NEW LEADER FORUM TO A NEGROPHOBIST George Uule, Philadelphia.—We have received a number of your eomniunicalions in the past few months. Directed against Norman Thomas and The New Leader...
...headquarters, • W. 16th St., reports by delegates of league branches indicate that the effective work being canied on has forced the relief authorities to grant relief to every case b- ght to them... assist the league...
...They feel that only government control of the whole banking structure can bring about more than a mere semblance of safety in banking...
...They will pledge their support to such a paper...
...A daily paper, to 'the contrary, would be carried on many news-' stands, and would inevitably be p:.ked up and carried home by thi I curious...
...Let's make The New Leader a daily...
...Directed against Norman Thomas and The New Leader for our Socialist policy in relation to the Negio...
...Speaker after speaker was cheered to the echo, although there was a ¦mall group to the right of the speakers' stand shouting, "We want a united front," interrupting apeaker after speaker...
...Vi blame Roosevelt for giving the people what they voted for...
...Pauls Church...
...Headquarters open daily for grievance cases...
...Speak up...
...It would assist in the | enrolment of many of the 252,000 workers who voted Socialist in the last city elections in New York...
...Murdock was with reference to the Dill bill, which, if enacted, would authorize checking accounts in U. S. postoffices...
...While Algernon Lee was speaking the Communists marched Into the square, having been mobilized at Tompkins Square...
...Such an artmment, (United by an appreciation of Roosevelt's willing-ess to respond to Socialist demands, inrTtar as these demands are supported by Socialist votes will get more re: specttul attention than playing the dog in the manger...
...The Unemployed League voted to join the May Day nstration ar ' will send a mass delegation of several thousand...
...Among those who spoke were Norman Thomas, Heywood Broun, Algernon Lee, A. J. Muste, Jacob Panken, J. Baskln, Dr...
...GREENWICH VILLAGE: meets weekly in joint session with the Workers Committee on Unc •'•iyment at the Greenwich House...
...Thousands have been thrown out of employment, and hu ' ads of what appeared to be independent fortunes have been wiped out of existence...
...As one who intimately knew 'Gene Debs for many years the editor can say that if there is one thing that invoked Debs' fiery wrath it was this abysmal racial and color prejudice you display...
...They also endorsed the Continental Congress and will send two delegates ' om er'- local and *'-—*« fr< " -entral organization...
...Gric-- < eommittee la session dally...
...During the period of wholesale bank failures, •few sections have been hit harder than Southern Utah... 150th Street and St...
...The three elected were Jean Cornel, Ab 'in Wjinfeld and Amicus Most...
...It was estimated that between two and three thousand were In line, mostly children carrying banners and placards, some of them denouncing the Socialists...
...You American V ich of bandits have plagued us Germans enocgh with war burdens...
...Each branch will aend a delegation to visit their congressman to present hose demands...
...The committee wishes to extend through The New Leader its thanks for the cooperation of all who helped to make the affair a great success...
...When Norman Thomas appeared the entire throng, Including the Communists, sang the "International...
...FOR A SOCIALIST DAILY By Pierson Ostrow and Wm...
...Blood shall flow...
...In addition to Socialist flags and placards bearing mottoes denouncing Fascism and Hitlerism there were many German Republican flags, and the German Socialist flag, a red banner with the three arrows of the Iront Front...
...Altogether they will have twon' five d< 'n,rates at Washington...
...Address him st 411 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis, Ind...
...There is enough material here for these red srd blackyellow rags [re' —ence is made to the colors of the Republican flag], though they can convince th selves that we National Socialists have done a thorough job in what was up to now the German pigsty, and that we have sent those Communists and yellow rags into another world...
...on the 1 inking situation, in a letter to Representative Abe Murdoch of the First Congressional District...
...JAMAICA: meets every Mondsy st 107-60 New York Blvd...
...S. Llpschlts, William M. Feigenbaum, David Pinskl, Sidney Hillman, Abraham Cahan, Bruno Wagner, Giralamo Valenti and others...
...Educational meetings and street meetings held weekly...
...COLLEGE POINT: meets weekly at St...
...To understand what labor revolutionaries and the Jewish people have faced in Germany we submit below the translation of an unsigned letter received by the Neue Volkezeitung, the German Socialist weekly published in New York City...
...was held in Newark oa April 12th in the large hall of the Industrial Art School...
...Ignoring the speaker they chanted, "We demand a United Front," and continued to shout until angry protest from members of the audience who had come to listen to the speeches caused them to quit...
