Fusion Talk to Revived in Reading
Fusion Talk to Revived in Reading : ^ Democrats "jtyiag to Figure j a, Dislodge SoII1*— Con.) Pa.—The machine 1 * the Republican and *T nirties are trying to fjKon candidates to *f-f in...
...Scottsboro Frame-up Civil Liberties Union Investigation Indicts Alabama "Justice" A DETAILED report indicating a framc-up and prejudice in the Scottsboro case has been made by the American Gvil Liberties Union, which instigated an inveeligaiion by Miss HolI lace Ransdall, formerly on the staff of the Baltimore Sun and the Economics Library at Columbia University...
...His prize, P*d have been a year at pi Labor College or s I lead School, was s e t t l ed Pjhet he might apply It g » « P e n s e s of the t r ip jPttJament was also voted Kay the national execu•Mttse...
...A. J. Muste, fresh from the scene of t h e miners struggle in West Virginia ,made an instructive and appealing speech about the conditions and aims of t he s t r i k e r s . A collection was taken up and t h e n e a t s um of $219 w a s raised for t h e courageous and suffering fighters of West Virginia...
...German Students Show Trend To Back Fascism Fascism recruits the hooligan and semi-criminal elements for i t s dirty work but t h e r e is also an upper layer of "culture" in Fascism which gives it a shirt front This is evident in Germany where i t is reported that students, spurred by economic ills, a r e t u r n i n g to Fascism...
...1 by Marx was n o t being verified...
...in the coal fields...
...The "purging" of the Communist P a r t y of members who do not measure up to t h e "party ana** continues and it is said t h a t 1,600,000 members axe affected...
...The report in its detailed analysis of the facts involved in I the case and the economic status of the Negro in the South, con| tinues, "as one Southerner in Scottsboro put it, 'we white people I just couldn't afford to let these niggers get off because of the ^effect it would have on other niggers.' " DISTRICT ATTORNEY IS ACCUSED The report directly accuses the district attorney of framing the nine Negro boys...
...How t h e spirit of Marx, if in touch with t h e mundane sphere, must be amused at the present time a t t h e facile complacency of such critics as this," concludes "Sertorius...
...She caught on at once to what was wanted of her—identification without any confusing hesitations to slow up the death sentences...
...The fact la t h a t t h e chief of police is n o t appointed b y t h e Mayor and cannot h e removed fey h i m...
...With the order for a s t r i k e went a demand for t h e seizu r e of t h e telephone industry...
...However, i t la not s t a t e d how many have been sxpePsd...
...Similar ••interference" in other radical meetings by t h e "Sociali s t " police of Milwaukee has been advertised throughout the country as a a evidence of Socialist hypocrisy...
...Here t h e order was for t h e seizure of industry and land which correlates with a new prog r am adopted by t h e Syndico Unico which recently held a two weeks convention in Madrid...
...Governor Miller of Alabama is reported by the Associated Press to have received 1,678 protests...
...So Victoria with pert, condescending manI ner, passing looks with the prosecuting officials at such stupidI ity, told Ruby which ones she must say attacked her, in order not to get mixed up and identify some of those Victoria had previously said were "her six niggers," as she put it...
...In t h e rural i of Berks County t h e r e a r e who have voted the Demojetet religiously for decades m have aa i n t e n s e dislike h Republican p a r t y and i ts km...
...Also a permanent relief committee was organized with Prof...
...So t h e picnickers of the Workmen's Circle took up a collection for the s t r i k i n g miners of West V i r g i n i a which netted S2057...
...But t h e r e is good ground for believing that whatever numbers a r e responsible for precipitating t h e tumults a nd the use of violence a good half of t h e students, a n d perhaps a clear majority, are in full sympathy with t h e ideas of t h e disturbers of the academic peace...
...that writers have been after their stories...
...With this contrasting picture in mind can any person not poisoned with race prejudice still maintain that the Scottsboro trial was 'fair and just,' and that the nine Negro boys deserve execution...
...The m a i n center of t h e strike has been Barcelona where it included truck drivers and other workers...
...Miss Ransdall states in her report to the Civil Liberties Union that the girls spoke to her frankly because "never having I met any other attitude on the Negro question, they both assumed I that this was my attitude also, and therefore spoke to me as they I thought all respectable white people speak...
...that they had received money from various sources because of the case...
