End Exploitation, Congress Program

Rosner, Henry J.

By Henry J. Rosner End Exploitation, Congress Program Cootinental Congress Resolutions Make Up Program of Collectivism, Against Capitalism, for a Workers' World—War on War and for Civil...

...This is obviously the most important of all reports...
...The report of the Committee of Money, Banking, and Taxation showed that the private banking system of the nation provided neither safety for the people's money or adequate credit to industry, and consequently has failed in its fundamental functions...
...Without a plan for organization and struggle to bring the organized pressure of the workers and farmers behind the demands heretofore outlined, the latter will remain wish fulfillments...
...Economic Program This committee's report also de-clured that the funds for the Congress' economic program should be raised In adequately taxing the . ich through progressive income, inheritance and gift taxation...
...On those occasions Mayor Hoan showed the same grasp of parliamentary methods and the same tact that Reive ili;- layed...
...It demanded that any scheme of inflation should start first by inflating wages and the prices received by the farmers for farm products...
...WASHINGTON.—Such unanimity as t("> wliat the present ¦ economic situation requires has seldom been revealed by a convention composed of as many different elements as was the Continental Congress...
...The report for this committee was presented by Jacob Panken ef New York, while Tucker Smith, of the Committee on Militarism in Education, acted as research secretary...
...Each state'delegation at the Continental Congress was empowered to elect a state convener ; who would be responsible for calling such a convention...
...The committee was headed by Mary Donovan Hapgood, while Powers Hapgood acted as its research secretary...
...The following have been elected to the executive committee: Mayor Hoan, of Milwaukee...
...Other speakers were Dan Houn, who acted as chairman, August Claessens, Mary Donovan Hapgood, Jacob Panken, Oscar Amerlnger, J. Stitt Wilson and' Norman Thomas...
...Emil Rieve, president of the Full-Fashioned Hosiery Workers Union...
...Last, but not least, comes the report on organisation and continuation...
...Mortgage Relief To provide mortgage relief, it demanded emergency legislation reducing the interest and principal en working class home mortgages ' m proportion to the ability of the ! People to pay, and that a moratorium on mortgage foreclosures fcr unemployed workers be declared...
...Individual production hlakes individual ownership necessary...
...A resolution was presented for the recall of Josephu* Daniels, Mexican Ambassador, on the ground that he, as secretary of the Navy in the Wilson administration, was responsible for the shelling of Vera Cruz...
...At another time A. J. Muste appealed for a "united front," and made a persuasive speech in its favor...
...During the convention sessions there were speeches by Senator Lynn Frazler of North Dakota, Congressman Shoemaker of Minnesota, Margaret Sanger and A. Philip Randolph of the Brotherhood of Pullman Car Porters...
...It demanded that the forthcoming World Economic- Congress set up a program and machinery to effect the abolition of tariffs, the stabilization of currencies at a level that protects the interests of farmers ai.d workers instoad of bondholders and money-lenders, a worldwide campaign for higher wages and shortened hours through the expansion tf the facilities of the International Labor Office, backed by the power of workers' governments, international planning for the use of capital to raise the standard of living in backward countries instead of exploiting their .people the downward revision of both private and government international debt as part of a program of- internal debt reduction, the termination of international rivalry for natural resources by distributing these upon a equitable basis...
...This committee was chait-¦sned by Henry Rosner, of New Tork...
...Jt was de-| clared out of order...
...It attacked the big bank's dictation of industry, agriculture, »nd government, which forced wage cuts and lay-(JTs as the price for credit...
...It also urged the establishment of the five-day week and six-hour day without a cut in wages, and vigorously denounced til share-the-work proposals as a I means of shifting the burden of, aaemployment relief from.the rich I to the worker who still has a job...
...It is not a juestion of making an invention but of dealing with a fact...
...A few Communists were sei'cd as delegates from "innocents' t luhs...
...Large production, on the (ontrary, means cooperation, social production...
...The same economic development that forces on us the question, pWhat shall we put in the place of the system of private owner-sfcip...
...From Capitalism To Socialism By Karl Kautsky In tlie "Class Struggle" fjHERE can no longer be any question as to bow private property ', in the instruments of production is to be preserved...
...The amendment was defeated by 900 to 700...
...Crosswaith devoted himself to a speech on Socialism and the meaning of the movement from the beginning of Its career that literally brought tears to many eyes...
...It also endorsed the principle of the capital levy on wealth...
...As the main features in a great program for agricultural reconstruction, It urged prompt and adequate relief for farmers who suffer from lack of food, clothing, aad shelter...
...In large production the individual does not work alone, but a prge number of workers, the whole commonwealth, work together to produce a whole...
...Larry Hotin, of North Carolina...
...On several occasions the tact and grasp -.ere very much in evidence...
...that means a cooperative system of projection and the extinction of the exploitation of the workers, who "come masters of their own products and who themselves appropriate the surplus of which, under our system, they are deprived »y the capitalist...
...Finally, it called for a moratorium on the foreclosure <of working-class homes and farms for non-payment of property taxes...
...VK* the present stage is reached by lartje production, it admits if but two systems of ownership...
