The World of Labor

The Party Forges Ahead Prevent Evictions, Exempt Workers' Homes from Taxes, Waldman Demands IMMEDIATE legislation exempting working class homes from taxation during the prssent economic...

...Henry Jager and local candidates will speak PASSAIC—Prof...
...m. Oreta Ftrtter, set Missouri An John Victor sec Pennsylvania, Bellrveruon Mill n i Peters, sec , 317 Speer st, North Bellrveruon Cnfcesvllle John I Plurk sec Latrobe N W Matthews sec...
...8, Camden, N. J., afternoon...
...5, Springfield, 111...
...7, noon broadcast over station KGO and Pacific Coast network of NBC...
...West Virginia...
...The camp offers swimming, boating, dancing and refreshments...
...At least 41 per cent of the Brooklyn Union's capital stock, on which the public is compelled U pay dividends, Is pure water, he revealsd...
...E. G. Beck, will be delivered in the Labor Temple, Second avenue and 14th street, Sunday, at 9 p. in...
...Other meetliigs will be heM In Bristol...
...Chester (Y P. 8 I, I: Alexander Fabriaio...
...Beck's subject will be "A Philosopher Looks at the World...
...This week's speakers are Henry Green Walker, Mrs R. Smith and others will be held in West Orange on Friday...
...Bergenllne avenue and 14th street, West New York...
...At a meeting heM in the 3rd District P. Cederfaolm, candidate for state senator la the 31st District and Comrade Auth, candidate for Alderman in the 3rd District, spoke...
...He called on his listeners to stop voting for "good men," to stop throwing away their votes on the two old parties of capitalism, "the gold trust twins," and turn not only their votes but also their active and untiring support to the Socialist Party...
...She will •peak m Michigan the week begln¦»* Sept...
...Ben Blumenberg...
...27, Houston...
...Pleas are being made to hold a large rally in the teem hall In the near future with the Socialist candidate lor II...
...21, San Diego: 23, Yuma, Aria...
...Daily noon hour meetings start shortly...
...Solomon strongly criticized tbe national arimlnlat ml Ion for dollmr out "scores of millions to banks, railroads and insurance companies," while allowing only "niggardly thousands" for cities and States for the relief of their distressed and destitute citizen...
...DANIEL W. HOAN October 1—Detroit, Mich...
...Jamestown, 27...
...Unless candidates designated by petition are voted for by enrolled Socialists, their names will not appear on the ballot Nov...
...Other speakers at the Hempstead meeting were the Rev...
...The federal relief program Is pitifully Inadequate...
...But when he got home, he was forgotten...
...16, Bakersfield, Calif...
...17—New York City, Rand School, 3pm...
...Dunkirk, 28...
...early In October, at the new headquarters The club win offer three or four aaarses on economic* and related tupies...
...The Socialist Study Club will begin Its season of lecture* wmm a 13 lecture course In "History of tbe AmsTlran Labor Movement...
...Waldman at Albany, Syracuse and Cortland...
...Niagara Falls, Oct...
...Cars and buses, decorated with Socialist banners and placards, began arriving early in the morning and continued in a constant stream until Norman Thomas began to apeak at 4:30...
...Speaker: Sam Seldman...
...Several new locals will be one direct result of the affair...
...The peculiar thing is that those who make money out of war by staying home are the loudest to complain...
...Comrade Murufchlk, of N. Y. was the principal speaker at another meeting...
...Ban Fraiscisco lY P 8. L.): Walter F FerrU, sec...
...Jackson and Orient avenues, Jersey City...
...Walcknan's statement follows: "The cost of living has declined IS per cent In New York City since 1029...
...17-19, Los Angeles and vicinity...
...Among them moved the faithful party members who stuck to their job through all kinds of reverses and disappointments In the slim years of the past decade...
...Louis, Mo...
...M. Feigenbaum...
...An article by Solomon giving the facts on federal "relief" In detail appeared in last week's New Leader...
...10,000 Hear Thomas At Indiana Meeting INDIANAPOLIS, Ind—Speaking to 10,000 people in the huge Osdte Tabernacle here, Norman Thomas last weak brought the Socialist national campaign Into the home territory of Eugene V. Debs...