...Examining the presI ent status of the accusers and the accused to see what horrible things have been brought about by this 'crime," heralded in I Alabama papers as the most heinous ever committed in the state, or the whole country, as a matter of fact, this is what one finds: T H E YOUNG "CRIMINALS" "The convicted 'criminals,' nine terrified, bewildered young Negroes, he miserably in their death cells in Kilby prison, awaiting thejr execution on July 10, while the two girls, against whom this 'most heinous' crime was- allegedly committed, enjoy excellent health and are delighting in the publicity brought to them...
...The workers of t h e d i s t r i c t have always been opposed to t h e Liberal P a r t y and a r e t u r n i n g from the Conservatives...
...They engage to disorders a s a protest against Allied domination, notably a t universities in Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Ki»", Friedburg and Marburg...
...v An interesting phase of t h e n ew syndicalist program is a decision to gradually abandon anion organisation along t r a d e and c r a f t lines and t o organize b y industries...
...I t is Useless for the farmers and workers to expect relief from them...
...They a r e n ow turning to t h e Labor P a r t y as their only hope...
...they can expect relief only from a party which they support with their own money, time and votes...
...Comrade Crosswaith's meetings for t h e p a s t f ew months have been very successful, in m a n y instances t h e a t tendance and interest being much greater^than^ any former propsLabor Parties Of Canada To Hold Parley Conference in Winnipeg —Power Concessions Fought in House—By' election Called rg-iHE Montreal District Council has adopted a resolution demanding t h a t t h e Canadian Government " t a k e immediate stripe to cancel or annul t h e moos—leas granted to the Beauharnoia Corporation" and t h a t I t s resources be taken over b y t h e goyeiumenti This corporation proposed to div e r t a n d n ee 40,000 cubic feet of water for t h e purpose -of distributing light, h e a t and power and, a c cording to speeches made in t he House of Commons t h e corporation h a s exceeded t h e r i g h t s i t h a d been granted...
...Some other P\» iff being looked over S t broker shop but t h e Ctod k difficult to brush Snaterial so t h a t it will ? Btrket value on elect a Not Wearied ^ i i prospect of fusion igann the Socialists...
...The proposed board would also fix t h e dividend r a t e to be paid to shareholders, deal with the problem of preventing stock-watering, and function as a tribunal for the settlement of industrial dispute...
...An appeal to the Alabama Supreme Court has automatically suspended the death sentences, and the respite probably will last more than three months, since the Supreme Court will not convene until late August and the case is not likely to come under consideration by that body for some time...
...The economte and financial crisis facing Germany contributes to t h is student reaction...
...McADOO SEES THE LIGHT '"Throughout the world t h e s on is s e t t i n g on t h e t h e o r y of t h e acquisitive society, in which profits am t h e chief end of all enterprise...
...By-election August 10 A by-election win occur in Hamilton, Ontario, in t h e E a s t Hamilton District on August 10 and the Labor P a r t y of Hamilton has nominated Alderman Humphrey Mitchell a s t h e Labor candidate...
...Interest and passion in the case have cooled...
...The removal of t h e evils of t h e profit system from these •wcrsiomlc fields, the r e port states, will be a tremendous s t e p toward...
...The district is a strong Conservative stronghold but Bennett's tariff pol' icy h a s h i t t h e working class hard, unemployment is increasing, wages a r e declining, and the tariff h a s increased the* prices of commodities...
...Moreover, the Socialise bees mazing inroads upl rural tree* in recent years pssos any r e s u l t in driving •aasoets to support t h e SoMafhts feel t h a t they a re l | sow In organization and Mat they will b e able to mm in the city a t l e a st • a n t the Socialist Party hh the campaign with all •axes and energy- It h a s • the determination t o r e - s city government for t h e r class...
...The l a t e s t issue of t h e "Moscow News" a t hand, June 28, reports t h a t harvesting has begun in t he South and t h a t crops a r e above last year except barley, oats, maize and potatoes, but t h e y a r e n o t f a r behind...
...The m a t t e r of entering t h e political field is being given serious thought by many men prominent in t h e movement, British S. D. F. Celebrates Its 50th Jubilee The "Social Democrat" of London, the monthly of t h e Social Democratic Federation, founded by Hyndman, Quelch, Bax and others fifty years ago, published a special jubilee number for July to celebrate t h e fiftieth annivers a r y of t h e founding of t h e S. D. F. This issue carries some valuable historical articles reviewing t h e fifty-year period of British Labor and Socialist history...
