Some Communist Yarns About The Socialists Nailed by Ypsel

ome Communist Yarns About The Socialists Nailed by Ypsel Gim Trier Makes Patterson Admit He Doesn't Know What the Source of His Misstatements Is. pREQUENTLY-REPEATED charges that the Socialist...

...Revolutionary enough to suit both the Democratic and Republican parties...
...Turn to Chase," Bill continued, "and you will find that he is not concern...
...Today, the Communists admit that in 1920 the United States was not entering "a phase of civil war" (their own expression...
...Is there anything new in Barnes's hackneyed statement that 95 per cent of the Marxians regard Marx as a Messiah...
...Each of his books on Prosperity, on Machinjs and on Waste shows this...
...In my opinion, Herbert did as much for these people as you and your predecessor, Al Smith, did in allowing the public utilities of New York to get higher rates...
...Boston, Sayre, Syracuse, Hertford, East Post Chester and many other places recently joined the booster bundle brigsde...
...But these are revolutionary demands," rang out from the rudience...
...Gee, didn't you read what he said of the relative merits of Marx and Stuart Chase...
...In anticipation of Patterson's reply that conditions have changed, Tyler pointed out that yiey have changed in favor of peaceful revolution...
...Those in charge of the meetings always see to it that big bundles of the paper were on hand and sold...
...Handing One to BUI "Another important difference between Marx and Chase," Bill continued, "is that Chase is essentially the popular pamphleteer, Marx was not, and Chase has few equals in this field...
...One does not have to agree with everything he has written to pay him that tribute...
...L. Patterson, Communist candidate for Mayor of New York, at a recent symposium sponsored by the National Students' League...
...Well, what is the difference between Marx and Chase...
...I did read Barner's statements," said Bill, "but they contained nothing that has not been said before by liberals in relation to Marx's work except that he uses Chase for comparison...
...What Barnes...
...That of itself is a distinction...
...considers capitalism as an organic, whole and Chase considers il in terms of poor functioning here, a disease there, and some absurdity elsewhere...
...The Work of Marx "Certainly not," Bill answered, "and to deny this is not to disparage the excellent work Chase has done...
...What Man Lacked...
...I notice that Barnes said Msrx lscked theoretical originality and that his views were compounded of the notions of predecessors and contemporaries...
...GarntT Charlie Curt...
...It pains me to hear, you quarreling at a time like this, when we are all working for the same thing— or, should I say, when we are all not working for the same thing...
...Second, though at first they opposed all reforms, in 1928 their national platform had 184 such reforms...
...Another HPHIS is an open letter to Herbert * Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt...
...The crowds attending the mass meetings all over the country are being introduced to The New Leader...
...economic system...
...Labor for Hillquit (Continued from Page Seven) York and upon all other freedomloving and upright-thinking citizens to rally to the support of the mayoralty candidacy of Morris Hillquit and to elect him by a record vote, and be it further RESOLVED, that we pledge ourselves to support the campaign of Morris Hillquit to the full extent of our moral and material means and that this conference undertake at once to raise the sum of (5,000 to be donated by the affiliated locals directly and on subscription lista to be at once distributed in all shops where our workers are employed, and be it further i RESOLVED, that this conference elect a special campaign committee to take part in the campaign being waged by the Socialist Party in behalf of its standard bearer, Morris Hillquit, and that this committee cooperate fully in insuring the turning out of thousands of trade unionists at the great Madison Square Garden meeting on Nov...
...Herbert, I'm surprised at you...
...The Communist candidate had no answer to the statement of Eugene V. Debs in 1920, labelling the Moscow International and its demands as "ridiculous, arbitrary and bureaucratic as if we in America were to tell them the methods for their work...
...d with this probing of the underlying laws of capitalist property...
...He also pointed out that though the Communists sneer at democracy, in the I. L. D. southern conference two of the major demands were freedom of speech and press, and the extension of the franchise without poll tax...
...But it's the kind of race you run that's the most Important thing...
...Well, let that pass," said Joe...