...In my own city he was promised jobs...
...ini¦ i*tv«11...
...16: Avenue C and 22nd street, Bayonne...
...The Ideal climate has encouraged many to spend their vacations now when everything is quiet and peaceful, and Unity will remain open until early October...
...If production today were to reach the so-called urosperlty levels of 1939," he declared, It would be necessary to re-employ only about 05 per cent of the nation's present unemployed...
...Socialist candidate for President...
...sec , Route 1 Temple Clyde Cook, sec West Virginia, Wheeling A I i Bauer, sec . 175 lSth st Previunt WeeWt Loral* Alabama...
...Another course of lectures will start the coming Wednesday at 8:30 Solomon Raps Attempt to Put Over Sales Tax DECLARING that the general sales tax would become a major Issue at the next session of Congress, Charles Solomon, Socialist Candidate for the United States Senate from New York, piiblirly demanded that Republican and Democratic candidates for Congress state now whether they were for or against the sales tax as a means of balancing the budget...
...BECK LECTURES SUNDAY The first of a course of lectures to be given by Dr...
...4, Boston, Mass...
...This is the program of the Socialist Party...
...NEWARK.—Campaign headquarters hav* opened at 4 Center street, op-' poatte Hudson Tubes...
...The Socialist program of public ownership and operation," Comrade Waldman pointed out, "Is the only effective answer to the abuses disclosed by this survey...
...Twenty-five years ago he was a Socialist candidate for the Assembly and he ran again this year...
...FALL PRIMARY TUESDAY It is important that Socialists 'participate In the primary Tuesday...
...Boa wttaon, mm l i Wmthington, D. C, Picnic Sunday...
...He surrounded himself with men of questionable honesty, grasping realtors, who let no chance pass by to line their own pockets and those of their allies at the expense of the borough and its taxpayers" Thomas Flays Old Parties Before 20,000 In Michigan Rallies DSTROIT — (MINS) — Twenty million unemployed in the winter of 1933 was the prediction of Norman Thomas flung at "prosperity ballyhoo" when be opened his Michigan campaign in a series of four addresses In Detroit and Pontiac to crowds aggregating more than 20,000...
...Thomas also hit the use of inventions to displace jobs instead of reducing hours of labor...
...We live In a world tied together by this machinery of factories and (teat scale production privately owned and operated for private profit...
...It is expected that the largest vets ever given to a third party wtu be east in NoAugust Ctaessens, of New York, will speak In Center rule, Harnden, Sundap...
...At an outdoor meeting of the Hh District Socialist Club at Wood Park, Comrade Stems, of N. Y., was greeted by one of the largest crowds since we opened our campaign...
...New recruits are being added every day...
...At present, Duffy is working in Buffalo...
...29, Fort Smith, Ark...
...In particular, on the ground that they were increasing their earnings at the expense of the small domestic consumer In the bitterest depression of our economic history, Louis Waldman, Socialist candidate for governor of New York State, made public the results of a survey of the operations of this company in Brooklyn and Queens...
...He described graphically the farmers' strike...
...and were sure of success...
...641 E. Pearl st . Toledo: Perry County: James M White, sec, R. P. D. 2, Crooksvllle Pennsylvania, Montgomery County (Ambler br...
...The coming winter," he said, "which makes the fourth of the depression, will concededly be the worst of all...
...An drew J. Biomlller, national organ izer, and George H Goebel, wlu gave one of the best collectlor speeches ever delivered from u Socialist platform...
...Unite the workers of Wis world for economic independence...
...The price remains the same: 5c each, 50c a dozen, $3.00 a hundred...
...Thomas Thrills Huge Throng at N. Jersey Picnic METUCHEN, N. J.—The most .successful Socialist picnic since the war was held bare Sunday, with Norman Thomas as chief speaker...
...This, he pointed out, would retard business recovery because it would cut down the purchases upon which industry depends...
...10—New York Town Hall, afternoon...
...300 New Leaders Iwere sold last week in Military Park...
...21, at Watertown...
...Bled by huge special assessments this thriving young borough has been cursed by the wasteful and crooked misgovernment of both the Democratic and Republican regimes...
