Pa. Bars Workers From Running For Judgeships at the Polls

Pa. Bars - Workers From Running For Judgeships at the Polls Attorney General Rules Pittsburgh Socialists Off the Ballot (By a New Leader Correspondents) PITTSBURGH. P* — Carpenter* X ...

...11, a regular branch meeting will be held at headquarters, 8 Van Nest place...
...Sol Levy and many others... was re-elected from Eastern Sicily...
...William Bonn, M. Rotenbaura...
...Socialist nominees for Judges in the Plttabuegh district included welders, machinist!, plumbers and Journalists...
...F. Pore*, V. flespsr...
...R. Benaian, Wallerstein, H. Benson...
...Due to the declination Of Nathan achats, who was proposed as candidate for member of Assembly ba the ISth A D...
...NANTT-OXO—Local Socialists have taken up relief work among the miners aa one of their major activities...
...H. Sahanan, David Kaplan...
...County Cterk, Julia Sauter, Upper Nyack: County Treasurer, Carl P. Svensson...
...Numerous reniraest took the floor on this point, aad the dis, euttton proved that the Yipseis are quite well informed en tods topic ss well ss those nearer to them...
...Connecticut Soeer...
...Msaqr prominent new York Socialists are expected to be present and representative speakers aad leaders of other liberal group* will attend the tennehtag of the first organized...
...There wui be a good quantity of leaflets, pamphlet* and Mew Leaders on hand...
...He will hold conferences tn English, to enlighten American labor of the real essence of Fascism...
...Louis Chertoff, Louis Epstein...
...First should be mentioned Abraham N. Weinberg...
...8th A D.—A meeting will be held on Friday evening...
...Tht admission is 50 cents and the proceeds will go to the jobless...
...He will go through the whole continent within three months...
...RLp^Latdert and Socialist a7oki at every one...
...5. Under gj* el Arnold E. yteete, eS*L" ^ Norwalk Sol??f Jtety has mads treatteT_A esatpsign whiob Bybbhm Norwalk from abtt^P ke111* schtdBC?*"* o* conies of the qj^sad other literature SgJ^shteerly secretary ef ^L?**^ bat keen started 15% - WyonUng...
...program sa "being a program tor parties already in actual sad undisputed power" but not something to be considered ss immediate in a transitten period such as we ere going through sew...
...If you car* to Join, meet us at headquarters between 5 and 6 p. m. Next Tuesday, Aug...
...P* — Carpenter* X should stick to their trade aad sot tapir* to judgeahipa...
...All Ytotek ere to report for tot* parade at 8 p. as, for assignment* at the above address ChTY WIDE BEACH PARTY . The Y. P. 8. L. of Oraster New York has planned e berth parte Set Saturday afternoon and evening at Coney Island...
...and Vincent A Burke of Haverstraw...
...Arthur Pass berg...
...pAa/4 TJaTlsww f^t**^m^t^^Mt 3 r\ ^at^ SundA vAaenn* 1 'Tnaenettsn*ak ers at tl* teeetlng wUl b. Dr...
...He was known ss one of the most brilliant orators in the Italian Chamber of Deputies...
...Saturday, August IS, 8;30 p. m.— 187th street and Seventh avenue...
...CIRCLE TWO SB BROOKLYN ; Big doing* are going en in the BroQJBSviBo ssettea t?BiueMjh...
...P-Ms tht first time in ^Werwaft will have the a" we ttoction Oct...
...Cslverton Will also discuss Sinclair Lewis and Theodore Dreiser...
...Maryland The party will bold Its state convention this year in Hagerstown, Sunday, Sept IS...
...MANHATTAN COrNOX BIKE A hike of SB the Manhattan Yipseis will be held this Sunday, August 8. We meet at 10 a. m share a* Sag 342nd street station of the i R T. aad then proceed it TTeatte Break...
...15th ward, John Barclay...
...The subject of the symposium IS "What Poetry Means to Me...
...Thursday, Angst 13, 8:30 p. m.— Wllkins and Intervale avenues...
...Round trip tickets can be bad now...
...CHELSEA — Another group of active members win take The New Leader out this Friday evening for sal* at the subway stations around headquarters...
