8000 Strike In Paterson Silk Mills

8000 Strike In Paterson SilkMills Qifton Plant Tied UpMorale Continues High —Meetings, Picketing Among Activities jpATEMON, N. J._(FP)—Fin Doherty 80k Co. mill in CMftns. M. J., came oat...

...TRAN, AT 8&4, A...
...T\J^U faetnrers League of amsrtro tn the of Commerce...
...This mesas that the Kelly's Creek Collieries' Company, the most hard boiled In the field, cannot throw strikers out aad put scabs in their houses before October at the earliest...
...At the same time, the Welfare Department transmitted a cheek for $5 received by the Governor from a church school in Connecticut with the request that it be used for the relief of miners' families in western Pennsylvania...
...S _ for...
...It has bitterly scored the wagecutting policy...
...The plana of tat Imittee, composed hi manufacturers, anal I are not citizens ofjS I to click with tat || voters of the tee aW the beginning, fh) came when, in a ata from which muntent committee and the Ea committee agreed i|i of Heber EnnashM for Mayor aad Qeaetj Republican, for oorssf to accept Fink sad | The Democratic at, was mere decilt toss cans and, over...
...rierL This parade will begin at the Bronx County headquarters, 908 Prospect avenue, and the One of march will take them through a goosTay part of Bast Bronx...
...Colorado's coal history has been a series of bitter struggles by the miners for a decent standard of living, usually ending with higher wages as the 1927 striks did but with the leas of the Una of many of the workers...
...The State Federation of Labor has rlttnanrtsrl criminal prosecution of Rockefeller officials for breaking the industrial msaislsslrin law...
...peals, and an Ohio Judge held that law unconstitutional...
...The maa who an most active in Union meetings an picked out first to be thrown out They will evict all Who refuse to work for them because they own the company houses...
...This week Norman Thomas, James Oneai, Leo ryzcki of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, .Louis Budenz and others nan addressed-mass meetings...
...This report assarted that the HooverDoak U. a Employment Service, with "cooperating employment offices," had found Jobs for 638,SSS persons between April 1 sad July 81...
...Arthur Roeder wrote the industrial commission that the company was...
...A program has been planned aad in a week has gotten under way...
...Just as these miners ban been talking for , thirty years, they talked yesterday of the Children of Israel In the wilderness: of the Pharoah who bardeaod his heart...
...Martha Stanley, who was shot to the abdomen by "Doc" Pack, a drunken gunman employed by the Imperial Collieries Company at Bumwell Sunday, is now considend out of danger...
...The line nf trees surmount the fence for fin hundred yards and truckload after truckload of house furnishings is dumped unceremoniously along the way...
...Thugs Continue Violence .Police arrogance aad lawlessness around Pittsburgh increase day by day...
...A Lecture on Debs Under, the Trees The president of the Union then calls upon the visiting Labor Chautauqua of the League for Industrial Democracy to and the people in singing...
...1.-1 __ epIl P . a,..., Dr rill • fit...
...nGIITS WAGIl amlt1C'1'1O.e LoapIlorealeD...
...It further claimed that the U. a Er-mloymant Service alone had placed 281,789 of these unemployed m the Jobs it had found...
...The local press, daily weekly, has announced with soma curiosity the launching of this effort at workers' education...
...Under its agreement with the United Mine Workers of America, this company may cut wages when competitors do...
...The boards of a kitchen table curl m the scorching rays of the sun...
...Contributions of materials from Pittsburgh socialists hen enabled the Fund to extend itself so as to repair ths tnak*ahlft barracks at Cedar Grove where, as in the darkest months of the 1927 strike, mass evictions have driven the miners...
...But there may be some aa can come hen and be on the fence when they don't hast to be scaired of their Jobs...
...We pray thee here in the open air...
...They still refuse and now an without homes...
...He had to go to the union to get a sack of flour...
...Next winter may well see resort to disorderly, even violent outbursts of meat and women driven to desperation...
...In New Jersey ea anti-Fascist, railroaded, to an Insane asylum for bis views, was freed...
...The Beat person called on to speak was a young girl...
