How the CROM, Mexico's Labor Movement, Is Being Disrupted

Mautner, Milton S.

Milton S.Mautner How the CROM, Mexico's Labor Movement, Is Being Disrupted So-OdUd "OaanaWr of Labor" Merely a Cloak for Fascist Reaction — Government Party Seeks to Smash Unions. 4a...

...It still lies upon the books...
...It has been improperly administer d and it is not too much to say, it has been sabotaged...
...In addition, the workers were compelled to furnish pins necessary in making the garments...
...Attempts nave been carried since 1918 to break up the CROM, but none has had any marked success...
...1 A strike oil women and girls employed by John H. Swisher 0 Co., Jacksonville, Florida, was called by the Cigar Makers Union...
...The CROM, therefore, in its position as a Marxist party, is being forced to the wall by these methods and needs the help of labor organizations in Spain as well as America...
...It has championed the American standard of riving as no other group has championed R, and the wage-slashing program of Presi dent Roosevelt is Jaet as abhorrent as though it were tbe proposal of Herbert Hoover, A. W. Mellon or Ogden Mills...
...After investigation, it was disclosed that the maximum output of machine operators was only ;: oiio cigara per day, whieb gave them an earning power of IS.75 per week provided they were able to work fall time...
...Abraham Miller, Secretary-Treaeurer, in a statement said that the union will do everything in its power to got a hundred per cent turn-out...
...The Chamber of Labor works on th<principles of Fas...
...It has retarded loans...
...Arraageascats will be made- for a membership drive among the aniens sympathetic te the Becmllst Party...
...Roosevelt selected as hl# director of budget ana of ths moat notorious defenders of the powei trust in the lower house ef Congress...
...Joseph Tn vim, Secretary of the Socialist-Labor Conference on Unemployment, and August Claessens, organiser of the Socialist Party of New York, have issued a special call to all organisers sad secretaries of Socialist Party branches as well as heads of labor union units to immediately get in touch with the office at 7 East 15th Street with a view of cooperating for the most successful consummstion of the parade and demonstration of this Msy 1st...
...Vicente Loaabewdw Isfcdano...
...The motion was introduced by Deputy Bruno Kalnin, Socialist SOB of the Socialist President of the Kejm...
...Jna history ef the CBOM dates "as* its formation in IMS, at ahleh time it was warmly snpf**cd by the- A. F. of L. With the ¦ap ef the A. F. of L. the CBOM *M«eded is maintaining the new uoTOwntmt of Revolution and "**yhig on its activities for the **«nc«ment of the woTktngmen 2 "**•« At that time and for 'U leader was Luis N. **•*•"• who secured cabinet ««e under Calles...
...The fraternal, and other labor unions ati.ii......I with the Socialiet and Labor Conference on Unemployment Insurance* have voted support to the parada and demonstration on May Day...
...The party also supported General P. Eliaa Calles in the 1924 election...
...Members desiring to bring matters before the committee may do so st this meeting...
...The Reconstruction Finance Corporation has wrapped itself in remote dignity and a cold aloofness from relief problems...
...fiiare the assassination of Genital Obregon in 192* after his elect ion to a second term aa president, and the election of the reactionary E. Cortes Gil for au Interim term in the presidency, the CBOM hss refrained from taking part in tbe Government...
...fa addition to this latter, the CBOM addresses all labor organi Mams of the American continent Sat of Spain, bidding them beware sTlhs representatives of the Cham •er of Labor...
...These delegates **iu appear in the United States •;!ahei representatives...
...Tbe CROM fears that it will not be allowed to continue its affiliation with the A. F. of L. hf there is not an in'mediate meeting of the Pan-American Federation of Labor, which has been continually postponed...
...National Revo brtionaiy Party, the statement says ¦. It is this Party which has set ep its Chamber of Labor, and per sanisd various unions to break away from the ('ROM, and even declared itself the actual CROM m ah attempt to break the proletarian movement...
...sucb s man, the governsaat retaliated oy creating a peKtkal machinery to which governSaSBt employees were obliged to amtribnte one day's pay per swath...
...on struetive...
...sailed th...
...The resolution that was passed reads: "That all foreign Fascists hostile to the Latvian democratic republic are to be expelled from the country and their organisations dissolved...
...A special feature of this Msy 1st parade will be the Union Label Division, in which will participate all those members of trade unions which are desirous of emphasising the need for s union label on the product in which they are engaged as toilers...
...a.mmrtmein of labor laws...
