Poor Old Capitalism Fast Getting Aged and Decrepit
Coben, Joseph E.
By Joseph E. Coben Poor Old Capitalism Fast Getting Aged and Decrepit The New Deal Government Is Trying to Pump Life Into It With Streams of Gold—But It Looks Hopeless. ___ yj^S the...
...But the eight billion itself is to be put down in the Government's ledger as "capital account...
...He was but 54 when he was struck down on the streets of New York by a taxicab, but in his 35 years of activity he had packed in so much work and so many achievements that it is impossible even to list them in a space like this...
...By this and that a half billion is to be given outright to the Senate for relief, and some hundreds of millions more are to be spent, on public works, on relief-sized pay...
...1st.—Wels has telegraphed to the Bureau that since the meeting of the Bureau of the Labor and Socialist International was held in the absence of the German delegates they are therefore not responsible for the resolutions of the Bureau...
...It belongs to another section of Jhe New Leader...
...They dig up the money to cover deficits and dig up more to keep the whole show going...
...Rut an old edict from my boss against personalities has been studiously observed...
...It is just as easy as that...
...The International urgently recommends the affiliated parties to refrain from any separate negotiations until ths Communist Interdeepest affection for him personally...
...The henchmen of Tammany, who had conspired to steal election after election, felt so grieved at his tragic and untimely death that they quietly attended his funeral, walked behind his coffin—and were unknown to any one in the throngs that mourned...
...A New Deal would mean a new set of books...
...London lived briefly, but his life covered much...
...yj^S the money-changers went Mooting out the bark door of the teniple, to return through the front door with the Secretary of the Treasury, Washington picked up a tri(k or two of tanking practice...
...By Joseph E. Coben Poor Old Capitalism Fast Getting Aged and Decrepit The New Deal Government Is Trying to Pump Life Into It With Streams of Gold—But It Looks Hopeless...
...The Money-Changers Nor should it be overlooked that, in spite of what the Government has done up to now for the moneychangers, less than half of the deposits in the country are in Federal banks...
...To tonic capitalism, the Government takes from the poor...
...The Socialists of this city have completed their ticket for the city election and are carrying on a vigorous campaign...
...The editor permits no personal invectives or abuse but a satirical rejoinder by one comrade tc another is legitimate in meetings or in the party prees...
...At one time a tariff bill was before Congress, and he made himself a master not only of the tariff before him but also of the history and the theory of tariffs...
...Or for that matter, the American Socialist Quarterly...
...How many meetings will become ruined by lack of membership attendance, just bocause he does not agree with Norman's "Marxism...
...It learnt that neither money nor goM makes the mare go, but credit...
...Here is a sure sign that capitalism ha...
...And then, this constsnt harping against the L. 1. D. by these same "science" absessed lads and lasses gets my nanny...
...A few things that comrade Thomas had said in his preface to this pamphlet had irked Halm the "scientific Marxist" into unveiled ire...
...Small wonder that more banks are leavng the Federal Reserve than are being driven into it...
...Who gives the skin of a last week's knishe whether Thomas said "scientific," or "theological approach" about Laski's tale about Marx...
...For one, I wish the comrades of "scientific" bent and scholastic disposition would keep their weighty opinions for I symposiums snd party conventoins...
...Thst means balancing its budget...
...In Private Business In fact, there is talk of the President having in mind huge expenditures in what has always Er of ilea London ti, plundered b) Tammany looked up in sthsT" peso elected ft, following ¦are Garden ileasly happy to reiebiaU mf said Mor Netty, "» *< the House of •o has to hire Garden for a reception to his erred six years t the most terBt history...
...It does not stimulate industry by boosting the wage rate consuming power...
...I'm strong for these comrades...
...The party was unable to fill all the places on the ticket, however, because of intimidation...
...I'm mighty proud to be numbered among the lesser 'intelligentsia" and am just tickled crimson with the work that has been accomplished in spreading sympathy for out cause In the citadels of conservatism by that organization...
...In opening a capital account, the Government shouid write off the debt book some capitalist depreciation for old age...
...But Boosevelt is not Hoover...
...True, they have not made any deep study of Hegelian dialectic, or the weighty differences between Proudhon, Bakunin and Marx...
...Councilgien: John Dluzniewski, Frank H. Bohmer, John Vaninetty...