...When I present concrete facts, however, that completely contradict your .statement, and when you are called upon to reply, the very best you can do is to answer like a Tammany chieftain before the Seabury investigation, 'I do not remember the facts.'" Tyler pointed out that although the International Labor Defense, of which Patterson is now head, and the Communist Party had collected funds for the Harlan, Kentucky, miners [applause from the Communists] from July to January of the last year, the General Defense Committee of the Harlan miners did not receive a cent from the I. L. D. He read a statement from the "Workers' Defense," organ of the Defense Committee, in which the I. L. D. was labelled as an organization "of thieves and racketeers...
...Liars" In his refutation Tyler said: "Patterson, as Communist candidate for Mayor of New York City, you have certain responsibilities...
...The chsrge thst the Socialist station WEVD had discriminated against Negroes, that there were no Negro delegates at the Socialist National Convention, that Frank Crosswaith was taken off the state ticketbecaute he was colored, and that the Socialist Party had no provision for tho Negroes, were were answered, in full by the Socialist, who asked Patterson what the basis wss for these utterly unfounded charges...
...Aforx was not a popular pamphleteer because his more fundamental work does not easily lend itself to popularization...
...3rd, and thereby demonstrate to the working elass population of New York that Morris Hillquit is our unanimous choice for chief executive of this Tho second resolution, in reference to all the candidates of the Socialist* Party, was also unanimously adopted, as follows: RESOLVED, that we call upon the delegates at this conference to urge all the labor organizations which they represent to endorse and to give their full support to the Socialist Party and to all its candidates in this campaign...
...Quarreling with Fran1: because he wants to plant some shade trees to help the unemployed...
...If Stuart Chase was asked whether he was indebted to any predecessors and contemporaries I am sure that he would answer in the affirmative, / wonder if Barnes thinks that 'he owes,nothing to predecessors and contemporaries...
...Many who were present said that there had rarely been so thorough a job of demolition of the Communist position, both as to their theory and as to their "strategy," in a campaign of mendacious slander against the Socialists...
...Nor did Patterson have any answer to Lenin, who declared that I 9~—---the policy of dual unionism was one that "rendered the greatest service to the bourgeoisie...
...Joe inquired...
...The fact is that he cannot advance beyond the thought of his time without becoming familiar with the thought of his predecessors...
...And yott, Franklin, picking on Herbert because he didn't do enough about the depression...
...Marx is concerned with the underlying laws and tender, -irs of capitalist property and when he turns to other writers and to documentary material it is for the purpose of illustrating and supporting these laws and tendencies...
...Who knows, it may even put the poetry business back on its feet...
...Third, the Communists today run men for executive positions...
...Patterson's main point was that any one who put faith in democracy and told the workers that they could gain power peacefully was "consciously lying...
...Aftel ning to be rM Street...
...No man was more generous in acknowledging his indebtedness to others than Marx and the same thing was true of Darwin and every other great thinker...
...pREQUENTLY-REPEATED charges that the Socialist Party is guilty of Jim-Crowiam, a charge that is part of the regular stock in trade of the Communists hereabouts, could not be sustained by Wm...
...Hesven knows, you've made plenty of your own mistakes...
...Marx's work was much different from that of Chase...
...He does not say whether he agrees with Marx or not for he is not concerned with the fundamentals that concerned Marx...
...Yes," replied Tyler, "one of the planks was the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment...
...When they first set up shop they advised no candidates for executive positions, no reform planks, immediate revolution...
...Harry Elmer in the World Telegram two weeks ago," Joe answered...
...In a public statement printed in your press you called the Socialists liars...
...What Is a liberal, anyway...
...I feel like laughing," Bill answered, "for what Barnes aays of Marx on that score will equally apply to Chase, to Barnes himself and to every great thinker in history...
...But who doesn't mske mistakes...
...Oh, yes...
...In Patterson's reply he said: "I do not recall the facts...