...Get Ready for May Day THE Socialist Party, the Socialist-Labor Conference on I iicmplnyment, the Y.P.S.L., the Workmen's Grcle branches, Young Circle Leagues, the United Hebrew Trades, Jewish Socialist Verband, Jewish National Workers' Alliance, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of...
...Santiago Igleaiaa, seereUry of ft« I'aa-American Federation of Labo., bas made public tbe appeai «f tii.j CROM," calling upon labor organizations in the Western Jwmwpbere and u> Spain to continue their recognition of the CROM as the gneuine organisation •f the Mexican working class...
...Labor Committee Notes | OCAL 138, Teamsters' Union, has instituted a drive for members among the Flour Drivers...
...More than a billion dollars of the so-called Federal deficit has been rharged up by a perverse sort of bookkeeping, which puts loans to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in current expense account...
...An th party in power, it has held out _zzling offers to the men in the (ROM, and some have deserted for the sake of their personal advancement...
...Orgaaized labor opposes with all its economic strength any effort to reduce the purchasing power of the worker...
...But now, by means described in Tbe New Leader of March 18tk, tbe anti-CROM activitiee, sapported by the government, are slowly splitting that organization...
...His personal fortune is largely tied up in the copper mining industry, snd old Laborites will recall that it was Douglas' father who paid for the kidnapping of over a hundred copper minere daring a strike at the Bisbee copper mines and had these men transported in box cars into the Arizona desert without food or water...
...The "Union Advocate" of Minnesota of March 10th, says In an article, that organised labor bn* received its second disappointment from the Roosevelt administration The editorial, in part, says: "Organized labor has consistently fought against any and all wagr and salary reductions whether they be in private industry or in governmental service...
...They have been perniciously active for a long time...
...A public works program has never actually been tried...
...He opposed Senator Norrie whan that veteran legislator battled fa* government operation ef Muscle Shoals, and he fought every* effort of the hate Senator Thomas Walsh to broaden the powers of the Federal Trade Commission in its investigation of the power monopoly...
...The new group* formed claim they ! separated flora the CROM because its program was not radical enough, or because it was too radical, or because they wished to act independently of any political ties...
...LATVIA MOVES ACABBT FASCISM k i t .A A Socialist motion to the Latvian Scjm, or parliament, calling upori the government to dissolve Latvian Fascist organise* lions and denouncing the Latvian government for fsvors shown German Hitlerites, has been car* ried, and all foreign Fascists were immediately expelled...
...Douglas, who will direct Mr...
...The initiation fee is |2, and those wishing to join can get in touch with Secretary Snyder, 158 Rivington Street, N. Y. C. • * * A meeting of the Labor Committee will be held this Saturday, April 8, 2:30 p. m, at 7 Bast 15th Street, New York City...
...It has done , nothing constructive, or re...
...If there are still people," he declared passionately, "who after the atrocities that have been daily events in Germany recently, travel to Germany to greet Hitler they are one of two things—either imbeciles or one hundred per cent criminals...
...When* however, Portes Gil became President, tbe CROM withdrew from the government, and since then has been forced to fight against the open opposition of the government, Leon reports...
...Since the C&OM stayed out of a government keaded by...
...Their actions belie their words, says the statement issued...
...To date, in 89 months of the depression, nothing has been done for the unemployed except provide a niggardly private dole, irregular in plan and character...
...Charles Graaida* aad sang Hurtado, former members ef tte CROM, who upon their expni<hS from that organization joined am National Revolutionary Party, now serve these interests against the CROM and the workingmen ef ¦ttlco, Leon says...
...The need for balancing the budget has been misrepresented, used as a fetish to piotect shiver¬ ing millionaires from higher tax rates...
...Finally, there are ways to raise new r e v e n a e other than through the sales tax, but one would not know it from the caterwauling chorus coming from the capitalist press, in brief, the serious economic crisis makes mors clear than ever the character of the conspiracy i against the "community* which i goes on constantly under the guise of government for, and by, trig business...
...It was revealed (hat mast of the girls were abb to make only about 2,009 cigars a day, which at the f.O-cent rate brought them $0 in wages provided there were no layoffs...
...It has been more conservative in g r a n t i ng loans to municipalities for relief purposes than private bankers...
...It is recognized that at this time in the history of Labor's struggle, the voice of the workers of America must be raised high In protest against the menace of fascism all over the world...