...Claessens, Beardsley And State Candidates On New York Tours AUGUST CLAESSENS began a tour of New York State last Monday for the State Campaign Committee...
...Speaker: Wm...
...The state secretary will report the progress of tbe party...
...Following a request from Blemiller for names from Interested people In unorganized territory, Individuals from ii score of localities requested speakers and organizers...
...23: Central avenue and Charles street, Jersey City...
...Order from National Headquarters, ,549 Randolph street, Chicago...
...J H. Davis sec: Kairns City (Y...
...Maryland BALTIMORE—From II to 30 meetings on street corners are held hi Baltimore every week and special trips are being rnade to Include neighboring towns...
...Speaker: Sam Seldman...
...There has been a good healthy growth of party branches bringing In good hardworking new blood...
...A state government with social vision could have extended these tax exemptions to the private home owners, ha that way saving for many Uieir homes from foreclosure...
...9, Pittsburgh, Pa...
...He was to speak at Port Jervis on Monday, Blnghampton on Tuesday, Elmira on Wednesday, Ithaca on Thursday, and Auburn on Friday, returning to participate in the management of the Thomas meeting at the Community Center, White Plains, Saturday...
...Other speakers were Dr...
...Displays of literature and cartoons in the windows attract hundreds of others...
...School street and Whitney avstrae Julius E. Miller of Norfolk, Pa., will speak Friday evening, Sept...
...In the afternoon before the mass meeting, Thomas visited the Socialist party's relief station in company with Powers Hapgood, candidate for governor Hoan for Bettor Deal for Soldiers—and for Peace Toilers, Too MILWAUKEE...
...30, Little Rock...
...Texas, E3 Paso O. Boone Morgan, sec...
...on the 20th in Oswego...
...Duluth, Minn., 9 p. m 20—St...
...Last Week's Locals Illinois, Moltar M B Dester, aet I l«4 24th St Indiana Ctoverdale Jesse Herber' see Route 2 Coldmont Roy Kel lei, sec tireencastie J W Wnghi see , Route I Hvmer Lee Murrlv sec Universal Was Bruwn...
...5, Bridgeport, Conn...
...Plans are being made for the formation of a new branch...
...More than 10,000 people thronged the grounds of the Danish Brotherhood and Sisterhood picnic grove...
...A truck will leave the Workmen's Circle School, at* Casusabia road, M 12 A. M. for those without means of transportation...
...24, speaking at Corning that evening...
...PoHtiea} observers in the state predict a record breaking rote for the ticket...
...WESTCHESTER COUNTY Manager in 1918 of the campaign to re-elect Charles A. Lindbergh, father of the famous Colonel Lindbergh, to Congress from Minnesota on the Farmer-Labor ticket, Carl O. Parsons, nationally known exposition director of New Rochelle, Is himself a candidate for Congressman In the 25th Congressional district on the Socialist ticket...
...In Rochester, the local has opened headquarters at 40 State street...
...19, Claessens will speak in Syracuse...
...24, El Paso, Texas...
...1; Rochester, 2; Oswego, 3; Oneida, 4; Sherrlll, 5; Auburn, 5; Utlca and Rome, 6; Saratoga Springs or Mechanics ville, 7; Glens Falls, 8. State candidates start tours on Friday of next week covering 11 up-state cities, Karlln and Solomon speaking at Blnghampton and other southern tier cities...
...Sidney Yellen...
...white Plains, N. Y, Community Center, evening...
...2508 Guadalupe st Rising Star E W Balrd...
...22—Grand Rapids, Mich...
...and many other gas and public utility companies were now paying higher dividends than In 1929 and 1930, due to the monopoly •granted them by the State...
...4—Portland, Ore...
...Hundreds and thousands of wage earners have put their life saving* into the purchasing of homes in Queens by long term payments with which they have been retiring their third and second mortgages," Waldman declared...
...Friday, Sept...
...Lucas County (4th Ward br): Joseph ttelK luiiski sec...
...After the taxpayers I had been fleeced by the corrupt Democratic machine, headed by Connolly, the people turned In disgust and despair to the Republican machine led by George U. Harvey...
