The Young Socialists in Reading

Lopatin, Harry

The Young Socialists in Reading 300 Members of Young People's League Survey the Problems Facing Labor By Harry Lopatin READING.—From all points of the compass, by all means of travel, Young-...

...iwfswssry as nw um iiiih* i mr*j m Democratic'parnWof fet* cago bsfoee the test miLiidfjpaf • election succeeded in Hsasuverlng the aocislist patty snd other minor told by Judge Taylor, who refused the Socialist Party's request to order the board of election COM Bile sioners to print new ballots containing the column of the Socialist party, that the action was against the meaning of the law...
...Horace Liveright, $3), Llndsey is repetitious and the Rooseveltian pronoun is in evidence on page after page...
...Pep and vigor of the young is needed by mill, mine and shop owners...
...The great "cause of revolution is this: that while nations move onward, .constitutions stand still.— Macaulay...
...Cleveland used the "yipsel limitel" —others from Chicago did likewise...
...Let us hope that an intelligent working class will measure up to expectations in any crisis that may occur...
...Both agreed with Hoffman's conclusions, and Shuknan said the problem of the Y. P. S. L was to get more young workers fhto its ranks...
...H. rmnv-?- Seamm Locai lasjeaater, P...
...The mines employ youngsters of the same ages for apprenticeships of two or three years, and then become ready to take their place with their fathers and older brothers when 15 or 16 arrives...
...Some of them now endure the hell of the mining camps, some of them see their wives deprived of bread and their babies wilt for lack of milk...
...At the same time the National Executive Committee had a most interesting meeting...
...It takes much money to make a rich man, bat it takes little virtue.—George Bernard Shaw...
...They it is who confiscate the property of all the toiling classes—wage workers, small producers, working farmers, etc...
...Young people make up industry...
...We must build up an organization to be able to enter the political campaign in 1932 in any way the party decides...
...But even this will not solve the problem...
...Hy Fish of Cleveland, and George Sincorkin of Chicago, led the discussion...
...everything within us," he said, "for the fight for Socialism.** Claessens expressed his conviction that the guest work that Yipsels can do infinitely better than eider comrades was to make the contacts with the young people who are thrust into the work wholly unprepared to face its realities because of lies which they have been made to believe...
...Morris Cohen of New York, as chairman of the second session, gave an admirable analysis of the roots of capitalist education...
...This the old parties realised, and, reactionaries that they are, they became one in disenfranchising the Socialists...
...In either one of the possible ways practically nothin...
...At the opening session, Sunday morning, Emanuel Switkes, national director of the Young People's Socialist League, told of the most marvelous rise in membership and activity of the national organ'zatlon...
...Telegrams from ¦ the West Virginia Mines* aaAM...
...All this, plus his experience with so-called "non-partisan" politics, brought Hoffman to the conclusion that a Labor Party with a program similar to that of the So- : cialist party, was of the greatest need at the present time...
...Or they may resign themselves to run as many delegates as they are able to nominate as "independents", in which case the names of an independent candidates will be combined In one column...
...And if you accumulate the first you can easily get along without the second...
...J> prices makes it possible fa worker who ia unempfeftd time to save more, thus stMta, the nation's wealth both n *1 Burner ar 1 as a saver...
...He makes out a good case against Hoover in the matter of unemployment...
...They cannot get 54,000 signatures in Chicago without a strong, smooth working organization...
...The attitude of the former leads to intelligent rebellion while the quacking ''progressives'* foster confusion of thought and lead the masses to disaster...
...The tabloid style of writing does net add to the readability of the bookOne may be able to stand it for a time but after about one hundred pages, the vernacular of street Arabs grows as monotonous as the stenographic report of a police investigation...
...That evening a large banquet was held at the Socialist Picnic Grounds, where the conference sessions were also taking place...
...A „ , -. . .Tan,.South...
...This means that in order to get a Cook County ticket filed an* given a separate column on the ballot at the 1932 election, the Socialist party (or any party other than the Republican or Democratic parties) will have to file a petit'on containing more than 54,000 bona fide signatures...
...He urged youngsters to learn from the "oldsters'' and evade repetition of their unfortunate wars...
...Some of them face the machine guns of their "buddies" on near by roofs in the Rhode Island textile strike...
...If only one candidate for some office be omitted the names of all other candidates of a party would be alphabetically listed, with all the other so-called "independents" in one column...
...We may add that LaFoIlette, Norris and other "progressive'' members of that party revealed a bankruptcy equal to that of Hoover himself on this same question...
...All in favor say aye...
