Native American Anarchism Described in Important Book (American Anarchism)


Native American Anarchism Described in Important Book Contrary to Commonly Held Idea*, Pure Anarchism Is a Product of This Country—Socialism vs. Technocracy in a New Book. American...

...Machine production and Surplus Value...
...Brandon shows that this aspect of Technocracy is neither original nor accurate while its economics are bizarre and its historical interpretations arc often absurd...
...This latter school, interestingly enough, was not purely indigenous and was introduced by French and German immigrants under the influence of Pierre Proudhon...
...After Haymarket it found its leadership in Berkman and Emma Goldman...
...A year later came a trip to the Const...
...D. thesis "On Involuntary Selfreciprocal Correspondence in Space" and nothing was left but the awarding of the Ph...
...In 1915, when Lunn was -elected again Steinmetz was elected President of the Council...
...Then Steinmetz edited a fortnightly literary paper, that died for lack of funds...
...In that battle Steinmetz won his spurs as a soldier of Socialism, not merely a student dabbling In Socialist idea...
...That's a division of functions 1 don't like," said Joe...
...After forty years his zeal for a better world had not dimmed...
...The third period of American Anarchism under the guidance of Josiah Warren and Stephen Pearl Andrews placed more emphasis upon the organization of the productive process...
...Within his field he is competent...
...The second stage of American Anarchism expressed itself in a non-resistence movement aimed later most directly against slavery...
...This Anarchism was the revolt of the artisan seeking to preserve his profession against the encroachments of the factory system...
...After seven weeks a brilliant article by Steinmetz—though not signed—defending the rights of Socialists to express themselves attracted the attention of the police, and the paper Was banned...
...Mere possession of the paper was cause for a year's imprisonment, and the police were after the young genius...
...Bill Become...
...Without any fundamental concept of class forces in modern society and of the inevitable trends in economic organization, these Anarchists fell into the most hopeless Utopian experiments...
...but I deliberately cited * an extreme case...
...When Steinmetz was in college the Bismarck anti-Socialist "exception" laws prevailed...
...And in 1922 I had the great privilege of nominating Steinmetz for State Engineer, and of getting from him his ideas of what a Socialist would do in making over the world, if he had at his disposal all the resources of the community...
...The new police hat since been, stationed in South Jutland where the government's measure has occasioned a widespread feeling of relief...
...Back to the Main Road "YOU'RE right, Joe," said Bill...
...The picture was labeled "Steinmeti...
...can help the German working class to settle with their ruling class but leave it to the German workers to do the settling...
...But more desperate days were to come...
...Can you formulate anything better...
...By Eunice Minelte Schuster...
...We leave action to the Germans and will aid them in their action and we expect the Germans to leave action here to us and for them to help us if they can...
...Non-aggression pacts are signed with capitalist .powers but none are signed with working class movements...
...Following the laissez faire doctrine that those governments are best which govern least, Ben Tucker added that "that which governs least is no government at all...
...when Lunn quit the party and was elected Congressman as a Democrat he refused to resign as Mayor in order that the city might not be headed by the Socialist scientist...
...25-Chan Steinmetz, II THE Socialism of the Wizard Steinmetz was in no sense the ebullient enthusiasm of youth to lie cast off in older, soberer and more responsible days, nor yet was it the vagary of genius to be condoned by admirers as a mere interesting aberration...
...It failed of general acceptance be cause it applied equally to all classes, because it was not classcons< ious...
...It is the philosophy of individualism carried to its ultimate and logical conclusions, "The freedom which the capitalists would reserve for their class, the individualist Anarchists would extend to all classes...
...That illustration is too restricted...
...It is provincialism, something more narrow than nationalism," said Joe...
...American Anarchism By Gus Tyler NATIVE AMERICAN ANARCHISM...
...He may sew a shoe at a McKay machine but not roll a bar of iron...
...Its sections in every country think and act in terms of a holy Russia...
...At the very beginning of his manhood he sacrificed a brilliant university career in (iermany because of bis Socialism...
...The Lux incident was over, and all was quiet...
...You're off the reservation again," said Bill with a gesture of impatience...
...The author writes with critical sympathy, hastening to understand, explain, and then to offer reasons for failure...
...I Proteus was ¦rial, and "I ir«t Socialist ad afterward the joined Socialist I year or two kksrdtHauptiXarl...
...And so a year later he left for America, his exciting days behind him, but his glorious career ahead of him...
...IJis ancestor could make a whole shoe, operate a small iron forge and a small power loom as well but the modern worker cannot make a shoe, roll iron or tend textile machinery...
...The beginning of the twentieth century saw a revival of a Communist Anarchism which traced a direct lineage from Bakunin through Johann Most...
...It was the heroic period of German Socialism, when hundreds of thousands embraced the cause, contributed to the party, followed the leadership of Bebel, Singer, the elder Liebknecht and others and supported a considerable Reichstag group— while the party was illegal, every party paper was issued secretly, and no books or records were kept...