...Sbeinberg, Miss Wester...
...2nd A D.—The branch has decided , to cooperate with the Washington Height* Branch at its outing on Sunday, Aug...
...5. Life in Italy under' Mussolini «. Public Education under Fascism...
...He sneaks English very well...
...David Kaplan, H. Balanan...
...Tuesday, August 11, 8:30 p. m.— Rutland road and Rockaway parkway...
...7th A. D —A meeting win be held Tuesday evening, Aug...
...All delegates H—The picnic was a great aua comrades axe deeply Oiftnizer Rosenkrans urges tttad the special meeting Sex 11...
...Kingshighway and last 14th street...
...The matter of candidates was gone over again...
...w *bs city eonven-Mpbant party of Bridgeport* candidates will be Jv~r the various aanedetosl JlJ'?*tid In November...
...The branch has recommended the nomination of O. August Oerber as candidate far Alderman in the 18 district in place of Joseph D. Cannon, who declined...
...BWOlsTlst participation in coalition government it was agreed was seldom, if ever, desirable, still the actions of Socialists tn Germany sad England were defended and attacked sufficiently to make obvious a great deal , of wavering on the good and bad points of the problem...
...f$ socialist Youth League sjte tahre energies into the r<rf supplies and funds for stoat...
...A number of other branches have been urged to cooperate...
...Vincenso Vaeirca...
...The second ee the list ef honorable mention should be those comrades who worked all day and night in the kitchen preparing food...
...the discussion seemed to show, was more ef a problem tor Socialists to bs interested in then to would be expected...
...ldsth street and Broadway...
...August 11, 13 m—Washington and Johnson streets...
...These MtsHisjs at* bam st SSth and Junction avenues every Saturday evening...
...Comrade* Shiplacoff, OneaL Weil, Clausen* and Belsky spake on "The Present Depression and Unemploymen and Hunger," A large delegation ef Ytotek) and party members handled the meeting mot: efficiently...
...Arnold .8...
...Permission has aay cat of the clubs in the tarnr*t~* to be taken at its by tht Y/ipsels, the proceeds 'strike relief...
...A report sf all monies sad stop* piles collected win be made at the next meeting of th* Roekiaad Be¦ ^h-e...
...Almost by miracle be escaped from several attempts on his Ufe...
...county treasurer, Stanley Olsaowy...
...This ¦st jatdt possible through Eg of about 90 members ¦sbkeri who donated money p tost of the papers...
...Among the cashiers and ticket sellers who put in a hard day's work handling the checks for food and drinks were Comrades Sadie Rivkin...
...Samuels, Mrs...
...In wood, L. X. Candidates were selected tor sheriff, country clerk, district attorney, commissioner of public welfare, member of Assembly and other offices...
...A Baum, Mrs...
...Sam Sefebnan, Leonard Bright, Frank Manning, John Davidson...
...Nicholas avenue...
...and Mrs...
...Louis Weil, S. Romualdi, D. Sister, E. Brown...
...Monday, August 10, S:S0 p. m.— 137th street and Seventh avenue, s. Brown...
...While it will take some weeks ss yet for all the returns to come in, money outstanding for ticket...
...A benefit condtact will be given at the afSsa Watt Roosevelt road, ttS P ta, Aug...
...County taaeteatag endorsed by the BeagUnd giistesate ate: tor Member ef Assembly, Frank P Bchwalm, New City...
...Numerous small individual gifts of money had alto been repotted...
...Rockland County, IS...
...Meyer Rubinson and the Cooperative Bakery of Brownsville gave excellent service in supplying and -handling the endless loaves of bread...
...Bradford Young...
...Werbin, Mrs...
...Comrade Hyman Taubenshlag accepted the nomination a* member of Assembly in the 4th A D. A campaign committee of seven was elected...
...Yoemen Work * By Comrades Puts Big Picnic Over IN last week's New Leader a story was printed to the effect that the picnic held at TJhner Park on Saturday, July 36, was the most successful undertaking in the history of the party...
...Socialist County Ctotlrtwtn Otto A Keyser at Nanuet: Thneaa* W. Davis, secretary of the Rockland Socialist*, of Upper Nyack...
...tod at least 0000 leafhas aaid twelve copies of it Way out...