...They are still satisfied to - ote the Republican and Democratic parties in and out to the pulling of the wires by political demagogues and charlatans...
...Our capitalist system in its very makeup cannot and'will not do this, and so it is the duty of Socialists of today to do more of what the Rand School is doing—start future types of education to prepare workers to understand how to manage the system which they shall be required to take over and reorganize...
...For exam pit then been a decided change is R7I1 thinking...
...We do not know how much he has contributed in reduced income to this happiness but whatever it is it is not likely to send him to the breadline...
...But a short tin* 1 everyone, as the newap&pen 1 was on the way to ric :.a tu stock speculation route Tte i start theme of convernaaot ia bootblacks, elevator stsntn...
...There is no reason why we shouldn't fool the old parley politicians,by turning the harm they intended as tnA Not* Pf Optimum Straggif, [n | . By Our Knanejaj-jj I k S usual, We are ahb/|| I a note of apan^;I here and therefc aaiZS I trsdictiontothecouFM«2 j our economic system...
...European capitalism is terribly sick and is on the verge of convulsions...
...Moreover, if many of them do not get the jobs, by next winter these emptyheaded politicians of capitalism are likely to get another thrill when cold blasts drive maddened human beings to raid shops and stores...
...Of what use is freedom of thought if it will not produce freedom of action.—Dean Swift...
...used all the time., So the Republican and Democratic parties have legalized their theft of the franchise for all future elections in Illinois hy legislative actUnder the new law regular political parties entitled to hold primaries and to have separate columns on the official ballots for their candidates must poll more than five per/ cent of the total votes for governor at the previous election...
...Under the old law signatures of 2 per cent of the total vote cast at the previous election were sufficient to secure a column on the ballot and the qualification as a "party...
...Mayor Stump made the prediction that "Capitalism is surely bound to collapse within the next 10 years...
...Utica's visitors came in their truck...
...This is the problem now confronting the Socialist Party of Illinois...
...John R. Alpine is director of the U. S. Employment Service...
...They must learn how to change the system without destruction, for "we do not propose to destroy the system but mould it to our needs...
...Ia either case they have a gigantic task to perform...
...New York filled a large bus and a *nT* The roads to Reading were filled with young Socialists—and the blue shirts of New York—red jackets of Cleveland, and other uniform wear showed it emphatically...
...Of these ¦ girls almost two-thirds were farced ¦ into psostttuttoo...
...They may try to get the required number of signatures for a full list of candidates und receive a "party" column on the ballot...
...Jesse H. Holmes of Swathmore College...
...Abe Belsky of New York, as chairman, introduced Prof...
...That requirement is equivalent to more than 150,000 votes and can be met next year only by the two capitalist parties...
...The organized working class across the Atlantic has heavy responsibilities to face in these days...
...can be undertaken without a strengthened organizaLet's tackle the task...
...The public would have to he educated for whom to vote in the independent column...
...The baby is placed to a box under or near a loom, and mother keeps an eye on each...
...It will soon be two years since the Wall street crash when the masters of Industry began to torn workers into the streets...
...What do the people say about that, what do they think about that...
...Therefore we must get in from the inside...
...Mayor Stump, as chairman, introduced the city councilman, two assemblymen...
...A happiness test has been given to 500 men at Columbia University but we are uncertain whether the test included Babson's idea of reducing their 'incomes...
...Well, this is a small mind assuming a patronizing air towards men who want jobs, not Hoover larr* piffle...
...After the meal, everyone went outside on the grove—to hear the speeches of prominent Socialists present...
...Not only all Europe bB*arsat«of-;tssa-:moaiiaworld is knitted in a mesh arf relationships that tie the nations torjjeiher^ 'A* meRcaprct that a dozen human beings roped together will not all sink if one is cast into the sea as to expect the nations not to be affected by rcdocing one to a state of vassalage...
...Literature would have to be distributed to make public which.of the candidates were Socialists...
...Jobless and hungry veterans have been appealing to this department...
...The miners had the following to say: "Best wishes for success...
...The old are being eliminated...
...Each one of them would have to file a separate list containing more than 5 per cent of the vote cast at the previous election...
...Judge Lindsey's New Booh JUDGE LTNDSEY is a reformer, an incurable reformer...
...These "progressives" afe the decoy ducks of the Republican hunters oLjjrorking class votes...
...Meantime the miners are suffering worse privations than the civilian population suffered behind the war lines fifteen years ago...
...Socialism will destroy the bad feature of the trusts by taking the whole people inside the trusts —by making the trusts collective property, owned' by all the people, and run for the benefit of all the Pe°PIe - This is pin royal remedy for the trust A Task For Chicago Socialist* By A. Dreif uss - .-' ^+_SS.r...
