New York Party News

Nmw lork Party Newm CITY CONVENTION The reatgnaUon «f leases I. WaJaer •at Ike ji—IMtlty of the election •« a mayor wttl And the Socialist Party prepared to meet Um situation, A special city...

...Clinton and x Tremont, Bronx — Woskow, Breslow, A. Levensteln...
...Junction and 38th avenues, Elmhurst, L. I.—Cordlner, others...
...Charles Kanowlts will speak...
...Alexander Kahn, candidate for Congress, 17th District, will speak...
...Chabot, Mitchell, Stein, Parker, Delson, Hodgson...
...Jamaica, L. I. (Front of Town Hall).—Koepplcus, Brown...
...Harrison and Richmond, Port Richmond, B. I.—Stemfela, Dear trig, Antonsen...
...Havldon, Perrln...
...There will be a musical program by Genevieve and Zelma Kaufman...
...7th A. D.—An important branch meeting will be held Tuesday, Sept...
...Brlghtwate* court and Coney Island avenue, Brooklyn.—Felgenbaum, Epstein, Rosenbaum...
...Charles Solomon will greet the many new comrades...
...47th street and Qreenpolnt avenue, Sunnyslde, L. I.—Speakers to be announced...
...Claremont and Washington, Bronx...
...5th A. D.—Branch meeting, Tuesday, Sept...
...86th street and Lexington, Man* hattan—Stelnberger, Brown, Sohulter...
...Bushwlck and Linden, Brooklyn.— Rosner, Yavner, Goldman...
...Crescent and Fulton, Brooklyn.— Shapiro, Block, Sal art, Baron...
...Bring bathing suits and lunch...
...Refreshments will be served...
...Avenue O and West 8th street and Bay parkway, Brooklyn.—Bonn, Ooebel, Felgenbaum, Haskel, Menus, Rosen - baum, Tuvlm Flatbush and Hanson plaee, Brooklyn.—Young, Perunutter, Knebel, Safronoff, Antonsen, Deartng...
...It Remsen and Court streets, Brooklyn...
...Burnslde and Valentine, Bronx.— Belskln, Kleiger, Havldon...
...47th street and Oreenpoint avenus, Sunnyslde, L I.—Speakers to be announced...
...Beth street and Lexington, Man hattan —Stelnberger, Bchulter, 208th street and Jerome, Bronx.— Palnken, Bteinhardt, Brownsteln...
...Burnslde and Davidson, Bronx.— Murphy, Senyveci, Polsteln...
...13, at 1:30 p. m , in the clubrooms at 48 Avenue O. Abraham N. Tuvlm, candidate for State Senator, will speak...
...1141st street and Cypress, Bronx.— Cobln, Schaplro, Wilson...
...Prospeot and Tremont, Bronx.— Oertz, Dancls, Wetstetn, Kaufman...
...Esther Friedman will apeak...
...BRONX EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.—A special meeting of the County Committee will be held Saturday, Sept...
...Preparations for the opening, mass meeting of the campaign... 8:30...
...Comrades Claessens and DeWltt will speak and entertain...
...II, at 904 Prospect avenue...
...The Campaign Committee will report of plans for the campaign...
...National avenue and 41st street, Corona, L. I.—Speakers to be announced...
...169th street and Washington, Bronx.—Palnken, Josephson, Havldon...
...17, at 3:00 p. m., in the Rand School, there will be a discussion on campaign issues led by Comrades Thomas, Waldman and HiUqult...
...13, at 8:30 p. m, in the clubrooms at 100 West 72nd street...
...179th street and St...
...Nostrand and Herkimer, Brooklyn...
...New Lots sad Wyona, BrooklynSpeakers to be announced, - 84th street and Boulevard, Hammels, L. I.—DeWitt...
...Friday, Sept...
...Broad and Wall, Manhattan...
...23rd A. D.—We are holding an auto picnic Sunday, Sept...
...Prankle, Afros, Breslow, Boulton...
...136th street and 7th avenue, Manhattan.—Croeswaith...
...72nd street and Broadway, Manhattan.—Coronal, RanUne...
...Saltzman, Nathan, A. Levensteln...
...Delson, Koppel, Chabot, Mitchell, Stein, Parker...
...There will be speakers, mualo, refreshments, etc BRIGHTON BEACH...
...Admission, 16 cents...
...The principal business will be thr nomination for mayor and plans for aa active campaign...
...96th street and Broadway, Manhattan.— Broun, Kahan, Niebuhr, Kuhnel...
...Conan, Ulanoff, Taubenshlag, Ooldowsky, Welngart...
...12, at 8:30 p. m. at 9 West 170 street...
...A meeting of branch organisers and district campaign managers will be held Saturday, Sept...
...II Suffolk and Klvlngton streets, Manhattan.—Conan, Taubenshlag, Goldowsky, Welngart...