...When John R. Alpine, head of Do ait's department, was invited to explain the alleged total of 281,789 Jobs found for the Jobless, be refused to furnish any evidence or to make any detailed claims...
...It's very nice to sit shoot a table and discuss ideals,'* he said, "hot in money we want.'* The conciliation efforts met an impasse wham John Hyde, spokesman for the commission men, said they couldn't pay more than they do until prices go up...
...Tbouata*j * m t> this Uiwirsgstes :i their state SS tn I r_ow beginnat a am ths men they ma at \ the more tasr sU that their beet, Mas sens of RetfHaaiP by continuing wM terries which t**M been giviaav #§§ Nor is the retoiM eld party iiatagyl city...
...committee oa rencfllttinri met representatives of^the...
...Taxi Strike (By » an Lute Oemeseaeeat) PITTSBURGH, Pa...
...he had been disbarred hi 1928 for his defense of the Centraha I. W. w -Armistice Day prisoners...
...Five convictions under the Ohio criminal syndicalism laws wen reversed by the state court of ap...
...e4 WGI" .. .w...
...The preacher gets up to •speak, , "Men, Tm not a miner and there are few persons ever accused me of doing much work...
...Bach family stakes its claim in ths vanishing line of shaded ground beneath the trees...
...under which police arrested National Textile Workers Union striken who attempted to picket the The mast violation of the Injunction and the striking of the mill foree a great Bate the ranks, of the manufacturere^union eSfrMa...
...The White House had hinted, when they went to the Rapidan, that Hoover and his Labor Secretary wen to discuss aad agree upon a scheme of unemployment relief— presumably a device by which cities- end counties should be asked to bear the burden of this relief for the coming fall aad wintar...
...Clouds overhead sweep the distant mountain range with ©ml-, nous shadows...
...They an aa invaluable aid in making the town talk and grow interested...
...But the management has announced that it will not follow the Rockefeller lead as yet...
...It is as Thou hast predicted, when It was said, They should be thrust out of the synagogues aad houses of unrighteousness.* Oh, God...
...The flag, they say, "was carried all through the 1912 fight oa Paint Creek, through ths armed march of the aroused miners...
...wHIt . uti_I _ uek, •• , powtJta...
...In New York the Court of Appeals reversed the Post Office baa oa Mooney-Billings envelopes, and reversed ths conviction of Mary Wan Dennett for sanding' her pamphlet...
...On a tree trunk is hung a wall decontion, the picture of George Washington, father of the country, frowning down upon unfamiliar scenes...
...It is understood that the Alpine figures are based largely on a claim that the U. E. Employmest Service, aad none other, must be given credit for the fact that Western farmers bad to employ their usual 150,000 migratory laborers in harvest for a week of two...
...All bow as the humble maa voices their complaint...
...Br • Btw lew Oirt ateasdsss) Charleston, W. Va.—An apoplectic mine superintendent aad aa apprehensive constable discovered Friday that their plans for evicting 58 strikers' families at Ward, had been frustrated by the W. Vs...
...Men and women brushed away tsars, stiffening their backs for new burdens...
...Many trade unionists ban been Jailed under this law but nose of John D's lieutenants has ever even faced a charge in court...
...These fin holes were not bitten through by moths, they were shot through by rifle bullets...
...This is a hasty account of what is being attempted aad the little that baa been done...
...BoesretesVr is spend-, hag she Summer at has estate 9 DENVER, Colo...
...Andr?W y, VlVaRrtd6, fOlTOaV ftteVtt commissioner of labor and chairman of the mayor's irsatnlttsi, brought out only distrust on both a wSla^aWcUy'Slnon^ralle" charged Joseph Matthews, a leader of the A. F. of I* strikers, who added, "There isn't a manufacturer in this room who has' not violated agreements with the workers me*e in past strike*, particularly the 1928 exodus...
...Union songs aad a lecture oa 'Gene Debs Mended strangely well with scriptural exhortation...
...This was bailed by the press as showing John D. Rockefeller Jr...
...Policemen stocj idly by while the pickets violate: the injunction which the compan...