...An excellent summation of American Anarchism it* contained in her remark: "It it a.systematlzation of traditional American individualism and lawlessness...
...and last, Hegel...
...But the Ja vert-like police never had relaxed, and early in May, 1888, he heard he was to be arrested...
...The bill was passed against the votes of the Conservatives and the Communists...
...Steinmetz took his Socialism seriously and gave thought, time and services to the party both in (iermany and in the United States...
...In Breslau was published a Socialist paper—secretly, of course —called Volksstimme, the People's Voice...
...and thirty-four years later his last spectacular appearance 1*'fore the public was as a Socialist candidate for State Engineer and Surveyor (then an elective office) in New York...
...Steinmetz wrote his Ph...
...So that's your idea of internationalism," said Joe...
...As a young student in Breslau Steinmetz was a participant in student revelries, mainly as a leading member if the Mathematical Society, a genial fellow who loved his student life, its beer-festivities, its associations and its fine fellowship, while at the same time making a brilliant record as a student...
...Alongside of this purely individualist Anarchism grew up a Mutualistic Anarchism based upon voluntary cooperation...
...asked Bill...
...What about the Communist International...
...Mutualism and individualism in Anarchism were to be united in the writings of Benjamin R. Tucker...
...There was a year in Zurich, but he was unable to secure entrance in the university there, because Breslau was unable to give him proper credentials due to his unconventional departure...
...Historical "THAT'S not a bad analogy," said Bill...
...The Technocratic Conception of History...
...There was the exciting incident of the arrest of Lux and 36 others for conspiracy, and Steinmetz's activity as "postmaster," delivering messages to the prisoners, on the flyleaves of books in chemical ink, the trial of the men and their acquittal...
...Steinmetz early came under the influence tf association from Uppet fellow-math young Pud ing after t association...
...The government at the 'same time asked for authority to increase the State police by 100 men...
...Socialist Profiles No...
...Sort of a division of labor as in industry, I suppose," said Joe...
...Technocracy or Industrial Democracy...
...Politics and the State...
...Exclusive concentration on the immediate problem before you in your own country," said Bill...
...I've been thinking over what >«u said the other day," Joe replied...
...Settling accounts with our ruling class doeB not mean exclusive attention to our own problems nor does it mean nationalism...
...asked Joe...
...Not a Storm Cloud in Sight "RESPITE its revolutionary phrases it's largely nationalist," Bill replied...
...ANARCHISM has been the na tive form of revolt for many Americans...
...they will abandon rraft forms of organization and consolidate more into organizations by plant and industry...
...I'll say that it's a division that divides," snid Bill, "and yet it's our International duty despite such provocation to oppose capitalist intervention in Russia and to foster trade relations with Russia...
...Assume millions in great industrial unions and that carries with it the ethic of class solidarity...
...The result is that workers are divided into warring ramps...
...Assume that the workers become generally class conscious...
...One example will suffice...
...We made a detour to get a better view of the main road," said Bill, "but let's keep to the analogy...
...When George R. Lunn was elected Socialist Mayor in 1911 Steinmetz gladly accepted the post of President of the Board of Education, where he rendered remarkable services to the city...
...This book by Miss Schuster with no pretentions at being exhaustive renders a valuable service in uncovering and suggesting hitherto unexplored fields...
...The one thing that made Technocracy catch the imagination was the displacement of labor by machinery and technology and it is doubtful whether even this would have awakened wide interest were it not that Technocracy's claims were presented in a period of the breakdown of capitalist society...
...I cannot forget the visit of a party committee to the great man in his laboratory...
...Modern capitalist industry with its minute division of labor makes him a specialist...
...Brandon goes back to handicraft and shop manufactures to show that by increasing division of labor and extension of cooperation in the workshop productive power was increased "without the expenditure cf any additional energy...
...My interview with the Wizard, in which he tells what a Socialist could do in those lines, is printed in full in J. W. Hamond's biography of Steinmetz...
...Announce meats of meetings were in the form of invitations to a cup of tea, bat when the student society became the Socialist local the police began to take an interest...
...Again this was based on abstract ethical concepts largely drawn from the Bible...
...In the case of the conservative worker, as a specialist in industry he will be a narrow craft unionist...
...American Anarchism was first expressed as Antinomianism, a form of religious revolt against the colonial theocracy...
...He may not care what happens to other workers in the same industry or even in the same plant, to say nothing of the workers of the nation and of the world...
...socialism vs...
...Our internationalism does nat exclude the Russian workers no matter what Stalin and Hit aides may do...
...Just this," said Joe...
...The Economics of Technocracy...
...That [townspeople, mt party's il' legal local organisation...
...You confine the attention of the workers of each country to their own problems and that's nationalism...
...D. degree...
