British Labor and Job Relief
Henderson, Fred
From Our Foreign Corespondents British Labor and Job Relief Socialists in Revolt Against McDonald Proposal to Reduce AUmmmmtms and Let Rosses Run Fund By Fred Henderson London. rw-vHE...
...t begged out at this t ma ting discovery, pen goes to work and writes a pretty .for the Nation which is exactly the , that has been regularly written since Be exception of the fact that he takes st at the Socialist party, alleging that flee in our full Socialist duty in the coal • • • a* fact that I have been in .this moveJus...
...we go in for the biggest navy afloat—our pet form of militarism...
...aad that in the meantime, while the trade depression continues, even our, existing end established social services, of which unemployment insurance is one of the chief, must be prepared for "some temporary suspension and temporary sacrifice...
...Hurley, was naive enough to think that if a moratorium was good for Germany that a moratorium would also be good for the unemployed...
...Bentham became the philosopher of manufacturers and capitalists who "were substituting large-scale machine production for the old domestic system of hand industry...
...The author adds that, "true to his words, Barres was ever visiting graves- and glorifying tombs...
...Mazzini's dish was a curious "fusion of toe liberalism of Bentham and the early French revolutionaries with the romanticism of contemporary poets and novelists...
...and the nature of that cleavage is now becoming very clear...
...McAJjster Coleman...
...Naturally tola drives up the tax rate upon boras owners, since ths funds are raised in the usual way employed by American cities of taxing real estate instead of by taxing Incomes, inheritances, proceeds from gambling on the stock exchange, aad cersetwte profits...
...He Writes: "Yet, in fact, integral nationalism is far advanced among us...
...It is my business here to put yaa to clear possession of the facts rather than to argue about them...
...An Interlude of intoxication and terror followed, to be succeeded by the modern Idea of the "nation in arms" and conscript soldiers to free the oppressed peoples of Europe but the holy crusade was soon transformed Into wars of conquest with Napoleon as the master...
...and the endorsement of Socialist candidatures at the next Genera: Election Is being withheld ualesi toe candidate win give a pledge to support the Government The decisive conclusion on that point win have' to be made by the annual Labour Party Conference later on tn the autumn...
...There would be only one difficulty to the way of such a project Bacteriologists have damnfool ideals...
...Tawney bkses his arguments First of all equality is defined...
...With these findings, whole peoples aad continents found health aad freedom from fearful suffering to go oa probing :further into the unknown realms of death...
...The redistribution will be accomplished by increasing tht social services performed by the state, to aa extent much farther than they have gene in any industrial stats...
...After defining equality the author goes an' to point out how little there is of it in present-day society and how the present class structure of society perpetuates inequality...
...If the best people were guillotined or shot, what nope remained for humanity at large ?" Burke's ravings over the French upheaval are familiar but Vicomte de Bonaid's views are a classic expression of traditionalism...
...Of traditional nationalism Burke, Bonsld and Schlegel were conspicuous representatives...
...S #t • • 0 the ft*) that I have "sold out the labor " tad tavs received from the increment teeter/ ttflO, I have not at the moment be watch...
...the protection of property: aad the guaranty of equality of Individual opportunity for happiness...
...So far ss the particular Bin is concerned over which the revolt has come to a bead, the an...
...aaaV^BssStxeaaaaaa^tet hnW$JMaU, wsshana> wa%nmstoB'*ssmi eassM a# tto fits* sassasi fcsaa l*« wUIv wssaaaw wsssananaV Taste ^"^bbbmP wswsehWsJs9w SFBak^SEmtW It ante Itls V WOOAta sL^aft ssti ^aanSati^^ a)esavtteae,ax,sj u^wtti^ j wane sa* sassav m UI.MV p'*t*e?^sens IV" eveAASASB mmwut ttfnatlte paralysa^^^ first stga...
...While talking about the wickedness of others and our own good intentions, we despise and abuse the League of Nations and distrust most international undertakings...
...They persist In being interested to their work...
...They overlap while evolving from one era to another...
...Aristocrats were the best people...
