A Socialist View Of the Week

On the Political Front Vigorous Socialist Drive Brings in $25,000 Thousands Flocking to Hear Socialist Speakers as Figures Mount Toward $100,000 Goal for Campaign; Broun, Vladeek, Hoan...

...The first of these will be held under the auspices of the ThomasMaurer Committee of 5,000, of which Mary Fox is the executive secretary, at Mecca Temple, New York, Monday evening...
...by their vote and as a part of the organized sentiment behind the campaign for the Socialist'candidates...
...You will, Indeed, want to use your vote to support a fundamental program and a man of outstanding ability for president of the United States...
...JUGOSLAV FEDERATION Joseph Oven has been engaged for a tour through several states, speaking in the Slovene language during the fall campaign...
...Ethelwyn Mills, of Los Angeles, has agreed to arrange a state dinner in California when Thomas reaches that state in the course of his western tour...
...We invite to membership In the Committee of 100,000 for Norman Thomas and James H. Maurer men and women not members Of the Socialist Party who wish to make their endorsement of these candidates count two ways...
...Mary Dickson, of Northampton, Mass., whose efforts on behalf of the fund have resulted in collections from that city alone of more than $350, reports that each of the 12 locals in western Massachusetts will undertake to raise the quota assigned to It, and that it was considered certain that in each case the goal will be achieved...
...Bishop Francis J. McConnall, pras| ident of the Federal Council of Churches in America, and Oswald <;unison Villard, editor of the Nation...
...Roth, Solomon, Karlln, Fanken, Hllluoil Monday...
...It appears that as good a legalistic argument can be made on one side as upon the other, but It Is generally felt that the courts will hold that an election must be held...
...Dulles and Matieson Touring Robert Dulles and H. P. Mattesou are on a trip in the middle west visiting members-at-large afd known sympathisers to enroll active support for the party In unorganized regions...
...Election Question in Court The nomination was made at a time when the question of whether or not there is to be a mayoralty election Is still in the courts...
...1 anc a comparison of th* platforms ol the major political...
...Broun, Vladeck Dates Heywood Broun and B. C. Vladeck, two prominent Socialist leaders, have agreed to give a series of dates for fund raising activities, and arrangements are being completed to have them visit cities where prospect* for raising substantial amounts are considered best...
...In the last three weeks over 10,000 names have come In from 46 states In the Union...
...Hall Meeting* Saadajr, Sept...
...They carry official credentials, and are authorised to bold meetings and raise funds, for which they win give official printed receipts signed by Clarence Senior...
...Details of Fund Drive Plang WITH $100,000 as its goal, and close to 1,000 Socialist brandies 1 " ami locals as its agencies, aided by an interest in the national campaign which is developing throughout the country with the rapidity of a prairie fire, the Socialist Opportunity Drive approached the $25,000 mark during the past week, and kept mounting as additional reports were received from various |>arts of the country...
...At 10:80 o'clock, beginning with the address of Louis W aid man, the meeting was broadcast over station WWRL...
...Despite unfavorable weather, approximately $200 was raised for the Socialist campaign committee...
...With detailed reports still lacking, estimates based on information received at the national office of the Socialist Party are that more than $1,000 was collected for the national campaign...
...A committee consisting of Esther Friedman, Harry Kritzer and Jack Altman presented a report on plans for the waging and financing the city campaign...
...The municipal platform was drawn up by a committee consisting of Algernon Lee, Charles Solomon and Louis Waldman, with Hillquit and Norman Thomas as consulting members...
...Reserve Friday, Oct...
...In a statement addressed to American men and women who are not members of the Socialist Party, Professor Douglas declared, "You cannot be neutral In this crisis of 1932 and no one would want to be...
...10, when more than 100 local committees operating In as many cities, will by personal solicitation, public gatherings, dinners, and conferences attempt to raise the quota assigned to each locality as necessary to reach the goal set for the nation...
...The day before the nomination HtUqult, as attorney for the party, had appeared before Supreme Court Justice McGeehan to argue that there Is a vacancy and that an election must be held...
...Green, of Chicago...
...9, following a mass meeting in the afternoon A state wide appeal tor help ia being is •ued, and every one of the 14,000 enrolled Socialist voter* in the state will be circularised with an appeal for contributions to be announced at the dinner...
...Mornlngside Branch Active Campaign activities in the 17th and 10th Congressional Districts have been humming for tbe past two months with street meetings every night...
...formed in those citiea to visit party sympathizers for the solicitation of funds are hopeful of trebling the amount during the month...
...Individual contributions received in the malls brought the total raised in a week to about $2,000...
...Many distinguished men and womefl are joining our committee but what Is more Important, workers from large citiea as well as farmers from the rebellious middle west and tenant farmers from the Southwest write In to join Uie committee and obtain literature...
...a valuable medium In Queens...
...Favorable Reports Everywhere Simon Libras, chairman of the Philadelphia finance committee, reports increased activity In fund raising since Labor Day, and additional affairs, including a dinner, are being planned to supplement the Si,200 that has already been subscribed in Philadelphia...