...Invited by the Socialists of Hopewell headed by W. F. Billings, David George and J. P. Rice, three members of the L. I. D., have come to help in every way posslbls to build a labor movement from the gross roots up...
...Thou who hast created us aad given us this Earth for our wre...
...Even this cross, Amen...
...the Union declares, "but tt has tn It sssslssln giiaous, wit* the depression continuing and relief wholly toadageats...
...Contributions to maintain the vital strike relief work in the Pittsburgh district must coettiroo to come to the Socialist Party Miners Relief Fund at 611 Pens avenue, Pittsburgh...
...The farmers made application, as is their custom, for a certain number of harvest hands...
...KStoisy la a square maa, be fed us, even If dad did go back oa the Union...
...The only miners not likely to be affected an the employes of the Rocky Mountain /uel Co...
...Three notable decisions were handed down by the U. S. Supreme Court...
...A dismantled bed leans against a tree...
...August 1st saw anti-war demonstrations spread ail the way along the seventy mile front of the present strike...
...Comfortable a: Pittsburgh .citizens shifted uncomfortably as the first pictures of mass evictions of miners from homes appeared la Pittsburgh papers during the closing week of the first two months of the miners* strike in western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio...
...FP) — The Rockefeller Colorado Fuel a Iron Co...
...In reply to reports that police plan to "bear down" on Com mi mist pickets, Louis Budenz of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action, issued a atatement from the Join action committee of the A. F. of L. groups, saying "it is the right of stilctuies to picket, and the A. T. of L. group win insist upon this right far the National Textile Workers Union as'ft* ourselves.'' Charges of police brutality and racial hatred wen made by the united front strike committee of -the N. T. W. U. following the arrest' of two Ifagro pickets after a Sght in the picket line at the . Weidmann silk dyeing plant...
...The unemployed are being organised, aad a weekly meeting wfil be devoted entirely to the subject of unemployment...
...The Parol alee Transportation Company's biggest card in its fight to crush the union of Its drivers, a backto-work movement led by disgruntled leaders of the 1930 strike, flopped "when an SasasaBtBl1 482 men shrunk to a little over 100, At least one signer of the backto-work statement, which the Parmalee company published in all papers as an advertisement, had been dead for a matter of six months...
...At Welisburg, West* Va, on the Pennsylvania line, eighteen memben of the National Miners Union local, including all...
...that he has withdrawn as counsel for former owners of Russian sal tease to their suit against toe Star card and Vaecum oil companies to recover for the loss of their Tusiotf Another In Readinj G.O.P...
...The present wage cut announced is from 86.25 a day to $5.25...
...On each occasion the •aTJee has restored its tag lunar on the f*eut of Its headquarters, "STRIKE BTTLL ON BIGGER AND BETThe services of a complaisant Justice of the peace have been secured by the Parmalee company in a small borough far out of the city where union taxi men arrested on the street or even illegally in their nomas are rushed to and forced to plan bond...
...Contributions of clothes and shoes ban been received from an parts of the United States aad Canada, but the need grows each dey and far outstrips the supply...
...protect ths women aad little children...
...He said that his figures wen right, but he would not answer questions as to what offices bad found the Jobs, or whet industries had provided them, or gin any other information upon which his men assertion could be checked...
...virtually uUhttmg the town of Chftsav wham the police azaespecially iklotat ' able .agreement in taw taxtUe labor Repute failed when the mayor...
...County the rsjej.i voters an learnlsg I ths battle in whisk cn SBttowteil -v rtudying the situate ad coming to * that the kind of tsfd Socialists havt rite rrould be bigWg jM county...
...This stain here is from the blood of a union man Shot in that strike" Deep is their spirit of rebellion, real their knowledge of sacrifice, uncompromising their devotion to the Union of Miners...
...More evictions are threatened...
...He asks one of the assembled men to pray...
...Funds gathered ban built up a reserve which is being maintained at Its present level la spite of expend...
...objection of feraw Edward Hunter, sa ticket which wet baby the county aessj Soch*|«j The net resejt a* t aal du»ensics earn brewing In til Sa ] for some tssw ssj brought to a bad »y fiasco has jstisteax log...