...His treatment is mainly concerned with English society but the conclusions he reaches can be applied equally well to any advanced industrial state...
...SB-80 Totsi.......* In many instances, the petlsat already weakened by the ravages of the scourge, even after a fait J convaleseecse, might get a sudden relapse and past out from to* effects of perusing just such s bill...
...The law allowed him tea ear cent of the fee charged by the phystciaaa treating the ease tn which ale own patented bug and serum were involved...
...The author points out the means of achieving it...
...Scanning, the New Books Nationalism — A Product of Economic Forces its Philosophers Analyzed repHOSE who are acquainted with JL Carlton J. H. Hayes* "Essays on Nationalism'' published five years ago will welcome bis new book (The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism, Richard R. Smith, Inc., $3.60...
...when the legislative bodies are moanrimag the halls of Congress during ths regular atstinns, "We want a oafs/rtgaa -' law for the germs we discover...
...The illusions of the "enlightenment" disappeared in the grim realities of ths new bourgeois osier...
...Yet these proposals, ss a matter of fact, are certainly belated, for they did not come until Germany was on the brink of a Fascist revolution...
...portiinity, even if it did exist housed messes if only the exceptional members of the group can ever hops to rise to anything better...
...180.00 For cceenltationt with specialists...
...The equality which . . . thinkers emphasise as desirable, is not equality of capacity or attainment, but of circumstances, and institutions, and of manner of life" This equality is obtainable and, as is pointed out later hi the book, necessary for society...
...It is a valuable supplement to the earlier study...
...In France Guizot represented the same tread Of thought and, naturally, helped to establish the liberal middle class monarchy of Louis Philippe...
...He shows how ths welfare of the majority who work for wage is dependent oa the will of toe minority who control industry...
...The view now expressed—that we must postponi oar work till Capitalism is restored to prosperity—is the view late which the Government has fallet under the pressure of Its initial mistake of taking office withoul toe power of a majority, and its oonooojuoat dependence on capitalist support in Parliament foi the retention of office...
...This is by far the most important lieiainpwisnt — with greater possible consequences upon the immediate future of our movement—that has taken place since the MacDoaald Government took office...
...doprts sion by relieving her from BSBkhtS' payments to the governments of her conquerors It would similarly help If the payments to toe bankers of her conquerors were suspended...
...i when the situation cries out loud for hteUigaaee end courage, the Boys of It are forgetting to follow the formula em by Karl Marx himself to the effect who would make a violent revolution in v or nsgtaafi or Germany are not true its, bat aa toe contrary "insurrectionated by a romantic ideal...
...Equality" (Harcourt...
...Brace A Co...
...The proposals are also entirely inadequate, for it is certain that Germany will not be able to make reparation payments in normally good times at the tremendous scale demanded, and teat her business recovery will not be sufficiently far progressed in a year to enable her to resume payments at all Tet it Is significant hi President Hoover's proposal, that Germany is relieved from making payments only to the governments of her conquerors...
...Ia these days at aay rate...
...Since nobody knowt whether this particular germ acts like every other infectious or contagious element we haw* learned about U might even he that crowding togethei would set sa- a deterrent...
...The dread of doctor bills bee killed more patients than medical ignorance...
...Host Socialists are familiar with the main points upon which Mr...
...Aad bstwssa as ^0 do tome effective leg-biting hi the , tfctag that gripes me is the attitude of social system sad who nevertheless lyf* such fantastic racketeers as the ? (he Communist party aad then* glad especially the undocumented story ' got Mturitz Halgrea la Oswald GarriL private paper The Nation which in ^ the candidacy of that great liberal ad which at that time spoke patronixHStasstecy of Norman Thomas...
...Those people who argue that equality is impossible because men are not in equal physical or mental abilities are put in their proper places...
...In a concluding chapter Professor Hayes passes judgment on our own disease...
...up tin rents la a bad system, hat wit* transforming Capitalism into Socialisea,"—that was our appeal u the nation...
...But our giwanisttat is MS*S8Ms"Hl*;^ pretoctts* ass) .st> terests of bankers to make any such proposal...