...Morris Rotenbaiim...
...There is a need for volunteers to obtain signatures tn same district* where the job has not been completed...
...R. Benaian, WalItrstatn, H. Benson...
...August 14, 8:30 p. m.— 163rd shd Simpson streets...
...It is expected that possibly »200 or more in cash wul be raised at once...
...14, in the elubroceui at 337 Bast Ninth street...
...For more information, apply to the New York Office, 3 West 16th Street, or telephone, N. Y. Socialists Busy Aiding Mine Strikers Amalgamated Branch and 23rd Kings Particularly Active —Big Meeting in Williams"UNPRACTICALLY ail of the acJl tire Socialist branches tn New York City are engaged in the raising of funds, food and clothing for the ***"Hitg miners...
...B is urgent that every branch return its petitions before that day...
...Corona H. H. Laytourn...
...QCEENS Saturday, August 8, 8:30 p. m — 47th street and Oreennolnt avenue, Bunnyaidc, Joseph Dean and others...
...Every comrade and patty sympathizer is urged to volunteer to arrange meetings in the various parts of the city...
...16, to be prceephUted by a prominent comrade who wul be invited for the occasion Bluet meetings are regularly held on Fridays at Pitkin avenue and New Leaden are sold and distributed...
...If any comrade hat on hand any funds or clothes, it to advisable that ft should be brought to either Organiser GuUsr or the manager of the Lyceum...
...and Mrs...
...This was announced by Merritt Crawford, organiser ef Local Rockland County at a meeting of members of the Socialist County and Executive Committee, held st bis basse on Highmount avenue...
...court Judgeships in Pittsburgh from the ballot...
...Isaac Wen* t Minting...
...BRONX A huge outdoor demonstration and parade will be held on Saturday afternoon and evening, Aug...
...Lecture Calendar MANHATTAN » Saturday, August s, l so p. at.— SSth between Lexington and Third avenues...
...Oteett Two Sr...
...Thursday, August IS, 8:30 p. m.— Avenue J and Bast 14th...
...Branch Stetea Island wul open tt* outdoor edncstiBual work ea Saturday evening, Aug...
...Pennsylvania Attorney General, in barring names of SnclalUt candidates for State Supreme Court and tor county aad genera...
...August M, S;30 p. m.— 71st street and Bay parkway...
...I. Klrtnman...
...August 11, 8:30 p. m.— Washington avenue and Claremoct parkway...
...13, in Carpenters' Hall...
...are holding open air meeting* twice weekly...
...Grossman, Mr...
...aad Two Jr...
...3. The "corporative stater* in the fascist regime...
...August IS, 8:80 p. m.— Harrison and sntteaaoea avenues, Port Baataasjal, S. I.—August Clacstens...
...John Davidson, Herman Woswok... made tor s huge Labor sstration...
...Arnold E. lead organiser, la spending I We weeks vacation m full t he tet party...
...who did a heroic Job with a ease of raw fish, assisting in and around the kitchen and at the various food stands were: Mr...
...August 14, 8:30 p. m.— Bristol and Pitkin avenues...
...ttTIN—The campaign cemto ksued a call for a city fu Fraternal Hall...
...Centred* Bosen, without any further delay...
...James Oneal, J. D. Graves, 9. F. Best...
...July at...
...Committees must (kmen's Circle branches, d other organisations to sertul one...
...8, at 8 p. m...
...8. This will be the first ef a series of demonstrations...
...Tn 1921... Perry Square...
...That far...
...Comrade Cells Rotter, at usual, took charge of the box office and assisting her at the gate were Comrades Bob Otto, Joseph Beckerman and Meyer Marshall...
...8. A aortas ef four lectures will be delivered by August Claatsent on ceaseestrte Saturday evenings at 8 p. m. in the month of August at corner Ms 11 teal and Richmond avenues, Pert Richmond, 8 1 wslter Dearing and other Stater...
...Davis, Mrs...
...BUFFALO — Local Buffalo meets Thursday, Aug...
...Wednesday, August 13, 8:80 p. m.— AUerton and Oruger avenues...
...The boat wul leave at 9 a.m...
...If aim test/ evening...