...Big Pittsburgh Dinner The largest of the dinners was held in Pittsburgh, where Morris Hillquit, national chairman of the Socialist Party, and Albert Sprague Coolidge, of Massachusetts, a member of the national committee, delivered the principal addresses...
...The Socialist Party acted upon the assumption that an election will be held following the certification of the City Clerk and the order of the Board of Elections, and also decisions of the Court of Appeals In similar cases...
...2. The arranging of a series of dinners and conferences In every industrial city, to be addressed by members of the national executive committee, and members of the national campaign committee...
...They may be obtaind with gum on the face, for use on glass, or with gum on the back for pasting against opaque objects...
...Arrangements for a series of dinners and conferences in other cities were made during the week...
...Professor Relnhold Nlebuhr of Union Theological Seminary Is treasurer of the committee and Mary Fox, secretary...
...Above all In this election year you desire to make your vote count not only against the two old parties which have shown themselves completely unable and unwilling to meet the challenge of misery with any Intelligence In regard to the problems of today...
...Requests for meeting* for Comrade Oven, and orders lor the platforms, should be addresesd to the Jugate*- Federation...
...Committee of Tin Thousand for Thomas and Maurer...
...The mayoralty campaign, of course, will be an Integral part of the national and state campaigns, but the interest in the mayoralty situation is expected to add even more interest and enthusiasm to the general campaign than it has shown thus far...
...Daniel W. Hoan, mayor of Milwaukee and chairman of the national campaign committee, Morris Hillquit and Other Socialist leaders have agreed to tour various sections of the country to help the drive for funds...
...parties bav< been issued at committee head quarters, 112 East 18th street New York City, by Paul Douglas famed economist of the University of Chicago, chairman of the com mlttee supporting Norman Thorn as, Socialist candidate for presl dent, and James H. Maurer, hh running mate for the vlce-preai dency...
...Whatever Justice McGeohan's ruling Is, the question will be carried to the Court of Appeals and will not be Anally decided for some time...
...I. Effective eoOeetton addresses aMUirt the^sMsMncs adsssswdhy Nth* schedule pet sail/, a conference Vtui local Soc-Uht powps, at wMsh the candidate win present the problems of the campaign, and its pnslhirttWs...
...The price Is 10c a dozen, Stc a hundred, $3 a thousand...
...Thomas arrived at the meeting very late, having first spoken at a huge overflow meeting In Hempstead...
...Tuesday, Sept...
...Speakers, Wa!dman, Inu, Vladeck and Thomas...
...at the True Sister Building, 150 W. OOtb St., with Morris Hillquit, Louis Waidman, Heywood Broun, Alexander Kahn, candidate for congress In the 17th, and Kahn, Nelbuhr and Broun as speakers...
...Finnish Federation and Workmen's Circle Active...
...540 Randolph street, Chicago...
...300 Thomas-Maurer < Hindus < lulus Ih Goal Of Midwest Students CHICAOO—Three hundred chapters and a membership of at least 9,000 by the middle of October was the goal s?t by the midwest conference of the Thomas-Maurer Clubs of midwest colleges last week...
...A conference of Socialist party sympathizers will be called to raise additional funds...
...2 with Broun as the guest of honor...
...Order from national headquarters...
...Additional cities joined the nation-wide drive with renewed vigor artd determination to build the Socialist organization, while many thousands of their citizens flocked to hear the national standard bearers of the Socialist Party at Dayton, Indianapolis, Akron, Cleveland, St...
...A call for conferences has been Issued by Mayor Hoan, with a request that In every city sympathetic groups be Invited In the formation of Joint committees lor the conduct of the national and local campaigns...
...Thirty-five delegates from colleges In Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota gathered for the conference...
...8:M p. m Mecoa Tempi-, dinner for Thomas, auspices...
...Vote for Thomas and Maurer'" Accompanying this statement was the analysis of the four party platforms on "the basic Issues of unemployment, public utilities, money and banking, International politics, international economics, agriculture, taxation and civil rights...
...Speakers, Waldnsan, Panken, Frnehtcr, Orr, Levenateln, Umansky and Her ti berg...
...Plans for Drive Plans for the Intensification of the drive, announced by Marx Lewis, drive director, include the following: 1. The .distribution and sale during the next three weeks of 1,000 books of certificates, each book containing certificates totalling $100, $50 and $10...
...9M Prospect avenue, Bronx...
...Pasadena, Santa Barbara, Pomona, and other cities within a radius of 100 miles of Los Angeies, have been offering substantial sums to the campaign fund If Thomas will address a meeting or dinner in those cities...
...Collections and dinners in those cities increased the fund during the past 10 days by approximately 92,000, while committees...
...The collection, plus receipts from the sale of special ad aits* ton tickets, nettled over $76...
...Socialist Party...
...John Dewey, educator and chairman of the League for Independent Political Action...
...Placed in nomination in an eloquent address by Charles Solomon, candidate for United States Senator, Hillquit's name was greeted by the delegates anil visitors with enthusiasm, and the candidate accepted the nomination ir...