...And sadly enough, toe doctor can do nothing to prevent the disease from coming oa He can only tell you what you yourself can ate...
...Space forbids toe elaboration here of any of ths arguments used by the author except to say that he is extremely logical and extremely clear... thumper garlands the song-hungry world witth a ballad about hit Roumanian mammy, the statute books, the luries and toe magistrates encircle" aha against late Bfe royalties for his slobbering service to mankind...
...There is no sharp break between one type of nationalism and another...
...It was in part a reaction to the French Revolution...
...v V Tet there have been terrible msteatsa through history when populations were obliterated by a nasty wiggling atom aad Its progeny Genteel fellows their clothing aad fingers stained by dyes , and chemicals, discovered the bap of cholera, the worm of typhoid fever, the invisible pygmy demons of a score of scourges...
...t0 U*8 brainless day* we IJjj^*^ CooUdge'wul be beck to Sepsa regular morning mush for nam- WjJ*'-'' » bo class struggle la holy ^Brother Capital starves Brother |ej7?ttttki family spat that occurs to t The Chatterbox THE MICROBE'S TEE THING r.E medical gentry never look so futile and foolish as they appear when so Strang* and elusive aa affliction at infantile paralysis gees wfld saaoaf the eonunuaitiea...
...AGAIN, HUMANITY COMES WttUff With sueh aa eventuality, ear research lads turn their eyes back to the petty bubbling of liquids, snd the preparation of elides for the nUka...
...with every appearance -of widening out into that open breach in the Party which everyone has hitherto been trying to avoid...
...that our conflict of purposes must come out into the open, not merely by way of general criticism, but In action carrying very serious possible consequences...
...Let the protestors id some day to the Rand School, to the „ of that proletarian fighting outfit in t or to the coast, where Bill Butick is I to magnificently, aad they will quickly tt tOBS to the effect that the Socialist jaenca is not doing, to the best of its [ 'with its resources limited because of B rf jsat such people, its full working • * * i who occupy seats in the sneering secsssaSy provided for them by Commu¦saats organisations, stop for a moment cut tad find out what it going on in this see' S B OkU no Communist-controlled trade is more than tan years of agitation and i at God knows what money and energy ¦eeteded in gaining a contract at the ike called by such an organisation which r of the workers whom it had deluded...
...Although it could be proven with ne especial research that entire nations east lililBspllatt His managed to aad still can, carry oa to utter health and care- 1 leasness without having heard a single note St- saw - peated a stogie rhyme of that so highly protected product of Tin Paa Alley...
...That Capitalism is bankrupt, ate that "The Labour Party Is net concerned with isatosdao...
...They reason then: If the doctors persist la killing off populations with charges for treatment, even after the bic-chemiata have done the most part to toe cure and prevention * of Urn sot, let the doctors bear all the eaas fur tost* . aftermath...
...Why should the doctors make money oa our microbes...
...a language which Is the -veritable expression of a Perfected ssUure...
...though many have regarded it SS betog bound to occur sooner or later...
...Joseph B. B||y, which took ewer the financial iinntgeaneal of the city in order to straighten out the mesa...
...Over and over again the nationalism of various countries included this worship of the national stock and language...
...The pleasure is greatly heightened' when this " economist says things that you have always felt wanted saying...
...Aa sgalast that way of looking at things, the view taken by the Socialist elements in the Labour Party Is that the decline in Capitalist prosperity is a development which is bound to take place...
...The real importance of what is happening is not, therefore, as to the fate of teatolsf the*paat two yeeav and lis untiltT aswatmsaso of view between the Government and the outlook of a eery large proportion of Labour electors throughout ths country...
...Typhoid Fever: 88 visits at $5.00 each...
...The Frenchman, Barres, is quoted as saying: "The spirit of man is never so activs as when It is in close communion with the dead...
