Socialist Standard Bearers Bring An Enthusiastic Campaign to a Close

Socialist Standard Bearers Bring An Enthusiastic Campaign to a Close Labor's Fight Forecasts Great Socialist Vote Vote YourHopes,Not Your Fears Norman Thomas' Great Speech at Madison Square...

...When Maurer arrived in Read, ing he was able to report with ' truth: "I have made many trips in my life...
...Hillqutt for Mayor The one ray of light in this municipal darkness will be the immense vote our Socialist candidate, Morris Hillquit, will receive not alone from Socialists but from all who resent Tammany's brazen contempt of ordinary decency in puting up a respectable puppet for ajn oflic| requiring what Hillquit and only Morris Hillquit among the candidates conspicuously offers: ability, honesty and conviction...
...Socialist Standard Bearers Bring An Enthusiastic Campaign to a Close Labor's Fight Forecasts Great Socialist Vote Vote YourHopes,Not Your Fears Norman Thomas' Great Speech at Madison Square Garden CINCE the end of July I have been but little in New York...
...Automatically such a bond issue would mean some degree of inflation, or better reflation...
...Gustav F. Beck's lecture to be delivered Nov...
...For plenty and peace, for freedom and fellowship, vats SodaHst, think Socialist organise as Socialist...
...tegrated program of Socialism in city, state and nation...
...For business learns very quickly completely to regulate the government instead of the government being able to regulate business...
...the answer seems so clear that I wonder it can be ; iked...
...The program of neither President Hoover nor of Governor Roosevelt, or, in this state, of either Colonel Lehman or Colonel Donovan, contemplates a fundamental change in the economic control of our nation...
...In 1929, one of the most prosperous years in the last decade, 604 persons in the United States received as large an Income as 2,332,000 farmers...
...There is no individualism now for the great mass under a gigantic corporate industrialism dominated by the comparative few...
...In Garner's State In this Democratic state of ' Texas wages are as low as 81.50 1 to $2.50 per week for men...
...he is with the snow s—o r should I say the roses?—of yesteryear...
...1,471 persons received an income of $170,000,000 more than 1,649,000 textile and clothing workers in the United States...
...They wanted to hear about Socialism, put simply and clearly, and J im gave it to them straight These meetings, attended by men and women from the entire countryside, were cheeringly reminiscent of the great meetings that spotted the West to hear the stump speeches of Lincoln in the great days of 1856 and 1858...
...Voting Socialist means voting for the ticket, not the candidate...
...It was the policy of drift that permitted American industry for a whole decade preceding the crash of 1929 to build without limit its producing plants...
...Ours is not a problem of doling out water from a barrel but of removing the jam of false ideals and broken-down economic institutions which now dams up the life-giving waters of wealth, and creates here a flood and there a drought...
...Tuesday's lecture will be delivered by Prof...
...Only under the Socialist plan and through the Socialist program will the vast majority of people be fully released and liberated...
...He is candidate and spokesman for a system that is dying and may yet in its death hour drag us all to destruction, unless we act in time to build the brotherhood of tomorrow...
...It is net the folly but the soundness of my proposal which raises these cries ef pain from an owning class whose vast property claims long since have lost all sanction of ethics or sound sense...
...It is because I am not a faker that I insist that the well-being of the masses cannot be achieved and leave our plutocracy untouched...
...In summarizing the issues of the year, Waldman said: The issue of 1932 is that of drift and mastery...
...His trip was just one round of enthusiastic gatherings, packed with people hungry for the Socialist message, and glad to find it so ably expressed by him...
...In my radio speech which caused this most encouraging furore I expressly said that we should not seek payment of this levy all at once in cash...
...It is a great pleasure and inspiration after having traveled 13,000 miles to come home again and meet familiar faces and friends," said Maurer...
...I have come here to enlist more of my countrymen in the great crusade for Socialism in our time...
...Assuring Mr...
...It is for this reason that the campaign of 1932 is of such deep significance and the issues so full of Implications both of menace and of promise...
...I t is because fe am not a Communist that I advocate an orderly and carefully graduated capital levy rather titan piecemeal or wholesale confiscation by violence...
...Waldman's Message to N. Y. JJKADING the state ticket of the Socialist Tarty for the third successive time, Louis Waldman has carried on an unprecedented campaign for Socialism in New York...