...Be urged all who could OODt*~*n5tJ to} o)s%asee\g ^J^sgaA totbO^ssgtAs' est)s« amount was no more than fifty cents or a doner, for food and medical supplies are badly ntsstd Gifts of clothing or money wul be ntnaesgy IHlTleiiitild- if a eestl a sent to Chairwnr^U*S8ecrftary* Highland avenue, Opeer Nyack...
...Comrade* William T. Hade and Ed Gottlieb took care of the field game...
...Ml East 84th street...
...J. Berkewita, Tyrell Wilson...
...Andrew sri Oreenberg...
...Levin*, Mrs...
...Df—Tht local Socialists enOt state executive commit? huge number of comrades aaag OJatnt State Park, Mt...
...The meeting will begin at 8 p. m. The utt of speakers includes James Oneal, Samuel A De Witt, A I. Shipteeoff, Louis Hendin, Henry Fruchter, Samuel Orr, Rachel Panken, Aaron Leventtein, Herman Woskow and others...
...This one is directed particularly against war and militarism...
...New York State Vinoenxio Vaeirca...
...Mention should alto be made of the largest and most active branch of the party in toil connection, namely, the asaakeaatatad Cooperative House* Branch...
...In a biting retort to the Attorney-Genera...
...tend otsiiTides win act at chairman...
...Aa additional feature was the occasional singing of tongs by Yipaels between the introduction of speakers...
...He chose Bologna and was elected in November, 1819...
...They are attracting large audience...
...Comrades are asked to devote one evening to this teak...
...NIAGARA FALLS — Edward W. Gray, 5316 Buffalo avenue, secretary of Local Niagara Fails, announces thai a full Socialist ticket will be nominated... 105 Springearn Stwark...
...Cemmlaa^mer^ Pubto Welfare, Ruth Rockland Socialist Miners' Relief Committee, report* that response to an appeal through the press bed been gratifying Generous spirited ettiaent had contributed elothing, shoes and other needed materials sufficient to nil two piano ease...
...11, st 8:30 p. m., st 4215 Third avenut...
...Hymen Nemser...
...BRONX Saturday...
...Sylvia Weingart had charge of the chess game Income Walter Berkowlts managed the flower sale...
...J. Kaplan...
...A vary fine musical program hat been arranged and Norman Thomas bat censtntad to be present and speak tn behalf of the venture...
...program, being related to this phase of the dtanMStan, was brought on the floor by Jack Altaian, who defended ' its various points very ably...
...Theodore Shapiro, Walter Dealing, Leeuord Kays, Sam Rotoenberg...
...Minnie Meister, Anna Weiss, Reba Pushkofi, Vivian Outer, Diana Hoffman and Violet Goodman...
...Tuesday, August 11, 0:90 p. m.— Seventh street and Second avenue...
...Socialist local...
...are sew circulating petition* ncestnstlae a full county ticket...
...47 Franklin street, at 8 p. m. Action will be taken on a number of important matters, A campaign manager win be elected aad campaign committees selected...
...Plan* are being made for an active canvass...
...14th Ward...
...August 15, 8:S0 p. m.— 188th sweet sad Jamaica avenue...
...meeting* are held cic^f Sl^^s^s jBursyjjteei ea "Tree wS aad*Dta$ A Yorkvtn* junior circle it being etEtailged at the Socialist party heedeuartert...
...The best campaign in many years is planned...
...CfelUBtle* at Unity House V. r. Calverton will lecture next week in Unity Mouse, Forest Park, Pa...
...Every member of the branch a urged to come along to spend an enjoyable day, and at the same time help the branch obtain some finances for the coming campaten...
...Wednesday, August 13, 8:30 p. m — Liberty and Lefferti avenues...
...D. M Cory...
...It brought forth an unanimous desire that it ba taker, up more concretely at our next meeting, on Aug...
...Rockman, Mrs...
...Thursday, August 13, 0:30 p. m.— Orescent avenue and .Itttb street...
...Among the other topics, he will discuss "The Challenge and Cam ef War Literature...
...Upper Nyack, this weak...
...Mary Sandor, Molly Weingart, Mr...
...Ethelred Brown, Frank Pore*, V. o*»par...