...And then there are the usually hopeless gestures at treating tt Someday, and may we all pray f arveatly that it will be soon, a poor poking lad bending over a Bunsen burner, or squinting down a mteroseope wta snap his tired fingers, whisper ''Eureka'* to himself, and without any strut to his walk or psrklntns to hit manner report to hit chief that the pesky little bug has been isolated...
...What baa happened is that they have emerged into clearer definition, aad taken a more oestoste and lowajiilsahle form...
...R. The Itcsson of Fall River |-|NE OF THE TOWNS that has ^ been hit hardest by the unemployment is Fall River, important textile center...
...permanent distinctions Dotoyooa ntsprirt, authority vested in a monarch, and glorification of the French language which he considered "simple without Bestates, noble without bombast, harmonious Without fatigue, precise without obscurity, elegant without affectation, metaphorical without conscious effort...
...A much greater measure of social justice is necessary...
...What is at tenia here is not e mere detail, but a deep cleavage as to the direction in which Labour, .with governing responsibilities in its hands, should move...
...There are as factions fifty, nor la there any chance in the **e wm be any split inside of the only with organization, membership and 'exwgh to stand up and fight against has driven more than seven million «ug men and women to the depths of la planless, which is headed by toe most " faoie leader which the party of capiProduced, and winch in the long run, "tost, will all down the blind ••wpte, • • • • **tPe of'the things that are going on J75f« Socialist integrity shall remain ¦JJMeant sad fiery aa when it was first T0"" vktor Debs, his fighting railthose great-hearted ploassrs who ^eatof the East thirty years ago...
...Even tf JFOVsT CtsstOtsI amammmm\ tee1 atttsml 4% G&moeQaT%& &^^Tn%vtCan the Deeter...
...There must a redistribution of the social income in such a manner that inequality will be abolished...
...I tSthteacs of aa instructor or profes isftjBB, Maoritx has apparently, for the U git life, disocvered the fact that coal t tat earth and not on raspberry tuShoa -tfter found the startling information Isgshtts since 1900 the date of the f orbj, party in this country tost the private I of the coal miners on the part of ab¦bj B not all that it should be...
...The effects of hwtmaHfy of wealth on the cultural standards of a society are also pointed out - After thus frwsenUng the problem Mr...
...Whe> knows T It's a saft tat the doctors * not • ^ ^: among^^^motesm^^^^Uoren11^ ItetoLg ^JS^^-TIZ?1 • • XOcaS1™ DOCTOR... is devoted to the Economic Factors in Nationalism, and "certain conclusions are drawn la a final chapter...
...This is s Government outlook which, as Fenner Brock way has pointed out, means that social advance, or even the retention of our already secured social services, must bp postponed until there is a return of capitalist prosperity...
...By that I do not mean to suggest that our dlfflrulttae are being adjusted...
...Not transferred to the capitalist parties, but withheld by refusal to vote at all...
...These art necessary If true equality and true economic freedom are to be reached...
...And this change in ths atmosphere has corns about for the reason at which I hinted in my last letter...
...The Democratic treasurer, Mr...
...Moratoriums for Germany to enable Germany, the more certainly to repay toe bankers of the allied couulrtts are all right But moratoriums far the uastaployori at the expense of bankers are all wrong, and this is the opinion of both Democrats and Nothing could make more clear toe class character of our govern, meat thai the fact that ft watt the interests of the htnbMB shitt fm* t HA 4ft f Af*a>aaT ¦ eyf* fka 11T\s*m t^rtTTshfl , Steering iertesd along with me...
...Ths Socialist members responsible foi moving toe rejection of the Gov eminent Bill la Parliament an being put under discipline...
...The book is an excellent contribution to the history of ruling class ideas that have filtered through various types of the \ nationalist obsession...
...The main justification which is being put forward for the Government is the need for economy: in the present depressed state of industry and national finance things must be cut down...
...The reason It clear...
...ti-Oovernment campaign win almost rertamly not succeed In defeating It...
...AND WOULDN'T THIS REALLY HAPPEN t Suppose, heaven forfend...
...It now looks, ss though this must happen...
