Where Your Union Meets
Where Your Union Meets BONN*/ SINGER SMBROIDEREBS, TIU Kfc'BS, STITCHER* fu«LRS' INION. Local M, ILOWU, 1 bit 16tb Bt Phone Algonquin 4 • 8*31-MM Executive Boar* Merit Every Tuesday...
...Msnag" new TORS TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION N* * OffiCi and headquarters, 34 West lsih St N Y Meets every 3rd Sunday oi every month it Stuyvetaot High School 18th St., East of tnd Ave Phone Tomp kins Sq (-1470 Austin Hewson...
...Chairman: M. Brown, V ice-Chairman: M Pelnstone Secretary-Treasurer...
...M(r LABOR SECRETARIAT OF N. t. C. S. John Block, Attorney...
...Branch meeting Tuesday, 8:30 p. m . headquarters, 1637 E. 17th st...
...BRANCH 3.—Comrade Sam Block has been elected organizer if the branch...
...Morris W Jacobs...
...STUDENT WORKER" The Student Worker, the officially weekly newspaper of the Rand School students, is desperately In need.of funds...
...1TH AJ).—Branch meeting Tuesday, at 8 30 p. m, at 788 Elsmere Place Mass meeting will be held on Wednesday...
...Vice President...
...Ashlana I 1191 8am 1 u r k e . Pres.: Loun Rubin (eld, Secy • Treas tegular meetma ?very ana and 4th rnursoay ai Jeettioven Hall »in East 5th St...
...8 at 3:00 p. in , at Fewester Field, Bay 60th street and Btlllwell avenue...
...336 Broadway...
...Dinner and danee will take ylace this Saturday, Sept...
...Every device known in modern fireworks will be used to effect the eruption scene of Mount Vesuvius, and as a concluding feature of each night's performance, a display of modern fireworks representative of the latest novelties will be shown...
...Cloth Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union...
...and Sec...
...J. J Bambilck...
...DECORATORS OP AMERICA District Council Bo, s, 14 Y. O. At-Aimed with the American Federation of Labor and Na-hfJLJf ilonal Building TajM Trades Council •fgWMMBSfga Meet...
...Clothing Workers if America Office 31 West 18th St...
...Regular Meetings every iVerlnrsday Evening, at the Labor Temple 713 Cast S4th Street...
...Amalgamated Bank Bldg 11-16 Union Square, 3rd floor...
...Charles Pflauin...
...Correspal ling Sec'y...
...John Sullivan Orgsolrers VEST MAKERS' UNION...
...Kreuzer Emden" At the Hindenburg "Kreuzer Emden" (Cruiser Em-den), the new German talking picture starring Louis Ralph, Renee Stobrawa, and Werner Fuetterer, will continue its successful run over the next week-end, ''Life Begins" at Both Strand Theatres "Life Begins" enters its second week at popular prices at the New York Strand Theatre and in addition starts a run at the Brooklyn Strand Theatre tonight...
...tt East 10* h street A'Sxec...
...Meets -very Tuesday at 8 ou P. M. B Merkln...
...Maurice W. Jacobs...
...I. U. of T. Office: 359 W. 14th St., City...
...23RD A.D.—Comrades are spread-ng the message of Socialism through->ut this territory...
...Ed Out teaman Sec retary-Treasurer...
...All comrades who are going should get in touch with Comrade Knobloch...
...Our candidates...
...On Wednesday...
...Max H. Frankle presided...
...Albert E. Castro President...
...27th The return to New York City on Tuesday evening, September 27th, of the famous fireworks spectacle "The Last Days of Pom-pell," is said to be exciting interest among the people of New York who remember the 'spectacle when it was last seen here 27 years ago...
...Affiliated with the American Federation •I Labor 9 Jackson Ave...
...to • P. at...
...New York Pnone Oramercy 6-1033...
...Housewarmlng and card party will open fall season of branch on Saturday, at 8:30 p. m, at headquarters, 1637 E. 17th st...
...A splendid time is promised...
...M*r Sec...
...OBlce open daily except Saturday irom a A at...