...Milwaukee Police Make Socialist Rally Move From Corner MILWAUKEE.—When the prop r i e t o r of the West Side Fruit Store here objected to t h e presence near his store of a large crowd holding an out-of-doors Socialist p a r t y meeting, Herman O. Kent, one of t h e speakers, won a rousing cheer by remarking that a man who g o t h i s t r a d e from t he working class ought to be a t least a little in sympathy with their cause...
...t h e stabilization of laHustu i•mi to prevent uniiiri 111Ml« ; Stalin's New Policy J Staves .Off Slump...
...The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 69 Fifth Avenue, New York City, is handling the defense of the Negro boys...
...Not satisfied with this argum e n t the proprietor called the police, who decided t h a t t h e crowd would have to move, because it was blocking the sidewalks...
...If successful, t h e party will, link up all local branches of t h e labor movement for united political action...
...I. They both told me with great satisfaction that their pictures had been taken and put in the papers...
...The report is a merciless indictment of "justice" as meted out I to Negroes by the white ruling class, in the South, condemning I the Scottsboro case as a farce...
...Most of the messages declare the executions would be a "wholesale slaughter...
...They l with satisfaction and a s K that n certain t o occur p. It might as well be , it some other year...
...William Glbbs McAdoo, in an^addreaa^before the Economic !Pfc&,-jt;.j^ . . . . . .. In Spain Waning The strike of workers hi the telephone service of Spain called by the syndicalists last week apparently has n o t been a success, I t should ha remembered t h a t in Spain and other Latin nations t h e r e h a s f o r many years been a marked division in t h e labor movement between Socialists and syndicalists...
...O. P . Skelton's book, "Socialism: A Critical Analysis,'' is especially mentioned Skeltoa bad given t he optimistic view and now t h e world faces t h e reality...
...The report concludes: "The trial, such at it was, is over...
...Pa.—The machine 1 * the Republican and *T nirties are trying to fjKon candidates to *f-f in t h e coining iTseve agreed on two TaA one Democrat for Tsssf* but t h a t is ss Vparty brokers could Last week Tj^y of the allies is to * T -'iadidates t o carry faf Waited capitalist polMB#T Mayor Stauffer h as P^rec* ss a banner bearer [Jjseea defeated so often t i t h e allied brokers conIP t jonah...
...The Democratic party, so-called is merely the s p a r e tire on t h e Republican machine, t o b e used when the G. O. P . suffers a blow-out Both organizations serve the class t h a t pays their bills...
...George Prefers irty Work in Va...
...Chicago Workmen's Circle Branches Raise $2,057 For Miners...
...Among those sending protests were Albert Einstein and Theodore Dreiser...
...Judge Hawkins and other officials I and citizens in Scottsboro...
...Contribution lists were also given out t o those present and i t is expected that they will bring in a goodly s um of t h e much needed cash for t h e miners...
...It will pt the local Socialists to tsncet to defeat t h e coalI party brokers a r e mov! caution because they reft fusion is hazardous for BSKtlve party organiza•soy of their own voters mn this union of the t wo ad the p a r t y managers Ms to estimate h ow l a r ge • any be...
...This was before the a n nouncement of t h e n ew economic policy...
...The organization of a powerful Canadian Labor P a r t y is likely to be t h e outcome of this conference...
...Miss Ransdall spent considerable time in Alabama interviewing the girl prosti1 totes involved in die case...
...There is really but one political p a r t y in America today, Oscar Ameringer told t h e audience...
...Syndicalism had i t s origin to t h e small craft unions of F r a n c e a generation ago and this shift in Spain to industrial unionism is a progressive move and in accord with modern methods...
...A Good Example For Party Speakers " I never fail boosting The New Leader a t all t h e meetings t h a t I address I will never tire doing my share in this work," writes F r a n k R. Crosswaith...
...Victoria identified the six Negroes she claimed attacked her I-' with a cock-sure, emphatic manner that impressed the jurors and the trial spectators very much...
...Joint N a tional and Municipal Water and Drainage Board to coordinate n a tional w a t e r supplies...