...but meanwhile matters have come to s deadlock between Party headquarters and the group in Parliament who refuse to give any audi pledge in view of the divergence between Government measures aad the policy declared in "Labour .and toe National...
...The second of these views, the Socialist view, was toe view held with practical unanimity by the Labour Party when we fought the last genera] election...
...It is to this fundamental divergence of view that the British movement has now apparently come...
...Throughout the book the economic implications of the various types of nationalism are discussed and in each Instance it is a case of translating the economic interests of some group or class into terms of the "nation...
...i The position, as you will see, hi a serious oae...
...The payments almost equally large which she has to make to the bankers of England, France and Germany in the form of interest on the loans which she has floated since the war axe care, fully preserved...
...We are peculiarly intolerant of any domestic dissent, of all foreigners and minorities in our midst...
...It is toe view implicit throughout all toe statement of our sums and purposes presented then to the electors in "Labour and the Nation...
...At many of the home owners to FaQ River were themselves out of work, aa increasingly large proportion could not pay aad the city became bankrupt...
...Tawney turns to toe order to ovciossne the evil...
...we erect our tariff barriers higher than any one else...
...assay first, last, and all the time is Sf traduction for profit rather than the axing classes, and we are fighting this I tvery tool in our arsenal but what we s k this—the sharpshooting and sidetea* who should be with us in this • • • B time when the Socialist party gets to r lbs disastrous attack upon it by such ¦ as were mobilised under that prime M you can change that word around H want...
...Tawney points out the fact that in society today inequality does exist, and that this is a menace that must be done away with...
...Of course, there are the established symptoms when the disease has taken hold...
...There is only one Socialist e United states...
...Oa the contrary, they Jam become more acute...
...76.00 ejggjf 10 per beat charge for Rosenswetg Bacteria Royalty...
...The dramatic aad reportable incidents in it are la the conflict between the Government and the Socialist group now to Parliament But the reality of things is outside Parliament...
...Aad to hell with royalties . , . CUPIDITY AND STUPIDITY ARE TWINS Nothing Is more tragically stupid than the daily instructions of the Health Department doctors g»Bto» the public preat as tot reosat «M af tact with crowds or otot^chudrtn* And you* read aad find that to isolated places, aa rich mas ¦ estates, in delicately barbered suburbs, cases spring ne\the?'prerenU*thi%u^ even If followed, nor has It aay reason except blind guesswork...
...The Government, while not adopting the report in its entirety, has so far surrendered to the strong Liberal desire in this matter as to introduce to the House of Commons a Bill for deal* ing with what it calls certain •^anomalies" in the payment of unemployment benefit It proposes to cut down benefits by over five million pounds...
...aad it is of the utmost importance if you are to follow with real understanding the probable developments of this situation, that this fact of a fuwrtsmental divergence of view should be clearly grasped...
...Jj***yt that have come to so many mll7*U...
...Aad surely more than bacteria...
...The Need for a Classless Society ANEW BOOH by R. H. Tawney is a matter of interest and importance to any student of Socialism...
...primarily for ths defeat of this measure,, but expressing itself more and more clearly every day as a general Socialist revolt against the whole trend of Government policy...
...t every bye-electoral opportunity of gauging public opinion, about 30 to 25 per cent, of the electoral support given to the Party at tot last General Election is now being withheld...
...We are peculiarly gullible, peculiarly ignorant, peculiarly emotional...
...My Judas-act did not get at reprieve my time-piece from my well KB...
...After you had been either butted or cured by your medicine maa, your heirs or pal would receive a bill reading as follows: For medical treatment...
...Philip Snowden, ss befits his position aa Chancellor of the Exchequer has been the chief exponent of the ftAnd his dictum is that "schemes Involving heavy expenditure, how...
...In Massachusetts we recently had a Democratic Governor and state treasurer elected in place of the Republican ones...
...The remedy enforced by the rnmmisstiia, appointed by a Democratic geveraef, be It remembered by all these who expect Democrats to be mere progressive than Republicans, proceeded to remedy the gggjg SmSm^^ttg!^ ed by Democrats and Reetssssosjas alik...