...I should like to point out »t while most of the specificcharges are true, this line of attack ignores entirely the principle that toe people get just about the sort of government thev wart...
...A constitution, committee consist- of Judah Altman, David Moss, John Lipscomb, Roger Cornell, Jean Cornell, were elected...
...Educational meetings, and grievance committee sits regularity at Socialist Party headquarters . in Flushing...
...Despite the Interruptions, however, the meeting was an impressive demonstration of the solidarity of New York's workers, and the speskers delivered hammer blows at Fascism...
...Roosevelt's actions are, therefore, a perfect proof of the truth of what every Socialist speaker said dozens of tunes during the last campaign: "ft will not matter very much whether the Republicans or Democrats win, the amount of relief given in the coming months Will be determined by the size of tha ' 'is vote...
...Newark, N. J. THE "MONEY CHANGERS" By Sam Hill More than one hundred citizens of this Southern Utah town have expressed themselve...
...PERCENTAGE RBTl'RNS By H. I. Fos The New Leader seerns to be devoting entirely too much space to attacks on the Roosevelt nroSam...
...The Socialists promised 12 billion for unemployment relief...
...We boys t" Hitler are also wa !iii ¦» in Am '-a, and we swear venge?--"*' on the German hating Jews who have denounced our Comrade Paul Manger [chief of the HP'.cr organization in New.York...
...In all, the leagues are handli.g an average of «*•—' one hundred cases weekly...
...therefore we shall take vengeance . the Ame:'an bloodsuckers and on the red Jewish rabble...
...Had 50 per cent of the vote cast in the last election been Socialist, the people would no., be getting 100 per cent of the Socinlist program...
...the swas'^a >"s over the Liebknecht house...
...We run this Bote merely that our readers in Philadelphia may identify you and be quarantined against your presence.—Editor...
...Boston, Mass...
...WASHINGTON HEIGHTS: meets every Tuesday at the Y.M...
...Delegates from Communist organizations having been barred from meetings of the conference, the Communist Party instructed...
...Hss educational and str~*t meetings...
...let us hope it will soon get you big-mcuthed American workers, and our thers v ill da our hands...
...Bawks were elected...
...Roosevelt's program allots a half billion or a little over 4 per cent of the Socialist demand...
...These people realize the futility of hoping for security at the hands of Wall ar.d La Salle Street pirates of finance...
...every Wednesday...
...Big Import of Nazi Culture Received by New York Paper Which Leader Readers Will Appreciate Nasi culture has come to America...
...The letter sent to Mr...
...It would bring before the nonSocialist public the questions which Socialists are endeavoring— so futilely —to popularize...
...2% per cent Socialist vote entitles them to about 5 per cent Socialism...
...Here it is: "You red rabble and yellow rag: "In Germany you are done for, so now you want to be bigsnouted here...
...Morris Goldowsky Honored A testimonial banquet has been arranged for Saturday -evening, April 22nd, at Beethoven Hall, in honor of Morris Goldowsky, well known in the Socialist and labor movement, on the occasion of his 50th birthday...
...SOUTH BROOKLYN BRANCH 2: meets weekly at 275 Gold St...
...Kane We feel the need for the establishment of a daily paper, as s weekly paper cannot be adequately put before the non-Socialist public...
...The proceeds of the affair were devoted to the work of the Rand School...
...Comrade Richards Is a printer snd understands the value of widespread distribution of literature...
...EAST BRONX: meets weekly at 7 East 170th Street...
...Now our Fatherland at last has awakened and 1 'eed itself from its fetters...
...Now you display the same unreasoning attitude to the Negro boys whose lives are in the hands of Alabama courts and you have the insufferable effrontery to say, "Oh, for a Debs...
...The reporta of the individual locals are as follows: HARLEM: meets every Friday at 11 West 135th Street...
...9 THE BRAY of THE WEEK Extra...
...Headquarters open daily for grievance cases...
...How about the rest of The New Leader readsrs...
...Thomas-Barnes Debate A most successful debate between Norman Thomas and Henry Elmer Barnes on the subject, "Can Roosevelt Save Capitalism...
...The booklet appears to be a steady seller and the author Is a member of the Socialist local at Indianapolis, Ind...
...A publication committee of Sam Sc...
...Again, during some of the speeches they shouted and tried to drown them out...
...For example, a charge is made thai Roo.-e veil's proposals are inadequate The logical answer is ,tht fueation, "What should he do...
...The Washington Heights branch has been carrying on a fight to have a relief station in its district, the nearest one being at present at 102nd Street, which means that pi -liless workers have to walk over five miles to the station...