...WASHINGTON HEIGHTS — The branch has arranged tor a day's outing and ha* chartered a private steamer to accommodate about 150 people...
...taking tea apy Wcodemut, who KJ» Coie-rtdo...
...E. Brown, Max Delson, Tun Murphy, H. Koepei, F. Hodgson, D. Black...
...Over 500 were present...
...A platform 'Will be adopted...
...We ere aS to meet tt front ef the Parkway Bath* any tan* after 2 p m. on Saturday August 15...
...17, to L* city ticket...
...August S, 8:30 p. m.— Longwood and Prospect avenues...
...QCEENS ELMHVRST-COBONsj—The branch has been very successful ta outdoor meetings...
...Italian Federation The Italian Socialist Federation has organized a propaganda tour beginning September 1. V. Vaeirca will be the organiser...
...The LLP...
...Get in touch with your branch secretary or with State Secretary Nelstadt for resrvations...
...13th Ward, Edward Virco...
...She had as her assistants: Miriam Maretaky, Mrs...
...y ¦to—.The state secretary * orrsrlser attended a well ^¦weag of Local Hartford gttwdng...
...This comrade, who acted as manager and who worked for several months promoting the big event, labored night and day to the end ol his physical endurance, and who it largely responsible for the splendid success...
...Ths parade wul start promptly at S p. SS, sharp from the Bronx headquarter*, 808 Prospect avenue...
...The signatures can be obtained most conveniently between 6 and 8 p. m. Those who are willing to volunteer for this work are urged to get in touch with Organiser Claestent, city office, 7 East 15th street, without delay...
...Saturday, August 15, 8:30 p. m.— 86th street between Lexington and Third avenues...
...The'role which Jewish Socialists play in Out movement sad the manner In which to affects various policies of international and British tlni IsHtai was amply illustrated by Aaron Leventtein i of the Bronx...
...The local 7 tto members...
...This Saturday, in ParkT the speakers will be g*r...
...The disbarred Pedal tet candidate far Supreme Court, John W. Slayton, widely know throughout the state as a lecturer and writer, is a carpenter by trade...
...7212 30th avenut...
...A large audience listened attentively and enthusiastically...
...Henry H Laytourn, Bert Breatow and others...
...ConunitPraet of Norwalk, reported Sactallsts of his city were Sto a ticket to take part in *S aty election...
...A full Socialist ticket Will be filed in Buffalo and Erie County, city of Lackawanna and supervisors in the towns of Amherst, Cbeektowaga, Lancaster...
...To save his family from a tragic posstbuity he was forced to go in exile...
...erw^wweB* ^^nrw^wwww w^ww^p^^satwsww**/ - - BRONX YTFSSLS HOLD ANTIWAR PARADE The young anitawste ta cosstaaeataa • .with the * j P ^ ,es<*y et Btnng County have arranged a hug* parade aad ilMiatiMlitlliai on anti-war...
...S:se p. m.— Junction boulevard and SSth avenue...
...sea's: Higgins and MllwSm sad the other one MB swlb sett tide corner Kef the week...
...H. Fruchter...
...WUliem E Beba...
...Journal ads, etc., the committee, however, feels that some expression of appreciation should be made to the many comrades who worked so diligently during that long hard day In handling the Immense crowd...
...Fred Hodgson, D. Black...
...They art arranging a gala concert for Friday evening...
...price SI AO...
...Riner and State OrM Cederholm and Minnie | State secretary...
...Dora Wolinsky and George L Steinhardt managed the office with Comrades Herbert M. Merrill, Louie Singer...
...Two large bundles of tare been sent, and $12.50 tontrfbuted...
...BROOKLYN Beta sfssaatai Tuesday...
...D. M. Cory...
...Friday, August 14, 8:30 p. m.—Utica avenue and Eastern parkway...
...Edward W. Gray...
...Monday, August 10, 8:30 p. m.— Albemarle reed and Flatbush avenue...
...Women Socialists hate solicited donations which are distributed to the needy...
