Wife of Miner Slain Resisting Eviction; Operators Continue Terror in 2 States

Wife of Miner Slain Resisting Eviction; Operators Continue Terror in 2 States Sagamore Coaldiggers Cany On Gallant Fight —Conference in Pittsburg DEVELOPMENTS in the revolt of the mine...

...But th...
...KENTUCKY.—Suits for $70,000 planned against Sheriff and bis deputies in Harlan because of their illegal deportation of I. W.'• W. leader...
...Gunnoe was refused the use of the camp ambulance t o g e t t h e little corpse, though the ambulance w a s bought by t h e miners themselves from their burial fund...
...The n e x t move weald be an a t t e m p t by Doak a n d Lain on t to talk with "some other people,*' and then to r e p o r t t o Hoover...
...constable kicked h e r and t h r ew her on the floor...
...Brooklyn Sociallata are p"n.n1n&, & atroIIC e&adIdate for datrlet attorDq...
...wife of striker' killed when she resists eviction from shack...
...My wife could not help me because she is sick...
...One Is Shot...
...I t plays with t h e old parties, neither of any real program even for t h e relief of unemployment...
...20 Face Deportation (By A i s t e f l New fcatiet Can...
...Including visitors, were present from the anthracite, central - Pennsylvania, western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, northern West Virginia...
...Brooklyn 8cic:t.aUIIt...
...One organizer called up and said t h a t his furniture was being thrown in t h e road by a constable and t h a t his sick wife h ad been kicked because she did n o t get out of t h e bouse fast enough...
...The' fishers moved on to the end of the aisles and trooped, with miritftry precision, back to the waiting pastor...
...My advice is to read it...
...our Socialist comrades in Allen town...
...The winning team ' will '"fie': ptcstntoi w&b .a| silver loving cup by " Norman Thomas...
...Miners Union, opened t h e national miners' conference with a proposal t o build a "united front...
...So does John's wife, Jennie, the woman who sits alone, in her tenement wondering over the mysteries of a capitalism that is beyond her ken...
...U. M. W. Called la Recently the Baltimore A Ohio purchased the B. A S. and t h e B. P. * R. railroads, retaining the mining property of t h e first only...
...Ruth Fox of t h e Fifth Avenue hospital of New York City, who h as been in the field with a corps of assistants...
...WHITE PLAINS, N. Y—Local police used their nightsticks, drew revolvers and brandished tear gas guns here this week in a skirmish with groups of striking highway, workmen m Independence street...
...Seme of your m a g i s t r a t e s I n n tosmnrt itlffiiiil ly," the Socialist leader observed...
...After all, he wasn't one of our parishioners...
...Injunction Secured The Butler mine has j u s t joined the ranks...
...Through the stained glass windows came the sun in tinted coins...
...Harvey, not quite a* bright as th* Mayor, foolishly agreed to SIM • SI t h e question* When Blanahard asked his first, dealing with t he r a t e of profit enjoyed by bus operators, Harvey changed ass mind and refused t o answer...
...Norman Thomas, has issued an appeal for funds for food...
...By marches of pickets t h e N u Mine property of t h e B. P . A R. h a s been completely - abut down and t h e Yatesboro mine of the same company will soon show 100 p e r cent organization...
...European wars have a way of dragging America Into them...
...Here was a b a t t l e against coal ope r a t o r s splendidly fought by coal digger* which h a d barely received any mention in t h e press, though It was t a k i n g place b u t a couple of hours easy driving from the scene of the mine war around Pittsburgh...
...Eviction* have begun and a r e expected on a wholesale scale...
...H.-Guanos o f P r e n t er died in a fShajjissten hospital...
...White Plains Striken Beaten...
...Walker started the h e a r i n g a n hour and a half late, only to r u n i t with cynical arrogance when he finally opened it...
...In the ruah of tta...
...Scliplo fell unconscious when a deputy pulled h im out of t h e picket line and clubbed him...
...The Assistant Sexton offers his...
...their c&mpaign...
...The fall1 A f p s t Z k in t h i s crisis i s a disgrace a n d a tragedy...
...G r ° * 3 for d i s t r i b u t i ng literature...
...I am on my way to meet my creator, God, and I hope he will forgive me for committing suicide...
...When Mrs...
...Get fmm-^^^^P* • From vour ofciniTsfion or at the Rand School Book Store at 7 E. 15th St...