...26, San Antonio...
...Sales taxes, he charged, would result in a further lowering of the standard of living of the masses of people... of the Morco Co Virginia Richmond (Y P S L) Raymond B. Brothers, see., 001 Pepper ave...
...He arrived In Erie at noon, and spoke at a luncheon and reception In his honor Comrade O. O. Orawtord asted as (sfaakrssan at this luncbson...
...all of Which the public had been forced to pay...
...Eric De Marsh, the Nassau County Socialist Candidate 'for Congress, and G. August Geiber, Socialist candidate for Congressman-at-large...
...Then at Olean, 26...
...Since its organization by the consolidation of various smaller companies In 189S, these dividends on non-existing capital had amounted to more than 140,000,000...
...Yet before Harvey was in office two years, his adminiatration became Involved In scandals and corruption...
...14 kf Monro- si Sliaion W i (I King...
...WATERLOO.—Many Socialists will regret to learn of tbe death of Prosper A. Perrln of Geneva...
...An alert, wide awake Public Service Commission would long since have compelled a downward revision of rates to conform to the downward trend of prices...
...The family with a normal bill of $2 a month Is now actually paying $2.3,1 as compared with 1929...
...Mary Donovan to Speak In Ohio and Michigan CHIC A GO...
...He was a devoted Socialist, never swerving from his support of the cause through the post-war years of persecution...
...The people who ran least afford It...
...The budget should be balanced by taxing the rich and not the poor, he asserted, adding that an estimate made by Henry J. Rosner, research secretary of the Socialist Party, indicates that British income tax rates applied to American incomes would yield another billion dollars In revenue...
...set Iowa, Newton HusseU Jackson, sec 1021 N 4th ave W Michigan Ray City Win Kabul, n. see., 809 tin, Warner avr Ludington Mrs I' I Larson, see, 321V* E Dow I.iud ave Baghurw Frederick A H .miners sec HI4 Holland ave v...
...He called attention to the fact that the Brooklyn Union Gas Co...
...Bradford Young, assistant rector of Holy Trinity, Trinity* Brooklyn...
...Thomas dismissed the old party candidates quJCkiy...
...Victor L. BerC*r( chairman, announces...
...Comrade Parsons will be one of the speakers at Saturday's meeting at tbe White Plains County Crater, where the chief speaker will be Norman Thomas...
...Not only are new-comers being enlisted in the work, but many of the oldtimers have again become active...
...S. Senator, Dewere Allen, as the utaui ipisaki...
...must make sacrifices, but not the gas magnates," he added...
...Auth and Candidate lor Alderman M Oedsrholm spoke at Maplewood and Hancock avenue...
...10—New York City, dinner of Thomas-Mauer committee of 5,000 JO—Schenectady, N. Y , Hudson Theatre...
...2. Philadelphia...
...Walter E. Davis, of Hansden...
...Thomas was enthusiastically received, thrilling tbe throng with accounts of the Interest in the movement in all parts of the country...
...At the party's opening rally In Hempstead, L. I., Comrade Solomon warned the crowd that filled the Parkway Stadium, representing all sections of Nassau County, that only restoration of the purchasing power of the masses could end depression...
...A meeting will be held on the Central Green, as usual, Saturday Five urtglsbornood opeavair rallies are being held this week...
...Ttaans sajjvqo pus »nu;u« i«.rju»f) Jersey City...
...6, New York City...
...27—Kenosha, Wis., 7 p. m . Racine, Wis., 8:30 p. m 28—Superior, Wis, 7:30 p m...
...Literature sale* are good...
...It can be done in an orderly and peaceful fashion if we mean business...
...NEW EDITION OF THOMAS PAMPHLET "Why I Am A Socialist," a pamphlet by Norman Thomas which has sold at the rate of over a thousand copies a week since the Socialist campaign started, is now available in an edition with the Imprint of the Socialist party replacing that of the League for Industrial Democracy...
...Mary Donovan win lie tn Michigan from Sept...
...Mary Donovan, reBMnbered for active work with the •acco and Vanzetti's defense committee and once Socialist candidate for the governorship of Massachusetts, will spend two weeks touring for the women's conunlt?•o of the Socialist party in Ohio •nd Michigan, Mrs...