...At the nine o'clock open forum, Ex-Assemblyman August Claessens, executive secretary of the Socialist Party of Greater New York, will speak on: "America Today—And Tomorrow...
...135th street and 7th avenue, Manhattan.—Crosswaith, Poree, Walters, Gasper...
...Admission 25 cents...
...Jamaica, L. I. (Front of Town Hall).—Koepptcus, others...
...Preparations are* being made for a mailing oW 30,000 to the enrolled Socialists...
...MEMBERSHIP MEETING.—A general membership meeting will be held Sunday, Sept...
...OFFICIAL OPENING.—The official opening and house warming of our new headquarters will take place Saturday, Sept...
...Junction and 38th avenues, Elmhurst, L. I.—Oordlner, Ueberman...
...122nd street and 18th avenue, College Point, L I.—Sackman, others...
...Election of delegates to special City Convention...
...Fordham and Walton avenue, Bronx.—Brownsteln, Orr, Bteinhardt...
...Refreshments and dancing...
...17, at 8:00 p. m, a general Party meeting will be held In the Rand School at 7 East 15th street of all Party members of Trade Unions...
...141st street and St...
...Leon Rosser Land's address at the eight o'clock Fellowship Service at the weekly meeting of the Bronx Free FellowShip, Azure Masonic Temple, 1691 Boston road, Bear East 172nd street...
...Refreshments free...
...Forest and Myrtle, Ridgewood, L. I. —James Oneal, Ueberman, Bonn tag...
...New York Street Meetings (AB sueeiliigs ¦•gut at SiM p. m. unless otherwise Indicated) SATURDAY, SEPT It 110th street and Broadway, Man batten —Ooronel, Bade, RanUne...
...UPPER WEST SIDE.—A meeting will be held Tuesday, Sept...
...Price per plate will be $1.25...
...It 6th street and Avenue B, Manhattan.—Felgenbaum, Lipsky, H. Fisher, Goodman...
...207th street and Sherman, Manhattan.— Koppel...
...Fordham and Walton...
...Longwood and Prospect, Bronx — Wilson, Baltzman, Cohen, Taubenshlag...
...11, at 2:00 at 9 West 170 street The Executive Committee will report plans for the campaign...
...Peck, Wolfe...
...Claremont and Washington, Bronx...
...BROOKLYN 18th A. D. BRANCH t.—Official opening of the new headquarters at 844 Utk* avenue Sunday evening, Sept...
...Pitt and Grand, Manhattan.—Conan, Taubenshlag, Goldowsky, Welngart...
...Eastern parkway and Utica, Brooklyn.—Viola, Cohen, Sarenson, Havldon, Antonsen...
...John and Southern boulevard, Bronx.—Metaler, Wilson, Polsteln, Umansky...
...Rlvlngton and Norfolk, Manhattan...
...32nd street and Mermaid avenue, Brooklyn—Coronel, Haskel...
...Avenue U and East 18th street, Brooklyn.—Felgenbaum, Rosenbaum...
...165th street and Hoe avenue, Bronx...
...15 86th street and Broadway...
...The purpose is to effect an active campaign among organized workers...
...College Point, L. I.—Speakers to be announced...
...It 116th street and Broadway...
...Norman and Manhattan avenues, Brooklyn...
...East 08th street and Newport, Sept...
...Alierton and Oruger, Bronx.— Ooldberg, Wlsotsky, LippenholU, SaMsman...
...All candidates and speakers of the Socialist Party are being written to and urged to attend...
...All comrades who can assist In addressing envelopes are urged to report to the City office, 7 East IS street, any time during the day or evening...
...17 110th street and Broadway, Manhattan.—Coronel, Hade, Regaldi...
...65th street and 18th avenue...
...Branches have keen urged to immediately elect aalegatos and send credential* to the City office...
...Louis Waldman, Louis Hendln, Samuel Orr and others will speak...
...167th street and Gerard, Bronx — Doerfker, Mlnkoff, Woskow, Schleslnger...
...10, at 2:00 at S West 170 street...
...14 • Hanover place and Fulton street, Brooklyn...
...Ludlow and Delancey, Manhattan...
...Speakers, Norman Thomas, Lewis Waldman, James Oneal, Nathan Fine, J. B. Matthews, Samuel A. DeWitt, CLAESSENS AT BRONX FELLOWSHIP "A Look Ahead" will be the subject of Rev...
...Speakers to be announced...
...II, at 1:90 p. m,-at 789 HIamere place...
...Cost $1.00 oer person for transportation, etc...
...A fine program has been aaranged by the Party and the Workmen's Circle Branch 886...
...18 Battery place, Manhattan Remsen and Court streets, Brooklyn...
...106th street and Lexington avenue, Manhattan.—Poree, Dearing, Wilson...
...Levensteln, Hertsberg, Havldon...
...Dancing will follow the opening ceremonies...