...You show it by enlisting in the great crusade of Socialism I No soldier can vote for*a general In the enemy's camp...
...The Socialist Party sees no hope of permanent or lasting recovery unless the people master the machine...
...As a man he deserves your vote...
...The principle of socialization is to be extended with the utmost rapidity to all basic industries and means of trade and commerce...
...I leave that false promise to my political opponents...
...The labor unions, who these many years have found a fighting leader in Jim, arranged a monster meeting for him in Butte, Montana...
...Within this period the deflation of Jimmy Walker has b e e a c o mpleted...
...The Freethinkers of America will meet in the Steinway Building, 113 W. 57th St., Sunday at 8:80 P. M. L. E. Schlechter will lecture on God and the Physicists...
...It would take time, which I lack, and a dramatic gift which has been denied me to make you see and feel what I have seen and felt In thousands of miles of travel in this great, beautiful, wretched, miserable country of ours...
...His western tour was launched from Madison, the capital of Wisconsin...
...If democracy is to solve the problem confronting mankind today, as we have great faith that it will, a political movement representing the Socialist ideal, must be built s t r o n g enough to challenge the vested powers in industry and government...
...Mere editorial assertion against the careful tables of my friend Professor Maynai...
...Socialism In Our Time But I have not come here simply to argue a case or answer certain critics...
...Nay more...
...One thing more...
...When Maurer spoke of for• gotten women and kids, some one ' of the audience rang out: "You 1 bet, Jim, you're dead right That's f just the way it is...
...A spirit such as they 1 possess can not be crushed by any ' master class...
...Maurer ' spoke of this situation in refer1 ence to Roosevelt's "forgotten • man...
...The crowded meeting, with men, women and children occupying every available seat and flowing out into the aisles and the corridor, was a fitting climax for the tour of the Socialist candidate...
...The Socialist program contemplates the widest opportunity for individual growth ond development, which can find its fullest expression only under a collectivism democratically managed...
...That impasse was reached in 1929...
...In the Far West, Maurer was greeted by huge audiences who had been notified of his arrival by newly organized and newly active paty branches in Seattle, Portland, and Berkeley...
...The Socialist Party is opposed to bureaucracy in government as it is in business...
...We do not believe halfstarved children make the best soldiers for the cooperative commonwealth...
...To turn from metaphor to fact: when we mean business as we meant it in war we can raise 10 or 12 billions for immediate relief, for public works, and for bringing idle factories and idle men together...
...I have discussed methods of socializing banking, public utilities and natural resources, the proper use of taxation including a capital levy but not a sales tax, the terms on which peace may be made more likely, the necessary constitutional changes to make political action an adequate substitue for revolt, a program for farm relief, and, more often than all else, the repeal of unemployment...
...the supplying of a decent income for all producers by hand and brain...
...Jim Maurer hit his real stride when speaking to the miners, farmers and laborers of the West- He spoke to miners at Duluth, Superior, Hibbings, Chisholm, and Bemidji, places where no Socialist meetings had been Bemidji, places where no Socialist meetings had been held since 1914...
...The Sanity of Social Revolution will be the subject of the lecture to be delivered by Dr...
...It is an ironic commentary on Mr...
...You do not vote Socialist if you vote only for Morris Hillquit or for Maurer and me...
...To the Farmers Maurer continued his atraightfromthe-shoulder talks to t h e farmers of Minnesota, North and South Dakota...
...Any correction in what I have said about the capital levy should be in the direction of higher, not lower, rates...
...Our "economic institutions are not organised to serve the community...
...An unusually impressive array of talent has been secured to lecture under the auspices of the famous organization during the coming months...
...And yet the basis of all power for change and mastery lies in this ecopomic control The program of the Socialist Party contemplates the taking of immediate steps towards reorganising our economic control...
...I find that some of our shots have found a mark...
...The owners of industry by virtue of that ownership had, with the exception of those few trades where there were well-organised labor unions, exercised undisputed sway and power not only over the management of business, but also over wages and salaries of their employees...
...6th, at 4:30 P. M. The Ingersoll Forum will conduct a political and economic symposium Sunday, Nov...
...Frederick Barry on "The Scientific Habit of Thought: Elements of Inductive Inference...
...Hoover has reiterated a superfluous concern over the radicalism of his Democratic opponent to whom quite erroneously he attributes our Socialist program of relief and »then walls that it will ruin the country...
