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Four Workers' Internationals Take Action On Problems of War and Disarmament

Four Workers' Internationals Take Action On Problems of War and Disarmament Hoover Proposal Stirs Socialists and Organized Workers to Renewed Action THE American proposal for...

...Anything and everything which destroys human life should be controlled...
...Anarchists, liberals, Intellectuals, and working-class "saviors" and major prophets were conspicuous by their absence (or at least by their silence...
...Hundreds of thousands are carried away by the terrible disease of tuberculosis, and thousands are being demoralized...
...Some of these remarked on the great differences In discipline and spirit between the communist unions and the General Federation of Labor (C...
...The International Federation of Trade Unions feels Impelled to point out to the Conference how greatly the apprehension and impatience of the workers has been Increased by the fact that no appreciable results have accrued from the efforts made during the last five months at Geneva...
...and there were no great orators...
...The congress voted unanimously against any participation of any of their members in joint activities ("Innocents' Clubs") with the Communist unions, and in favor of "organic unity"—1...
...As, either with or without unemployment, there will always be enough blacklegs, nationalists and die-hards to outnumber the class conscious and therefore pacifist workers in armament factories, the problem must be attacked at its source...
...For an intensive campaign of education to inform the public of the threatened bankruptcy of private ownership and the dangerous condition of the roads due to socalled "economies" practiced in the name of profits...
...and the world will find it incomprehensible if the action of any Government la allowed to destory this favorable prospect on any pretext whatsoever...
...On the floor several references were made to various elected Socialist officials, in connection principally with labor bills...
...ference late In May, Walter M. Citrine, its chairman, expressed disappointment with the Conference on Disarmament which opened last February and which received petitions from workers all over the world...
...So far as the organized workers are concerned we seek the reduction of all arms whatever their nature...
...and the organization of a unified system under public ownership and democratic and expert control, which will also Include bua lines, and river-and-canal lines...
...But a rejection of the American proposals would destroy the hopes for the success of the Disarmament Conference and would also throw upon the European Governments the responsibility for having compromised the collaboration of the United States, which is necessary for the solution of all the urgent problems of the day, as well as international cooperation In dealing with the world economic crisis...
...It is therefore necessary to compel the governments of all countries to avoid destroying during these critical days the possibility of serious progress being made by the Disarmament Conference...
...G. T...
...Even today the workers' children and the young workers suffer throughout the world from the reciprocal mistrust among the peoples, from the cessation of work, from the withholding of the necessities of life...
...It was a gathering of plain, sensible, working-men representing a membership of about one hundred...
...we desire to prepare for them a better life than our fathers had...
...they do not wish to die of hunger, so they take by force what Is not given to them voluntarily: In other words, thtfy become criminals...
...The acceptance of the American proposals would only mean a first step towards disarmament, a reduction in armaments...
...At the meeting of the Joint Con...
...The Bureau Is confident that the Labour Parties of all countries, recognizing the importance of the moment, will...
...But they represented—with total lack of bluff or pretentiousness—the wishes and ambitions, of the membership In their respective local federations...
...The prgan of the Dutch Trade Union 0»tre, "The Struggle," recently carried an article on the transport of munitions and recalled that the Swedish transport workers had hindered the transport of war material to Japan...
...It la necessary" -to make every effort to break the resistance of the open and secret enemies of disarmament...
...we wish to protect them from war and from death hy poison gas...
...Indeed, the possibility of new wars menaces the health, the life, the mental and moral development of all working class children...
...immediately begin an energetic campaign, demonstrate everywhere in favour of their demand for disarmament and peace, and bring the strongest pressure to bear upon their governments so that the present critical moment may be taken advantage of to carry out serious measures of disarmament...
...Four Workers' Internationals Take Action On Problems of War and Disarmament Hoover Proposal Stirs Socialists and Organized Workers to Renewed Action THE American proposal for the reduction of armaments has brought statements from the Socialist and Labor movement abroad...
...French Rail Workers Stand For Unity of Working Class By Herman Kobbe Farts, July 1. TIE railroad workers have just closed their annual congress at the Salle Huyghens, Paris...
...We feel that we are responsible for the future of the children of the workers of all nations...
...This view, continues the Dutch organ, Is the kernel of the problem "of disarmament—the manufacture of the weapons of war...
...For working-class unity...
...The statement by the Bureau of the Labor and Socialist International 'was adopted in Zurich on June 25 and urges the organized working class to energetic action against the war mongers...
...On the other hand the transport worker wants to know "why he alone should bear the brunt of the armaments boycott...
...The Labor and Socialist International, the International Federation of Trade Unions, the Joint Disarmament Conference of the above two organizations, the International Federation of Public Employes, and the International Transport Workers Federation, and the Socialist Educational International ^have all taken action...
...The proposals of the United States have opened up for ^he' Disarmament Conference,, which was in danger of becoming stranded in technical discussions, the possibility of emerging from the deadlock...
...The Trade Union International "The International Federation of Trade Unions calls attention to the petition it presented to the Conference on the 6th February 1932 on behalf of more than fourteen million affiliated workers, In which the statesmen now assembled In Geneva were urged at last to translate into deeds the promises made by the Governments for disarmament and the promotion and ensurance of peace between the nations...
...Taken together with the recent Lausanne decisions and the success of the Belgo-Dutch scheme In putting an end to the folly of protectionism, the American proposal has now given us a chance —perhaps our last chance—of coming to a point where the reestablishing of world confidence and the restoration of sanity would be possible...
...This is the slogan which the masses must adopt and to which they, and they only, can give practical effect...
...A number of delegates formerly in communist unions were present...
...Complete and universal disarmament can alone ensure the world against war...
...They favor the rbolltion of the private railroad companies, all of which are in financial difficulties, and some heavily In debt...
...The Disarmament Conference is faced with critical decisions...
...A new war would seal the downfall of Europe...
...The nations represented at the Conference," said Citrine, "seem to be in favor of the abolition of those weapons in which they are peculiarly weak and in which their neighbors are strong...
...The statement follows: The Bureau of the L.S.I...
...Only disarmament can save the future and the lives of the workers' children...
...We awaken understanding among the children for other peoples, we foster the feeling of international interdependence, we seek to open their hearts to human suffering in every part of the world...
...In certain Important respects the proposals are In need of amplification...
...Save them before It is too late...
...Socialist Educational International "The Socialist Educational International comprises the educational organizations of nine European countries and demands as the representative of the children of the workers that preparations should be made for peace and for war...
...e., to continue a membership drive for their own union, and to refuse to compromise with any dual organization...
...These officials were Invariably referred to In respectful and friendly terms, and their legislative work approv...
...Interesting object-lesson In solidarity, and Intelligent labor policies...
...The speakers were men generally quite unknown outside their union...
...The children who are Influenced by us will not take life when they grow up, and they will boycott the industries of death...
...for example, there Is no mention of a substantial reduction In military expenditure, the prohibition of the private manufacture and trade In arms and munitions, a seriously organized system of control, or the International regulation of civil aviation...
...Among other Items the congress voted yes on the following motions and resolutions:— For the creation of a National Office of Transportation...
...Munitions have to be manufactured before they can be transported...
...thousand fellow railroad employes...
...It Is true that the American proposals do not provide an exhaustive solution of the problem with which the Disarmament Conference Is faced, a solution which is satisfactory in all points...

Vol. 14 • July 1932 • No. 3

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