...The confiscate ra and expropriators are the capitalists...
...If your depression is not of the kind that you like you may...
...They volunteer for this service...
...Tint south begins to exploit them at the ages, of 11 to 14, and defies the 'aw by using the pretext of teaching them trades...
...Nor should it It a looked that lessened ceoafatr mand means lower pricee...
...Hoffman began by amending the topic to: "Youth IS Industry...
...Although there are ssilBoej persons who believe .that am a changeless system, rxt * the case...
...The Young Socialists in Reading 300 Members of Young People's League Survey the Problems Facing Labor By Harry Lopatin READING.—From all points of the compass, by all means of travel, Young- Socialists arrived at Reading, Pa., for the two day conference and Jamboree held last Saturday and Sunday...
...Aaron Levensteln of New York and M. Hart Walker of Newark, led the discussion...
...A New York Tunes headline declares that a business upturn is forecast by trade editors...
...But It is apparent that such excuses cannot be...
...We agree, with the proviso that no intelligent person expected Hoover to do otherwise considering that he represents the capitalist class and the party of which LaFoIlette is a member...
...Following tee appreva « ( recommendation to incrafjf »" ¦ capita tax, with » the body quickly gestion to increase tar***} • the r>resieent to *8,00» ¦ the secretary-treasurer ft *• 1 the first vice presidea%JI * t week, instead of...
...Sunday morning's conference was on "Youth and War...
...BEN BLTJMaa»E» Ryaa Gets Increase U l*ay, MesTaifw Cct Raise in Pi Salary increases were the officers of tee lnkr*0 Longshoremen's Associstk *> convention Wednesday kji* tel Victoria, N. Y. C. f* ' ' were voted after the body has 1 proved a recommendatloa I per capita tax of the 9*S*B>» be increased to offset a km * 1 enue caused by a decrease u<j* • berahip as a result of tel *"* sion...
...It would mean h?rd work, but we would not shirk it...
...Working people throughout the nation should rememhsr this and when its solicitors ask for funds tell them frankly to get them from the class that leaves the imprint of its brutal heels upon the faces of oar women and children...
...Hoffman asked...
...When hundreds of beaks fl the closing ef their ioort t, chronlze with the opening «f two ear garages, It was a! by the ill-informed that tat a of the doormen wouH be 0a into the army of the mmaali Just as these who are 4i»pae» machinery obtain Jobs inaaki machines, so the dewopeass cured Jobs In the ban.,:, ti i closers...
...Perhaps th- newly organized Farmer-Labor party of Cook County will help...
...The toe stm aster, Samuel H. Friedman of New York, introduced Mayor Stump, Councilman Hoverter, William F. Quick, Jr., Joseph Bells...
...f THE NEW t-B^rV^ . wra...
...The non-union owners in the bituminous field have refused to deal with the union, even the conservative union headed by John L. Lewis...
...Men, women and children must live;- if they cannot get food and shelter they wiR fi-d a road to get them, not die without making a noise...
...Just as revolting is the attitude of the administration to the Jobless veterans of the war...
...Holmes began his talk by the claim that the only Patriotism that can exist is one to idealism—not to a mere set of people or the soil they live upon...
...Such an intensive campaign needs workers, needs members—needs a strong party organization...
...Rationaiizauot m y more rationalized, g3 present pace confdaan tat' ers win be relieved of annoyanc connected vtt» The amazing growth of vena luma, the overcrowed j pathic wards snd the rengj vocational guidance, the fits*, the worker to the ijob, strate that the best sin* j their work seriously...
...There was more of this picas piffle hcit there was also one sentence that is worth singling out for special mention...
...He refers to the "bankruptcy of his leadership.'' Hoover "has lacked either the understanding or the courage to press toward the goal of alleviating the distress of the unemployed and of reducing the number out of work...
...The Red Cross was mobilized to help the afflicted across the Atlantic hot it will render no aid to the men, women and children who live in rags and endure hunger In the aaJadnyj hells...
...We have seen how the masters of the nrines rall'ed to their "duty" even as Alpine wa« broadcasting his drivel over the radio...
...Look at owes ply...
...It has been turned upside down since October, 1929, and Hoover cannot get it right side up...
...w» fc need shy "ism" in this <aej individualism has outdbtoj the production of straifaysj and padded cells...
...It would be possible for the Socialist Party to receive these 2 per cent as signatures (about 22,000...
...The veterans may again be "marchbag hosts" who will march for the relief of tltose who depend upon them...