...3—Seattle, Wash...
...Henry Jager, can didate for Mayor of Linden...
...So confadsmt had thr parte been of its success to the fight that three htegc mas* meetings had been previously arranged at Dayton, Akron and Cleveland Thomas left Indianapolis immediately for these meetings, as had been scheduled Thou** rati turned out In all three Ohio cities...
...To Open Quarters WASHINGTON, D. C A national campaign rally win be held this Sunday at tbe Workmen's Circle Camp, Edge water, Md Several hundred picnickers will hear speakers headed by Joel Heitiman, recently returned from West Virginia, Leo A inert, Elizabeth McOIng, Hannah Morris and James McMeal, president of the Johns Hopkins University Thornas~foi 'President Club...
...Buffalo, 29...
...Attacks Boost in Gas Rates for Poor Consumer LAUNCHING an attack against privately owned gas and public utility companies in gensral and the Brooklyn Union Gas Go...
...Each state has a number of electors equal to the number of senators and congressmen which It elects, and New York State Is entitled to 47...
...The picnic shows that the growth Is solid and will continue...
...However, tan* releases our fun eh, time and energy for more Important i anuisRn activity" The attorney general's decision out on the eve of a tour af Ohio by Norman Thomas...
...10, Louisville, Ky...
...0. Upstate the polls will be open from 12 noon until 9 In the evening, while In New York City the hours are from 3 p. m. to 0 p. m. It Is the duty of election boards to provide primary ballots, and enrolled Socialist* should not accept any excuses In the failure to provide ballots...
...P S. L.l James King, sec, 311 So Maple l.iHinrrlH-al HAMBCN—Street meeting...
...Elbert* Adotuh P Orr botd, secretary Californiu...
...11, St...
...Box 196...
...I Now men who had hoped to be secure with their families from want in their advaacing years find themselves without a lob or home "To add to the tragedy and hardship of these home owners of the poorer classes the tax exemptions which constituted one of the inducements to become such home owners have been removed at the very time, when our people could least afford to pay the taxes...
...22, at Utlca, and 23 at Schenectady...
...SO—Train meetings, Fargo, N. D, 2:46 p. m., Jamestown, N. D, 5:15 p. m , Mandan, N. n, 7.05 p. m October 1—Montana (Butte, Helena or Missoula...
...2—Spokane, Wash...
...7, New York City...
...The spirit of revolt should be turned into channels of well Untight out political action," he said...
...Michigan Every body is pointing to the state convention at Otand Rapid* Saturday and Bunder in the Arbelter Ring hall which 310 delegates from every part of the state win attend...
...PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS The state secretary Is requesting locals and members at large to make recommendations of persons to be nominated by the state committee for presidential electors...
...He characterized Hoover as a man "who has given doles like water to private business, In the name of 'rugged Individualism,' while he has denied federal responsibility for nation-wide unemployment...
...18, and in Ohio the *»«k beginning Sept...
...Paul, Minn...
...Similar conditions exist in many sections upstate, notably in Rockland County, which la served by the Rockland Light A Power Co., and in the cities of Utlca and Rochester...
...P S. L.): Aktene Matteson...
...A number <*f Hamden Socialists are taking part In the Norman Thomas tour of towns and cttses on Friday, Sept...
...It can no longer be disputed that state and municipal resources are Incapable of meeting the situation...
...sad kskradttosd sneakers from tarkajs civic OrgAtuinMons, among them leader* sf varlou* laBOT orrk-s^BJe-^AIimi SfthSPhsl Pla League...
...A huge sign •vasts thousands daily coming from and going to Maw York...
...The wealthy would still be left with princely incomes in a country where thirteen million unemployed have no incomes and Where the average wage for workers is $1,300 a year...
...The party will soon open headquarters In s specious hall In the downtown section, seating over 300, which Include* a imaller roam snttahie for an office and library...
...New Britain and a large nasas ¦meeting at night in the Merteen City Hall...
...New York Excellent reports are coming In from New York State cities which have been visited by William E. Duffy, for several weeks engaged in Intensive organization work under the direction of the State Committee...