...BROWNSVILLE: meets weekly at Brooklyn Labor Lyceum, has organised community council el labor, fraternal and charity organizations to support work of the league...
...Locally a spocial Tight is to be carried on to demand relief for single unr~"' men...
...Over 300 guests are assured on this occasion and a very attractive program of musk and speeches has been prepared...
...Future activities of the leagut i: " Jo, th" ' "> of a ly bulletin, the setting up of classes in each local, stret meetings, and a city-wide demonstration some ti'.' ¦ ' - fhc summer...
...Frank Kingdon was a brilliant chairman of the debate...
...He has to his credit over thirty years or loyal Work in the ranks of the Socialist Party...
...NORTH BRONX: holding first meeting at Shiff Center Wednesday...
...All heil Hitler...
...The Harlem branch has been the most successful, reporting a membership of over two thousand...
...It is intended to "break the soil," to reach those whose interest must be awakened...
...Has educe ; >nal and mass meetings...
...MIDWOOD: meets weekly at party headquarters...
...So beware henceforth of the German Hitlerites in New York, America...
...Nicholas Ave...
...We Hitlerites fear Hitler and Mussolini, but n:> American red labor rabble...
...It is, therefore, restricted to a field where it can do least good—the readers are already Socialists...
...World Fascism lives and marches on...
...FLATBU8H: saeets weekly at Socialist Party headquarters...
...SOUTH BROOKLYN BRANCH 1: meets every Tuesday -<¦ 157 Montague Street Holds ' -eet meetings and mass meetings...
...the average newsstand cannot carry it...
...Its members and affiliates to attend the Uunion Square demonstration In a body...
...The great square was an impressive setting for the tossing banners...
...Particularly impressive was a huge banner with a portrait of Karl Marx, and his great battle-cry: "WORKERS OP THE WORLD, UNITEI YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR CHAINS...
...Has over three thousand signatures to Unemployment Insurance petition Next mass meeting Tuesday, Ami.' 25th, P. S. No...
...29, Baltic and Derrick Streets...
...A crowd estimated at between 15,000 and 20,000 cheered a score of speakers, shouted denunciation of Hitlerism and called for unity of action among all workers in the struggle for emancipation...
...o this The New leader would ¦ most likely reply, "Put through Socialist measures, unemployment insurance, socialized banking, etc...
...and it was only by a chain of the locked arms of some of the husky Socialists that a Communist bloc was prevented from rushing the platform a certain point...
...Your letters reveal a vicious Negrophobia...
...His pamphlet retails for 10 cents and a reduction is made in lots of s dozen or more...
...warts, D. Rosenbaum ^d Miss Busb...
...And the answer to that is, """ per cent of the people have just voted against such measures...
...By the way, wc warn you against further inlmatory ar es, or we will turn down the Bolshevi ' bang t with 'ie red %z, jj:.L as ur brothers have done today...
...Has organized a Community Council of about twenty trade unions, fraternal organisations, etc...
...Among the organisations participating are the Socialist Party, the Jewish Daily Forward, the Cloakmakers' Union, United Hebrew Trades, Workmen's Circle, Naturalisation Aid League, and many others...
...The undersigned are willing to contribute a small sum of money toward the initiation of a daily paper project...
...Has gym class three times weekly at the Y.M.H.A...
...The debate was arranged by Charles Schapiro, member of the Rand School Board of Directors, and Charles Manhoff, who were assisted by a committee of local Socialists...
...Grievance committee can be seen daily...
...Unsigned,) W.0.L REPORTS EFFECTIVE WORK At the central committee meeting of the Workers' Unemployed Leagues, Tuesday night at tho I.L...
...Cedar City, Utah._ Anti- Fascist Demonstration * Draws Vast Throng A THUNDERING protest against Hitlerisrn and Fascism in all its forms was registered Saturday afternoon at a huge tnass meeting at Union Square called by the Socialist and Labor Conference against Fascism...
...SOCIALISM EXPLAINED' "Socialism Explained," a 47page pamphlet by W. H. Richards, has gone into its fifth edition...
...At the central committee sting Tuesday Sight resolutions were passed demanding a fair trial for the Scottsboro boys, protesting against the military administration and the low wages at the forestry camps and demanding the passage of the Black bill with provisions for no lowering of wages...
...Cedar City citizens maintain that such a measure is highly desirable, and they bav- state;' their case in quite deflni'e terms...
...When the meeting was called at 1 p. m. by August Claessens as chairman the square was black with people, over whom waved countless flags and banners...
Vol. 15 • April 1933 • No. 16