...Only by voting Socialist will you rtfuss to throw away your vote as tome of you have done so long that you have forgotten its potential worth...
...Samuel D. Schmalhausen, Thursday, Nov, 10th, in Irving Plaxa Hall, at 8:80 P. M. The People's Institute will open its thirty-fifth season at Cooper Union on Friday evening, Nov...
...We propose to use our emergency unemployment program of itself to help bring about this change and to feed the men and-women who must do the work of peaceful revolution...
...When I am asked, "Why vote Socialist...
...It means voting for a party and a program...
...The Capital Levy In particular I am accused of promising an impossible return of forty billions or more from the applieation to American fortunes of rates proposed by British Labor on fortunes in excess of $250,000...
...Sunday, at 8 P. M., there will be a symposium, "A Third Party: What Shall It Be...
...His straightforward talk, peppered with his caustic humor, and his direct sincerity tempered with his warm humanity, caused the audience to climax his appeal with applause that continued for several minutes...
...One calls me "Communist'' and another "fool" and another "faker...
...the progressive cutting of the hours of labor in keeping with increased productivity...
...2. Income snd inheritance taxes...
...I do not minimize his philanthropy and his ability when I say that he is the candidate of a party which is our great enemy in city, state and nation, and that he will not change that party or its nature...
...6th, in the Pythian Temple, 135 W. 70th St., at 8 P. M. Wm...
...With us where we go is fear...
...At Aberdeen, S. D., where no meeting have been held for many years, and where the last Socialist voice heard before Jim's was that of 'Gene Debs, the vicepresidential candidate was greeted with enthusiasm and presented with two baskets of red flowers...
...And to this abominable deal for perpetuating unchanged every basic evil in New York's government, those great patriots, Messrs...
...Roosevelt has begun to talk vaguely about a social responsibility for the maintenance of every worker and his family, and Mr...
...Home Again...
...we escape it neither fh)solitude nor In the erowd...
...Why then, have we over 12,000,000 unemployed in the land and perhaps half as many more working on part time...
...more ubiquitous is it than our shadow, for it is a pursuer which the healing darkness of night cannot banish...
...Sunday, at 11 A. M., Lon Ray Call will speak in Town Hall on "Is Russia the Hope of the World...
...Fear for the job, fear for dally bread, fear of that catastrophe of war or violent disruption toward which we steadily drift—who among us can say of such fear, "We know it n o t f' It Is against the living background of hungry men and women, unemployed men and women, anxious men and women, and in their sight that I raise tonight the banner of Socialism, the hope of the world...
...In this campaign the vote for Governor is the vital text of our strength in New York...
...I t would remove the dam of debt from the circulatory system of our body politic I stand by the capital levy as not only Just in a world where no one man himself truly "made" the freak fortune many men possess while multitudes of others starve, but also as one practical line of Socialist advance...
...LECTURE NOTES "Human Differences" will be the subject of Professor Joseph Jastrow's lecture to be delivered under the auspices of The Group, in the Auditorium, 150 W. 85th St., Sunday, Nov...
...By Gus Tyler JAMES H. MAURER...
...Hoover Let me hasten, however, to assure Mr...
...But that we cannot finance our emergency program we deny...
...4th, in the Community Church, 560 W. 110th St...
...A surrogate may prove as costly and a vastly less amusing mayor than a playboy- Meanwhile...
...Why vote SocialistT For the sake of yourselves and your children, for the sake of the whole company of workers with hand and brain, of every race and creed and clime, and the future of mankind...
...Scott Nearing is giving a course of Thursday evening lectures on "The World's Economic Crises" in the Community Church Center, 550 W. 110th St...
...We intend to change the system which in-1 evitably breeds unemployment...
...Hoover protests to high heaven that that expense will exhaust public and private credit and hence ruin the country...
...I t is obvious that the 33,500,000 wage earners with an average of $3.30 a day could not protect ated by this capitalistic civiliza themselves financially when the industrial crash came and they were thrown out of employment...
...Yet Morris Hillquit would be the first to agree with me that what is the matter with New York is lesa the effrontery of Tammany thai the breakdown of a capitalist system which is little more than a legalized racket and that the great opportunity of this cam* paign is not to t a r n the Tammany rascals out of City Hail but to put Socialism Into the life and consciousness of the American people...
...Just for a judgeship he left us...
...Tammany has outflanked Seabury by taking Senator Hofstadter into camp...