...Children, women, aad map are invited to Join in the program...
...They have refused to continue ^working under the conditions they faced...
...They set up in the midst of their meeting an American Flag, an old Flag, with fortysix not forty-eight ston...
...it voided the Minnesota press gag law, reversed a conviction under the California anti-red flag statute aad required recognition of a bona fids trade union aad dissolution of a company union...
...The men and the general population of the vtowa ban at least three regular fIssues a week, m asMtUss to as opera air mass meet lag every Saturday night on Broadway aad Randolph...
...Then wen ST lynching* in 1930, against 11 la IBM aad 11 in 1928...
...Aa far me, * want it to be known which aide X stand by aad X ain't data no rooting for the company...
...With the encouragement of the forces attempting to break the strike, gangsters have repeatedly raided the union's office ¦uaOaQJtag windows and pitching office furniture from the second floor into the street...
...rWllllll Woskow, chairman, has worked hard to snake this demonstration a success and urges •very Party member, Yipeel and sympathiser to Join the parade, which will begin promptly at 8:30 P- aa>v The demonstration will conclude with a monster opea-eSr sn sating at Prospect and Longwood avenues...
...Men hen worked for them during the past six months, ban bad their rent, doctor bills, burial fund, their powder, their light aad coal bill, and their store bill deducted to come out at the sad of every twa week period with a few cents owing the company...
...State Recognizes Socialist Relief ..' After considerable delay, the Welfare Department of the State of Pennsylvania has granted a permit to the Socialist Party Miners' Relief Fund to operate as a fund soliciting agency...
...The State of Pennsylvania not only has made no effort to relieve starving miners, except to make a vain call on the Red Cross, but had no adequate machinery of its own to aid its citizenry...
...Negroes, strikers, aad aliens nan been the principal vie...
...Correspondents credited ths American Legion with being the most active agent of repression, with the Daughters of the American Revolution second...
...Uses meetings are being held in .a large hall which . are being addressed by spiishsis in . various languages and these meet: tugs hup to maintain the morale , gad fighting spirit of the workers...
...Tea families ban already been moved out of their houses by ths Hnghestoa Oae aad Coal Co...
...arsd Dq Hun§n (or Fall Out Aau (By • Be lasaV^j J^EADING...
...The meeting at Moneeees, Pa...
...a I. was secretly cutting wages by forcing Its men to petition for cuts aad was backing small companies ¦ in' their wageslashing policy...
...The evicted families have been loyal to the West Virginia Mme Workers Union which called a strike here on July 6th...
...Violations of what the men understood to be the agreement sad inability to live on the low rate en which the U. M. W. A. officials settled has brought a large group of the men who had returned to work back out on strike...
...So far the children ban taken part in athletic games, in singing class and in the distribution' of The New Leader...
...The operations of the Socialist Committee ban so far been confined to the Pittsburgh district but weekly shipments hern been increased from three to four weekly tons ns(Thing thirty communities in rotation...
...aett_ In ",.,....n, liNp...
...The sheriffs are after him for attending a strike meeting last Sunday in which a woman was shot Shot by a company boss who is now released on bail...
...Evictions Halted At Ward, W. Va...
...Nineteen thirty was the worst year since the war for free speech prosecutions sod for meetings broken up or prohibited, the Union finds...
...Evictions, a score or more each week in some camps, ban been going on for more thin a month...
...But the first mass evictions near Pittsburgh to got public attention were those at the Pitaburgh Terminal Mines on the very outskirts of the city where the U. M. W. A. officials negotiated an agreement over the heads of the miners some weeks ago but where a good portion of the men have steadfastly refused to transfer their allegiance from the National Miners Union which organised them and, when many others hen walked' out again after returning to work under the "agreement...
...Always \he Rockefeller influence has been on the side of the killings, evictions, low wages, price wars, crooked politics, control of schools, preachers and the press to hide his methods...
