Labor Committee Notes
Labor Committee Notes AN l«»Mte>4 saestiag ef Hue "* trade union mtmberahip will b« held tai» Saturday afternoon, March 18, at I:M p. at., at 7 East 15th Street. Members of the Party arc urged...
...ficstions of labor...
...For thle treachery Seefehlner has been dismissed from his post...
...Weinberg was arrested when he refused to disband a peaceful and orderly meeting at the demand of patrolman on the beat...
...Strikers at the Mack Ave plant attempted to form a picket line again the next morning, police repeated their attack...
...Victor Norstrom was hit on the head with a club, chased into an empty Held by a mounted policeman, struck down snd ridden over three times...
...The bill is similar to the yellowprohibition in the Norris-LaGuardla anti-injunction law enacted last year by the United States Congress...
...Ha will as* his efforts to bring about a shorter work week without reduction of pay...
...Strikers protested to Mayor Murphy and he ordered the police to cease their harassing and persecution of the strikers...
...Physicians have offered their services free to the strike committee...
...Open-air meetings are being held nightly...
...Strike HdiiFw Despite Police Brstabt...
...This is the former residence of Professor Richard A. Proctor, called the "Darwin of Astronomy...
...Further resolved that we favor a new desl which will lead to government ownership of all banks.' " • * * In accordance with the resolution adopted at the recent convention in Cincinnati by the A. F, of L., instructions were sent to all organisations to aid in the organization drive among the chain stores throughout the United States...
...That organization is soon to be merged with other • federal agencies including the Farm Loan Board, but Morgenthau and Gaston are expected to remain the chief executive officers of the merger, dealing with agricultural credit...
...Unem> ployed butcher workers are visit* ing Workmen's Circle branches, fraternal organisations and labor unions impressing upon their mem* bershlp the importance, of purchasing their meat and poultry fiord shops that display the sign of ths union...
...Theodora M. Brandle and hie executive staff were formally notified bf the) Ironworkers' Local 45 ef Jersey City that they have been suspended as rspreseotatlvee ad jUWUR WEEK MEANS JBJS FOR MANY MILLIONS By Fred Hewitt fBfctr, Maekini$t$'Monthly Journal ¦THE adoption of the six-hour day ¦ gyj the five-day weak by all emgj>yer> would give immediate emSLment to several millions of jBCidentslly, we believe the Govatusaent should lead the way by adspting the shorter work week itHSS provide that all contracts E Government work shall contain a (barter work week clause...
...A vote taken by the local resulted in requesting the resignetion of Brandle by a vote of 350 to 1. • * • New York State Senate passed a bill to bar yellow-dog contracts...
...and Hart Street, urging support of striking bakers in several local shops...
...At the annual meeting on February 14, it was decided by the Board of Directors to throw the doors open to anyone who migty visit the club at the rate of $1 per day for room and meals...
...When the matter came before Magistrate Casper J. Liota in Gates Avenue Court, Matthew Levy, a prominent Socialist, who is attorney for the Bakers' Union, appeared for Weinberg...
...We think such a conference should be called, but whether or not it is called, eventually steps must be taken to introduce the five-day week in industry, if we are to climb out of the pit of lUgnation in which the country has been wallowing the past three years...
...There if no use deceiving ourselves into believing that good times will naturally come again, and all that is needed to see us through this crisis ie courage end patience...
...Meat cutters, for instance, will be taken into the Butchers' Unions, while the clerks and wagon drivers will be encouraged to join their respective organizations...
...The newcomers are provided with layettes by organised women of the relief committee...
...see Local 662, Poultry Workers' Union, is continuing its organization drive in the downtown district of New York and in Brooklyn...
...The next day the police gave up at the Highland Park plant, and at their mass meeting the Mack Ave...
...106, which Is an AntiYellow Dog Anti-Injunction Bill, which was smothered last year by the Committee on Labor...
...Wage clashing is not going to rsstore prosperity...
...Committee Approves of Sam...
...By refusing to become his confederates the Austrisn rallwaymen have rendered an Inestimable service to the cause of peace and the struggle against Fascism, as they did before In 1020 when under the auspices of the International Transport Workers' Federation , they carried through a boycott ef transports to the) Hungary ef Horthy...
...Strikers' wives have organised to Work with the relief committee...
...Good times will return when the purchasing power of all the people is restored, and not until then...
...the nest session of the Conference for Unemployment In sursnce, 5-Day and 6-Hour Work Week will be held Thursday evening, March 23, s:30 o'clock, at the Debs Auditorium, 7 East 15th St., New York City...
...Gaston will work under the direction of Henry Morgenthsu, Jr., the new chairman of the Farm Board...
...Thus shortly after a large-scale vicious attack on their wages, this manager tried to bribe a systematically impoverished statT by offering them a part of the enormous gains he hoped to make...