...A Pledge of Faith In speeches occasionally and partially reported in the press, I have discussed our Socialist platform which is to us a living pledge of faith...
...For the sake of our immediate gains now in the midst of this crisis...
...The owners took for themselves more than a lion's share of the wealth produced...
...Krueger snd his associates had used I have examined with care...
...I observe that none,.of the editorial and other critics who in sorrow or anger attacked my capital levy speech try to refute the reasons I advanced for it or offer a substitute for this levy...
...the keeping of the children of the masses out of the factories, mills, mines, and shops, and the granting to them of an opportunity for education on a par with that afforded to the rich...
...Today a stifling i iireaucracy is toleia'.ed in business and government, while the leaders of both pay lip-service to the principle of individualism...
...One observer at these meetings reports: "When one speaks to them yen can see pain written on their faces...
...Socialist candidate for VicePresident of the United States, completed a brilliant cross continental tour with a rousing "welcome home" at the Reading City Hall auditorium on Saturday, October 29...
...A Philosopher Looks at the World, "We Blame the Gods," will be the subject of Dr...
...I have watched when Jim speaks to them...
...I am going to repay the honor you have done me by continuing the fight for the cause of humanity as long as life remains in my body...
...A radio speech over Station WIBA was followed on the next day by a talk at a Socialist picnic in Minneapolis...
...His fiery earnestness, his eloquence and his magnificent command of the business of the state, which he has interpreted in terms of the Socialist position, won him enthusiastic hearing everywhere...
...Some comparatively minor correction i have been made In this estimate...
...Nothing will so encdurage the workers to build up the intelligent mass movement in which is our hope...
...At a meeting arranged • for the Carpenters' Hall in San ; Antonio, Texas, which was attend' ed largely by officers of the labor ' uions, Maurer, speaking from his 1 experiences as m unionist, told them what they were up against, i how they should reform their line • of action, to stop voting for the , "jackass" and vote for themselves - and the rest of their class...
...3. The capital levy, to which I shall shortly refer...
...The policy of the two old parties is one of drift in some vain hope that an upward swing will take place and that we shall, at least in part, recover from our present economic instability and industrial depression...
...Yours may be the freedom and material abundance of tomorrow's cooperative commonwealth...
...North, East, South and West men starve in the midst of plenty...
...My plea for Socialism is to every man and woman who loves justice and peace...
...It is a n even mors ironic circumstance that he, who so blithely helped us finance an unholy and unnecessary war against Germany in which we who were not at the front wore made relatively prosperous while wt poured more than 80 billion* into the bottomless pit of destruction, cannot understand the financing of a necessary ar.' holy war aoainst vovertu into whi'h we urili pour billions not only to feed men and women and ckildrer, but to add to social -, ool'h by good housing in place o' slums, and by the roads, tunnels, bridges and other public works we should build...
...It's time we wake up and stop this damn 1 thing...
...Hoover's present hopelessness that he assumes that this emergency relief must last indefinitely, that It cannot be merely for a year or so while his beloved capitalist system is recovering...
...Let's have it, Jim...
...We have at hand all we need...
...The wealth thus transferred would not be eaten, burned up, put into non-productive armaments or fat salaries, but used to liquidate outstanding debts and possibly to help finance unemployment relief and the acquisition of industries...
...I confess to a liking for wickedness seasoned with wit, rather than the same essential wickedness smeared over contemptuously With dull respectability...
...A country with thousands of idle factories and other thousands of untenanted farms needs no great amount of new investment capital...
...I have come here to proclaim that only in the Socialist philosophy of the cooperative society and the Socialist vision of a classless world is there hope for mastering machinery for life, not death...
...The t r u t h of their condition doesn't let them laugh...
...But Mr...
...Why vote Socialist...
...30,000 persons received an average income of $350 a day, and 1,000 persons received an average income of $3,330 a day...
...The Socialist Program The Socialist program contemplates the organisation of the labor market...
...A Decline in Earnings The Socialist Party has long argued for aggressive mastery by the government, through public agencies, of the basic resources of the country, with a view to keeping the Frankenstein monster eretion from destroying mankind...
...It is also clear that, with wealth so disproportionately distributed, the domestic market for the consumption of manufactured goods and social services was bound to hit an impasse...
...Mauler's travelling companion was lad t o observe of 1 these youngsters who rallied about Jim: "They were everywhere . , . : I don't know when they slept 1 Every time we turned around there was a Yip...
