The Issues Facing The Workers of Philadelphia

McKeown, Alexander

The Issues Facing The Workers of Philadelphia Trade Union Leader, Socialist Candidate for Mayor, Outlines Program in Address to Convention Accepting the domination_ By Alexander McKeown IREALIZE...

...Lloyd is disbursing, will be spent...
...i. Some may ask why I am accepting nomination on a Socialist ticket...
...On every hand there is unmistakable evidence of fundamental, far resehlng changes impending...
...WoU is the kind of control he desires to see established through aa "industrial congress...
...It has dotted the' world with factories filled with great steel slaves and has covered the land with a spider web of railroads with which to transport the necessities of life to the people, but because capitalism has outlived Its usefulness the factories are idle while ten million men in America beg for the right to go inside and produce the necessities of life that they and- their families need...
...MrT WoU gives to our unemployed the following: "I propose a national industrial congress, which, Instead of being the beginning and the ending in itself, shall be the beginning of a permanent industrial structure comparable to our democratic political structure...
...Some, at least, of these a—««nds wfll be taken from the hat recently recommended by National Headquarters of the Sodafaat Party...
...Its hands point, not to the hours, but to the age...
...Both employers and 'employes worked together in good faith for the most part to prevent a BOhapSS in this trade...
...There Is talk of hundreds of millions being spent by the next city administration on a new water supply system... the latter institutions the speakers took note of the fact that the thought stream of the world is rapidly turning toward a consideration of things economic and sought to impress its importance upon the consciousness of their hearers...
...The small business man, the farmer sad the minions who are working part time find that the supply of oxygen'is vanishing...
...The sixty labor union locals affiliated with the Illinois State Conference for Unemployment Insurance, an organization formed at the call of the Socialist Party of Tm««>a...
...Due to mechanical inventions, scientific and medical researches, the average life span of modern man has increased fully a third in the past two generations...
...W. B. a^aSder ^a^T"^" V * tnT^Bsnt'^Jawssnnnnnasamsa* aL^tsSn JKak«ssBssBte^e> sTLa.] . ...^sssa m li...
...The Issues Facing The Workers of Philadelphia Trade Union Leader, Socialist Candidate for Mayor, Outlines Program in Address to Convention Accepting the domination_ By Alexander McKeown IREALIZE that thai nomination is not so much a bouquet for Alexander McKeown, the individual, as it is a recognition of the fact that I have the good fortune to serve for the past several years as a leader of the largest single organized body of wage earners in this city...
...Can we have two hundred more copies of the Special Hunger Edition if we send right over for them...
...Late Wednesday afternoon THE NEW LEADER telephone rang: "This is the Socialist Party of Newark calling...
...there is much that a city government can do and we will explain in detail what we think should be done...
...Ws have been drinking filtered sewage for so long that we forget the urgency for such aa improvement...
...Socialist Local New London, Conn...
...We propose, among other things, a project for slum clearance and municipal housing in the congested areas of the city...
...The midnight of feudalism approached when that system > ¦ could no longer provide for the needs of man...
...And in view of the fact that this city Is not Venice I don't see how ck ;tlng to office a great advocate of travel by canal will help us much either...
...The only thing to remember Is this: the people wont get that five-cent ride unless they express themselves very strongly in favor of such a measure...
...Our mark is 100,000 /irBegia*to prepare for tkes special edition NOW: Don't be one of the last-minute callers, to whom THE NEW LEADER had to say: "Sorry, not another copy left...
...The textile workers are the largest group of Indus-4 trial workers In the city and have been the hardest hit perhaps with the exception of the casual workers...
...Space, which has heretofore separated nations, races and continents, has been shrunk through the use of machinery...
...X win be glad to answer this question in detail but forjkhc moment, let me merely point out one or two revevant point...
...And once again the hands passed at the end of the feudal period and started to keep time for the new age, the era of capitalism...
...About "Independent Republicans'' There seems to be a disposition at the present moment for the Philadelphia machine to be a little sensitive about putting up a candidate who is directly identified with the contractors whose business largely depends on city contracts...
...The law of Ufa demands that the shell be broken and that they step into a new and better world...