...legislation en-courag'ug ccoperaUve marketing and purchasing organisations both among the farmers and the urban consumers, thus eliminating the waste and the profit of the present system of distribution, and, finally, the nationalization under democratic control of services utilized by the farmer, such as electricity, railroads, warehouses, storage plants, packing houses, factories, the manufacture^ of farm machinery, so that the farmers may obtain these services much more cheaply at cost by squeezing ut the profits of the rich...
...It proves tliat the masses of people of the United States are being educated to the fundamental needs of our tine...
...It concluded with the demsnd that ths curricula and ths administrative methods of the educational system be modified te develop thinking, Independent, citizens, capable of participating in a new cooperative social order...
...Thfjn Monroe Sweetland moved another amend...
...In addition, it recommended that all income above $2G.')iN' a year be recaptured by the government to feed and clothe the millions of Americans who have no incomes at all...
...Leroy Bowman, of New York...
...But with a gavel and a fine loud-speaker system (that was not always in perfect working order) Reive held the rejns throughout, except at the time that he yielded the gavel to Vice-Chmrman Dan Hoan...
...Reive's Presiding Kept Congress Fanctioning HPHE success of the Continental * Congress was made possible largely by the intelligent1 chairmanship of Kmil Reive, President of the "American Federation Oof Full-Fashioned Hosiery Workers, Reive, who was chairman of the committee that summoned the Congress, was in complete command of the situation from (he very first moment...
...brings with it the conditions that answer the question...
...Later Louis F. Budenz sought to have a "united front" plank inserted in the Declaration of Independence...
...a moratorium on evictions, foreclosures and forced sales of farmers' homes, land, and machinery...
...It I called for the immediate repeal of 1 criminal syndicalist and sedition laws, the full pardon of the Centralis class war victims, the aboli-tioq,p*j('»bor injunctions, the ad- , mission* of political refugees into-, the country, and alien pacifists, to citizenship, the repeal of legislation allowing the deportation of aliens because of political, social, or economic views, a constitutional amendment to prohibit states from limiting the ballot by a poll tax or property and money limitations...
...Kach state shall hold a state convention within ninety days for xhe purpose of electing state com-mrftees...
...one of th<' demands being for recognition of Soviet Russia...
...It also urged that the principle of collective bargaining and civil service be established for publicly operated Industry...
...The reports of the various resolutions committees were received with almost no controversy, and were invariably approved with a minimum of debate and with few dissenting voices or votes...
...It is hoped to raise funds to finance the establishment of a national office with a competent staff to direct and to energize the local committees of action...
...It vigorously denounced all sales taxes because they placed added burdens upon the poor...
...It likewise called for the marshalling of all workers and farmers' organisations for a determined fight against Fascism—the last stand of capitalism...
...Its secretary was Julius Bochman, of the International La- ' dies' Garment Workers' Union, J. C. Kennedy, of Brookwood, acted as research secretary...
...The new system lies latent in the old...
...Joseph Schlossberg, general serre-)• v of the »-»">'•— mated Clothing Workers of America...
...After a brief and impassioned address by August Claessens on those "who fight us from the front and from the rear," the motion was voted down, only a few weak "ayes" being heard...
...Sceeond, ownership by the workers in common of the instruments of production...
...Its report called for the adminis-t ration of the affairs of the organization of the Continental Congress by a National Committee of Correspondence and Action, consisting of 25 members...
...But Paul Blanshard disposed of Muste's position in a few words, calling attention to a slanderoun leaflet being circulated among the delegates by the "United Fronters...
...It recommended operation of publicly owned Industries by boards on which the workers, consumers, and technicians sre adequately represented...
...the exemption of property taxation on farms up to the amount of 15,000 assessed valuation...
...By Henry J. Rosner End Exploitation, Congress Program Cootinental Congress Resolutions Make Up Program of Collectivism, Against Capitalism, for a Workers' World—War on War and for Civil Rights...
...Pow-ois Hepgood, of Indiana...
...The committee's report also demanded the Immediate recognition of Soviet Russia and the immediate repeal of all legislation re* striding the immigration of parSubstance of Resolutions Adopted at Congress in Washington last Week-end ticular raees or nationalities...
...Private property in the instruments of production has its roots in small production...
...It pointed out that the safest bank in the United States has been the Postal Savings system in which the people have implicit confidence, as evidenced by the fact that postal savings deposits have increased more than fiOO per cent in the past three years...
...This committee also made a series of recommendations on international cooperation for raising the world's standard of living...
...The committee on organization and continuation was headed by Darlington Hoopes, of Reading, Pa., while David J. SapoM, of Brooklyn, and Katherine H. Pollak, of New York, acted as research secretaries...
...The report of the Committee on< Unemployment and Economic Se-1 enrity called for a 18,000,000,000 j appropriation for immediate reus!, S 16,000,000,000 appropriation for public works with special cm-phaiis on rehousing workers liv-|ay ia slums, the furnishing of rural electrification facilities, and the provision of adequate schools and hospitals...
...Local committees of action are to be established under the supervision of the state and national committees whose function it shall be to stimulate, coordinate, and organize united mass action for the aims of the Congress, as summarized in the resolutions approved in Washington...