...Arthur Glad - , sear: M-grom, George Perisss Mi-grom, Henry Duet tan, Mordecal Bhahaaa sad K ffsaaaen should be given to tat Crip*, who ooastructod S sawform and delivers it ¦sua C. D. Branch, now the ¦ Local Cook County with saeabera, recently performed g JsmtJ Higgins' work of I Bssnbert are justly proud, sattnd copies (the largest H sf the "Hunger Edition" art Leader ware purchased Sated by the branch...
...Malll*, Nathan and Yetta Reisel...
...Theodore Shapiro, Joseph Tuvim, Joseph Dean, Louis Epstein, Louis Lieberman...
...Irving Smith, also of Brooklyn, introduced the question of coalition, and ta doing se attacked the stand of the LLP...
...Joseph Sugar, Louis Silver, Max Burnett, Max Weltaman, members Of the Butchers' Union Comrade Joblin, Bote Park Particular mention should also be made at Comrades Dreiblatt and Chatcuff...
...Saturday, August 8. 8:30 p. m.— Junction boulevard and SSth avenue, Corona, H. H. Laytourn, Bert Brastow...
...Considerable work must be don* upon them before they are ready for filing...
...Local Organiser P*» wul also speak...
...Those wishing to volunteer their services are asked to get in touch with Organiser Toole, or at the office of the party, 1029 East Baltimore street...
...The program will he breadeast over Station WPAP promptly at the hour stated...
...6. Orr, M Kurinaky...
...Councilman at large, WQUam Nolan and Frank Mitchell...
...NASSAU—A county convention in Nassau County was held Friday evening at the new headquarters of the Inwood-Cedarhurst Branch, Lord and Bayvlew avenues...
...Be win speak ef the following subject*: 1. Mussolini...
...educational Director 0j jjJJJ J ^^^O^sll^^^^^^* e^8*7^f ^TOTb>^ yOssI FREE^YOUTH > a violent overthrow of the present system under prevailing conditions...
...4. Fascism ss the greatest menace to peace...
...Handling the bar, with Comrade Jacob Handler In charge, were Joseph Weil...
...Wyckoff and Smith street...
...His home was ransacked aad destroyed, his wife was also beaten...
...These meetE^settnatd as late in the C eteUier permits...
...The thet etay ate filing petitions ta nominate Socialist party esmtanetee for public office to be voted upon in the coming primaries and election, it Aug...
...For information, write to the Italian socialist Federation, 1011 Blue Island avenue, Chicago, UL DC WITT ON W'PAP Samuel A. DeWitt ef The New Leader staff will participate in the WPAP university forum symposium en Sunday, August 9, at 1 p.m...
...A Claatsent, Milton Mendel, Oersrudt Oelmea, wmiem Oehaan...
...The next ef this series ef meetings will be announced shortly and win most likely be held in the 30th A. D. 16th A D—An important meeting wul be held Friday evening, Aug...
...The weekly lectures are arranged by the Educational Department of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, which owns Unity House and operates it on a nonprofit haste...
...Louis Chertoff was substituted as the candidate 33rd A D.—The business meeting ea Aug- 8 was very I nl ittlng and noT'afrec'f'the attendance of our devoted esastaeas in aassjtwt of the sulking miners, the statute has to |^2|J|^^^^^^^jJ^^PjJJj^ ^¦ses^sw^Bwres^^^^F shipment ef food sod clothing...
...4th A D., and Louis Lieberman, for member of Assembly...
...8 p. m...
...Sol Perrin, H. Weakew, T. Wilson...
...Saturday evening, Aug...
...RICHMOND Saturday...
...The parade will start near the headquarters at 808 Prospect avenue at 6 p. m., and wul march through various sections of the Bronx and end at the corner of Prospect and Longwood avenues, where a large platform will be erected...
...Saturday, August 15...
...A goodly quantity of Mew Leaders were told...
...MOR.MXGSIDE HEIGHTS — At a recent meeting John Martindale was nominated as the candidate for Alderman in the 13th District In place of Arnold Johnson, who declined...
...The at tht stats executive cota» toot office at this meetwDham J. Morgan, Louis ¦ starts P. Plunkett, Wslter iOharke O'Connell...
...Committeeman VVtamtB rsportad that the m Socialist* were getting Sat a otty convention would I toon...
...Thursday, August IS, 8 30 p. ss.— 180th street and St...