...And I would not have given the matter a moment's thought had I not been convinced that the rank and file of the labor movement in our city do now feel the need for making an honest fight for a new deal politically in Philadelphia...
...Thomas' speech Aad those who have read it, will give due consideration to the sound point of view he expressed...
...Will & Hadley, presumably, has all the facts aad he tells us it hi a paying proposition to charge a nickel for a token instead of eight cents...
...Do I need to point out the mitting a policy of this kiwf'to spread...
...This Democracy We have a political oligarchy with here and there a progressive voice upon the Mnbeldlofl greed of the real controllers of the DemoRepublican political party...
...Socialist Local Newark, N. i...
...We have still a deep rooted feeling that the scheme is anything but constructive and the extension of the idea as submitted by Matthew WoU in this issue only strengthens our opinion against it...
...BorsCHst Local Denver, Colorado...
...Changes Mast Come The world is seething with unrest...
...In interior Pennsylvania road and construction contractors taking advantage of the desperate plight of the miners and the farmers are paying wages of 3b to 3d cent* aa hour...
...First of all let me say as a PhUadeiphian, born and bred, that there is no such creature as an "independent Republican" candidate, not in this town anyhow...
...The note by the International Labor News gives the reason for the further Information on the plan...
...27, Cleveland, Okie...
...At this turning point in human affairs, it is most disturbing to HI...
...and if afterwards you win tell ms that either cotton or soft coal can be gotten out of the mess they are in without a very large measure of public aid, and effective regulation, I can only conclude that you are a Uttle dense or simply dishonest...
...Amalgamated Cooperative Apartmento Branch, New York City...
...War and I nem plo vment If after one has listened day in and day out as I have done for the past two years to most intimate stories of the sufferings of ity wkoare the victims of faulty based entirely on grab and greed, one would not be prepared to fight against a continuance of this sort of thing, that man or woman would be a poor sort of creature indeed in my estimation...
...The plan right now is to isn't in the contracting business himself...
...I tell you men and women, that I hid honestly rather we had a bloody war in our streets than this slow, and baffling horror which unemployment, poverty and economic insecurity causes If our children were being killed by the bombs from invading airplanes...
...Four times the hands have pointed directly upward at the midnight of a passing age...
...BssssBst I nisi...
...We shall later present to you in detail the scientifically thought-out and yet highly practiesTji.rii diate adopt!— bfgMI Istration which attu3 to make this taen^S more prosperous p*sa3 I home before ye* ml CP* of any special saj cians...
...The* purpose is to improve the values of our community and to provide work for idle artisans and enable many poor people to enjoy decent habitations...
...We propose to be entirely candid on this question...
...But have they been able to extricate business and industry from this situation despite their knowledge of what is wrong and what must be done to make things right...
...The It Is Five Minutes to Twelve The Clock of Time Ticks the Passing of Capitalism...
...the sweeping away of all established standards of fife...
...there will be no cadging of votes by talk of a full dinner pail or offers of a well disinfected flophouse or a alee' long bresehbss No municipality can remedy aa unemployment situation acting alone...
...I sion, the like of vstat ha been known In Litsse ThaBail The Hope off The Negro Workers By Frank Crosswaith •vitB live to a sick world," W Norman Thomas, Socialist leader, told the twenty-second annual conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People at Pittsburgh, Pa...
...The original caU for this proposed "industrial congress" was printed in a previous issue of this paper...
...Of °f** prietors to ceeasrsw^ Ciouaon by pfc^h* sssj...
...The new order is in the womb of the times...
...ELSEWHERE in this issue the:* will be found an article entitled "Industrial Congress Proposal Is Real Remedy...
...The week following that publication we took issue with the proposal in our editorial column...
...The main spring of capitalism Is private profit...
...Here we are approaching the hardest winter we have ever seen (it will be desperate even if business picks up somewhat and I see no signs that it will) and we are depending on "three millions of dollars to care for the needs of aa army of Jobless adults estimated by Mayor Mac key himself to be over 100,000 in number right now...