...Whoever understands the conditions that are requisite for the present system of production knows what system of property those conditions will demand when the existing system of property teases to be possible...
...First, private ownership by the individual in the means of production used by cooperative labor...
...As the means of achieving this objective, it demanded that the Army and Navy he abolished and that their budgets 1 devoted to fighting unemployment and want...
...On Education A resolution on education and the school.i was approved, which vigorously condemned the present educational economy wave, because it has resulted in the elimination of recreational and health facilities in the schools, the closing of hundreds of schools, the overcrowding of those still open, and drastic salary cuts and suspension of wage payments to teachers...
...To end the abuses of banking for profit, and to make the credit machinery of the nation the servant of the people, the report demanded nationalization of the banking system, with separate divisions for savings accounts snd commercial accounts...
...ft concluded with a demand for a complete system of social insurant) against unemployment, sick-sen, accidents, maternity, and old •ft...
...One of the Communists moved an amendin 'lit in which the A. F. of L. was attacked...
...Robert Miller, representing the farmers...
...that means the existing system P capitalist production with its train of misery and exploitation the portion of the workers and suffocating abundance as the prtion of the capitalist...
...The report of the Committee of Agriculture began by pointing out the essential community of interests of the farmers and the workers, since they are both victims of the profit-making ssytem of capitalism...
...nient restating the demand for recognition, adding an endorsement of Soviet Russia...
...The International Relations Committee was reporting through Chairman Jacob Panken...
...CROSS WAITH THRILLS VAST MASS-MEETING DOSSIBLY the high point in the * enthusiasm generated st the Continental Congress wss the speech delivered at the Saturday night mass meeting by Frank mary donovan should discard the hapgooo name "Socialist...
...Public Ownership The report of the Committee on Public Ownership pointed out that the suffering and agony of the last three years have demonstrated that the sytern of private business enterprise hss broken down because of the greed of corporation owners, and' called for the public ownership and operation of all the means of public transportation and communication, of all public ultil-ties, of all natural resources, of all basic industries, and of all land...
...te.J<» substitute common, for private, ownership in the means of 'motion, this it is that economic development it nrgmg upon P wth ever-increasing force...
...This committee also brought in a report on the home mortgage situation, which pointed out that the President's proposal for re-Inancing home mortgages would provide a very meager and inadequate relief for only 10 per cent | of the home owners in the United > Mates...
...It p. mted out that billions of dollars of additional revenue could be raided through higher rates if tax evasion was ended through rigorous and honest administration coupled with legal changes, abolishing tax-exempt securities and other devices such as deducting security losses fret tie...
...International Id bilious / The report of the Committee on Internaitonal Relations called upon the workers to war upon war because all international conflicts arc fought in the interests of the great bankers and industrialists while the masses reap only taxes, suffering, and health...
...This committee was empowered to select un executive committee with full power to act...
...What was possibly the most affecting moment of the whole Congress was when Howard Kester of Wilder, Tennessee, told of the murder of Barney Graham (details on another page )and introduced Delia Mae Graham, 12-year-old daughter of the murdered miners' leader, who had,, been elected a delegate to the Congress...
...It urged teachers to identify themselves with ths workers, snd to recognize tlcir common interests fr_._ with the masses...
...It has become wholly impossible that •Wry singe worker should own his own instruments of production...
...This committee also brought in a unique resolution on inflation, which condemned the inflation of prices because they tended to benefit the speculators and gamblers and reduced the purchasing power of wages...
...It was a huge audience in a vast hall, and there was much milling around...
...Civil Liberties The report of the Committee on Civil Liberties vigorously denounced the agents and political took of the owning class because they frequently denied workers and farmers the rights of freedom of speech, press and assembly, I guaranteed by the Constitution...
...The report of the Committee on Money, Banking and Taxation was presented by Louis Waldman, of r' w York, while Maynard ""rueger, of Chicago, acted as resenrcb secretary...
...The roar of "ayes" was loud enough to be heard well-nigh to Anaeostia, but Reive maintained that the gallery, seating the usual Communist visitors, had taken a hand in the voting There were loud protests against Reive's ruling, upon which a show of hands was called for, no vote being counted without a delegate's card to validate it...
...After that no ruling of the chair was questioned...
...On a i;i'ii voce vote Reive declared the amendment lost...
...the only tuestion is what shall, or rather must, take its place...
...The freedom of Tom Mooney and Warren K. Billings and the Scotts-boro boys, political, social and economic equality for the Negio, the abolition of the use of state militia and private police used by the Illinois Mine Owners to suppress the striking miners...
...Pending complete socialization, it called for legislation expanding the facilities of the postal savings banks to include the receipt of unlimited deposits, (he provision of a checking account service, and the investment of its funds without limit in government bonds...

Vol. 15 • May 1933 • No. 19

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