...Mere regulation, as is proposed in some quarters, will not bring relief as experience has shown...
...A Visit to Mooney , One of the first things Maurer did upon reaching San Francisco v s to cross the bay to San Quentln prison where he was greeted by a fellow-fighter, Tom Mooney...
...It is cheering to come back to the old home town and meet with such a reception as I have been accorded today...
...Remember: yoi show your convictions not by idle words or passing applause...
...You are not a true Socialist if you let religious feeling, an undue sense of obligation for relatively small favors, or racial solidarity sway your vote to Colonel Lehman...
...In the same city Maurer had an opportunity to address the Thomas and Maurer Club of the University of Minneapolis...
...It must be understood that I never proposed to apply this capital levy in order to save capitalism...
...To Restore Demand Money in the pockets of the unemployed as consumers would help to restore the demand for goods which would gh • them work as producers...
...Hoover agreeing that ten or twelve billions might relieve unemployment through the program of relief and public works that we— and most assuredly not the Democrats— have advanced...
...They exist primarily to supply profit to the private owners»u>f wealth production...
...I t is, however, something to find Mr...
...Futile and Corrupt Tammany is more corrupt yet scarcely less futile for good than Wall Street's two old parties in the national field...
...An examination of the income of our wage earners, compared to the Income of financiers, industrialists and investors the same year, discloses the startling fact that: 33,500,000 wage and sslary workers received an average of $3.30 a day...
...We welcome the privilege that is ours of presenting an in...
...At ; the Los Angeles Labor Temple where his speeches were literally studded with applause, Maurer hit some of the highest spots ; in his attack upon the present system of "idiotic mismanagement and robbery of the masses...
...we should not if it is necessary fear controlled inflation, e. g. by printing money retired by a tax or its circulation or some similar device for use in unemployment relief and to restore the price level of 1926-27, the loss of which has been so disastrous to farmers and others...
...Jim" was introduced to the enthusiastic audience as the "fighting warrior of the working class movement...
...Not without struggle can you win such glorious victory...
...These methods, I am increasingly convinced, must include a capital levy if for no other reason than to lighten a load of government debts, farm debts, etc., which make it as impossible for America to gain true prosperity as for a diver to come up for air with a millstone around his neck...
...The audience rose upon his introduction and greeted him with thunderous applause...
...The figures which Mr...
...Unequitable Distribution While perfecting our productive forces almost beyond imagination we have utterly neglected to handle the major social question, that of distribution of the wealth...
...1. By returns from remunerative works...
...His words were warmly welcomed, and the bandmaster seeking for some appropriate tune that he might dedicate to Jim, accompanied the departure of this militant comrade of labor with the playing of "Auld Lang Syne...
...Our main dependence would be bonds underwritten...
...John W. Herring, Liberal, Louis Waldman, Socialist, and Earl R. Browder, Communist, will participate...
...The large number of young people - present took new enthusiasm from the address...
...25,000 to put in his vest...
...Felgenbaum, associate editor of The New Leader, will be the Socialist representative...
...Publio debt and private overcapitalization is, as foreign observers have long been pointing out, one of the things that suffocates American economic life and takes bread out of the mouths of children...
...Why vote Socialist...
...The latter, great lover that he is of the "kiddies," finds !iis ignorance of all civic affairs a positive endorsement in the eyes of his masters...
...The Profit System The answer is obvious...
...Such control cannot be acquired by the government or the agencies created ,hj it except through a transfer »f ownership from the present owners ^Je the community...
...Yours has been .the sorrow, the pain and the loss throughout unnumbered years of exploitation...
...This Is due I to the great a wakening of the peej pie all over the nation and their , coming to the colors...
...The Las Angeles meetings were colored with the presence of Yipsels, who lent to the usual enthusiasm an additional brightness...
...I believe the capitalist psychology and possibly the capitalist economics would make that practically impossible though some authorities have suggested it as the only way out for capitalism, I have urged it as a plan for aiding in effective socialisation which includes the immediate reduction ef a paralysing load of debt...
...Especially now do I plead with the workers...
...In dustralists, bankers and economists, all agree that we now have ready and available for use the necessary raw materials, the technological equipment, the factories and the means of production, and t h e human skill and energy only too willing to be employed, to produce more than sufficient for the housing, clothing and sheltering of all our people in decency and comfort, and to supply In addition reasonable facilities for recreation and culture and the pleasant social life...
