The World We IJve In A SOCIALIST VIEW OF THE WEEK! In the Domain mf Tammany Rule AS we went to press last week, news came of the resignation Of Mayor Walker. Since then the leaders of...
...policies of organized labor...
...A correspondent of the New Tork Times observed the voting In a village booth near Budapest He found the booth surrounded by two cordons of soldiers...
...In a speech last week he defended the policy of seeking a parliamentary coalition with the Centrists...
...While the sons of our ruling Babbitts make the drive their fathers will finance Hoover and Roosevelt It's old stuff...
...A group of the strikers sent a letter to Mayor Walker declaring that they had been ''compelled to wash dishes and do menial services for strikebreakers...
...Except in the case of bottled milk, the strikers have not succeeded In raising prices of their produce...
...He Introduced an important resolution which ties up war debta with internal problem* It reads: "First, international examination of other international debts and a lowering of barriers to trade, and, second, at borne, the planning...
...The strike emerged from the failure of their kind of political action...
...The Tammany holding company for city capitalism is uncertain of Its market for votes...
...On Monday strikers near Sioux City wrecked trucks carrying farm products and the strike has spread to Wisconsin...
...And that telegram appeared to New York papers on Labor Day...
...Hitler seems to have veered around to a parliamentary position after some years of bombast...
...He baa' slashed bis own salary and the salaries of bis aides and demanded pay cuts of employes receiving more than $2,000...
...Governor Roosevelt was apprehensive of the Tammany allies op-state, and Walker was uncertain of his future oourse but recent utterances Indicate that he will seek "vindication...
...Thugs and detectives were imported as strikebreakers by the Mayor's Police Department Most of the Aldermen had received the endorsement of Ryan and his associates, aad not one protested against the brutal beating of the strikers...
...It Is when we turn to a telegram sent by Joseph F. Ryan, president of the Central Trades aad Labor Council of New York City, to Jimmy Walker, exMayor, that we are brought back to the stone age In the labor movement He declares that Jimmle's absence from the City Hall Is only temporary, and that the labor movement "regrets exceedingly that political expediency has deprived them of a Mayor whose every official act baa been In conformity with the AmerleanlsUe...
...Some phases of Its tortures of political prisoners a few years ago were unprintable...
...the president of the eity parliament of labor sends an affectionate telegram to the strikebreaking Mayor...
...Hoover must have found it difficult to refrain from cabling his congratulations to Hindenburg...
...There Is nothing wrong with the milk, but what the economists call the "price system" plays hell with human seven days' news digested and interpreted from the viewpoint of the Socialist movement...
...If the farmer cannot get a price that wtu give htm aa Income he threatens to destroy milk...
...The U. 8. Junior Chamber of Commerce will make a drive to bring out 60,000,000, voters...
...The Socialists and trade unions are opposed to it...
...A Socialist vote will be a big help...
...Joseph V. M<Kee succeeds Walker as Mayor and he baa surprised many by his actions...
...McOooey of the feudal barony of Brooklyn, will support Roosevelt, and Tammany leaden may take the same course, but this allegiance may be of the type of Dave Hill's when Bryan was nominated In 1896...
...Matthew Woll does not go back to the stone age, but manages to get back nine years to the Portland convention of the A. F. of I,, which renounced all Interference by government In social and economic relations...
...The general council appropriated $6,000 for the strikers and announced it hoped to raise a two million dollar strike fund...
...A crowd of Stalin's robots demonstrated outside the congress, carrying banners with the inscription, "Down with the Capitalistic T. U. C." Hindenburg Nurse* German Industrie* ' rrtHE acting Cabinet of Prussia has X commuted the death sentences of the five Fascists, who murdered a Communist, to life Imprisonment on the ground that the deed was committed 90 minutes after midnight of Aug...
...0, at which hour the decree against political terrorism went in to force...
...With their rifles grounded, bayonets fixed, cartridge clips slung around their waists, hand grenades in their baits, full equipment on their backs and steal helmets on their heads, they, waited to all appearances in full readiness to attack or defend...