...The Australian Labor Party faces a big problem to the financial crisis t h a t confronts the count r y . "The Worker" of Brisbane, issue of June 3, declares t h a t in the "great task of giving effect to the economic emancipation of the wo-king class the Australian Labor movement leads t h e world, and despite the tremendous setbacks of t h e present financial depression and t h e accompanying destruction of Austrian standards by a reactionary horde of Tory politicians who have temporarily taken control of our national institutions, there is even now, despite the general unemployment and suffering of m a n y of our people, every justification for declaring t h a t Australia, a s a nation, is still In t h e forefront of t h e world's development of Democracy...
...New courses were being organized to prepare factory technicians, while the Academy of Science was in session to consider unity of science and labor in facing economic problems...
...Corretpondent) SAYRE, Okla.— Ground-work was laid for the building of a s t r o n g antl - capitalist political movement in Oklahoma, when 300 Beckham County farmers and railroad workers attended a mass meeting held here under the auspices of t h e League for Indepen-' dent Political Action...
...But progressive working-men can never assemble in large numbers and forget their fighting comrades...
...M Shadid, prominent Socialist of Elk City, was chairman of t h e meeting...
...National - Transport Board t o acquire t h e e n t i r e count r y ' s transport services...
...By A New Lead...
...This is t h e position of t he Labor government of New South Wales, which officially predicted disaster under present mining methods twelve years ago...
...Meantime a special fiveday testing of bookkeepirg in t h e collective farms was on...
...Karl Borders, executive secretary of the Chicago office of the L. L D...
...This policy suggests t h e establishment of: National Power Board to a c quire all existing power services, such as electricity, gas, a n d oil, so a s t o b r i n g cheap power and current within reach of t h e e n t i re community...
...300 Oklahoma Farmers And Railmen Organize Branch of the L.I.P.A...
...L. Is D. Luncheon Brings in $219 CHICAGO...
...Australian Labor PlansRe-organizing Of Coal Industry S t a r k economic tragedy in Aust r a l i an coal fields is due solely to t h e monumental stupidity and incompetence on .the p a r t of mine owners who have failed dismally in the utilization of -their monopoly...
...Obligingly, t h e g a t h e r i n g moved* to a nearby lot...
...Lov e t t of t h e University of Chicago a s chairman...
...Such «• the two capitalist p a r - I ?iw the lines between I dan pohtics and capital0a more clearly...
...These include t h e cooperative movement, t h e t r a d e union movement, an i n t e r e s t i ng article by "Sertorius" on "Marx and America," and messages by prominent Socialists in other countries...
...The Labor p a r t y has introduced a new bill, setting up a board to control the operations of all mines, authorized to close unprofitable mines, to transfer surplus workers to other employments, to introduce improved methods, to prevent wrste, to develop recovery of by-products, and if necess a r y to fix prices at the mine mouth...
...The s t u d e n t s in general come from professional and mfttdlce class families who a r e tossed between fear of extinction by the upper magnates of German capitalism and dread of a working class regime which also leaves no room for middle class capitalism...
...Va—The fascinaI a Viennese moon might l lot to David George, s t a te g * the Socialist party pa, hat the fascination of fjfcg mr Socialism means •"*»*• as winner of first i the "Jimmy Higgins" con***-UK1 by the • Socialist "*b* this year, could have J J 1 * " * * as a delegate to ** and Socialist Interaa••SrasB, with all expenses J*ta» has returned to VlrPa a short vacation in •tag with him are Jesse •a" Irving- Salert of New P" will give their time ^ their own expenses this I»h0e they work as orJ*r the Socialist party in Ipa, second prize winner, j f j r Vienna...
...Sertorius" considers the present economic collapse to t h e United S t a t e s in t h e light of Marxian economics, drawing upon economic data appearing in t h e "International Labor Review" of t he International Labor Office a t Geneva...
...The Workmen's Circle branches held a well attended picnic a t Riverview P a rk Sunday, July 5, the purpose of which was t o forget the daily drudgery and spend a day in nature's beauty free from worry...
...Labor Papers To Meet On Plan for Waging Disarmament Fight I n agreement with the management of t h e London "Daily Herald" Walter Citrine, President of the International Federation of Trade Unions, h a s suggested that a conference of representatives of the Labor Press be held, with a view to preparing the disarmament campaign in connection with the meeting of t h e Disarmament Conference in February, 1932, a s early and with a s much promise of success a s possible...
