Socialist Party Progress
Socialist Party Progress Ohio Cleveland. — Newman Jeffrey is executive secretary of Cuyahoga County, being elected at a membership meeting last Sunday at the Slovenian,Auditorium, Plans...
...The guest speaker will be Dr...
...George H, Gocbel will lecture at the Labor Lyceum, Tyler Place, corner of I7ih St., Thursday, Dec...
...Financial secretary, Max M. Klein...
...10, at 8:30 p.m., at the Labor Temple, Second Ave...
...1, in Garrett County with 12 members, and We intend to organize another verv soon...
...While abroad, he attended the International People's College at Elsinore, Denmark...
...Tickets may be secured at the Rand Book Store, 7 E. 15th St., Spartacus Club, 126 E. 16th St., and at the door on Saturday night New York State The State Executive Committee met at Peoples' House last Sunday...
...Roger Baldwin will preside...
...Everett Dean Martin, "Machiavelli: A Philosophy of Politics...
...Max R Wohl, John Krebel, Max Epstein, Robert Garvin...
...Research Committee: Julius Sobon, Henry Rose, Alexander Kelly, Joseph Martinek...
...9th, Dr...
...Executive Committee: Joseph Martinek, Joseph E. Cook, Isadore Axelrod, Noah M .unit I km 11, James Dudl...
...State Chairman W'aldman was instructed to communicate with tlie National Executive Committee urging tiie transfer of the National Offiie to Washington, I...
...Report of state secretary.—4...
...Local Philadelphia has arranged a two-day conference to discuss future party work and to plan an intensive organization drive...
...and 14th St...
...and Second Ave., Sunday evening at 7:45 o'clock, on "Seeing Ourselves as Others Will See Us...
...District of Columbia Washington...
...To lay plans for a systematic countywide educational activity, to extend and strengthen our organization, and to prepare for more effective political campaigning in the future, the county committee if calling a county membership convention to bt held Sunday, Dec...
...Newark.—Maurice Gordin, author of "Utopian Chains" and former attorney general of the Odessa State Revolutionary Tribunal, will speak on "Soviet Russia: Promise or Menace" at the St...
...He is a graduate oi the University of Kansas and was manager of the University Cooperative Union there...
...Capitalism versus Communism" will be the subject of a debate between Representative Hamilton Fish, Jr., and Scott Nearing, at Mecca Temple on Friday evening, Dec...
...Great interest hss been expressed In this debate on the question of working class tacties...
...Labor Committee: Grace MeyCtte, Noah Mandclkorn...
...Gustave Beck will lecture on "The Price of Intellectual Integrity," Friday...
...on Utility Legislation, Laidler...
...Wew and permanent headquarters 'were opened last Thursday...
...Rabbi Stephen S. Wise will speak on "The Guilt of the Jew," Sunday at 8 p.m., in the Community Forum, 550 W. 110th St At 11 a.m., in Town Hall, John Haynes Holmes will speak on "Sources of Inspiration: What Keeps Us Going...
...These committees have been at work for several weeks studying their respective problems...
...A bi-weekly newspaper called the "Cuyahoga Socialist" has been started...
...U. S. Senator Nye will speak in the Labor Temple, 14th St...
...11th, at 8 P. M., will be a lecture by Paul Miller on "A Materialistic Conception of Religion...
...Alfred Adler, on "The Meaning of Life...
...On Dec...
...Election of state secretary-organizer.— 7. Election of 6tate treasurer.—8...
...C. Julius Gerber, Wm...
...Steuben County, and East Syracuse, Onondaga County...
...Report of Educational and Propaganda ( ommittee.—Intermission.—6...
...15th on "What Precisely Is Civilization...
...15th, Professor E. G. Spaulding will lecture on "The Old and New Logic...
...Education Committee: John Sommerlatte, Sophia Whitaker, Ethel Weed, Irene Miller...
...Local Hagerstown is making all arrangements for the coming municipal convention, and expect to tarry on an active campaign...
...Charters for locals were granted to Bradword...
...1. Admission will be 10c...
...15, at 8 30 p.m...