...For years the farmers have supported "progeasivea" in the capitalist /parties and they have continued to sink...
...The congress represents nearly 4,000,000 workers who are represented by 600 delegates...
...The farmer is slow to see the need of production for use and enjoyment throughout the whole range of Industry —the SocialWt program...
...At Marsbfield in that state more than 4,000 farmers met to discuss the strike movement...
...The workers are now politely requested to part with $350,000,000 more, making a total of more than a half billion dollars...
...The way to get the best of the concentration of wealth Is to concentrate your votes against those who have the wealth...
...It was only 15 years ago that the masses were teed that the Germans, If not hurled back, would plunder them...
...Won returns to It "We need mora conferences of Industry," he sold, "on its own initiative, with proper labor participation, so that the rules of the recovery period may hold open for Industry the oppotunity for Individual Initiative and freedom from additional political control...
...The Governors of six states will attend or send representatives...
...The workers who struck while working for the I. R. T. in 1928 In the hope of emancipating themselves from a company union will appreciate that telegram...
...If he destroys enough he may be able to raise the price bat la that ease there may be a shortage aad people say suffer for ntek of It...
...George Hicks, representing the building trades workers, declared that 8.000.000 trained worker* in his trade are unemployed...
...Elections border on farce as ballots are cast in the open and under the scrutiny of soldiers and yet this foul regime is slipping...
...A comic incident of the week Is the admission of Co'onel Dueaterberg, a leader of the Steel Helmet monarchists and recent Nationalist candidate for President, that he is of Jewish origin...
...What Is nextr-'— Milk Sabotage in Another Farm Area rnpROUBLE is brewing in other farmJL tag sectors...
...Labor aad capital were to get together aad solve all problems to Industry.,Willi the approval of old age pensions and unemployment Insurance, that view has been abandoned...
...Asked by a reporter if he was atill a Democrat Hill replied: '1 am still a Democratvery still...
...The German press in general approved the decision...
...Chaos of Labor Opinion THE organized workers of the United States ere doing some thinking, aa the recent decision of the executive council of the A. F. of I* In the matter of naemploymeat Insurance shows, bat that there Is a hangover of old Ideas Is perfectly natural...
...While the railroad workers are facing the Jolly pirates of transportation the anthracite masters propose to reduce the rations of the anthracite miners...
...Farm Strike Spreads Am Governort Meet ALTHOUGH Mik) Reno, organizer of the fanner strike in Iowa, called off the strike last week, the strike Is by no means ended...
...The ruling gang has lost, its third by-election in the defeat of its Minister of Agriculture by a representative of a small land owners' party...
...The Fascists made the horrible discovery, thundered it to the world and Duesterberg resigned his post...
...The increase in the number of stayat-home voters has correlated with the increasing likeness of the two capitalist parties...
...but Mr...
...One of Its first acts was to condemn the employers in the Lancashire cotton trade whose workers are striking against a wage reduction...
...What would have happened If they found some Irish relative a few centuries ago may be imagined...
...McK<•<••» spectacular performances farther cinphaslte the soundness of old Socialist policy that oar campaign most be based upon s drive for working class power...
...President Green said last week that members of the unions "have absolute political freedom" to vote as they please...
...What's become of that past who used to tell us that Socialism won't work 7, He's probably In the...
...The home front Is now a sector of plunder by our exploiters that most make the exile ha Holland green with eavy...
...It Is such Instances that reveal the absurdities of production for ..ale and profit...
...Socialists will meet in special city convention next Thursday to nominate a candidate for Mayor...
...of a housing scheme, sham clearance and other public works thai would provide long term employment and Improved purchasing power for persons now unemployed, public control of banking and monopolistic industries and taxation of land values...
...Meantime the Governors of fifteen states In the affected region were summoned to a conference to be held in Sioux Sity on Friday by the Governor of South Dakota...
