strikers' demands are the following: 20% increase in day rate wages, increased bonus on the basis of volume produced, 30% increase in hourly rate, the eight hour day and five hour week, increased pay for Sunday work, better sanitary conditions, recognition of grievance committees, abolition of fingerprinting and the correction of other abuses the company has forced upon the workers...
...This csn be easily done by Insisting that the milkman wears the union button of ths Milk Wsgon Drivers' Union...
...THE International Ladies' GarI ment Workers* Union, one of At most important of the Inter.Ttion.ll of the A. F. of L., has Saed with enthusiasm the drive shorter work-week, for jobZ, inserance, for more adequate jjUtf and for maintaining labor ¦tend.rd** , At the same time, the United Hebrew Trades, numbering in its rink...
...Ranks Solid Nineteen persons, three of them v. len, were arrested in two days on charges of disturbing the peace, but picket lines remain orderly and even state police reported that the , strikers are anxious to avoid violence...
...For the past three years tens of thousands of real estate properties have reverted to the large banks and title and mortgage companies, and their management has been turned over to the large real estate offices who, in turn, either give the painting work to non-union employers or hire men from employmeit agencies...
...It . is a strike for decent American I wages and for decent American conditions of labor...
...The union has been locked out in the Brownsville section because they refused to take in a member previously expelled from their organization...
...From present indications, it appears that the conference will be Jns of the most successful ever ffiy'nd that it will meet, in a •nrrag, miltant spirit, deterI?™* to fight for ths welfare of tw victims of the depression...
...The employers make the old charge that the strike was inspired by "outside agitators," a charge that is repeated and enlarged upon by Cal Wideman, Democratic Congressman-elect, who wired Secretary of Labor Doak that "Attempts are being made by certain groups opposed to our form of government to wrest control of the strike from loyal American citizens...
...The Mineral Workers' Union, Local 811, are in conference with their employers on a new agreement...
...He was given an ovation here, as in Lansing, where over three thousand heard him...
...They threw out an injunction issued by Judge H. A. Davis of the Common Pleas Court in Philadelphia against Local No...
...The strikers issued the following statement: "This strike is not for j political purposes...
...The union, which hss a fins record in helping other lsbor organizations, urges that all labor unionists and sympathizers cooperate with Local 584...
...Trade unions and Workmen's circle branches are requested to take up the matter of the Conference on Unemployment Insurance and the shorter work week, for the purpose of sending delegates to the conference, to be held Thursday, February 23, 8:30 p. m., at the People's House...
...Edward J. Hickey of the Mayor's Unemployment Committee...
...6f our International Union to send delegates, and in every way to cooperate in the work of.the February 23rd Conference...
...Joins Those in chnrge of the organi istisn of the Conference report that they are meeting everywhere with unprecedented success...
...With united action, with a show of the power inherent in the organization of the workers, with resolute leadership the workers can win the fight for work or maintenance, for the shorter workweek, for unemployment insurance, for a decent standard of living, for adequate relief...
...PAINTERS ORGANIZE A NEW CAMPAIGN In spite of depressing conditions in the building indt stry* in general, and the painting trad« in particular, Local Unions 261, 1011 and 905 of the Brotherhood of Painters have been conducting a campaign to organize and control the painting maintenance and alteration work of all classes of buildings, public and private, in New York City...
...The workers have been driven into a corner, their jobs have been taken from millions, and the wages of millions more have been cruelly slashed...
...11, S p. m., at 7 East 15th St., N. Y. C. Admission by Party cards only...
...The Communist union in the laundry industry is circulating literature requesting the workers to stay away from this meeting...
...The heavy falling off of new construction, estimated at over 75%, deprived the major portion of the painters of their main source of employment, and has forced them to seek jobs on alteration work, a line of work sorely neglected in the past, and the union is faced with loss of membership unless successful measures are taken to organize the "old work...
...This strike is - against abominable conditions of labor which goaded practically the - whole plant to rise in protest...
...Local 507, Bakers' International, is picketing the firm of Shapiro at 1198 Bryant Ave...
...onions with hundreds of thousands of members, strongly endorsed the drive for a successful eoafereses on February 28rd, at which plans will bo made for a dnve on the Legislature for relief and for legislation to meet the ^Dane Dubinsky, International Pntjdeat of the Garment Workers, seat out the following appeal to the locals and point boards of his union: The Workers Musi Fight "Every trade union in New York should be represented at the conference on February 23rd...
...Meanwhile the series of wage cuts in many Detroit auto plants have ceased as a result of the strikes in the plants of the Briggs Mfg...
...With the change of season and continuous picketing and publicity the Brotherhood of Painters hopes to establish a better standard of work for its membership...
...Rubin Guskin of the Actoars' Union has been elected President of the United Hebrew Trades...
...The decision implies that organized labor has even the right to ruin a scab theatre owner if this can be done by lawful means...
...The union demands a five-day week and an increase in wages to bring the scale on a level with other drees* makers, and a collective agreement, • * * ' The Pennsylvania Supremo Court has handed down its first favorable decision in a labor case in modern times...
...We dread to think what mi.y happen, however, If thr- company Imports outside labor to break this strike...
...The Joint Board of the Waist and Dressmakers' Union, affiliated with the I. L. G. W. V., has declared that only the establishment of shorter hours and a higher wage scale within the next month can halt the strike...
...Comstock's assignment of Oscar G. Olander to intervene, if possible, drew a vigorous protest from President Frank Mailil of tho Detroit Federation of I .alar...
...the stars thus far listed «• Lawrence Tibbett and Richard Tickets, 60 cents to $2.50 °» saw in office of the Rand School...
...Union, have begun an organisation drive in the Bronx...
...Demand the Label...
...Labor Committee Notes THE trade union membership will meet Saturday, Feb...
...District Council 9 of the Brotherhood of Painters and Decorators, another important sub-division of the A. F. of L., received the request for the election of delegates to the conference and passed it on for action to the affiliated locals...
...8 of the Theatrical Employees...
...Desdlins after deadline has been , vainly set by the company as the last hour at which jobs would be available...
...I call upon all the locals and subdivision...
...David Tigel has been elected VicePresident, and Morris Feinstone Secretary-Treasurer...
...The Grocery Clerks' Union, Local 338, are carrying on a campaign in the Bronx, striking against a firm called "Yuska," Bathgate Ave...
...Msny hours after the dead line fixed by Henry Ford for the Briggs body plants to break their strikes and begin producing bodies for him, the striks was continuing In full force, thousands were plcksting and promises of aid were coming from all parts of the country...
...In that event we feel that we will not have to act, for we believe that public opinion will take care of that situation...
...An organization meeting has been called for February 16 at Regal Hall, 1815 Boston Rd., Bronx...
...Officials of the Hudson Company state that had it no', been for the strike 8,000 workers would ha'c been employed on a full production basis by the end of the week...
...I i ¦ Milk Wagon Drivers, Local 584, reports that in the efforts of the large milk distributing companies to crush the smaller concerns the tendency Is to force the Workers to bear the brunt of the struggle...
...During the past few weeks an average of 44 strikes a week have been called with the result that 05*'o of the industry has been organized...
...Ths decision lays down the principle that if legal union activities ¦ against a non-union business re¦ suit in damage to the employer it - is Impossible for the concern to - collect damages from the union...
...7 East 15th Street...
...Co., maker, of automobile bodi.s for the Ford Motor Company, Despite the claims made by Judge Connolly, head f the company and a leader of the Democratic Party in Michigan, tint product!, is nearly normal, but few bodies are coming off the assembly line...
...They will succeed unless the workers fight...
Vol. 15 • February 1933 • No. 6