...Capitalism can no longer supply the people with even the primary need of bread, for capitalism, based upon the principle of competition, win not function in a world that needs cooperation...
...Six million unemployed white workers is proof conclusive of this fact...
...We do aot claim that any party or g.'oup has a program that will end unemployment at once...
...have permuted te * he...
...the fear sad misery which have dominated the lives of hundreds of thousands of our fellow citisens have actually done far more barm than any disease epidemic which has visited us since the middle ages...
...unless ws tmmeans of feeding os> thousands, ws shlS h)| a condition which whs...
...This dream is not only unrealizable for the Negro but for an overwhelming majority of white workers as well...
...In Negro institutions the speeches with but Uttle variation dealt with things ephemeral, abstruse and largely religious...
...the hands draw closer together at the top of the clock...
...Neither the social worker, the teacher, the priest, the doctor nor poHticlaa can have as true aad faithful picture, I believe, as the trade unionist of the lawful havoc which unemployment creates in the lives of the self-respecting working people...
...The Birvrnth CnagrssStsa al PlstisU Bnsseb, Obmsa^ssa ah otii©r locAssp o nteriiag 5*000 'jop** toe...
...An additional order of papers was exhausted soon after the paper was out A little over 39.000 copies of The special HUNGER EDITION were printed and distributed... Philadelphia wkk* «L_ tack and not ta* tadmbl of the system T^T«3 doesn't want te bettZl rorlse strikers...
...yet hi 21 cause be knows y Osm th« strike op f wftaJ himself by those iujajl have given the orders, ^1 Why are vote* stoke hf phia...
...Unemployment and the City And only a portion of those in want are now appealing to ths city relief station for aid...
...This according to Mr...
...Today the social and economic oxygen within the capitalist shell has become exhausted for the ten million unemployed in America, who, with their families, represent over one-third of the American people...
...I do not wsat k>3 any campaign of gnB slinging...
...Slovenian Socialist Club No...
...Evan in industries where there are no unions or no hampering laws, you win find that every effort at stabilization ends* in keener cut-throat competition...
...The heart of humanttty is ticking out the last few minutes of the old order...
...Get into the Socialist movement...
...Never before in the history many bundles been piled up ready to be called for by representatives of branches of the Socialist Party...
...It is no easy matter to agree to take part in the strenuous sort of campaign we must wage in this election while carrying on the everyday work which a trade union representative Is obliged to perform under present day conditions...
...Long before the snow flies, the three million dollars that the city borrowed, and which Mr...
...A committee has been appointed by the Conference to work out a program of immediate demands to present to the city government of Chicago and to the Federal government at Washington...
...The editorial follows...
...More aad more each day the ssseatsal economic aad social unity of the world is becoming apparent to him who hath eyes to see and ears to bear...
...we know this condition which has been caused by faulty economic policies which are world-wide In application can only be eliminated finally when ail nations act in concert to remedy these Ills...
...Woll is Just now charged with holding up through its Treasury Department of the plans tar 1500.000.000 worth of public building authorized by fungi ess...
...if our own women were being wounded by shot and shell and our boys facing the enemy attack in the trenches we would be willing to float liberty loans to provide ourselves with the food and ammunition to conduct the war...
...J _J Frank R. onmtmw speaker,-addteSssd ta*jg the dire need of csssas tion by the uylawl 9% Council will try W and secure opprtrUffl** It 'will appeal to PfjPJ stores sad other _ tians in locsjBmWnPSg Negro clerks or ***** keep regularly tae&Ofi* one Negro...
...Such an improvement is more needed right now than museums and parkways...
...More and mere business today is measured in terms of billions of dollars and neither the Negro nor the white worker can Icok for salvation in this field...
...This fact is little short of a tragedy, for In the possibility of social, economic and political improvements the Negro has more to gain and less to lose than any other element of the world"s disinherited...
...The trusts have become too big and too Vitally necessary to the well-being of all of the people to snow them to remain the private property of a few...
...Albert Lunde, Nashua, Montana...
...As Norman Thomas said, the Negro has come too late upon the stage of economic action ever to hope to develop a ruling class through the tortuous route of capitalist competition...
...And never before had they disappeared so quickly...