...We Socialists still believe that there li tune for a strong, well organised political movement, supplemented by labor unions, farmers' organisations and cooperatives, to bring about social ownership of natural resources by a society of workers of hand and brain...
...Comrade Newkirk and Jones are also working under the direction of the State Committee, in the northern part of the state...
...Full programs will be arranged...
...On Monday, Sept...
...Room 334, (38 Montgomery St...
...Richmond: James Howard sec, 412 N 11 u* st...
...The warmth and beauty of Indian summer in the Pocouos are at their best at Unity House...
...The Party Forges Ahead Prevent Evictions, Exempt Workers' Homes from Taxes, Waldman Demands IMMEDIATE legislation exempting working class homes from taxation during the prssent economic emergency and declaring a moratorium on foreclosure pro ceedings on such homes for the nsjas period was urged by Louis Waldman, Socialist candidate for governor of New York, at the ratification rally of Queens County Socialists, in the Labor Temple...
...Roosevelt, he said, is "a gentleman of amiable Intentions who leans whichever way the wind blows" Then he outlined Socialist principles for the cure of economic Ills— the five-day week, relief as a matter of right for every unemployed family, national unemployment Insurance and a program of public works, includinga conquest of the slums...
...In his opening remarks, Waldman severely scored Queens Borough President Harvey as having permitted the taxpayers to be looted and exploited almost from the date of his Induction into offce and pointed out that Harvey had never yet satisfactorily explained his connection with the Mew York Airport Co., whose stockholders were refunded their money only when the Attorney Oeneral threatened criminal acUon...
...Socialist leaders predict a record vote In the state...
...They have remained inert and indlflirent to the situation...
...Louis, Mo...
...With the depression there came an avalanche oi foreclosures, wiping out the working peoples' homes by the thousands...
...sec, 325 Butler st Ambler...
...410 Prospect st Teias...
...He quoted Abraham Lincoln: "Labor creates all wealth, and wealth belongs to those who have created it...
...2.— That It would place the major share of the tax burden upon the unemployed and wage earners who today are already living below a subsistence level of living...
...Saturday, Sept...
...Among the comrades instrumental in making a great success of the rally were Andrew P. Wlttel, state secretary...
...West Virginia Thomas and Maurer Clubs have been formed In Miami and Klvesvllle H. H. Mooney Is secretary of the first and Miss Velva Myers of the second...
...The •peaher* w« be drawn from (he awtJPPOssEtlons...
...Challenging his Republican opponent to a debate and receiving the reply: "I don't debate Issues...
...6-7—San Francisco and vicinity...
...3, Schenectady, N. Y...
...23, Majestic Hall, 2 Mitchell street...
...JAMES II MAURER September 16—San Francisco...
...The' tsesamx party demands that U be •Sued eollectivrly...
...23—Traverse City, Mich., Michigan Education Society...
...This new place win provide a meeting hell for tbe party, the YPSL, Unemployed League and various unions...
...Abilene Jos EtherMge, sec 502 Oak st Austin Mrs Marion M Heed...
...Speaker: Wm...
...Pee, same as tost season, 14 a twaiat, or is oesss a toetnto...
...24—Saginaw, Mich., 2:30 p. m Jackson, Mich., 8 p. m. 26—Madison, Wis., University uf Wisconsin, Field House, 2:30 p. ni., Belolt, Wis., evening...
...Preinsylvania ERIE.—The Pubtto Auditorium here was filled to oapseaty when Norman Thomas spoke...
...The government must see to It that those who have served It be appropriately recompensed...
...Walter E. Peck will speak Saturday at Mam and Passaic avenues Last week Prof Blemlller held a very successful meeting...
...was nominated for Judge of Probate for the New Haven district, which In i chides a number of towns In tbe vicinity...
...New Jersey HUDSON COUNTY.—Street meetings, Friday, Sept...
...that's old fashioned...
...16 The taw starts wtth s meeting In Walrrtoury si 13 naen...
...i inio Lake County: Jerry Nave, sec, 43 So...