...a moving speech...
...At South Haven, Michigan, where Thomas spoke to 4,000 people, mainly farmers who had come from points 100 miles distant to hear him, more than $200 was collected following an appeal for funds made by Dr...
...It, 2 p m.—Town Hall, 43rd street...
...Twenty-five thousand rum leader campaign supplements will be purchased Aggressive Campaign Is Launched at New York City Convention MORRIS HILLQUIT, national chairman of the Socialist Party and candidate tor Mayor in the exciting campaign of 1917, when the Socialist party polled close to 25 per cent of the total vote and elected 18 men to public office, will again head the local Socialist ticket...
...3. The holding of a Campaign Week, beginning Oct...
...The others were campaign rallies at which collections were taken following addresses by Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for President, and local Socialist speakers...
...The court action was the result of an action brought by Mayor McKee to set aside the decision of the Board of Elections to hold an election on the certification of the City Clerk that a vacancy exists In the office...
...Members ol the party's national executive committee, which met In Chicago at tlw same time, spoke to these students Besides discussing the aims, <".ctlvllles and methods of their clubs, the students vlsistd a "Hoovervllle," 8 large relief station, and conducted a rousing street meeting on the southwest side of town...
...Hillquit was named as candidate for Mayor to fill the unexpired term of former Mayor Walker at an enthusiastic city convention of the party at the People's House, Thursday night...
...Comrades after the meeting commented upon tbe proletarian composition of the crowd and tbe fact that many bad obviously not heard the Socialist message fbefore...
...Louis, and Pittsburgh...
...1 r ¦ "Thomas and Maurer Committee of 100,000" Formed to Push Party's Candidates...
...Kail of Broadway, N. V. Speakers...
...Alfred Baker Lewis, of Boston, is in charge of arrangements for a dinner in Boston Oct...
...Campaign headquarters are being opened...
...W. N. Reivo, secretary of the Finnish Socialist Federation reports collections among Finnish Socialist branches in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island, with every prospect that the J5O0 subscribed to the fund will be exceeded when all of the branches of the federation will have responded...
...4. A mailing of 100,000 letters to sympathisers, enrolled Socialist voters, and party members, signed by various members of the national trlbuUons to complete the quota set for the State...
...The convention also adopted a city platform, and elected committees to wage an aggressive campaign for Mayor...
...Woods!**, with Norman Til MSI a Louis Wakansn, Nathan Pin*, Jesses Cneal and J B. Malthra* as ¦ asters aad 8. A DeWttt as i lislnaaii About TOO persons crowded the only available ball hi that section, and many stood and others were turned sway...
...71 Oa Friday, Oct 7, a reception and dinner at Park View Palace, lion, street and Fifth iinilc, «viM be tendered to Mayor Hoan or Milwaukee, and to the candidate for Mayor of New York CWy, Morrta Hlliqult...
...Campaign Dinner Monday PLANS for the organisation oi the "Thomas and Maurer Com mlttee of 100,000" by Nov...
...Tbe annual campaign dinner will be held Oct...
...9, S:St p. m.— Bellamy Club...
...Broun, Vladeek, Hoan and Hill(|nil to Tour...
...The national platform Is available In Slovene and Croatian...
...Our slogan Is 'Don't throw your vote away...
...and appeal far assist Campaign Stickers Stickers apprwdomiely 4x10 inches, with the wording "Repeal Uunptofment—Vote SkKlaMst—Thomas and Maurer" In white against a red background, are now available...
...Workmen's Circle Active The national Workmen's Circle committee, which four years ago raised more than SI 2,000 for the national campaign fund, and which has set as Its goal this year 126,000, reports that information received from some of the 700 branches of the Workmen's Circle indicate a whole-hearted response to the appeal, and that a steady flow of funds is expected to begin as soon as books of certificates which the committee has issued are In full circulation...
...The issue involved is a highly technical and Intricate Interpretation of the city charter and state constitution, complicated by the old-party political situation...
...The price for either translation Is 50c for 100...
...Supporting Professor Douglas as vice-chairmen of the committee are Morris Raphael Cohen, philosopher...
...Yesterday's correspondence alone came In from thirty-six states...
...Thomas, Wald utan...
...More than $600 was collected...
...Former Judge Jacob Panken, of New York, addressed more than 1,000 party members and sympathizers at the Workmen's Circle shore on Labor Day...
...1 and concluding Oct...
...It will be held in Los Angeles on Sunday evening, Oct...
...To Wage Aggressive Campaign...
...You Can't Be Neutral," Professor Douglas, Chairman, Warns Non-Partyites...
...The Debs Auditorium was packed with Socialists and visitors when the convention was called to order, and It was manifest from the start that the prospect of having Hillquit as candidate had made all sections of the party enthusiastic...
...8099 W 26th street, Chicago Crowds Turned Away ' >r' At Long tmmnd ftaJtJe* Last Tuesday, the tjjnesns Campaign Committee heW Its first of a series of Indoor mntwtngs at the Lahor Temple, 41S4 t*tb street...

Vol. 14 • January 1932 • No. 12

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