...Requests for help ars being sent to the whole country...
...According to John J. Manning, secretary-treasurer of the Union Label Department, the department will arrange for mass meetings, the radio, newspapers and advertising of all kinds, in order to carry on its work...
...The Chicago Federation of Labor has sent the following telegram to President Roosevelt: "At the regu1 lar meeting of the Chicago Federa-1 tion ef Labor, held Sunday, March 5, 1083, representing some 400,000 men and women, resolutions were unanimously passed as follows: 'Whereas, the financial morass in which we find ourselves in every state in the Union is the natural reaction of the Incompetent and dishonest bankers of our country who have abused their trust with the people money...
...The bill applies to the courts of New York State the restrictions which the Norris-LaGuardia bill imposes on federal courts...
...A large picket line paraded hack and forth peaceably for half an hour, when suddenly a hail of bricks, pieces of concrete and iron missiles came from factory windows...
...A similar arrest for the same activity of Abraham Bclsky several weeks before was also won by Comrade Levy...
...In addition to William Green, chairman, and Frank Morrison, secretary, the committee includes T. A. Rickert, Matthew Wolt and James Wilson...
...for old age pensions and give security to the old...
...The model ie reedy to go to the foundry...
...The Union Label Department of the American Federation of Labor is preparing its annual Union Label Campaign, which will be conducted during April...
...Mase meetings are being held In all parte of the city, and labor groups are collecting funds and relief...
...In supporting his candidacy, Garfield Park Lodge No...
...At the last meeting of the Labor Committee, the question of patronizing union-made goods by members of the Psrty was brought to its attention...
...John M. Collins, eld-time Socialist and trade union leader, who is also sn alternate on the Socialist National Executive Committee, is a candidate for Vice-President of the International Association of Machinista...
...One thousand families with an average of four to a family are being cared for by strike relief committee...
...PUinclothesmen swarmed out from the plant gate and threw tear gas bombs at the strikers, who kicked some back at the policemen...
...William Cain, carrying an American flag at the head of the line, was struck down by a brick...
...Freight cars losded with arms, which Frsnce and Britain had demanded should be returned to Italy, were to be sent on to Hungary marked "empty" and empty cans were to be returned to Italy marked "loaded...
...Levy presented most ably the legal basis for the right of unmolested public meetings, and won a favorable decision from the court...
...Seefehlner, confederate of the bloody International of armament makers, offered a sum of 150,000 schillings [about 821,000] to the Austrian Railwaymen's Union, which exposed the attempted corruption, however...
...Othera suffered similar mlstrestment, Achile Dilean, a nonparticlpant, on his way home with an armful of groceries, was attacked by a cop, struck with fists end kicked, eix witnesses later testified...
...The inspection was made at the studio of Robert Aitken, the sculptor...
...strikers decided to use the earns tactics...
...The American Federation of Laker has for months pleaded in vain for a conference of representative ouployers and representatives of oVsrter work week...
...It was also reported by a representative of the Waiters' Union that some fraternal organisations are arranging meetings at non-union hotels and clubs...
...for the substitution of collective ownership and democratic management of all the means of production and distribution of wealth...
...Three strikes are on: In Brooklyn, against Schats, 64 Belmont Ave...
...The local police policy as was afterwards explained by the desk sergeant at police headquarters, "We will not allow any meetings in this district, and we will arrest any one attemting to hold any...
...Under the agreement with the Association, work is to be done on the premises by union labor, and employers cannot do business with Jobbers...
...GASTON SECRETARY OF FARM BOARD WASHINGTON.—Herbert E. " Gaston, newspaper man, once city editor of the New York Call and later on the staff of the New York World, editor of the Minneapolis Star when it was a Socialist daily, who was In charge of daily and weekly papers published by the National Nonpartisan League from its inception in 1916 until its breaking up outside North Dakota in the period of persecution following the World War, has been appointed secretary of the Federal Farm Board...
...It was pointed out that the organization work will be somewhat complicated, due to the fact that the chain stores employ several clans...
...478, which placed his name in nomination, has sent out s letter outlining the program for which Collins stands...
...Strikers caught eight bombs aad carried them off as evidence...
...Financial secretaries of Party branches will please iist all their members belonging to trade unions and mail such lists in to the Party office...
...He has been deputy commissioner of conservation in New York for the past two years, a post be received upon the suspension of The World...
...Arrested WKtl* TuilkklM s> a^maa-^^afaytswsspcaw ww ¦a^aaaaasw ¦VSgW^s^ssasssaspaBBjp For Union, Weinberg Freed A systematic drive by the police on .Socialists aiding the Bakers' Union strikes through the medium of open air meetings in Williamsburgh, received a setback in another teet case this last week...
...therefore it was resolved to demand federal government security on all bank deposits and so advise President Roosevelt...