...Charging that both of the old parties "«Sse more* concerned with beer than with the nickel to buy it with," Thomas said that the causes of cur • mat misery and hunger went deeper than mere political maladministration...
...state secretary, reports that there are now SB Socialist local* In Ohio, a again of 16 since the first of June...
...October 1—St...
...Parsons has been chasing Congressman Millard all over the country, repeating his challenge...
...Panken and Sander at Poughkeepsle, Utlca, Rome and Oneida, DR...
...He assailed the general sales tax on two grounds: l.--That It would reduce the spending power of the people because the tax is always passed on to the consumer...
...Preparations are being made for an automobile parade when Thomas comes to town All wishing to participate are requested to register with Norman Dorfman, who Is in charge of the state headquarters...
...22, 23 and 24...
...2-4, Chicago, Dl...
...The Socialist Women's club will arrange her protram In Detroit, and Is planning a reeintten Saturday sad speeches at meetings throughout the oily Thomas' vtatt lime labor I^resulted tot new THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN Thomas, Maurer, Hoan THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN Where to Hear Them NORMAN THOMAS 10—"Bed Spec la?'* tour of Greenwich, Stamford, Banbury, Merlden, New Britain, Bristol, Norwalk and Waterbury, Conn...
...Thomas declared that the bonus army mareh, the farmers' strike In the middle west, and the miners' strike In Illinois and Indiana are signs that "the people's patience has reachs ed the limit...
...The existing economic and political system is breaking down under its Own weight and must give way to a change, he declared, flaying both the Republican and Democratic parties as plutocratic Instead of democratic...
...B. Bonn...
...A. A. HolUngsworth...
...Pare, Me...
...3. at • p. m. NEW HAVEN.—At a probate convention...
...20—Milwaukee, Wis., Eagles' Club noon luncheon: 8 p. in., mass meeting...
...Walter E. Peck, chairman: Hermar Nlcsner, Socialist candidate foi U. S. Senator...
...Candidates for public office may also be nominated for presidential electors...
...The men who went to war and their women who worked at home must be given a better deal," Mayor Dexiel W. Hoan declared here in welcoming 4,000 members of the United Spanish War Vet eraas at their convention...
...10 to 30...
...Wayne Oomv ty (Detroit and vicinity) is sending the largest delegation, 30 delegates and 30 Candidate* for state offices will be chosen, and a state platform decided upon...
...At Unity House Yolchl Hiracka, celebrated classical xylophonlst, who was a sensation of the summer programs, will make another appearance this week-end at Unity House, Forest Park, Pa...
...Mai tinshurg (Y...
...sec, 3727 Walnut st...
...Even more Important, the government must see to it that those who toil in peace time receive the full fruits of their labor...
...State st...
...They came from every county in the state, some bringing old timers who hadn't been near the movement since tbe war, others carrying newcomers attending their first Socialist meeting...
...The service man was promised everything...
...Previously, Stats Organiser Plunkett was the main speaker at Wood Park F. Oeserhotm...
...Speaker: Ben Blumenberg...
...17: Washington and 7th streets, Hoboken...
...H. David, M. Rosenkranz, Erich Ross, Peter Detlefsen, Louis Lydlksen, Louis Larsen, Hans Nlllson and Robert Cameron...
...He repeated that the Federal program for unemployment relief was so Inadequate as to be "pitiful" and warned that the number of unemployed would be not less than 13,000,000 during the coming winter...
...Comrade Parsons has been waging an Intensive campaign to bring the message of Socialism before the citizens of Westchester...
...He will return to tour Michigan Sept...
...And this poverty is not due to famine but because of overproduction...
...Trenton, N. J., evening...
...Beardtley and State Candidate* Samuel Beardsley of New York will start a tour of the state on Saturday, Sept...
...Woodside, L. I. Comrade Waldman also advocated a law preventing evictions of unemployed and destitute families for nonpayment of rent, the owners of the property, however, to be compensated by the welffare agencies of the city under a mandatory provision of the law...
...Poverty In America is Inexcusable and Us existence a ringing condemnation of the present economic system," he declared...
...Salamanca, 26...
...Eagles' Hall...

Vol. 14 • January 1932 • No. 12

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