...C. Robinson, at Winter Gsurden Gunman, gambler, murderer, editor and finally a Portuguese fisherman have been the roles assumed by Edward G. Robinson during his movie career, the last characterization in his latest film, "Tiger Shark," now having its first New York showing at the Winter Garden Theatre...
...Joseph Schlossberg...
...In this production Mr...
...Others in the cast of "Life Begins" are Glenda Farrell, Preston Foster, Frank McHtigh...
...Coney Island...
...Maedchen in Uniform" To Stay Inrlrefinitely At Criterion Theatre "Maedchen in Uniform," the German talking film which has scored a success in Europe, and which has been widely acclaimed by the New York critics, upon its first showing last Tuesday, will continue Indefinitely at the Criterion theatre, where it will be shown twice dally...
...GEBMAN J>AINTEB8' UNION, Local 499, Brother-i hood ot Painters, Decorators ana Papefhangeri...
...Local 3. International Pur Workers Union...
...uptown office, 30 West 37th Street, phone Wisconsin 7-1310...
...Allen Fisher...
...Executive Board meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at Beethoven Hall, 310 E Plfth St...
...Secretary of Executive Board Saul Kodos...
...Now in its fifth week on Broadway, this story of the lives of the women confined In a maternity ward, with Loretta Young, Eric Linden and Aline McMahon featured in the principal roles, has caused much comment due to its originality and uhusualness...
...Downtown office, (40 Broadway, phone Bprlna 1-4648...
...UNITED NECKWEAR MAKERS- UNION, Local lt016, A. t. of L„ 1 East 16th Street Plume Algonquin 4-1083...
...For the event the Polo Grounds will be converted into the city of Pompeii at the height of its glory as a seat of Roman culture and gayety...
...Local No...
...No comrade can iftord to miss this affair...
...E Meyer, Recording Secretary...
...Office and headquarters...
...at 8 ). m. at Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 119 Saekman street...
...Supporting Robinson are Zita Johann and Richard Arlen with other roles handled by Leila Bennett Vince Barnett, J. Carroll Naisrh and William Rlcclardl...
...New York City...
...This Sunday morning a ¦anvass of the entire district will be undertaken by members of the branch tnd Yipeels...
...ssjhbsv V Pin Secy-Tress...
...AbramowiU, 710 Nostra nd ave...
...Loral Ml OUice...
...David Breslow...
...Local 684...
...We therefore appeal to all party members and sympathisers to assist us with financial contributions in carrying-out this valuable .work in orientating- the new student to the Socialist movement...
...Activity Is continually Increasing...
...Fred Wolf, Secretary: Peter Roth SUU...
...8TH CONGRESSIONAL DIST,— Banquet to B. C. Vladeck arranged for Oct...
...Vice-President: Prank atsM, Pin...
...Z L Fiecduien President...
...Regular meetings every Tuesday evening...
...Patriae 1. Ranlon...
...Sfwetarv: Joseph J. O'Con nor...
...Miliuu Rowcroft Bee...
...Joint Executive Board meets every Tuesday night at 1:30, Board meets every Tuesday night at 9:00 In the office...
...The first mass meeting run by branch In Franklin Manor last Friday, Sept...
...Long Island City, N. Y. Tel IRonsldes 6-iSO* Morris Kaufman, Oen...
...Benny Welselberg, Manager: Jos Kessler...
...Joseph Karrass: Business Agent, B KalmlkolT...
...Record nig Secretary PANTS MAKERS TRADf BOARD 01 Oreatei New rork Amalgamate...
...1st and 3rd Mondays...
...followed by Louis Waldman and Dr...
...Secretary-Treasurer J. J. Fahey...
...Board meets at Ml Beat 81th Street...
...Phone Chelsea 3-31 IS...
...Phone Urvdo.k 4 8810 Meets 1st and 3rd Monday S P. M. l.'eeutlve Board tame day, 5 30 P M. M. Tlgel...
...The cast includes Mary Astor, Evalyn Knapp, Grant Mitchell, David Torrance, William Janney, Hardie Albright and Hale Hamilton...