...His was the job of baring the evolution of the capitalist system, formulating the underlying economic laws and tendencies of capitalist property, probing the fundamental character of the mode of production and exchange, presenting an analysis of commodities, of value and utility, of labor power as a commodity, of the role of money in a capitalist economy, and revealing why capitalist production must rebel against the method of exchange...
...Perhaps he Is one who has no predecessors and m> contemporaries...
...That comet down from tht days of the bourgeois economists whose theories correlated with the contributions of the capitalist class to the schools in which they taught...
...Joe inquired...
...I see by the papers that you two boys have been having words again...
...Whichever one of you wins—that's of no real Importance Ope Both of yot ning in July, wanted to bit wanted it qui would be dish met at Chicaf made to pick would be evenl publicans noil Democrats w« of entries sa who resembled < I can't «•» boys should » a single advu i Don't either that he's run both on escsl pulls you up t Herbert, hold railing, and f to the Demoa But if at each may let a tumble an* important it I You guys« because you portant...
...Tyler asked Patterson for an accounting or at least a statement to clear the name of the I. L. D. Patterson replied by saying that he did not have the files with him...
...When a man of the standing of Barnes ssys thst Stuart Chase Has forgotten more economics than Karl Marx ever knew and that Chase is a safer guide than Marx I thought you would sit up and take notice...
...Forgot it...
...However, it is possible that a person might easily become interested in Marxian economics by first reading Chase but if he confines himself to Chase alone he will understand little of the evolution of capitalist property and its underlying laws...
...Thewi one would thi real job—like Besides, V* common...
...Chase, as I have said, cites such material to prove the reality of specific evils and he is not concerned as to what views we may have of underlying laws and trends...
...Barnes's objection on this score measures down to a schoolboy '. ut we have to forgive bim because he is a liberal...
...Where is tho scientist or philosopher in all history who has not drawn upon the work of his predecessors and contemporaries...
...A very revolutionary demand...
...It took you from July to October to realize, thst not Burt Wheeler snd Huey Long, but fellows like Barney Baruch and Vincent Astor were running the Democratic Party...
...Chase cites from other writers and from much documentary material but not in support of any underlying laws he has formulated but to show that the particular disease he is discussing is real...
...It amused me while reading it and then other matters of more importance occupied my attention...
...Yo*1 /;/ alike and agers are Si Nor is ths» tween your n dates...
...And it's anybody's opportunity to read the correspondence of the President and hie Democratic opponent...
...Zigsag Tyler referred to the Communist course, changing from the extreme impossiblist position to the extremest opportunism...
...As if he didn't help the railroads and the banks and the big industries...
...Y°U bave to hand it to that guy Barnes," said Joe to Bill as they left the class in economics at the Rand School...
...Well, isn't Barnes's mam contention true that Chase has forgotten more economics than Marx ever knew...
...I know both of you are running for the same goal...
...Joe Premnta Hill With a Corker Received From Harry Elmer Barnes And Bill Does Not Appreciate It ¦ By Autolycus...
...And he added,that wherever the democratic rights of the workers were threatened the Socialists organized well-disciplined armies to fight for these rights, as in Vienna in 1927...
...What harm is there in planting some trees...
...You must be able to support such a statement at public meetings...
...Tyler asked whether Marx was '{consciously lying" when he told the workers of Holland, England and ths United States that they could gain power peacefully...
...asked Joe...
...He put it all over, Marx...
...It was a corker...
...Now you've handed one to me," said Bill as they Darted...
...Laugh that off, will you...
...In presenting the Socialist case/ Gus Tyler, Educational Director of the Young People's Socialist League, answered the chsrges made by Patterson in the Communist press and then launched into s discussion of the theoretical differences between the two parties...
...Now' and then he gives a hint but it is incidental to his main theme of the growing disorders of t...
...Herbert may have made his mistakes...
...Take up Marx's first volume of Capital and compare it with any of the books of Chase and you will observe the difference," said Bill...
...I had forgotten it," said Bill...
...Or whether Engels was lying when he said the same in the 1890's...
...I'm surprised," said Joe...

Vol. 14 • October 1932 • No. 18

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