...689 Workers Draws • Horselaughs in Capital Ti TASHINOTON (FP) - PresTT Meat Hoover issued to the press on August 4 a report ssade to him by Secretary of La\j0r a^04sOCf aVsTt^t* ©ir ^v^w^ ~ conference at the Rapidan camp oh the growing seriousness of the unemployment situation...
...AlIOABD 8. 8. LCVJA...
...If you ban so little backbone ss to go back to that mine, Z bops you don't get nothing...
...On June 2 Pres...
...This is the only contribution made by say church group thus far, and it is a fair commentary en the complete callousness both of church aad stats to toe hopeless distress in one of our fundamental industries...
...the federal bureau listed the total for the entire period as being part of its record Job-fhHttiig...
...Ptesp the munic-.pai skeui vember toss to a|3 this week when tat aj self-appointed dictate la fastenNtkttetjj Republicans to oepaa cteUste fall wtttgsu At the same Ufss/l the fusienlsts, togas*, hand-picked slats, ss severely that tat t cracked...
...Polios departments in various cities broke up radical meetings and picket lines...
...As aJB rhage about tbieva cad hoasst men retC is likely to he sea November by a ft slide which will set the city but send SB new courthouse ss i this happen, the OB traders of Reading' srly punished for M to trade with tsejf M OS what rank asta consider are eewspl Ryan Fighu Pay Cula From, Le"iatIum Suite...
...The case bears all the usual marks of a frame-up...
...striken, bringing the total to more than 8,000...
...But they divulged nothing on the subject of relief, and no feet to back up the empty political claim that they had found m.000 Jobs for the Jobless...
...tween TOO and 800 workers, have also been pulled out by the A. F. of Is...
...May thou reveal to us that which has come upon us...
...Inasmuch as the Socialist Relief Fund was the only agency pledged to aa impartial distribution, as well as a full accounting of all funds received, it was chosen as toe proper distributing agency...
...M. J., came oat this week when Associated Silk Workers and United Textile Workers of Axneric strikers picketed the mill...
...They have worked honestly aad ban not drawn oae cent of real money during that time...
...Donald Lee of New Jersey, Donald M. Smith of Bates College, aad Jack Herling ban divided aad coordinated the work among them...
...Bronx Workers Called to Join Anti-War Rally Use first of a sense Of large open-air iauiunsfiitlnrsi to be held under the auspices of the Bronx County awnaae* branches will be beM this Saturday, August 4V the arrangements committee has been exceedingly busy in msrsbsJlihg he Bronx membership and the Y. P. S. L for an impressive parade and striking slogans to be esse...
...treasurer and aa named for council...
...A Bullet-Riddled ¦Flag...
...As a teas* I contractor, Q.ift/ira [tor and I --tegs of J Times,*' and Jess, | la former 3. O. p. sj who quit bis post as who gets his bread | workers in aa tea hen both been reps) si on candidates by 0j ties...
...The district attorney declares that th« only reason be is not holmag the entire picket hps was S' lack of •w*s tens...
...It is boped is this, way to butt the] i»ff***P* -''•eMWJ...
...wot beta had sot gone oat in previous strikes...
...opposed to any reduction of wages...
...This report was received with -the more disbelief because Doak asserted that he had not discussed public affairs or unemployment with Hoover during their weekend huddle of three days...
...Rockefellers Break Word, Slash Wages 20 Per Cent Lopped Off Pay of Colorado Coal Miners gssass eg She <mm***9im seal toLbAtto office atjjO Broadstood Mr...
...Solidarity Forever...
...Oh, Lord, they know not what they do...
...The asaasasBBB of workers' anti-war propaganda meetings here U due to the radical war meetings were staged in a score of centers in that part of action of the police, only ten known arrests having been made...
...Oh, Lord...
...Evictions have taken place In Blakely...
...The) session, srssJatd over by Dr...
...The grizzled head of their leader is bowed sad he brushes the tears from his eyes...
...obtained several months ago an...
...A tept colony shall rise to flaunt the human power of the Union la the face of property loving operators...
...That's what they gan my dad...
...They branded the figures as false...
...Next be introduces as speaker, oae who is said to be a "Bootleg Preacher...