...Meanwhile t h e A. F . of L. h a s n o machinery for •partsat strike* a n d n o philosophy and n o p r o g r am a d e - H slrwsttcn...
...The new union, organized by F r a n k Keeney, former district president of t h e United Mine Worke r s of America, in protest against t h e policies of J o h n L. Lewis in t h e old union, i s spreading t o n ew d i s t r i c t s which had n o t been reached previous to t h e s t r i k e call...
...Chris Deviti, is a t the point of death as a result of a coal company brutall t y - Chris Deviti was in Cabin Creek to attend the hearing on t h e com- I pany*a notice to vacate his house when the superintendent sent a constable and two s t a t e troopers with a truck t o t a k e the furniture our and dump it on t h e creek bottom...
...Nearby are l - - a t e d two mine* of t h e Buffalo, P i t t s b u r g h A Rochester oper - ting under the name >t t h e Helvetia Coal Mining Co...
...Meetings eatted by the ^^amr TLI get the man to return to work have been turned into strike rallies...
...Socialist officials of Reading begin to collect relief...
...A Simple Explanation The "bum" did not raise his eyes as he drew seven cents, all the coin he had, from his nuilsm and added the money to the crisp bills in the plate...
...A doctor was denied h im in Jail...
...I have had loads of trouble...
...with Thomu and BI·nebvd .. tbe.-maID speakers...
...This company has Just gained notoriety for t h e shooting a t i t s Wild wood mine in t h e P i t t s burgh section...
...Feeling ran high against Walker a n d Harvey...
...D4 a ~ flI'hter hea41!I&' the BI"OOId7D tJeJr...
...Four ** of money to scrape u p f o r a book b u t a l l good librasave this...
...rhestras will supply the musk...
...A l s o Scliplo h a d h i s a rm broken and leg* a n d body battered a s t he result of t h e beating deputy sher. iff* gave him on the Coverd-i> picket line...
...waiting in anxiety for be had left his "home"#the day before seeking work...
...Prayers had been offered to the God of the Presbyterians and the preacher ud finished a noble sermon...
...Two large or...
...Thomas calmly retorted: "When y e n have no case, abuse your opponent'* "You've worn t h a t principle out,1* the Mayor shouted...
...We h a v e to worry about hem up more t h a n about pulling capitalism down...
...We h a v e n ' t had any fresh meat to 11 months and eaa get so little of w h a t we do eat— beans, potatoes, white bacon, and flour gravy—that we eat only twice a day," one mother told h e r . Suits aggregating $70,000 against Sheriff J . H. Blair, two deputies, and the county of Harlan, Kentucky, were authorized by t h e American Civil Liberties Union in bev _ i « nf T i m C o n n o r s miners* d e fense investigator, who w a s slugged by Sheriff Blair on J u n e 20 and forcibly deported into Virginia by t h e deputies...
...Keller had under hi* direct jurisdiction administration and leasing of over 600 miles of New York City waterfront, with rental* totalling several handred million* of dollars...
...I am blind in one eye and have had trouble with the other...
...Their pay was e a t an F r i d a y to about 13.20 a day...
...Fof two days after 19 deputies "went to work" on him, he was unable t o walk, he claimed...
...Doak and Lewis told t h e p r e s s t h a t t h e case for t h e miners h a d been fully...
...On behalf of Controller Berry, who to engaged in a political feud with Mayor Walker, Prial cited t h e charges of Blanshard end Thomas and refused to vote for t h e franchises...
...We have Bseontent in America b u t i t i s economically almost lilit* merchants a r e discontented enough b u t t h e i r remedy I chain stores...
...It [ capitalism is doing t h a t l i t t l e Job itself with sufficient —————— * mm OF AMERICAN RADICALISM ERE is tht lack of constructive forces more evident t h an * rJbfJsf State...
...The picnic will be held at Ulmer Park, 25th and Cropscy avenues, Brooklyn...
...et, and with the 8oc1&lUIt p&rtJ or...
...Her tost words were, "Isn't these any l aw in t h i s place T" Her death was immediately hushed up by t he superintendent s o t h a t Charleston newspaper could not even g e t h e r name until Ike union s t r i k e committee came to Charleston next day...
...Four new charters were Issued fat a day...
...He went on to remind t h e Mayor of his p a r t l a tee Equitable boa scandal...