...We have worked, we have hoped, for a new civilization...
...They have not and cannot...
...tsajj him, are the present MB town...
...WoU assim terpretatloa of t|s Wsf present "dsmoaiatsil structure...
...The terrible sense of insecurity and hopelessness...
...Under the subhead, "Based oa Sound Principle" ws have a fins flay of words that might well have keen said by the president of a Ceakaha> of "Commerce, a spokesman for a bankers' convention, or Manufacturer...
...These minions will need leaders and teachers and helpers in the work of building the aew civilization...
...on the very day that the issue cams' off the press not a single copy could be found in any oorner of the office...
...The most uaawsllsUiS eapttslists and their Journalistic organs now seem to regard as inevitable that the city take ever the P. R T.—plus of course...
...An of yon must realize I think of the obligations I owe to my union now faced with such serious and urgent problems...
...E. B. Oasnharsi Dayton, Ohio...
...Our point is that no party or group should he permitted to hold public office today which has not demonstrated its determination and ability to fight this, economic fcourge...
...In real 1st Part}, Toledo, Ohio...
...HJ so-caBed "better diss have held aloof from ] fear of soiling their ftp, into the fight for ekeabj will be much man Sam smirched...
...In the northeast we knew all about unemployment long before the crash on Wall street took place and long before-those gentlemen in City Hall awoke to the fact that the Hoover prosperity bubble had collapsed...
...This* branch sleeted a committee to raise the money necessary to cover the order...
...It is too late in the day for the race to save issif by simply following the white race in developing its own bourgsntsls " It is te be hoped that those who heard Mr...
...For my part I want to deny that we have even the skeleton of a "democratic political structure" left...
...The Socialist and labor move-* ment of Pennsylvania demands unemployment insurance...
...At this hour of-historyare you asleep or are you awake ? We have reached the hour of chaos...
...I know of no better way to secure this reduction in the cost of riding trolleys than by voting for those parties which are firmly committed to a policy of the public ownership of all public utilities...
...5,000 Taken By Chicago Orders for the Hunger Edition ranging from fifty copies to five thousand copies reached THE NEW LEADER from every section of the country, from Southwest Harbor, Maine to Los Angelas, California, and from Seattle, Washington to West Palm Beach, Florida...
...It is part of our program to demand such legislation and to put forth efforts to have the first steps in flub direction taken at the special session of the Pennsylvania Legislature which must be called this winter...
...I understand that in nominating me, the labor sad Socialist movement is actuated by a desire to demonstrate its admiration and approval of the splendid courage, energy and unselfishness of that great union of hosiery workers with whom my name has been associated in the local labor movement...
...This wonderful '-political democracy" so math believed in and lauded by Mr...
...The Biggest New Leader Ever Issued 39,000 Copies of Hunger Edition Snapped Lp: Lute' Comers Disappointed: New Special Planned TIE New Leader reached the greatest circulation in its history last week When bundles of the special HUNGER EDITION were distributed all over the nation...
...I don't think you can count on Judge McDevUt's appointees to hand out the five-cent fare on a silver platter...
...He ptmm under the present posst political machinery a a ent when consideraf I Ws wonder at thai mat) we of organized later M aad are now trytar ¦ S incompetent political etssj anti-injunction law an I dumb workers aad tSB political represewtsmn question the sniineaf*ij| industrial leaders' wishS ting into effect the sW times whea labor dWgl them over wages aad eel ditiona...
...Local Nassau County, Elmhurst, L. L, N. Y...
...Association, tadappreciative of the fshl which Mr...
...This was only one request out of scores received that same day to Which THE NEW LEADER had to reply: "We are very sorry, there Is aot a single copy left1* In spite of the fact that we had ordered thousands of extra copies above the number of advance orders fer the Hunger Edsrtna...
...Don't forget, however, that large scale public works will not help remedy unemployment or bad business conditions one bit unless those who let the contracts sad supervise their carrying out are obliged to force the contractors to keep wsges up and to preserve union conditions of work wherever possible...
...local labor movement has beep holding conferences on this very problem regularly fer years past...
...the anew leader wm print another special edition in the near future...