...W. A. pletely failed...
...eoaN BOt 8taad wap rMhIou...
...As»*rtan» '. - « f — of Agriculture who oa July SO proposed a cut of 10 percent in civil service and other state salaries, with a 20 percent slash for ^•^"••^Jf ^*"^**^* ^af^^aWafc . J Evictions of Miners in Two Strikes Strengthens Spirit of Workers to Fight On Union Defeats Ouster Move in Ward, Va.— Other News From the Coal Fronts By ANDREW J. STEIGER (N«w aesfst Qmissssiisn HEIGHERTON, W. Va.—Sheltered by the protecting branches of a few beech trees, sweltering in the beet of a July sun, a group of seventy striken assemble to meet...
...X •'¦ ¦¦ I** attempt of the U. If...
...St » Ngw teaSw Uwfjss—Stmt) HOPEWELL, Va.—The League for Industrial Democracy has settled in Hopewell for the next fin weeks...
...It affects 5,000 miners directly and as many mors indirectly...
...At Harmarvil, in the Allegheny valley, deputies, former coal and iron police, stopped truck loads of striks pickets oa the put>lic roads without warrant or showing of cause aad threw gas into the crowded trucks and drove the strikers back to their homes...
...Barring of alien pacifists from citlsenshlp by the US Supreme Court tope the list of set-backs rei-i ¦ nasi ¦ it Hillquit Withdraws aa Counsel in Oil Suit The New Leader has been advised by Morris HlUqult, national chairman of ths Socialist Party, la a letter seat from Paris July Uts...
...The membership is growing, slowly and many a grateful mother, whose children's play is being supervised, can now come to a club meeting...
...If you men go beck and work, if you an as low down, aad cowardly aa to work, I hope you don't get enough scrip to buy a pound of coffee...
...Turns Job Otier to Socialists By ARTHUR J. McDOWELL (Wee Leader Correspondent) wytTSBURGH...
...May Thy spirit move over those who ban put us here...
...Labor charged that the CP...
...PA7 Wlrel_ te TIle Ifflr Ten...
...A large platform, amplifier, posters, and other decorations will provide tlte rostrum for the following . speakers: James Oneai, A. I. Shiplacoff, Rachel Psnken, Samuel A. DeWitt, Samuel Orr, Aaron Levenstein, Louis Hendin, Henry Fruchter and HerDoak Submits Phoney Report On Job Bureau Claim He Placed 638...
...one of those prisoners, was released ss sane by a new Jury...
...of Frank Keeney who same like stasias to lead them into the Promised Land...
...Out ben at the mercy of the weather...
...of the billionaire concern aad is working with the labor movement to oppose wage decreases in all industries...
...The "cooperative" employment offices include all of the employment services maintained by cities sad states, and various prints agencies...
...The Indiana open tor pointed out that miners professing allegiance to the U. M. W. A. in this central field section wen spreading the strike by mass marches similar to that of the National Miners Union'in Pittsburgh...
...Money for the bonds was furnished by a well-to-do woman who came to see, for herself the conditions under which miners live here sad was so appalled aad indignant at what she found that she telegram ed her New York Bank to sead $13,000 for appeal bonds and teats for evicted fsoaittes...
...The union continues itoj fight by grounding tents to shelter its members...
...Elmer Smith was reinstated to law practice In Washington State...
...Bless us aad protect us that we might endure as thy Saviour did...
...Refuses Re Iief...
...s attitude...
...has cut 20% in the wages Of Its coal miners, dropping a bluff it has carried for two months that it was opposed to wage cuts...
...The Indiana operator replied that under the blow of the evictions sad 18 arrests for rioting for which he had secured warrants many of his men were returning to work...
...Another man has been arrested for distributing handbills In the vicinity of the Weidmann plant...
...New York City ass the worst record for 1930...
...Smoke rises from a kitchen range standing out in the open meadow and spreads widely in the chimney of the open sky...
...Andy wests...
...The Kanawha Coal Operators' Association took no official action oa the union's proposal for a settlement, but individual operators an asking for conferences...