...In spite ef Communist opposition, it was an orderly sad impressive meeting...
...Tonawanda and West Seneca...
...James OneaL 'a A DeWitt, & Orr, L. Handin, H. Fruchter, A Leventtein, Rachel Panken, A. L Shiplacoff...
...S. L. has been oon«a stattlngi through"JS.we»t side...
...supervisors, Fifth Ward, Clarence Barr: Ninth Ward, George Jeffrey...
...It is absolutely Impossible to give credit to every one as there were scores of comrades who assisted and substituted for others, whose names ware not noted...
...Pennsylvania EKIE—Julian H. Weiss of Buffalo, Socialist attorney, will speak under the auspices of the Brie, Pa...
...Since then, the various committees that handled this huge affair have turned In their reports and every Indication is that we went over the top...
...BROOKLYN WILLIAMSBURG—The second Of S series of large open ah demonstrations held last Friday evening was successful...
...5th A D.—A meeting wul be held Tuesday, Aug, 11, at 808 Prospect avenue...
...About 300 New fere sold at the last meetw park...
...The following have been selected: Assembly, Second Niagara district, Thomas Justice... October, ISIS, returned to Italy after an absence of 13 years, and was nominated for member of Parliament in Bologna (North Italy) and In Siracusa (Sicily...
...Special Organiser St a working hi Stamford...
...Veoirea win speak in both Italian and English...
...August Pit ft*— • •poke Saturday evening, Aug...
...The city cam»Wen on the Central Oreen, teuuug...
...Sol Marcus, Henry Fruchter...
...Charles Sunarsky, Martha Solomon...
...Aug, WSr...
...Schutte, Mrs...
...This course win be widely advertised, sad an effort wUl be made to Interest the many people on Beaten Island who are t.Mw^i^ in our direction...
...August 14...
...I. Polstein, T_ Klelnman, Herman Woafcow, H. Sabsnaa, T. Wilton...
...Mayor of Niagara Falls, dhraham Hoch, proprietor of the Cataract Pharmacy...
...The sV1" * hew as the party ^> m Madison avenue...
...being made to carry on PPMaiaf campaign hi this PwBT...
...Samuel Beaidtley spoke...
...D. M Cory...
...An August 8, the speakers win Include John Davidson...
...The branch has also been successful In soliciting the silk It net of the Women's Club, aSBShal Group, the Men's Club, Workmen's Circle and the educational department of the atnalgsmtted Cooperative Bouses to make this concert a huge success...
...Tuesday, August if, 8.30 p. m.— 163rd and Simpson streets...
...Speer Knefeel, George Kinchloe, S. Safranoff, Walter Deariag...
...MANHATTAN 4th A D.—A special meeting was held on Monday evening, July 37, in the Forward Building...
...Isadora Polstein, Joseph Weil, Bert Breatow...
...8:30 p. m— Clark aad Henry streets...
...SoetsHst eetetetea to this country since before the war...
...Sat he was hating success seat work sa that city...
...We repeat that this is only a partial list and apologies are offered to those comrade* whet* names may be omitted...
...S, with former fteary Martin F. Plunkett jg aptaksr...
...Tb* regularly Circle Two Sr...
...and go up the Hudson to Hook Mountain Park where there are facilities for bathing, tennis, dancing, etc...
...The first meeting win be held this Friday, August 7, si 8:88 p. m. ™ 5.000 Seek 1.600 Job* PITTSBURGH, Pa —About 8,000 men hsve applied for the 1.000 Jobs as election registrar that wul tot available tn Pittsburgh ta the ease* tog fall election...
...Tuesday, August 11, 8:80 p. m — Kirsnunghway and Bast 17th street... headMt Springfield avenue...
...We require the presence of every comrade...
...181st street and Wads worth avenue, Max Delson, Tun Murphy, B. Koppei...
...August 14, 8: SO p. m — Bright Water Court and Bast Fourth street, Brighton Beach...
...Numerous comrades took a head la tons discretion, and i agate showed that here was another subject which was not foreign ta ' yWltlrwas the otneensns ef opinion , when the session closed that more of such gatherings would be beneficial ¦ to young Socialists everywhere...
...CommitteeI O. kraal of Meriden, also tai ha local expected to * ticket for the first time tar of years...