...he fought Successful cam bally won electee told me thst pstrict had to h the bag just jm engaged in earnest and often violent controversy within his own party, and he used to say that his bitterest fights were with himself: "Often in tbe afternoon I differ violently from my position of that asme morning...
...Not at all...
...The full ticket follows: Aldermen: Robert A. Chapman, Daniel J. Greer...
...It does not levy upon the tremendous hundreds of millions held in excess over the surplus the Federal Reserve System is meant to carry...
...And nothing he could say in a foreword on Marx or Mussolini needs any perusal or censorship from us...
...The fact that this system was also adopted in countries in which the Communist parties are small and unimportant organisations is an indication that Moscow ha* not learned even from the tragic development* in Germany the absolute necessity for a frank and hon est combination of all the forces of the workers...
...That just your whims and words convey enough Of time and incident for me to know The seasons and their meanings to my sens...
...How many dues stamps do you think will be paid for or neglected because Haim doesn't like Thomas' approach to that booklet...
...He thereupon learned to read Italian and he read all he could of the House of Doges—and quite startled the best-informed men in the House with his exceptional knowledge of the whole field of government...
...There is the danger thst too much of this inconsequential pricking and teeth-gnashing will create a feeling of well-earned disgust with our "scientific" savants if this manner of public back biting Is persisted in at too great length...
...That is not a new departure...
...W. M. F. (Next week: Meyer London—II...
...If the Government was really to go in for business in a big way and sell its bonds in a good market, it would have to make its credit Arm...
...School Committee: Henry E. Gardiner and Marion E. Bohmer...
...I'm terribly sorry to postpone a whopping little column on the United Front, only because I thought a little sweeping up in our own parlor first might tidy things up...
...In short, from now on there will 1 less individualistic capitaism and more State capitalism...
...Proof that capitalism has been growing old, even in America, is found in the lone plank for social legislation in the Democratic platform—old age and unemployment insurance by states...
...Altogetht some eight billion dollars of Federal funds are to be spread around as fertilizer to revive agriculture, banks, railroads, insurance rompanies and similar mammoth industries...
...There are folks in our movement who hnve Joined becauss of idealism, inspiration and a desire to carry on for the new day...
...We may add that no "censorship" of the Kantorovich article was necessary...
...On the contrary, as beer will tell...
...Sam violated an editorial rule In taking this matur into his column, but as he had no other copy available the editor let it go through...
...Mainly, however, London lived, and he inspired those who knew hra...
...Socialists Defy Bosses' Intimidation NEW BRITAIN, Conn...
...That might be met out of new taxes, and the sales tax is again being taken out for an airing...
...Because the wisdom of the interdiction was all too apparent...
...Left without Government protection, the little banks would be even more at the mercy of the giants of Wall Street in control of the Federal Reserve...
...Liberals who boast of the Federal System having been established by Woodrow Wilson may chew upon that...
...the Communist International contained no reply to the main question raised by the L.S.I., but that it followed the well-known method of laying down conditions and attacking the Socialist Parties before negotiations could begin...
...When he went to Congress he was not satisfied merely to make conventional So cialiat stump speeches...
...aged and is in decline...
...I personal resigStte Executive, aUe from Ra*, member of pwcutive who HE the Paris gU» Daily ForPABIS, Apr...
...So Washington is another story...
...To know him was to love him...
...The ticket is running on a vigorous platform, calling for municipal enterprises and an end to false economy at the expense of the schools...
...have become so nearly sum and slug Of what my living out this life ean show...
...he gave himself the task of studying and understanding everythng that was before the House, and so he gradually became one of the bestinformed public men in America...
...And that alone was a contribution of enormous importance to the Socialist movement of America...
...metes Converge and swirl about in bright suspense, Th* discords ramping out of harthened th tools, Alt outward scene and motion on this plane Have poured their substance in a erueibh Of love for you...
...Our Columnist Takes Issue With the Tenor of a Piece in Last Week's New Leader By S. A. DeWitt ¦ MORE SONNETS y^ttt...
...From the standpoint of the capitalist ta payer, this is that much in the red...
...to the extent labor pushes forward for the public good and social legislation, the Government can mark up investment in human welfare...
...For' London wss one of that, rare breed that knows how to grow and develop...
...But as a Socialist we'll trust him to carry on among the heathen with the full assurance that he will always do us and himself proud...
...It is reported that party members in certain wards are afraid to accept party nominations, or even to talk Socialism, for fear of losing their jobs...