...tuns of repression in recent months...
...Mine Workers' union which filed cash bonds for appeal...
...New York,' Oregon, North Dakota, and the Philippines...
...In Indiana, Pa., the actios of the Helvetia Coal Company in carrying out 67 evictions against its miners for membership in the United Mine Workers drew a biting telegraphic pretest from Governor Fmehot who protested the action as "barbarous...
...As is aad must always he the case, it is the working cases that is oaring for its own in the present coal strike...
...Newspaper men who had specialized on the unemployment crisis met this claim with a derisive laugh...
...The women ban organised the Working Women's Club of Hopewell...
...We pray, oh Lord, that thou wilt be with us...
...The Negroes, held in $1,000 bell each, . charged the police beat them with lugntstinbs The strikers are maintaining a fine solidarity as they are determined not to endure the starvation wages that ban been paid by the emptying class...
...Here lies a three months old baby, cooing la Its cradle...
...twenty fathers and mothers must endure this defeat Of their hopes for a happy home life...
...Pack and his buddy, John Wallace, Company "safety" director who is accused of firing a third shot which wounded a l«-year-old-boy in the knee, an to be tried August S. Except for the relief situation, which la very acute, the strike is in excellent shape...
...An effort is also being made to hen He?wood Btoun speak at one of then meeiiSgS next week...
...Be applauded Pn 11_' 1Iocn'r...
...WASHINGTON —(FP)— President Hoover's declaration of July SS that he was still apposed to wage cutting, has been aiarratj by a member of bis "Little Cabinet"— R W. Dunlap...
...A Pittsburgh Press reporter who Interviewed the span found they scarcely spoke any English aad had no apparent "Mwlsilti of any confession...
...The men say that be was put in the "Bull Pea" (jail) in the IMS strike...
...Denial of civil liberties increased in California, Illinois...
...More Important gains wen scored for civil liberty in the year ending June 1 than to any recent year, the Union finds...
...The agreement gained with the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Company has not ended the strike at these mines...
...Labor has warned the state that another wage out might mean a coal strike which in the pact has meant the killing of striking miners, their wine ead babies by Rockefeller gunmen and Rockefeller-controlled state police...
...Free speech prosecutions totaled 1.6S0 against 238 in lSSfi...
...L. I. D. Carries On Labor Education In Hopewell, Va...
...The Sea Side of life," through the mails...
...She said, "You men an eat here aad you ought to ban backbone *T~"fr to stay out...
...Their household furnishings lie scattered about the opes field that stretches »w*y from the line of trees toward the mountains...
...If you men go back for twenty-eights cents a ton, If you g^b^k"orthalddonT^ver ¦'pnk to went to^^oesaae^st^ » aha say...
...ck-to-Work" Move Fail* to Hurt Pitts...
...sixty children must sleep the bight through without a test to shelter them...
...This town of 12,000, predominantly working class in character, has caught on to the idee of education...
...Police, Bosses...
...The leader gets up to speak...
...Is Raised under these trees that shelter their furniture they assemble for a meeting...
...home of the Pittsburgh Steel Co, (Mellon) was broken up, as was that at Versailles on the outskirts of the McJteasport National Tubs unit of U. S. Steel Meetings of some thousand mine and steel workers to West Side Park, Pittsburgh, aad of several hundred coal miners aad shim is um workers at New Keaatagton weat off without interference, Repression Grew in '30, Survey Shows Free Speech Fared Badly — Strikers Victim, laed — Lynching* on Iracreaae ATTACKS oa free speech aad attempts to suppress strikes throughout the country an so persistent that the American Civil Liberties Union voices apprehension far the- Immediate future in making public its 11th annual report "The situation is less outwardly tense than to J.9S0...
...It is not certain that this 150,000 does not represent aa actual 50,000 to 75,000 men who took two or more Jobs each during these four months...
...Hoof1er ~ TIM Jr, T . -n...
...officers, an still held on the basis of an alleged confession of the local president that the union has "conspired" to use firearms to prevent scabs from entering the mines...

Vol. 13 • August 1931 • No. 6

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