...Humanitarian nationalism was a prelude to the French Revo, lution which wiped out the old feudal order, leveled down the classes, and the citizen emerged with "natural rights" vindicated...
...Ho had had It aa copyrighted...
...The unemployed in our state are entitled to receive from the Public Welfare Departments of our cities enough to keep body aad soul together, and men with families generally do get some small, rdggarfily dole from the public treasury if they are out of work aad compltttly destitute...
...Humanitarian nationalism had> its origins in eighteenth Century "enlightenment" with its concepts of natural law, the exaltation of human reason, the perfectibility of the human race, and its promise of progress...
...But I have an idea that our same friends are going about among the coal...
...and we put reservations, formal or mental, to almost every international engagement which ws make...
...Even If there were a eefe/right law for microbes, bow do you thiak the astute throat peepers aad pulse ticklers will mstiage to get around this surcharge oa their usual fees* By toil Sales Tax, of course...
...and that as capitalism becomes less sad less competent to serve human nssds, the consequent intensification of poverty and suffering la the world, so far from holding us back from our constructive Socialist work, provides us with the urgent occasion for getting on with it For our work is not the restoration of prosperity to capitalism, 'but the transition of our economic life from Capitalism to Socialism...
...A stats commission was appointed by our Democratic Oovsrnor...
...The unthinkable has, however, happened...
...Mitchell Palmer, there come a friends and fair-weather recruits who »y could divide our solid front against sat has us by the throat e • • • Mv« the decency to stand aside at this '•Let us understand that, once aad for "» are not with us in spirit, mind, and ¦toast us...
...The existence of social inequality is not ignored aad Its evils, such as the difference in the health standards of the wage earner and those of the wealthy, are lucidly elaborated...
...He takes into account opposition to the points he makes sad completely ofrrnoi lakes the usual capitalist objections to socialism...
...There has been a lot of smothered dissatisfaction with the Liberal control of the policy of the Labour Government, and an intense resentment amongst the definitely Socialist sections of the Party at the.way la which the Government has knuckled down to it rather than raise a *ght,nB Issue and face a general election .by way of breaking out of the net But while this has given rise to much criticism and even to occasional minor revolts in the House of Commons, it has never been pressed, either by the Government or by the revolters, to the point of bringing about a real crisis in the affairs of the Party...
...we press forward imperialism and unblushingly deny to Latin 'Americans what we claim for ourselves...
...Integral nationalism has its purest expression in the nationalist dictatorships hi Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Yugoslavia aad Italy and various strains of this obsession may be traced to Compte, Taine, Barres and Maurras...
...12.25), his latest effort lives up to the reputation that he has made for himself, both as a critic of capitalist institutions and as a stylist, in his previous works...
...He accordingly proposed In an open letter to Governor Ely, the head of the Democratic party in this stata>»to relieve unemployed home owners from having to make payments of interest and principal to bankers holding mortgages on their homes, aad further proposed that the rates Of interest oa mortgages should be cut down by the bankers from S per cent to S per" cent At once a tremendous howl went up from the bankers, and the politicians, mchsBfig Governor By, turned down the proposal...
...The claim, of cn/eTployy^mt%9 4%sT0 eBwas^ftly afiUXttsBka* rtgletstl Moratoriums and Moratoriums WE have all read In, the Republican press the tremendous praise given to President Hoover for his proposals to relieve Germany from Impossible payments by means of a moratorium...
...I pointed out, you will remember, that a possible new menace to the Liberal-Labour arrangement for keeping ths Government in office had made its appearance... may well say that in this form nationalism becomes a national disease as it may include the worship of our ancestors' bones...
...Jforeover, the sentiment, all action...
...It would seem that If it is a good plan to help Germany out of her presses...
...Or aay of those who accomob hit sightseeing tour of starving coal e • e tbtst people have-the brazen foreheads the Socialist party...
...I have yet to meet Mauritx Hal• picket line...
...for the Government are supported to this matter by the solid sad enthusiastic heekteg of the capitalist parties la Parliament, aad the legislative majority far it Is oveswbelming... uasftluu bora hu become X much atosrar during the put amy or two...