...WASHINGTON—( F P ) —John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America, with 10 of his associate officials, came out of a two-day conference with Secr e t a r y of Labor Doak and Secret a r y of Commerce Lament the evening of Jury 14, w i t h no a s surance t h a t the Hoover administ r a t i on would summon t h e conference of operators a n d miners which be demanded in his telegram to the White House on J u n e 11...
...to be ane4 bI...
...The suits will be filed in the federal district court by Attorney Ben R Golden of PinevWe, Ky...
...He was o n h i s w a y t o t h e office of t he Investigating committee, to give f'-rther testimony at a private hearing when he t h r ew himself under the wheel* of * subway t r a in and was immediately killed...
...The development* in city affairs continue t o lay the ground for a Socialist campaign for alderman and president of the Borough of Manhattan this fall which bids fair to be even more successful than the remarkable Socialist city campaign of 1929...
...khappen, especially in a world where, tariffs have been mt German imports...
...2, waa a powerful union of 45,000 men...
...It was unanimously agreed, a s reported by Henry Rosner in last week's New Leader, to hand t h e fabulously rich franchises to two companies—the North Shore Bus Company and the Jamaica Bus Company, both with political and financial connection* A report prepared for t h e City Affairs Committee by Blsnshsrd and i t annually...
...He was just « bum...
...Even Magistrate 5°*° dismiss t h a t case b u t b e convicted Rifkin of r e - g"*- It was this conviction t h a t has been reversed on g j T ^ e detective Ucbtblau was convicted for beating C ^ j l ^ a really notable conviction which ought to be a**C*aar.ea Solomon fought these cases and w e m a y j^^H a more decent place f o r Socialists, yes, and other "JuetaBum" U Suicide in Church as Wealthy Hymn Praise to God '' \ FTER ALL, lie wasn't one »P* of oar parishioners...
...It was all so simple...
...He also scored j the progressives...
...The Helvetia Coal Mining Cohas just secured a temporary injunction against the union and t he strikers stopping them among other things from "marching, countermarching, picketing, congregating in t h e vicinity of the mines of the rjlaintiff...
...The 80clallata wtU au...
...When 45 s t r i k e r s in t h e company patch a t V a s t s mine No...
...The s t r i k e r s unfurled ; their American flag* and to t he tom-tom thuds of t h e mine's compressing engine marched 800 strong TMM long double line u p a i d down t h e state highway mutely appealt a g to the arriving miner* to join -their HJBsBf In West V i r g i n ia By HELEN O. NORTON <*X A Sx* LeUrr Correipocdten CHARLESTON, W. V s . - ( F P ) — WW1§.every effect is being made to drive t h e striking miners of t he Kanawha field to desperation, the West Virginia Mine Workers' Unton Is C4UryiBg' on i t s struggle ,ot* Outside Relief Is Great Need in Pennsylvania and West Virginia Strike behalf of 23,000 miners without clashes...
...Upwards of 25,000 workers and their families are to be expected, according to the advance safe of huge blocks of tickets to more than 162 organizations...
...CC1.I8toIud decttM manner lD Jl&Dh&ttu...
...Socialist Picnic Saturday To Be Great Outpouring of the Masses \ LL indications point to a record turnout next Saturday, July 25th, at the annual New York picnic of the Socialist and labor movement...
...at Havemqer and Ora.nd atreet -tenJilOn...
...WEST VIRGINIA.—Strike of \jHtJ9PthttTS of new West Virginia j [Mine Workers Union continues...
...This would have brought 112 per cent annually...
...Fine ladies and gentlemen dressed to suit their class and eminence had heard the solemn ;trains of the organ and the melody of the choir...
...My friends and relatives have been helping me and lending me money, but they can do it no more...
...Sociallat propoala on '''dl!!!letration of joble...
...The Dawes plan and l a t e r t h e Young [Jaodausts h a s * consistently said, never could cure the jfcsir only merits were to gain a little time t o educate p|'Is the necessity of d r a s t i c action to wipe t h e slate' p l i e s plain a s t h e multiplication table t h a t t h e Xoung f l i t work unless German exports should increase until Bpt pots it, our export surplus will cover t h e deficit in international payments...