...This weekly is the of' ficial organ of the central labor body and one of the most progressive union publications in the United States...
...If any opponent of such Socialistic scheme voices his objections too freely, I predict that he or she win be cited for contempt of court by Judge jMcDevitt and sent to Moyamenaing en the grounds that one must not denounce an Institution over which he has appointed a number of wealthy gentlemen to act as receivers of our trolley tokens...
...No matter what faction he belongs to or what boas he takes orders from, or whether be belongs to none of the factions at all, the candidate "the gang will put en the ticket this fall win take orders either from the contractors direct or from those powerful financial or corporate interests which employ or control these contractors...
...Who have been the most reseat advocates of the public ownership of our transit system...
...Plan Fight For Relief (Sy a New Leader Cm na*a»Sl ¦!> CHICAGO...
...Oar industrial order has broken down, leaving the working masses buried beneath the debris, weighed down by property and misery in an age that brags of its magic process of machine production...
...Among the individuals and branches of the Socialist Party who ordered large bundles of the Hunger Edition are: „ Young Beseess Bsrlsnst League, Masses* N. JL» Local New RoobeUe, N. Y...
...The midnight of capitalism approaches, and as oh New Year's Eve we watch the old year out and the new year in, so tonight, in the twilight of capitalism, all over the world, in every country, from the places of power in the more advanced countries, and from the dungeons of the darker nations, the Socialists of the world stand ready to greet the dawn, the dawn of a Socialist civilization...
...We textile workers were attempting to Interest the civic leaders of Philadelphia in a sound and sane program of economic redemption for the textile industry two years before the slump came...
...and having its headquarters in connection with the Socialist state office, have decided during the eighteen months that state legislature is not in session, to concentrate on other measures than unemployment insurance which will relieve the immediate sufferings of the (obsess...
...Lawyers tell us a constitutional amendment is needed before we can secure such legislation...
...The world is at this moment laboring, and we can feel the birth pains...
...But when we are merely the victims of a ruthless, long drawn-out economic war, it is impossible to raise even sufficient relief funds to prevent the babies from falling victims to the ravages of rickets caused by insufficient milk and fruit With few exceptions all those individuals who compose the dominating elements in Philadelphia's civic life have displayed such ignorance, indifference or incompetence in dealing with this whole sssssthm of unemployment that it hi absolutely obligatory for some group, no matter what it calls itself, to step forward with a progrant and policy designed to alleviate immediate distress sad to restore the ouuuuuulty to healthy economic life...
...sJ9 in this town cart saw distinction between sasS and stealing sonwtaof ¦ gible...
...Tick . . . tick . . , tick...
...Don't put it off tin tomorrow...
...And if we are to create sufficient public sentiment to induce the Governor to list such.items of legislation in his call for the special session, the voters must cast their ballots for the Socialist and labor candidates...
...He is the marginal worker, most pathetic of an the vicuna of unemploymen and landlordism...
...Is it because M many crooks omittaesj are so many lazy, 3m irresponsible peoplsT 9 are to blame and set mm the fact that he...
...Jobless Council Widens Scope of Work...
...The whole )n apessM it, in this farcical.% Congress'' is to petejfl leaders in a posltloa tjH with leaders in iadhshftJ majority of when Mjg i for organised labmsjjj dominate such' a esnjal point of further.kapH bit of opprsssksj *JH robbery through WhflM accumulated their esilH ea If we are te bs{*n taste of democracy at1 it created for the rsstf all of our labor eajfl everything advances bpi ers cannot be bbsl|N labor movement Unemployed CtH Formed lorn BOSTON —A np* group of colored esscna* Community Ceo tar ^f as Congregational CasrshJ and organized thSSBSS the Massachusetts W Council Arthur C Ssa date editor of Negro 1ft Service, worked sajessai the council into Why* ed over the first awm outlined the object and si organization to be eat j ful a desired sad asjan tion in the Negro sen deavor to stabilise bus nomically...
...cago at its went ssj quiet, sleepy suburb...
...The old order is passing...