...The week's program of the People's Institute lectures in Cooper Union, is as follows: Friday, Dec...
...212 H Street, N. W., the headquarters will be used every night for some form of Socialist activity...
...Welcome into the army of emancipation, comrades...
...Communism: Which Program for the Working Class...
...11th, Professor Richard McKcon, "The Nature of a Higher 'Education.- ^"he Philosophy of Nature...
...Organization Committee: E. M. Simpson, Philip Yontez...
...State Chairman Waldman presided...
...Good and Welfare.—12...
...1 are holding an installation of officers on Friday, Dec...
...Realizing this, the bianch is bending every effort to reach every home with the Socialist message...
...Other officers and committees elected were: Recording secretary, Mildred Fingerhut...
...His subject is, "Some Thoughts on Booze, Bonus and Boodle...
...Action on report of Education and Propaganda Committee.— 11...
...New Jersey State Convention.—The outstanding event to New Jersey Socialists is the state convention which convenes Sunday Dec...
...l.'tth, Professor Richard McKeon, "The Nature of a Higher Education: The Arts and the Sciences...
...Massachusetts Boston.—There will be a joint •>••» h of the membership oi alt the branches of Greater Boston on Sunday, Dec...
...Lectures start at 8:30 p.m...
...It will be a constructive convention with every delegate earnestly resolved to do everything to consolidate the splendid gains made at the election...
...The finance and budget committee will submit plans for financing the work of the state office...
...The committee voted to hold a conference at Albany preceding the special sessafn of the State Legislature...
...Nathaniel Peffer will speak on "America's Entanglements in the Far East," Dec...
...Regis Hall, 34 Park Place, Friday, Dec...
...1. Convention to be called to order by state secretary Andrew P. Wittel, 10 s. m.—2...
...on Unemployment, Thomas, Miss Newman, Rosner, J. Tuvin and Karlin...
...Pennsylvania Phildelphia...
...The Young People's Socialist League Circle No...
...State Campaign Manager Wiley submitted a comprehensive report, and was given a vote of thanks for her good work...
...Action on report of Budget and Finance Comniitee.—9...
...LECTURE NOTES The program of the Ingersoll Forum in the Pythian Temple, 135 W. 70th St., Sunday, Dec...
...12th, at 8:30 p.m., under the auspices of The Muehlenberg Forum, 209 W. 23rd St...
...The following is the convention agenda prepared by the State executive committee...
...There will be a candidate for Mayor, and a Councilman for each of the five city wards...
...11, with a supper ami lecturee in their clubrooms at 298 Wood Ave...
...Fraternal greetingi were sent to Merritt Craw ford and Meyer Gillis...
...Connecticut Bridgeport.—1 he 5th district So cialist Club is celebrating their first anniversary on Sunday, Dec...
...3 will bring in a draft...
...All members are urged to be present...
...A new state constitution is to be adopted...
...Walter Edwin Peck will deliver the second of s series of ten lectures Dec...
...A study class has been formed and up to this writing 15 have enrolled with the enrollment still open...
...Samuel Schmalhausen will lecture on Dec...
...The rdnTatioTrar'-stnd propaKSlKla committee will submit proposals on strengthening tbe party organization and reaching out into new territory where contacts have been made...
...Committee empowered the State Chairman to appoint a special committee on Labor Law Revision and Amendment, and elected additional special committees as follows: On Social Legislation, Hillquit, Waldman, Laidler and Solomon...
...11, at the Masonic Temple...
...A committee elected by the general membership meeting Dec...
...E. Duffy and Charles Solomon were constituted* a special committee to draft a program of lectures and educational work during the winter...
...Newman Jeffrey is executive secretary of Cuyahoga County, being elected at a membership meeting last Sunday at the Slovenian,Auditorium, Plans were made for activity during 1933...
...The last election showed that education is one of the greatest tasks to be undertaken by the party...
...The meeting is held by Branch No...
...Action on report of Constitution Committee...