...Roosevelt's plsn to slash the wages of federsl employees, is famous for his apposition te the building of Boulder Dam as a government project...
...That all organizations hostile to the Latvian democratic republic, viz., the Latvian National Socialist Party, the Fiery Cross Unions, the Legion and other Fascist organizations, are to be dissolved and then' journals prohibited.'' The foreign Fascists are mainly well-paid employees of foreign firms doing business in Riga...
...Milton S.Mautner How the CROM, Mexico's Labor Movement, Is Being Disrupted So-OdUd "OaanaWr of Labor" Merely a Cloak for Fascist Reaction — Government Party Seeks to Smash Unions...
...B. Surasky, president of the local, in a statement, said: "The strike was precipitated by the determination ef the manager to reduce the wages twice in one day...
...GOVERNMENT REFUSES REAL JOBLESS RELIEF By G. M. Bugniazet Secretary, International Brother, JtoecJ of KleetHeal Worker* of Ameriea...
...Both had long leen So < ihlists and members of the Labor Parry...
...Partes CM whet) governor of Tamaulipas, had ordered all workers to with Sw from the CBOM and from an tpendent organization, althougn as himself bad once been a meanest of the Labor Party...
...4a SPLIT in the Mexican labor ™ movement fostered by the ¦stiooal Kevolutionary Party has been definftety confirmed by SLjjyfctsas from the Mexican federation of Labor (the ptOM) Kmmvrs of such activiy had ap|ieared in The New Leader March !8th, at which a*,, no direct statenieut couW |t secured...
...e e • The Joint Board of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers has unanimously decided to join the Socialist Barty in its May Day Demonstration...
...recogof the iegai personality of 1...
...Now the National Revolutionary Party ha» taken over the groups that were taken from the CROM and by the formation of a Chamber of Labor seeks entirely to destroy the organized labor movement of Mexico, is charged...
...Through its General Secretary, fwario Leon, the Central Committee of the <'ROM baa issued an appeal to William Green, president ef the Pan-American Federation ef Labor, not to .recognize any alar delegates who are not aphorized by the CROM...
...In the meantime the ('ROM urgently repeats its request that labor does not recognize the Chamber of Labor...
...Coupled wtta this program to 'balance the budget' is the fact that Mr...
...Cooperation from the I. L. G. W. 0„ Cspmskers, United Hebrew Trades and Leather Goods workers, has been promised...
...When Obiregen became President a l»2u, he signed an agreement B? th* ofneials of the CROM ¦nmhy the latter stated its pronsm: the creation of a ministry r"** ,w«deeT by a labor man...
...6,50 per week is the prevailing rate in this shop, for women...
...America, the International Ladies' Garment Workers and many other labor awl fraternal organizations have received a call to participate m a conference Thursday, April 13th, at the People's House, 7 East 15th St., to prepare definite plans for a monster May 1st mass parade and demonstration...
...M ln *fPa1ri •*,abOT <>«¦These meastres, der" h"n,,flt *"« Mexican rT^rmo,,,, were aided in their -fRment i,y the creation of the Mexican Labor Party, whuh sup ported the candidacy of Obregon, and Morones became secretary of labor...
...Local 65, I. L. G. W. U., of Los Angeles, is out on strike against the Imperial Cloak Co., one of the largest Arms in the city...
...These miners were members of the American Federation of Labor...
...The Jacksonville Central Labor Union supporting the strike, stated that the wages of machine operatros were cut from 75 cents per 1,000 cigars to 50 cents...
...With many millions of workers unemployed, with insecurity facing vast sections of the working population of every nation, the workers in the United States must show their solidarity with labor In celebrating May 1st as sn international holiday...
...Many a* them were reported to be earning us little as 60 or 60 cents a da and the average pay was said 4 be about td a week . * * « Itrrause their pay has been cut so often that it now stands onlf 15 per cent above nothing, em ployes of the Cooper Tire Com pany of Ftndtay, Ohio, are ot etrihe for restoration of the wage scale In effect December 1, 1031 According te the strikers, theii wages were slashed 50 per cant in the last three months and 85 per cent einea March, 1982...
...He denounced the action of the government In permitting German supporters of Hitler to leave the country on the state railways at 50 pee cent reduction in their fate, and on a group passport, in order to vote in the March 6th elections...
...It does not accept the principle of class struggle but wishes to force class cooperation, to the benefit of the employer...
...Hours are unlimited, running as high as 60 hours, with no pay for overtime...
...THE Aiaaricaa unemployed arc being bluffed American Labor is being bluffed...

Vol. 15 • April 1933 • No. 14

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