...AST week's issue of The New Leader contained one ertide that must have escaped, In part at least, the censorship that is usually invoked when personal attacks arej made by one comrade against another...
...Rut this eight billion is not to be regarded as part of the year's bookkeeping...
...Selectman: Herbert S. Dyckman...
...He studied tariffs of the past, and he learned of the tariff measures of the House of Doges that had ruled Venice for many centuries...
...The flood of days, the pools where men u»e...
...Hie service to the movement is beyond prsise or evaluation...
...We might even disagree with his viewpoint on this phsse or another...
...The breed is different...
...Nor is the present Congress natural offspring of the unlamented one before...
...We may return to this matter of the ethics of discussion later...
...Most of what the Reconstruction j Finance Corporation has been pour ing into wobbly banks, railroads, insurance companies and building and loan ascociations properly belongs as so much capital stock bought by the Government, rather ' than loans soon to be repaid...
...and be it wine or bane Transcending heaven, or disgorging hell, To drink implies a hazard sadly small, Since life without you, were no life at oh...
...That is all...
...Those who know the habits of Tammany henchmen will realize the depth of that personal tribute...
...Only accepting Hoover terms can the Government take from poor Peter to pay poor Paul...
...Lsski's brochure on Ksrl Marx...
...He had been with them so long, they had known him ao intimately, they had been through so much together that they had hardly noticed his steady growth from just a good and willing branch worker to the stature he assumed toward the end...
...London lived a turbulent, a fighting life, and it was not until after hia retirement from Congress—a "retirement" forced by a crooked Tammany gerrymander of his district, s Republican-Tammany fusion and wholesale theft of votes—that his comrades really began to appreciate him...
...Heaven alone known how earnestly I have fought against the impish urge to haul a comrade or so over these columnar coals during the laat few years...
...But that is not to disturb the perfect balance which the budget has now reached...
...Norman needs no paladin for his defense...
...Dead horses must be buried...
...Likewise streams of funds which ' left the postal savings system, out of the billions now deposited with the Government, and which were | played into private banks, in exchange for good securities, put with the Government unexpected capital in private business...
...So it is taking a billion dollars from expected spending to its employees and veterans, thereby taking its expected income fit its expected overhead...
...t Awaits Answer « on Unity I Socialist International, through its executive prit last week, issued a statement in which it f*nk and honest agreement" on joint action can BPjjUong between the Internationaf and the HttcJore recBlM parties HSaxotistions l*» until the HWhas satisBJsttons put I** reads: rjhe L.S.I, deiHJlttons be¦Pthmals as BP* and hon ¦ lP*t defensive lj» «nd the I* further J2»unlst h»!*» the L.S.I...
...And for that matter, whether Haim Kantorovich likes that remark or not...
...Parch 5th, P* too /„,„ ,¦„ HjMifmto of v...
...Un[sr, who came to I of friendliness i was promptly earful problems of ths war, and : of America's the European of pesce, one of I sweetest souls iwn, bis whole attle...
...national has answered the fundamental question which still remains open, and until results have been achieved by agreement between the two Internationals...
...I refer of course ta Haim Kantorovich's broadside against Norman Thomas, m his review of Prof...
...Will some one more tsctful than myself just put these csrplng critics wise to ley off on the L. I. D. snd go on shout the Job of cresting Socialist sentiment in their own particular fields...
...Perhaps they are still a bit hazy over the fine shades lint separate the materialistic conception from the immaculate, but by the hoard of our prophet these are the lads and lassies that do the "dirty work" of our organization, of our campaigns, of our meetings...
...We have enough of mental confusion about issues and policy without bringing in bias and grudge against persons to add to the muddle...
...His bitterest political enemies had the been considered very private business...
...The best intellectual material we have in the movement belongs to that organization...
...Th> budget will be jarred crooked only by the interest account, as current expenses...
...But despite his deep knowledge, despite his genuine contributions to legislative progress, despite his services to the workers on the industrial field (and they were many and of incalculable value), Meyer London remained to the end what he was in the beginning: o flaming soul, a man on fire with love for humanity and devotion to the cause of human emancipation...
...Or else we will go the wsy of split-up snd squssh of ths Communists, through much sdo about individual threads of dogma snd little enough left for the fight against Capitalism...
...Failure to keep industry going means putting this charge on its deficit side...
...I'm more concerned with th* effect such unwar' ranted press attacks from our own comrsdes has upon newcomers into our ranks...
Vol. 15 • April 1933 • No. 14