...16, at Colonial Mansion, 1833 Bath avenue at 20th avenue...
...10S, 110 and 116 of The INTERNATIONAL TOR WORKERS OP 0. 8. and C. 3S West Slst Streel Phone Penn...
...All meetings art held al 133 Second Avenue 4, r. C_ INTERNATIONAL FOB WORKERS' UNION Of THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA...
...The action is based on the original manuscript by Lord Bulwer-Lytton and centers around events taking place in Pompeii in the year 9 A. D. The climax of the scene is the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of the city by fire and flame...
...A Weltner, Vice-President...
...IS, proved successful...
...Charles Klein nun, Chairman...
...Phone Wat-kins 9 7784 Regular meetings ever) ttfpad and fourth Tuesday at Arlington "*»ll, 19 Bt...
...Beam meets the office Regulai neetlngii every Ffi sec'y - trees : 'ii Oreenlnger...
...Fried is campaign manager...
...P. Wollensack...
...Speakers: Louis Waldman...
...MorrU Ptshman...
...Pnone Or-citard 4 9160 i a The council meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 8. Hershkowits Bec'y-Treas Operaters, Least I—Regular meetings every lit and 3rd Saturday...
...Chelsea 1-3(11 Executive Board meets every Monday at 7 p.m...
...New York...
...All contributions should be addressed to the Rand School Fellowship, 7 East 15th street...
...Leon Hattab, Manager...
...MS Wllloughby Ave., Brooklyn...
...Oct 18, a, P 8. 67...
...Charles I. Goldman Sec'y-Trees : Philip Lubltuer...
...Refreshments gratis...
...Maedchen in Uniform" has probably received more concerted praise from the press and the public throughout the world than any film within recent memory...
...A meeting of the enrolled voters >f 2d A. D. in the Flatbush and East Kew York section will be held on Wednesday At the Cooperative Bakery Bldg., Lott and Osborn street...
...Local 534 meets on 3iu «Thursday of the month at Beethoven Hall...
...Tompkins Square 8-6400 Board meets -very Tuesday evening at the office All locals meet every Wednesday Morris Bluinenrelch Manager: Hvmar Novodor...
...Sidney Ressnian...
...Arils* portrays an American financier of international reputation who discovers that his millions may support a family but not keep them...
...i t. o. w u Office 10S W. JSlh St...
...David Du-»lmlry...
...rin Sec'y...
...Phone Sugg 3-4131...
...WHITE GOODS WORKERS' UNION Local (3 ot L L. O. w. 0. 8 West 18th Street, new York city Phone Chelsea 3-5768-6757 A Snyder...
...Ous Levlne President...
...31 West Itto mi if i New York...
...Office 31 West ISO Street: Phone Tompkins Square 8-6400 Meetings even 1st >nd Jrd Wednesdat evening 411 IKS A WAITRESSES UNION ®.oiui i. 11 East i8t: St...
...Ma Wllloughby Ave...
...once and neaaquarters, Brookuyrj Laboi Lyceum...
...Mark's Place...
...22ND A.D...
...UNITED HEBREW TBADCS, 175 Bast Broadway...
...Executive Board meets every Monday...
...Speakers were William Karlln, who gave an excellent talk on historic and fundamental problems...
...Morris Hillquit, Jacob Panken, William Berlin 8TH A.D.—Automobile outing tint Sunday, at 10 a. m. We leave from clubrooms, 20 E. Klngsbrldge Road, near Jerome avenue...
...Gloria Shes, Walter Walker and Gilbert Roland...
...Campaign :ommlttee meeting every Monday >venlng...
...Admission SO cents...
...Affiliated win the American Federation of Laboi General office, 83 West :isl St...
...Chairman of Bxec Board: Philip Oretaxv Asst...
...310 East Firth St...
...UNITED \'i' hwi \K CUTTERS' UNION, Local ll 8309, A. P. Ot L., 1133 Broadway Chelsea 3-1349...
...Albert Held...
...Last Days of Pompeii" To Be Reenacted at Polo Grounds on Sept...