...His editorial policy was summed up in his first editorial: "We don't know what the Government's policy is, but we are against it...
...W. M. F...
...Children under 14 years of age in sports organizations are also excepted...
...So he quietly bade his father farewell and left Germany forever, leaving behind him a brilliant career as a university scientist...
...THIS 60-page pamphlet is the best critical analysis of the claims of Technocracy that we have seen...
...Let's take your industrial analogy again...
...Then Technocracy assumes that it has found an unvariable "measuring rod" as a substitute for gold but Brandon has no difficulty in showing that "energy" is also variable with every change in the productive process...
...Nationalism naturally subdivides into local patriotism...
...This pamphlet should help to promote clear thinking, THE NAZI MENACE IN SOUTH JUTLAND IN order to counteract the psy* chological effects of an invasion of uniformed German Nazis into the Danish border districts, the Socialist government of Denmark has succeeded in getting a bill through the diet, prohibiting members of political organizations from wearing uniforms...
...There followed placid months, during which Steinmetz regularly received and read the secret Socialist paper edited in Switzerland and smuggled into Germany, the paper that later became the Berlin Vorwdrts...
...Technocracy or Socialism - Which is Possible...
...Nationalism in each country could hardly divide them more...
...The Boys Become Keal Philosophers and No Unkind Word Is Said...
...asked Joe...
...Smith College Studies in History...
...That phase of economic history is familiar to Socialists and Marx has subjected it to a keen analysis...
...You're s nationalist under the skin " "What have I don* to merit that assault?' Bill asked in eui prise..., Adam Smith...
...Labor exchange banks, intended to yield to the artisan a "just return" for his endeavours, was the raison d'etre and the bane of most of these...
...It is written from the Socialist point of view and its scope may be understood from the following chapters: What is Technocracy...
...In Schenectady Steinmetz was one of the active members of the local to the end...
...Technocracy claims that prior to the last century and a half social history, regarded technologically, was the "record of a steady state...
...It was based on "first, the, Bible...
...Miss Schuster traces the indigenous roots of Anarchism in America from the Massachusetts colony with its expulsion of Ann Hutchinson to the United States of 1919 with its expulsion of Emma Goldman...
...Well, what would you call nationalism...
...That in turn means linking up with the organized workers of other nations and the emergence of internationalism...
...Stalin and his aides formulate policies not to serve the working masses of the world but to serve Russia...
...In so acting I will do my duty in the international field while recognizing the special task of the American workers here...
...What's wrong with that...
...for it thus became ah integral part of the organization Bismarck had outlawed but that simply refused to remain dead...
...We sec it in the local capitalists who urge people to patronize home industry and this localism of the capitalist is a parallel to the conservative unionist's craft unionism...
...These early Christian Anarchists found their justification in the inherent goodness of the soul and the right of each individual to act according to the dictates of his God as expressed through immediate revelation to each individual...
...By Joseph Brandon, llollis, N. Y. 25 cents...
...You said that the workers of each country must settle with their own ruling class...
...But we're off the main track, aren't we...
...The worker was ¦ once a jack-of-all-trades, specializing in nothing...
...In that event the main task of these workers will be settling accounts with American exploiters in every struggle while extending aid to workers in other nations when the call comes for such hid.-This mentis effective internationalism bused upon division of functions in the international struggle of the working class for emancipation...
...asked Joe...
...By Autolycus DON'T try to rub it into me today," said Joe as he met Bill in the Hand School lobby...
...One might add that very often this mo.i> "radical" of revolutionary philosophies unmasks ! itself as mere Utopian reformism...
...Edmund Duffy drew a cartoon, showing great lowering clouds, and through them a flash of lightning...
...Northampton, Man...
...I thought you were an internationalist " "I am and foi that reason I don't think that we can settle accounts with the (ierman ruling class any more than the German workers can settle accounts with the American ruling class...
...Isn't it a fine spring day," said Joe...
...Aren't you interested in other countries...
...It was too much for him, and when he returned he quickly died...
...During the trial of Lux young Proteus was asked to edit the paper, and for seven weeks he wielded a trenchant pen...
...This colonial Anarchism was met with an Exclusion Act of 1637 intended to keep out such dangerous radicals...
...usually ttsi comrades, j done caulk hi men But Him it good Sock went with meeting, to to meditate And shorl the infori group, whk previously h mann audi group cam and soolt it [ideas through fellow student I Bins Lux, a L invited the Socialist meetr years' close ¦actings were the homes of I had to be any slip-up to the police...
...mounted on a stool, the little body bent over a drawing board, surrounded by terrifying electrical devices, he spoke charmingly, almost affectionately with us, his Socialist comrades...
...Not a storm cloud in sight," said Bill with a faint smile at they parted...
...The wording of the bill is general, making the necessary exceptions for uniforms in State service or in private service where the uniforms are used in work...

Vol. 15 • June 1933 • No. 23

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