...A Sunday evening forum, meetings weekly of the Young People's Socialist League, Saturday night sessions of the Socialist Study Class, and a scries of lectures on Socialist economic and political aims are among the activities planned for the educational part of the program, in addition to social activities...
...E. Kohn of the Kami School of Social Science of New York...
...Charles Edward Russell, veteran Socialist author and journalist, will preside...
...Elden La Mar Jeffrey, his wife, was former circulation manager of "America for All," and will assist him...
...He has traveled extensively in America and spent almost a year touring Europe, including Russia...
...A state secretary-organizer and a state treasurer are to be elected... 7 p.m...
...Socialist Party Progress Ohio Cleveland...
...will be debated on Saturday...
...11, 10 a.m., at Workmen's Circle Lyceum, 190 Belmont Ave., Newark...
...Report of Constitution Committee.—5...
...Kindly send us a charter and the necessary dues cards and dues stamps...
...Refreshments and a general good time will he had...
...Situated in the heart of the working class section...
...Socialism vs...
...It is time for systematic educational work and long-range building of tec party...
...18, at the Bradford Hotel to adopt by laws for the new Central Committee...
...29, and was well attended...
...7 and 8, 1933, ' the complete city ticket will be nominated...
...Jeffrey is a former national organizer and took an actual part in the last Campaign...
...Admission 10 cents...
...The Committee adopted resolutions of respect in connection with (Continued on Page Twelve) (Continued fro* Page Bleveaj) the decease of Benjamin Feigenbautn...
...Oakland.—In a letter to State Secretary Neistadt, D. C. Rasche writes: "Please be advised that we have organized Local No...
...9, at 298 Wood Ave, at 8:30 p.m...
...The educational program for the winter will be inaugurated by the local with a mass meeting on Sunday evening, Dec...
...Blanshard, Waldman, Rosner and Orr...
...The speaker for the Irving Plaza Branch of the Institute for Advanced Education on Tuesday, Dec...
...Gordin was also former press commissar of the Communist International...
...Marx Lewis is chairman of the arrangements 'torrtmittee...
...13th, at 8:30 p.m., will be Dr...
...It is expected, from the interest shown, that the hall, which feats about 1100 people, will be jammed to capacity...
...Questions and discussion follow...
...Program Committee: Stephen Galatha, Philip Yontez...
...9th, in The Community Church House, 550 W. 110th St...
...10, at 8:30 p.m., at the Labor Lyceum, Bayonue, The first lecture was held Tuesday, Nov...
...Headquarters will be maintained in room "402 Pfosptct-Fourth'^uildlng...
...In place of this session a tea will be given at the Wbittier, 140 N. 15th St., which will be ad dressed by Norman Thomas Admission will be by reservation only, the cost of which will be 25 cents...
...West New York...
...The Young People's Socialist League will have Gus Tyler as its spokesman, and the Spartacus Youth Club (Communist Youth Left Opposition) will be represented by Joe Carter...
...Norman Thomas, who will speak earlier that evening in Baltimore, Representative Darlington Hoopes of Pennsylvania, and Leo Krzycki will speak...
...Mayor Daniel W. Hoan, 'On his way to a meeting of the national executive committee, atm tended the opening and delivered an address...
...Admission will cost 15c...
...A committee will present draft of a constitution and by-taws and county officers will be elected...
...on Saturday at 8:30 P. M., there will be a symposium, "The Psychology of Inspiration— What Are the Inner Urges of the Artists...
...11, at 200 p. in...
...August P. Gunther of North Ber gen has been elected an honorary member of the local in appreciation of his years of faithful service to the cause in northern Hudson County...
...Westchester County.—Our campaign of education for Socialism is only about to begin...
...Maryland Hagerstown.—At the convention to be held on Jan... the White Plains party headquarters, 37 Orawaupum St...
...It is needless to state that the State Secretary got on the job at once...
...This conference will take place on Dec, 17 and 18 at the Labor Institute, 808 Locust Street, where its sessions will be held mornings, afternons and evenings, with the exception of the evening of the 17th...
...Election of chairman and secretary.—3...
...Several well known writers and artists will take part...
Vol. 14 • December 1932 • No. 24