...When at one time several men went mad at the ' looms, the hours were reduced to : 91...
...The latter, by the way, was a booster for Hoover in 1928 and the miners are still receiving election returns in hunger, starvation, dobs, raids, evictions, disease) and death...
...William E. Boon, director of the Rand School, began with the eloquent statement that "The riches of art, literature and everything your soul needs belong to youth...
...Well, the people apparently neither say nor think They are so used to being bamboozled by the false friendliness of their political bosses that they are ready to take anything from them...
...We prefer the frankness of the reactionary capitalist politicians to the attitude of the decoy ducks...
...He could only Justify his decision "by tee cherry hypocritical reasoning that he wished to save the taxpayers the espekaS of printing new ballots...
...They quack and quack within their capitalist party, lure voters within its range,and the latter fall as victims to the politics of capitalism...
...These youngsters receive no pay whatsoever, and are forced Into this apprenticeship by the threat of being disqualified as miners later on unless they complied...
...Incidentally, maaraj depositors are befiyhooert fcj present economic system...
...Th» veterans spared nothing in berislf of oar country" and it is the "duly ef employers now to rally in their beh~!f...
...August Claessens, James Oneal and Dr...
...The sound education of the workers and their thorough education,' both economic and political, on the basis of the class struggle, must precede their emancipation.—Eugene V. Debs...
...A few dozens of enthusiastic men and women comrades, who used to be barely able to solicit some 20,000 signatures, will not suffice for nearly -three times this number of signatures...
...In certain mills of Hoffman's experi• ence, girls had to stand in a small ¦ worked off square for 10 hours at i a stretch—without going out to i eat or rest...
...Concealed in underbrush, the unfortunate birds are destroyed in flocks by, the hunter...
...With increasing cutbrou the industrial and farm -f < tors of the country, outbreak 1 are but the rumbling of to* fi der of revolt that wfll bt ¦ during the coming Wiapr t» ture holds I'uch hope...
...War makes for the survival of the unfit, and we must refuse to fight under any circumstance...
...Lester Shulman, state organizer of Colorado, stretched his legs the furthest by hitch-hiking more than 1,200- miles...
...That is the situation these fat office holders invite by their policy of drift end soothbag words...
...By its inaction the Red Cross writes itself down as an agency for imperialistic wars and nothing else...
...While the air was still murky with frying debris they appointed a committee to investigate how many millions were hurt and then adjourned...
...It is now upto the adherents of the Socialist Party to make the most of the new law...
...Roger Babson has a happy message direct from the bankers of the nation...
...Pa- the mill owners instituted, some time ago, a 98-hour week...
...We should put...
...With the defects noted and by eliminating portions that have had a passing news interest, such as Judge Lindsey's recent set-to with Bishop a*fW»«»g and the Stokes case, The Dangerous Life would be a more impressive hook, ra^llfkty tk> i portions dealing I with the humane achievements of the children's sad domestic relaFatuous Hooverites TtJST how brutal and stupid the Hoover •J Administration is fas its attitude towards the jobless is evident in the outcome of the coal conference called by Secretary of Labor, Doak...
...They dared not more or fight about or the fore-lady i would be "on their necks.-' Their i top wage was 511.80...
...The young socialists must develop tactic and strategy an<* learn how to fight their enemy...
...Collapse and general hysteria will not provide the best conditions for unity of action and at the same time Fascist hooligans recruited for reaction await the opportunity to serve their backers...
...He sees The Beast,'* but does not seem to understand the kind of sustenance it feeds upon...
...Kind words hove come from Hoover and his agents and little more...
...The politicians of capitalism who think and act as though tariff barriers and financial bleeding of the German peojtfe **JP not return as ghosts to haunt them have pen" answer in this near approach of Europe to I ya^ abyss...
...Yea, the "progressives" quack in sympathy with the dead and the dying but continue to serve as decoys that lead the voters to destruction...
...The textile industry, he said, was one of the glaring examples of the ruthless exploitation of the bodies and souls of young men and people...
...Samuel H. Friedman made the point that we must build up a psychology against war...
...1 bers, teachers, dentists, tnmaii etc., etc., was the fa., tad riat Consolidated Sand- i Bia On Preferred, the 'arto&at u made to Amalgs :&ase Qsdr Common, all gold c tpponw.: given to the maastf tc get x .* t. ranks of the idle ricKlaa shtmi that ours is a land daatrta ity, there being no d^tsssa* fore the law between umi rig up the racket and usa< are racked...
...Weintraub of the Jewish Dally Forward of Cleveland, were read...
...Thanks for splendid cooperationPlease do all possible to continue assistance...