...When they had to leave, there were tears ia the eyes of i visitors and visited...
...Mesnwhile our plans for orderly socializatio might be furthered by the methods of taxation we should use...
...I accept this welcome, not only as a credit to the party I represent, but as a personal tribute...
...Assessment would not be more difficult than inheritance tax assessment...
...and that furthermore, we should arrange under some circumstances for installment plan payments...
...I have been in every , State In the union and I have I travelled half way around ths , globe, but If never had a journey ' that was as Inspiring as this cam, paign tour of mine...
...Our natural wealth and income, as we all know, are not static...
...Hoover and others of his faith or lack of faith: the American Socialists do not propose to repeat the excusable mistake of our British comrades in simply using social legislation and the power to tax to ameliorate the ills of the profit system...
...In numerous cases, workers travelled many miles to hear the Socialist message...
...Why is there so much destitution and helplessness and insecurity ? Why aren't these willing and anxious jobless put to work...
...In the shop or the breadline you may feel yourself a slave...
...On Sunday evening, John Ersklne will speak on "The Present World in the Light of an Historical Perspective...
...At Portland, where the American Legion was holding its convention, he delivered a stirring radio address against war...
...When Maurer speaks the [ listeners feel close to him, and on ' more instances then one he has ' caused his audience to break forth ' in cheers and exhortations to "Go on, Jim...
...After speaking at San Diego and Yuma, Arizona, he ' hit the home state of "Sales Tat" ' Garner...
...They are based on the application of the proposed British rates of capital levy to the estimate of the Federal Trade Commission on national wealth and Income as for the year 1922...
...It needs purchasing power which will automatically call forth working capital...
...For the opening lecture, Everett Dean Martin will lecture on "Plato: The Republic—What Is Justice...
...On November 8th, alone with the voting machine, you are free...
...very few smiles on these faces...
...they sit like statues at times, and when he drives home a point they burst into applause...
...But I find little joy in contemplating this latest victory...
...From San Francisco he*went on 1 to Pasadena, Santa Monica, and ' San Bernadino...
...For the r e demption of political action from the depredation of old party politics and its use a s a means of our social salvation...
...Smith, Roosevelt and Lehman, have given their blessing...
...Krueger of the University of Chicago, whom I asked to make this calculation, carries little weight...
...Nothing will give us power at the City Hall, Albany or Washington, no matter whether Tweedledum or Twecdledee is elected, so much as a tremendous Socialist vote...
...that only in Socialist planning Is there practical hope for the unemployed, for exploited workers, snd the whole elsss of farmers...
...Tammany's Republican annext has pressed into that service which younger men have avoided a. a plague a respectable veteran who, hunted from his retirement, mouths an amiable anxiety about the state of the budget vl.ile professing everlasting affection for his nominal opponen, Judge O'Brien...
...Vote your hopes, not your fears...
...You owe no man the obligation to vote for less...
...In the Dakotas, a few farmers on a Sunday night travelled as much as three hundred miles, many of them eighty or one hundred miles...
...On November 8, he spoke in Madison Square Garden and will wind up with a meeting at the Orpheum Theater in Reading on Sunday night, November 6. • • i ••-II Professors for Socialism (Special Wire it The New Leader) CAMBRIDGE, Mass.—Forty-«U Harvard professors and Instructors endorse Thomas ticket...
...that in addition to cash or as a substitute for cash a Socialist government would accept payment in Government bonds, and In the securities of certain corporations with a view to ultimate social ownership or at least control...
...At a meeting, arranged for the University of California, "Professor" Maurer told an auditorium filled with teachers and students of the working class struggle and the rising sun of Socialism...
...Let no mess of pottage make you sell you* birthright Nothing can serve your race, whatever it may be, o r your union, so much as the growth of Socialist solidarity snd Socialist idealism...
...The meeting was carefully guarded by the warden who probably was much worried over what might happen when two such old warriors in the workers' battles, tike Maurer aad Mooney, got together...
...Louis Waldman Louis Waldman, our candidate, is an able and devoted leader...
...The ballot is one means of struggle...
...The last leg of Maurer's campaign will be through Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland...
...I have been away so continuously that since September 11th I have made no public campaign address in this city...

Vol. 14 • November 1932 • No. 19

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