...the local in this fm aa s new lease of Ufe, '•wwujg people have Joined »*t...
...J. Davidson...
...Tuesday, August 11, 8:30 p. m.— lOfth street and Madison avenue, Louis Lieberman, Morris QaMowsky...
...14, for the Hg# Jcraey ate statin h i wui meet sung.l,»»p m...
...Since then, Comrade Lieberman has declined and it was left to the city office to suggest another candidate...
...We will plan for the forthcoming campaign...
...Theodore Shapiro...
...former Socialist member of the Italian Parliament, will tour up-state New York early in September under the auspices of the Italian Socialist Federation...
...Therefore, the list that la mentioned herewith and to whom particular appreciation Is owing, U only partial...
...Speakers, 8. E. Btaxdaley, John Davidson and others...
...Special mention should be made of the Y. P. 8. L., which has been particularly active aad has seat a number of huge eases ef ceothtng within the test few days...
...Comrade Minnie Weisoerg was the chief cook and supervisor...
...Hyman Levint, Joseph Lasareteu, John Lstntek and Harry Diamond...
...Due to Comrade Wetebarg'* Ureiess efforts, the shipment win probably be a etatidsrshle one...
...Joseph Dean...
...14, in the Workmen's Circle Center...
...People m wffia* now to listen to Im sf tteetallam than tor LsBti yean, at evidenced by Et atke, the collections, snowing comrades, among get spoken at the outdoor , idoip- Drtifata, Edward si Dr R B. Oreen...
...A discussion op the union activities ef our membership was started by Onsnrwrte Alanan and occupied the attention of an present...
...31, with an admission charge of 80 cents...
...Max Sternberg, Max Dick, L Granlck, Isaac Schiff, Max Polikoff...
...Iff i...
...Tuesday, August 11, 8;30 p. m.— 158th street aad Broadway...
...Than LaVsasei batd weekly—on...
...N. Asbel also Inserted aa appeal for aid in a local paper, and announced an entertainment and dance for the benefit of the miners in Slavish Hall on Aug...
...declared attorney William Schrader...
...Tim Murphy, A. P. Wttr» Green and Mario GennoConnecticut BV**Jk b distributing 50 * Be she Leader weekly, res sat aad sold 3000 copies atsettka...
...This outing will be held Sunday, Aug...
...Comrade ro^^wnrad WtSt 18th to the Socialist party of Colorado and William C. Stone, secretary for that state, hat already put him to work...
...the real man and the '^"influence of fascism op Italian fine arts and literature...
...Final recommendations named Morris Markshied for Alderman...
...Y., Will Witness First Socialist Campaign Since the War rp«* Rockland County, M. Y. 8o¦s- ciajists wul open their campaign at a picnic and rally Sunday, August 23, at Bokar Park, Mousey...
...V. J...
...A special bus will leave the party headquarters...
...Sam H Friedman, Jack Altaian...
...YORKVTLLE — A very successful street meeting was held at 86th street near Lexington avenue, test Saturday evening...
...Comrades are wanted to speak, give out literature, or do ether duties In connection with the general work of the meetings...
...ruing the Socialist Party of Pennsylvania points out that a workers' party baa no choice but to nominate workers for positions of judges as the bitter experience of the Sacco-Vanzetti and Mconey-Billinas esses, still fresh in memory, and the tyrannical and onesided use of the court injunction SSggr^ 5j >'sirg m pgtS Of |ago Show 0ked Spurt |t^Leaders Dis.— Picnic in g; . Success— pPatij News Illinois figa-getee the middle ef "¦i—Bth Congressional DisEKgrnah taaaeh aad Circle ES~t...
...So far, the 2nd A D. Bronx Branch intends ta go in a body- The help of other branches Is toliclted...
...State Secretary Merrill requests locals and members at large of the Socialist party organisation to eeeperata in making this lecture tour successful...
...Richmond HBL J. D. Oravea, P. F. Boat, Jr., Walter Dealing, H. H. Laytourn, Joseph Dean* Saturday, August IS, 8:80 p. m.— 47th street and Oreenpoint avenue...

Vol. 13 • August 1931 • No. 6

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