...The Roxy Theatre Orchestra, under the direction of David Ross will play the overture and special orchestrations of the music of "Treasure Cruise...
...Managers, Abraham Miller, Secretary Treasurer AMALGAMATED CLOTHING WOBBEBS OP ABUBICA...
...S, a large mass meeting will be held In Burnslde Manor, Burnslde and Harrison aves.,' with mayoralty and state candidate...
...Bec'y-Treas JOIN r EXECUTIVE COMMITTRl INTERNA* !v NAl POC'KBTBOOR WORKEBS' I' n . O N New York Joint Board...
...The superb direction of Leontlne Sagan, under the supervision of Karl Froelich, the acting of the Hertha Thlele and Dorothea Wieck in the leading roles, the unusual photography, and above all the restraint and delicacy with which the unusual story is told, all have come in for approval and ap-ptause...
...Executive Board meets every Tuesday evening, S P.M Manager, N. Spector: Bec'y-Treas., Alei Rose: Organizers, I. H. Goldberg, A. Men delowlts, M Goodman, Lucy Oppenhelm: Ohalrman of Executive Board, Morris Rosenblatt...
...Local 30, L L. O. w. U , . West ism St...
...8e< y Treas N. ». JOINT COl'NCU CAPMAKERS—Cloth Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union Office, 733 Second Ave...
...George Arliss' Newest Film at the Roxy George Arlisa adds another port -ravt to his gallery of characterizations as the star of "A Successful Calamity," his newest picture now on view at the Roxy Theatre...
...A. L. Berger Financial Secretary and Treasurer: William R. chlsllng...
...Emli Thenen, Rec...
...Samuel Mlnrtel...
...Tiger Shark," With Ed...
...1ITH A.D.—Branch meeting, Monday, at 8:30 p. m , at home of Dr...
...Amallthont Bldg., 308 West 14tb St...
...Manager S SHORE executive Supervisor New York Party News (Ceatieaai fraaa rasa Eieveai speak at branch meeting Tuesday, at 8:80 p.m., In headquarters, 804 Prospect avenue...
...i. OtBcet...
...The Roman baths and the temples of Isis and other pagan deities will be shown...
...Always leva for This Label Worker*: Sal Only la Restaurant) That Impl.T Ualeo Workers WATERPROOt UARMEN1 WORRIES UNION...
...Local M, ILOWU, 1 bit 16tb Bt Phone Algonquin 4 • 8*31-MM Executive Boar* Merit Every Tuesday Night lo the Office of the Union...
...Regular meetings first Monday ot every month at Irving Plana Irving Place and 15th Street...
...Street meetings oeld dally...
...Pin flee y, Frank F. Luti, Treasurer, Andrew Siren, Bus Agent William Weingert...
...Plans are now oeing made for another and greater masi meeting early In October...
...Phone Wis...
...N Y. Phone Tompkins Square 8-64*0 Hyman Slumbers...
...executive Board meets every Thursday at toe office of the Union...
...Daniel McCa'jIey, Vice-President James J. McOrath...
...A'tman, Friedman, Sadofl are doing their full ihare...
...Charge Is 81, no more than railroad fare...
...President: Al Buy erle, Vice-PreaVent...
...STagg 3-0793 Reg...
...Telephones Algonquin 4-8SO0-1-3-3-4-5 Sidney Hill-man...
...Jack Schulter Is editor...
...1 SO Soccer game between the Jewish American soccer team and All Italian Soccer Cluty Oct...
...Holer President and Buslneii Agent: Max Llebler...
...Pres.: Samuel Perlmutier...
...President, Morris Relss...
...New York, every last Mturday...
...every Thurs tskhbmphbbw it'y evei.lug Office ^ mstjvsnzssr a* n «r<1 8' fslRrXs'vlwawaf rel iiHinni) JW^yB^^M^W . 6 - 060* David I jwajjash 111 Shapiro B e c ' y ; ¦T^ajh wfSWwM Robert Sembroff...
...Amalgamatec Clothing Workers ol America Petei Monat...
Vol. 14 • September 1932 • No. 13