...In this Union Label Campaign the Union is receiving splendid cooperation from the Yipsels, Socialist Consumers' League, snd ths Labor Committee...
...And the sooner our leaders ef finance and industry realize this, the better It will be for all concerned...
...The union called a strike several weeks ago against sweatshop conditions, cut in wages, home work, unsanitary conditions and out-oftown w oik...
...Again snd again police charged the line, but the strikers crowded down the street before the police attack, marched around the block and paraded right back in front of the factory...
...The Nazi organization, on the trary, agreed to support the criminal designs...
...Sympathy is overwhelmingly on the side of the strikers...
...DETROIT- Brutality on the part of sheriffs and police fatted to break the determination of the 700 strong picket lime of the Brlggs strikers in Highland Park...
...The railroads brotherhoods, composed of the Big Four Brotherhoods, have established a railroad club on the beautiful Orange Lake, Florida, about 100 miles west of Jacksonville...
...Babies are born, strike or no strike," Berts Booster, ia charge of relief stations, said...
...Arrests have been made end pickets fined, but the union will continue its csmpaign for a closed shop...
...The Lsbor Committee went on record requesting that the members of the Party, wherever possible, patronise union-made products and union houses...
...Ac a matter of feet, every wage cut eimply aggravates a situation already dangerously acute by further purchasing power of the masses...
...He was tsken to the hospital with a fractured skull...
...The Assembly has before it also Bill No...
...The committee also approved the landscape plan for the Memorial prepared by the firm of Vitale and Geiffert...
...V * The Chicago Federation of Labor has asked Judge Lewis H. Ward, who will hear the motion for a new trial for Tom Mooney, to recognize "the ttime-honored custom that recognizes a defendant's right to be present at any and all hearings involving his life or liberty," and to issue a summons for the appearance of Mooney at the hearing on the remaining indictment growing out of the San Francisco Prepnredness Parade...
...This was in the arrest of A. N. Weinberg, member of the Committee on Labor ef the Socialist Party, a week ago, while addressing an open sir rally of the Bakery end Confectionery Workers' Union, Local 505, at Tompkins Ave...
...on the East Side, against Teppen, 246 Rlvington St., and Neirenberg, 144 Orchard St...
...In the course of the last few days ton new shops were organized and the workers employed In those shops are^nciw receiving union conditions...
...take the child from the factory and let the men do the work...
...In addition to this campaign the Union is carrying on an extensive drive for the Union label...
...that local...
...With the support of the public and labor groups, we can care for the families of strikers until we win our demands...
...It is the hope of the Board of Directors that the home will be made a national shrine for labor...
...Gompers Memorial TPHE Gompers Memorial Cora* mittee of the American Federation of Labor at Its meeting in New York inspected and approved the full-cised model of the Samuel Gompers Memorial which is to be unveiled in Washington next fall during the annual convention of the American Federation of Labor...
...Members of the Party arc urged to brine their red cards...
...Many arrests were made...
...The Neckwear Workers' Union has been successful in signing an agreement with the Downtown Neckwear Association, which employs 400 members of the local To date 700 workers have gone back to work under union conditions...
...Altken'e work and approved both the model and landscape-plan The Commission is composed of •"?en weU qualified judges of the "no arts appointed by the Preslwnt of the United States with the ¦My of advising upon the eelecll°n of models for statues and ¦Hwmments, and their location, States ^ •Uth°rity 0f *• Unittd Over 325,700 meals to the destitute and unemployed have been ™«W»d by the Federation of P Jackson, Michigan, The ™«on opened a kitchen some ¦souths ago, I SOCIALIST UNION THWARTS A PLOT •THE manager of the Austrian * Federal Railways, the Christum Social Seefehlner, with a view to being able to facilitate the contraband traffic in arms between Italy and Hungary, endeavored to bribe the railwayraen into corncomplicity...
...Butcher Workers' Drive 'THE Hebrew Butcher Workers' * Union, Local 234, whose headquarters are located at 7 East 16th Street, are carrying on an orgsnl* zuton drivel throughout the City...
...The way to restore purchasing power is to give employment to the idle, which can be done by reducing the work day to eix or less hours per day and the work week to five days or leu, with a wage sufficient to maintain a high standard of living, which should be continually raised...
...Many of the bombs exploded in the cops' faces...
...The CSSSSS-f If under ths leadership of Joseph Ms sky, secretary ef the sale...
...In a letter to Frank Morrison, •eeretary of the American Federation of Labor, Charles Moore, secwt*ry of the United Ststes Com¦wion of Fine Arts, said the Con-mission was much impressed by Mr...
...Inch sentiment is pure bunk...
...Police raided strike headquarters in an attempt to And the bombs, but failed to recover them...
Vol. 15 • March 1933 • No. 11