...We would like to take a census of the working class voters of this country who voted for "prosperity" in 1928, urging them to write on their ballots what they, think of it, but we would not guarantee to publish the answers for fear of offending the postal authorities...
...In the mills, mother with suckling babies are forced to work—their i children usually looked after while she works at the machine...
...The storm has continued to rage, workers and farmers are still being hurled into distress, and there you are...
...Lester Shnlman and Pearl Greenberg of Chicago, led to the discussion... sure that the Democrats would like to receive .your order for one next year that will be more perfect • • • I have seen some nations, like o'erloaded asses...
...he minute mas a* Civic Federation, Hoove- thv nlgn, Coolidge the Laaghisf 1 osopher, Mellon, RashSh T< and other patriots we mvx m tore with equanimity, only by the thought that ^m be a dearth of survivor* » 1 us the "Don't they look natt speeches...
...A working class inspired with Socialist knowledge is a class that has learned to fight for Itself instead of accepting drugs administered by its enemy...
...We believe with William Liebknecht that Socialism without democracy is pseudo-Socialism and democracy without Socialism is pseudo-democracy...
...Wlisl thew Woll...
...Veterans arc getting angry...
...Unfortunately, in his autobiography (The Dangerous Ufa by Judge Ben Llndsey and Rube Boroughs...
...S nothing but trnm^--^^ I downwards...
...He introduced Alfred Hoffman, general organizer of the United Textile Workers' Union, who was to address on the subject of "Youth and Industry...
...IK A NUYSHEIX Wa favor a sixteen months phut for Socialism which would bring us fate Washington at the end and control of the government of the United States at the next election...
...1 ganizere to $70 a week aauw ¦ $60...
...The crisis has spread to Hungary where all financial institutions were ordered dosed for three days, while banks in Vienna, Riga, Danzig tad Warsaw suspended...
...Reduce wages and capitalism will recover from its illness...
...Kick off their burdens—meaning the high classes...
...They met in solemn conference last March to consider the economic storm which had swept the United States...
...If there artga qualities In this world, rutt forced labor in backwarf I tries, we w,:i fight suet* < tlon with enforced idlenaa • • • Those who glibly speak of seven or eight million uaabna whose consumer resistam broken down overlook on* <t bright spots la the ryfUincrease in the number r < dren now employed in galKn cupations...
...We shall net forget th^ thrill created hy the marching hosts of American soldiers to Use field of battle.** Yen...
...Then and then only will we win a place aa an official party on the ballot • • • Still worse It-would be if no full ticket were nominated...
...They are pressing the department for some real and vigorous acAlpine tarns to the radio and broadcasts more bred word...
...We have something like this in capitalist politics, and Robert M. Lafollette's article in The Nation is an example...
...The Eeropean Crisis rjTTE economic and financial crisis in Germany is so critical that what is written one day regarding it may be out of date the next day...
...To be entitled to a separate column on the ballot in a county or other subdivision of the state a nominating petition must be filed for a full hat of candidates, that is a candidate for each office to be filled, containing the signatures of more Can five per cent of the number of voters who cast their vote at the previous election in that subdivision...
...Wisconsin yipsels came by way of their small truck which is used in Wisconsin organization work...
...Socialist society will put aa end to confiscatoion.—Karl Kautaky...
...r Go and Do Lskayi* 1 "In a few days ?*?*J*> 5 an order for a bjf**"* 1 HUNGER I2&TIOrt *W» S Sp...
...Quacking "Progressives" d^hNE trick in hunting ducks is for the hunter to release, floating decoys that lore ducks within range of the hunter's rifle...
...What chance has . such a child to a healthful and dei cent life...
...Several hundred packed the hall...
...Joseph P. Ryan, preside* * association, recommended^*' • per capital tax be IrjcressW » r cents a member a month, la* F ' ent tax being 23 cents...
...A tremendous mass meeting ended the Jamboree...
...Other veterans are in the breadlines *?n every, large city of the nation which they made "safe for democracy...
...Look at out labarl With the fulfillment of -j*, year plan, we win haw j bote...
...After years of battling, Judge Llndsey still believes that the system la one for which corrupt and venal men are responsible...
...Charles Hill, Phil Davidow, Ben Parkes, Pearl Greenberg, Jack Airman, and August Claessens, the speaker of the evening...
...It does not dare to cross the lines of the class struggle to minister to the wants of the afflicted...
...What we need is more active comrades for the Jimmie Higgins work, and more members of the party to back up the Jimmie Higginses...
...E. Bonn...

Vol. 13 • July 1931 • No. 3

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