...Tie w r i t e r has some fun with bourgeois writers who h ad insisted t h a t the increasing intens i t y of economic crises predicts...
...20 West Jackson Boulevard, will receive donations in money, clothing or food for t h e s t r i k i n g miners of Watt Virignia...
...Referring to the judge and the I citizens of •Scottsboro, the report states, "They all wanted the I Negroes lolled as quickly as possible" in a way that would not I bring disrepute upon the town...
...Thursday, J u l y 9th, t h e Chicago division of the L. I. D. gave a banquet a t t h e Eleonore Club, 17 N o r t h State street, which was participated in b y about 100 persons, amongst them quite a number of Socialist p a r t y members...
...H. M Sinclair, former Oklahoma state secretary for the Socialist party, and now s t a t e organizer for the L. I. P. A., was another of the speakers...
...fo Trip to Vienna Catr*«w»ii4«it) ••OND...
...During the p a s t few y e a r s old line parties have striven hard to get t h e labor vote, indicating the growing power of labor in this province...
...In t h e municipal elections several months ago five Labor Aldermen were elected which indicates t h a t t h e Labor P a r t y has a good chance of capturing the d i s t r i c t I n Nova Scotia Indication t h a t A. F . of L. trade unionists in Nova Scotia may follow the example of their New Brunswick brothers in organizing a provincial labor p a r t y was given when t h e Halifax District Trades and Labor Council went on record as approving t h e s t a n d of t h e three western labor members of t h e dominion .parliament, on unemployment and o t h e r questions...
...On t h e other h a n d i t i s reported t h a t the Soviet press is n o t r e porting t h e foreign reception given t o t h e n ew S t a l in economic policy excepting t h e comments made by Communist papers like t h e German "Rote Fahne...
...Delegates to the Co-operative Congress, affiliated with t h e British Labor P a r t y , have unanimously accepted the Unemployment Policy drawn up b y t h e i r executives...
...Members of t h e House have protested t h a t a group of financiers a r e exploiting t h e Dominion's w a t e r ways...
...The Labor P a r t y of t h e four western provinces h a s called a conference for J u r y 17 a n d 18 which will meet in Winnipeg and eastern provinces have also been invited to send delegates...
...Some students have passed ever i n to t h e Socialist camp to t he post-war years but t h e t r e n d , of university youth a t t h e p r e s e n t U towards reaction...
...I n bourgeois newspapers and those supporting t h e existing Cons t i t u t i on t h e student ructions have been represented as t h e work of a "small minority...
...Ruby, on the other hand, was annoying from the start because she could not say which I ones attacked her...
...The injury they are supposed to have suffered means little to them except profit and excitement which they found pleasing...
...The Joint Disarmament Commission set u p by t h e Internationa] Federation of Trade Unions and the Labor and Socialist International h a s included this suggestion in i t s P r o g r am of Action, and will hold this conference during the Labor and Socialist Congress at Vienna, a t which most of t h e r e p resentatives of the official organs concerned will be p r e s e nt I n accordance with this decision a conference of representatives of the official organs of the L. S. I. upon technical newspaper questions will be held Wednesday, July 29, a t 9 p. m . In t h e "Arbelter-Zeitung" building, Vienna, A suggestion of t h e Disarmament Commission is t h a t each paper shall be represented by two representatives only, for instance by t h e Chief Editor o r Foreign Editor and the Technical Manager...
...I t may pave t h e w a y to a better understanding with the greater Socialist unions of Spain and eventually bring all workers into one powerful federation...
...as related to the investigator by Victoria Price...
...They therefore preferred a senI tence to death by a Judge, to a sentence to death by a mob, but I they desired the same result, and were impatient with anything I that slowed up the conviction and death sentence which they all I knew was coming regardless of any testimony...
...Party 'Purged' Again A wlriliss to t h e H e w York Tunes from Moscow declares that Stalin's announcement of a "New Keeneeate Policy" has given t he signal for a new drive on "all fronts" and t h a t it has done more for the drive than an t h e "pep** t a l k s of recent It also s t a t e s t h a t t h e n ew policy had forestalled a "slump...
...t Backing the defense of the nine Scottsboro boys, a worldwide mass movement is developing on a large scale...
Vol. 13 • July 1931 • No. 3