...If you feel the thrul and the Joy of the approaching dawn, if you want to be a soldier in the army of progress instead of letting others fight your battle for you, you belong In the Socialist movement, —you belong with those whose faces will first catch the rays of the rising sun, aad to the new day you can look back at this hour without remorse...
...for Use, Not Profit With the irresistible march of the machine goes the concentration of Wealth into fewer bands...
...German Republic Day To Be Celebrated Today By New York Groups The New York Branch of the •Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gokl" the German Anti-Fascist organization of Ifr Bsrviiianieu and Defenders of thf Republic against faonarcbism, In conjunction with "The Americaa Friends of the German Republic" will celebrate the twelfth anniversary of the signing aad publication Of the German OorksUtufioa Saturday, August 8th, with a festival at Martin Kane's Park and Casino in Claason Point there win be a real "Volksfest" with pleasure fbtyouhg and old in the afternoon...
...prepare yourself to play your part in the moat interesting period of ail history...
...Only Socialism offers a peaceful transition out of the old order to "Peace, Plenty and Freedom'' la the new day...
...Four times have the long, swift hand and the abort, slow hand come together at the top to mark the passing of an age in history, aad the approach of the dawn of a new era, a better age, a higher plane of life...
...The question I put myself to was this: "Can I be true to what I feel to be the best interests of the more than ten thousand workers and their families whom I have tried as a union executive to help and to protect in this period of economic depression if I sidestepped the opportunity to take part in this struggle to break down the cruel indifference which the present rulers of our city display towards the terrific problem which has almost every working family by the throat?'' As a man who tries to be honest with himself, I could answer only in one way...
...He seems less concerned with what is taking place hi his world than any other section of the American working class...
...Every economist aad sensible business man in the country admits the need for gearing production to the current rate of consumption so as to avoid the serious sort of deflation we are Irving through right now...
...I could not have even considered this nomination were it not for the splendid aad active group of men and women who are entering this campaign under the same banner...
...Dark times cover the world...
...The urgent need of today is a new system based upon the Idea of service for all instead of private profit for a few...
...This was all right for the day of the spinning wheel and the water power mill, but it will not turn the giant wheels of modern textile mills nor will It run the towering flour mills of today...
...Unless ws dan town by creating > *r| gent opposition to fig power...
...Once whan the era of fire closed and life emerged from the slime ooze of a new born world, and again when the age of the brute passed and man appeared a cringing puppet in a strange environment...
...If the voters of Philadelphia see the need for a state-managed system of unemployment insurance in the place of the present charity dole system, which is degrading and doesn't even work, their only opportunity of advancing thai movement is by voting a Socialist and labor ticket at the November election...
...the events of . the last month have demonstrated that it is also an International question...
...When the hfe inside of an egg reaches a certain stage of development, it exhausts the sxnaU supply of oxygen within the shell and the baby chick breaks through into a new world...
...To believe this notion is to imitate the ostrich...
...Capitalism has served its purpose...
...Joyful that you played your part...
...If ever I have hesitated to assume leadership in labor's political activities, it was solely because of the apathy of the workers themselves...
...IjTAET NOW...
...Today the powers of natural development have come to our aid to hasten its coming...
...Mitten, too...
...Business and the) Depression It is my deliberate conclusion that when competition is unrestrained either by agreement, by labor unions, or by legislation and regulation, there is no hope of 1 stabilizing industry...
...Enabling legislation in all likelihood will bo required for such an undertaking...
...How long ago was it in this city when, on an operation connected with the Pennsylvania R. R. Improvements, that a contractor actually imported starving Negro laborers from the South—while those in South Philadelphia were also starving—eo that the job could be done by paying people a few cents an hour in wages...
...The textile workers of the northeast as a group have to a very alight extent up until this time fallen back on the charities or upon public relief agencies...
...No Hope Under CapitsHsm This apathy of the Negro was mads doubly manifest by comparing the speeches made in Negro colleges during the current commencement season with those made in white colleges...
...The capitalist era is passing because it can no longer give the mass of the people bread...
...WB*°"'m will attempt te M^m ed...
...We did not succeed...
...start working for Socialism now...
...In this sick world the Negro Is peculiarly the victim...