...It la essential that every Party speaker be present...
...Brown, Casper, Walters...
...NOON MEETINGS Monday, Sept...
...Humboldt and Montrose, Brooklyn...
...106th street and Madison, Manhattan.—Kaplan, Havldon, Schulter...
...Brooklyn —Viol*, Cohen, Saransou...
...QUEENS The first of a series of mass meetings will be held Tuesday, Sept It, at 8:60 p. m. at the Woodslde Labor Temple, 4114-58th street...
...Station Plan, Far Roekaway, L. I. —Harry W. Laidler...
...Anns, Bronx — Cobln, Oollub, Oross, Barshop...
...7th street and 2nd avenue, Manhattan—Kaplan, Brown, Kaye...
...122nd street and lath avenue...
...Speakers will stress the principal issues In the National, State, and Municipal campaigns...
...We leave St...
...LABOR CONFERENCE.—A conference of Labor, progressive and fraternal organizations will be held Monday, Sept...
...103rd street and Madison, Manhattan.—Speakers to be announced...
...All organizations that have not elected delegates may berepresented by their officials...
...163rd street and Southern boulevard, Bronx.—Heltser, Sam Is, Klleger...
...61st street and Roosevelt, Woodside, L. I.—Speakers to be announced...
...Bronx.— Rosenberg, Tyler, Stelnhardt...
...170th street and St...
...Liberty and Lefferta, Richmond Hill, L. I.—Speakers to be announced...
...10 ' 72nd street and Broadway, Manhattan.—Koppel, Halpern...
...171st street and Pulton, Bronx.— A. Levensteln, Marcus, Hertcberg...
...79th (treat and 1st avenue, Manhattan—-Stelnberger 110th street and Broadway, Manhattan.—Young...
...Every member must be present...
...Sutter and Hinsdale...
...On Saturday, Sept...
...04th street and Flatlands, Brooklyn—Speakers to be announced...
...The branch is arranging a campaign dinner in honor of Its two Congressional candidates, Alexander Kahn and ReinhoM Niebuhr, on Sunday evening.'Oct...
...Questions add discussion will follow...
...Avenue J and East 13th street, Brooklyn.—Oneal, Nemser...
...138th street and 7th avenue, Manhattan.—Crosswaith, Brown, Gasper, Walter...
...208th street and Jerome avenue, Bronx.—Rosenberg, Mel nick, Belskln...
...Speakers: August Claessens and Henry Fruofater...
...160th street and Washington, Bronx...
...14 Rlvlngton end Attorney, Manhattan.—Conan, Taubenshlag, Goldowsky, Welngart 125th street and 6th avenue, Manhattan.—KarUn, Kaye, Mletttnen...
...Burke and Holland, Bronx.—Oollub...
...Kings highway and East 17th street, Brooklyn.—Waldman, La Idler...
...Nmw lork Party Newm CITY CONVENTION The reatgnaUon «f leases I. WaJaer •at Ike ji—IMtlty of the election •« a mayor wttl And the Socialist Party prepared to meet Um situation, A special city convention has teen tailed far Taanaay evening, Beat is, at •:M p. m., in the People's House, 7 Bast 15th street...
...170th street and Walton, Bronx.— Doerfler, Levensteln, Mollln...
...Dyokman and Post, Manhattan...
...Heltser, Saints, Marcus, Pruchter, Mletttnen...
...Dltmars and 2nd avenues, Astoria, L. I.—Bayers, and others...
...Kings highway and East loth street, Brooklyn.—Ooebel, Crawford, Menus...
...Thursday, Sept...
...MANHATTAN 8th A. D.—A meeting will be held Monday, Sept...
...Plans for camp&fgn...
...18, at 8:10, joint meeting of the new group and the Brighton Beach Branch hi the grill of the Manhattan Beach Hotel...
...Avenue St...
...Election of delegates to special City Convention...
...Goldstein * WEDNESDAY, SEPT...
...60th street and Woodslde avenue, wtiuleid, L. I.—Speakers to be announced...
...On Friday, Sept 16, the branch will celebrate its revival by a get-together at the same place and the same time...
...2. Place to be announced...
...Nicholas avenue and 181st street at 8:30 a. m. Reservations, Louis Terr, 523 West 187 street, Wadsworth 3-1703...
...19 Nassau aad Beekman, Manhattan store Ball, Brooklyn...
...Stone and Riverdale, Brooklyn.—Coronel, Epstein, DeWitt, Tuvlm...
...Nicholas avenue...
...Levensteln, Orr, I. Baltaman...
...Conan, Taubenshlag, OoVdowsky, Welngart...
...3rd A. D.—The branch Is giving a surprise party Sunday evening at the Bellamy Club, to the best-loved "Jimmle Higgins" in Bronx County...
...10, at 4 00 at the headquarters...

Vol. 14 • September 1931 • No. 11

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