...Ilritinh Trade Union Congrest in Seuion rK 04th British Trade Union Congress opened In NewcasUe-on-Tyne on Monday with John Bromley, president, In the chair...
...From the head of a labor body It to degrading...
...In Memphis the farmers threaten to pour 40,000 gallons of milk into the Mississippi River as a protest against prices that leave no margin of Income for them...
...Since then the leaders of factions in the Democratic party have been treading on eggs...
...The object Is to consider a program that wW Insure farmers a living income...
...There was a 10 per cent cut but February and this is to be doubled If the new cut goes through...
...President Hindenburg has issued a decree which subsidizes industry to the amount of $720,000,000 and the Stock Exchange responded enthusiastically...
...He Isn't to blame...
...Elections in the Hungary of Uorthy NO regime la Europe, except Fascist Italy, has been more savage than the government of Hungary's aristocrats...
...He succeeded In cancelling a contract for printing primary ballots, awarded by the Board of Elections, by a 9 to 7 vote la the Board of Estimate, reducing the coat from 9114,760 to $65,000 and denounced the monopoly of city printing by one firm...
...He will accomplish nothing of permanent value for himself by sabotage...
...Hungary is a peasant country and So* cialist agitation Is difficult among the peasants...
...Aa capitalist politics became moribund phe voters preferred poker, fishing or solving cross-word pussies, We are certain that facing a choice between two parties nursed by the same ruling classe sand poring, over a crossword puzzle votes are right la choosing the latter...
...The dairymen contend that they are unable to pay the feed costs of their cattle at the present prices received for their milk...
...In the meantime 100,000 additional workers have been discharged, making a total of 700,000 out of work and the remaining 1,080,000 are employed half time...
...A few years ago there was a strike of dairy farmers in Illinois and Wisconsin areas near Chicago and a similar upheaval now occurs in Tennessee in the Memphis region and m Northern Ohio dairy farmers are fighting low milk prices due to price cutting by Toledo retailers...
...Junior ttabbitu im A i;et4)ut-Vote Drive _rvNBJ of the amusing phases of caplyj tabst politics to the United States is the "get-out-theVroto" movement For decades the number of voters who fail to exercise their franchise has been on the increase...
...The wage reduction of 10 per cent, beginning last February, means the transfer of $175,000,000 for the year from the workers to the railroad kings...
...The temper of the farmers was expressed by one who declared: "We'll solve our problems if necessary with bayonets, and I don't mean maybe," This is the wild talk of desperate men who understand their' plight but who do not appreciate that their enemies can summon the police and military powers because the workers do not control these powers...
...This Is true, but If they were permitted a similar freedom to sot as they please In a strike, what would become of labor solidarity T This Is not to say that the analogy between the ballot and the strike Is precisely the same, but It Is similar enough to warrant the question we ask...
...Plundering Two Armlet of Labor TURNING to the wage section of the labor army we note that the railroad kings are Instating that the railroad workers submit to a 20 per cent wage cut and 21 unions In the Railroad Labor Executives' Association face a struggle to avert this calamity...
...The strike was broken and the company anion la still ruling the l. R. T. serf a Four years later...
...Had It come from the executive of aa organization of the employing class It would have been perfectly logical...
...When by-elections are won in a contest against such odds sentiment must be widespread against the ruling clique...
...His Eminence, Kins...
...Socialists have made soma headway but the small peasants naturally support the small peasant party...
...The operators insist on a wage reduction of 20 or 25 per cent which will transfer over $80,000,000 a year from the pockets of the miners to the pockets of the mine owners...
...So there he Is, back on the heights of 'Individual initiative," the heights from which Hoover plunged in 1029., And Woll added that no other question was as Important as this on Labor Day...
...The decline continued until in the post-war period almost half the voters in a number of elect tone remained home...
...Uw-klng political solidarity — one leader commending a strikebreaking Mayor who strengthened a company union, and another leader beckoning us back to "Individual Initiative''—these chaotic attitude** register the chaos of capitalism Itself...
Vol. 14 • September 1931 • No. 11