...Socialism Summons the Workers to Its Banner__ By William W. Busick npHE great clock of time has JL been ticking ever since the first great tidal wave of biasing, whirling gas set its pendulum in motion...
...Essentially however, this is a state and national problem...
...Under this, "democratic political structure" we have such pies sing privileges aa the imprisonment of Mooney aad Billings, the starving of miners and their families, innumerable , injunctions egslnst workers' organizations on strike against the masters of democracy we have the miners In Onto, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, driven to the point of open rebellion, through the governmental policy of Joining forces with the coal barons to maintain the sacred towns of nonunion minus...
...We need some wide awake Socialists in pubUc office today so .that the public win be protected when those who have bankrupted and squeezed dry our public utilities will be trying to turn back these properties to the taxpayers so that they may rehabilitate what private enterprise has rendered profitless, In regard to the five-cent fare issue, which is one of the foremost planks In our platform...
...It looks a* if the Socialist party has almost become the tail of the kits of the Republican...
...We workers ssStu shirked our duty of bsha genuine opposition pg|3 ment in this census** younger generation...
...In those few Instances where this indictment does aot hold true, Negro graduates were asked to believe that by accepting the present economic and social order they could rise to the heights of a Negro ruling class...
...Thousands of centuries passed before the clock of time ticket out the age of barbarism...
...The much glorified middle class Is being exterminated Even if it were possible for a few Negroes to eater the ruling class via the competitive route, that would help working masses of the race no mors than a tew whits millionaires nave improved the economic and social welfare of their race...
...It is to such a program that the Negro should give his support...
...Henry eat Astoria, SontsBst Party, Astoria, L. L; and Kurt Sell, Detroit, Mich...
...leaderless and rudderless the world drifts to catastrophe...
...Unlesr the great awl arouses itself to first te wages, and agate*: idps] without Improved serves)] less labor finally areskd win for the wag* eirsW city that equality of ami both in polities sal I which is guaraatssl u 1 caUy by the Bill of Rip* will be held fast k a I wage slavery and pontics...
...Hundreds of other locals and individuals ordered bundles of oae hundred aad leas...
...During the past several years, I have been one of a group of labor unionists who have striven unceasingly and very sincerely to cooperate with a group of employers in this city and elsewhere in an effort to stabilize, by voluntary measures, an industry which was highly prosperous and which, should certainly have been able without difficulty to have avoided the pitfalls into- which some of the older industries have been trapped...
...Every copy was paid for by Socialist party branches, individual Socialists or trade unions...
...Upper West Side Branca, New York City...
...Observe the utter disinterestedBess of the Negro...
...Four times the short, slow-moving hand bas crept its way around the the clock...
...The can of duty is dear, the time is short...
...I ask any rational person to study the situation in textiles or in the bituminous coal Industry...
...YPSL, Circle 2, Queens, N. V...
...The old clock has seen four eras come—it has seen three eras "go when they had to make way for a newer and higher plane of life...
...The hope of the Negro masses, hue the hope of the white, is in a aew social order where work and worth will go head la hand, where the saaehJae—the social heritage of msa will be collectively owned and democratically operated for the satisfaction of human needs and aot for piling up profits for the few...
...Today we are listening to the last few ticks of another age in history...
...Let ether locals take note and do likewise...
...In conclusion let me say that I cannot even touch today on any but one or two of the most salient points in our program...
...Woll $ Industrial Congrcss^k One of the most interesting trade union criticisms made of Matthew Wolfs proposal for an "industrial congress" is made by the Toledo "Union Leader" of July 24...
...It is tat sbauJ and damnable rysheTw...
...No matter who heads the ticket of either the Republican or Democratic parties in this city, all thinking men agree that the large mass of the people win be faced with the prospect of paying ever higher taxes to redeem the city from its financial difficulties while on the other hand the party in power will be playing hand-inglove with those industrialists or bankers who are pilfering our pay envelopes and tearing down our standards of life a little lower each month...
...John Banal, Utica, N. Y.: 18 and 19 A. D., Brooklyn, N. Y...

Vol. 13 • August 1931 • No. 6

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