...aad what win toe doctor do exCsVg)t- OOUaVCw ft toO eteW ta'fw'tem* ^SSataB^BBslasatttB ~ sfbtatt 'snf settee, ^mm%^s%%m\ do ^fo^^hiisV^ff^ ¦^ttfWa...
...Jilts today are standing the attack of at forces—the weak-minded liberals of D those who are making the very name 1 a hissing in the ears of any decent I the Fat Boys of the capitalist system...
...ever desirable they may be, will have to wait until prosperity returns...
...aad ths outstanding fact Is that...
...The people" became pawns In an aggressive nationalism serving the middle clsss...
...The development of this conflict, once It Is bow let loose, la at toe rnoment going on swiftly...
...In five chapters the author traces the development of his theme through Humanitarian, Jacobin, Traditional, Liberal and Integral Nationalism...
...A Frenchman of a noble family, his ideal Of nationalism included a public rshfiinTi but tolerance of dissent...
...Aad oa that what has hitherto been criticism and complaint has become opea aad active revolt Both inside Parliament and up and down the country an anti-Government campaign has started...
...The penality of opportuni ty which, aivorfftufi to some writers, existed at the liegtnirlisg of the industrial revolution can no longer be said to exist Equality of oft...
...The commission appointed by the Government to enquire into the working of unemployment Insurance had issued a report proposing the most drastic mutilation of the scheme, the cutting down of benefits in ail directions, aad a general screwing down of our unemployed population as nearly as possible to the starvation limit The explosion of Labour opinion all over the country against this report was most emphatic...
...During the past year ssorybudy in the Barty has been anxious to avoid "bringing mstiers to a real crisis...
...It is a pleasure to read, for a change, an acute economist who writes such delightful English...
...v WHAT AN ORGANIZATION AND A LOBBY FUND MIGHT DO , Somebody ought to agitato aad organise the timid boys, get them out of the laboratories tor a spell and march them on to the cap...
...Legal equality has bean achieved but its accomplishments are very small...
...dim unities of large incomes by tsssttoa and by making industry a social func tion...
...THERE OUGHT TO BE A PATENT LAW FOR GERMS When a wheery-throated... get pushed down and laid flat with bacillus typhosfe, vulgarly known aa the bug of typhoid fever, without going into the oast let us tunoose further, that Achmed Abdullah Rosenrweig, just another assistant in ths East New York Bio-Chtmicai laboratory had isolated, testtubed and cultured aad done all toe seven hundred - aad sixty-nine sundry tests aad inoculations necessary to develop sa anti-toxin for the murderous mite...
...For every fat fee, we went our royalty .. " These might be a few of the slogans to he carried ana shown to the people...
...The views of Bolingbroke, Rousseau and Herder are typical of this early phase although they differed in their approach, Bolingbroke being an aristocrat and Rousseau representing "the people...
...For sir...
...A formidable attack on our unemployment insurance law had been launched...
...Ball in that only...
...Thus liberal nationalism Includes as one of its prophets Jeremy Bentham, an intellectual ancestor of Hoover who believed that .universal happiness is to be found in three state functions: "the assurance of security...
...the reactionaries shed more tears over ths aristocratic victims of Jacobin deviltry than over the fate of the masses, but they were sure that the quiet happiness of humanity could be assured less by the masses than by the classes...
...saying one word about their prinnummton, and at the same time urging men to get their heads broken in order RThe Daily Worker may send sometescow encouraging Stalin and Cornel over new funds...
...sad since the Liberals were likely to press for carrying a number of its proposals into effect, the menace which most of aa saw- to the Ubersi-Lebeur compact was, as I pointed out, that it seemed to us quite unthinkable that the Government, under say Liberal pressure whatever, would attempt to act oa such lines...
...and, worse still, to place the whole administration of the scheme for the future outside the jurisdiction of Parliament and under the control of a bureaucratic committee dominated by the employers' interests...
Vol. 13 • August 1931 • No. 6