...t a g the vertical development of t h e skyscraper, comingmen can f r e e ly move on t h e surface of t h e earth, Mlthese lately increased capacities of m e n for wide •J»l movement due to mechanisation a r e becoming u s e - > duces, because we happen to be sympathetic to t he • Pfopr.etorship a n d s e e i t n o t only a s commercially proBensattonaL" That for your Chrysler a n d Empire 'frophecy for t h e f a t e of t h e c i t y Is t h i s : "probably t he U to be t h e g r e a t e s t service the machine a g e will "*ter the human being...
...taiki conferences with employers and world Boycotts asta...
...Keller's death was t h e Sixth through suicide or murder since t h e exposures of corruption first began to crowd the front p a g e* Juicy Franchise Gifti O. K.'d at Secret Session The bus deal, reminiscent of t he Equitable bus scandals which marked Walker's first administration, was planned a t a secret meeting of the board of estimate...
...Deviti is endeavoring to bring action against t h e constable and t he mine superintendent, Mr* Seacrist s aw Mr...
...Somehow he had failed, failed as others had failed, and for seven months he had looked for work...
...ganlzaUon atrcmpl' tbu SA a clioa4e...
...Deviti'* t r e a t m e n t from t h e window of h e r sickbed and died from the shock...
...The benediction said, the choir sang its last Amen and the worshippers rose to depart The "bum" rose too, bottle in hand, and raised it to his Bps...
...In proposed ^ *bould j ^ w s r t e d . ^ B y ragged...
...The Yipsels are preparing to wrest this trophy back...
...S sought to come o u t o n t h e picket line, they were driven back by a crowd of armed deputies...
...Striker's Wife Killed Mrs...
...Wlth TbA:Imu ~ tM al'ht tn ht...
...Lying in the aisle of the Fifth Avenue Presbyteriain Church was ft dead workman, the tissues of his throat and ether organs destroyed by carbolic acid...
...I am on my way to face God...
...German collapse will n o t b e promptly f olsr/ thinf as ordered and hopeful a s Russian Communism Russian Communism is n o t t h e Socialist ideal...
...The superintendent told Gunnoe t h a t t h e ambulance now belonged to "future employes" of t h e company...
...A "bum" has gone the way of all ! flesh A Tammany Qift Of$l,130,000Yearly Qoes Up in Smoke Socialists and Queens Bus-Riders Storm City Hall —Walker and Harvey Blame Each Other—— New Suicide Adds to Tammany Hall's Worries— Unemployment Issue Dodged COMPLICATIONS continue- to pile u p f o r t h e Tammany administration In New York City...
...A short distance away is t he Plumville mine of t h e Butler Consolidated Coal Co., w i t h 130 employes...
...So the Assistant Sexton interpreted the tragedy to the curious...
...Although t h e B. A O. h a s received wide publicity for i t s friendly cooperation w i t h i t s employes in I ts railroad shops, i t baa pursued an opposite policy towards the miners i t employ* In fact...
...A program of varied amusements has ] been arranged...
...They cannot erase t he fact, however, that both were ready to j am t h em through when the Socialists, flanked by residents of Queens, appeared in opposition...
...It will require a' n ew kind of planning...
...Exposure of an attempted SI,130,000 a year gift to private busoperators In Queens—an exposure made by P a u l Blanahard and Norman Thomas...
...Regardless of t h e writ the miners held their meeting at Olson's farm, separated from the company houses and the tipple merely by the s t a t e highway and thickets...
...While he w a s en* the public highway, a local strike lssdfit named Busar was arrested fill Jl—jlSSSlai and given a 10-day T h e ' c o c k bad*not^yet begun to <mvor wAum the...
...Thomas spoke TOR a unified syst em operated by t h e city...
...We only add that the fine ladies and gentlemen whose worship was disturbed last Sunday pursue their usual ways...
...ll&HT WON j***ud labor folks everywhere ought to be heartened ? * > that Charles Solomon ha* w e n a hundred p e r cent ™* <m;-jstified a r r e s t of J e s s e Gross a d d B e r n a r d Rifkin g . trouble began, i t will be remembered, b y t h e T...
...He had t o t h r e a t e n twice t o clear t h e r o om when t h e Queen* bus-riders present g a v e appropria t e applause o r boos...
...There is John's explanation...
...That i s n o remedy a t all f o r t h e masses n. Indeed chain stores m a y be making t h e j o b of Sonne - The f a n n e r * w a n t what t h e y ought to have—a : for their products—but the owning farmers don't want Jf^'to^oU w h i ^ ought to reserved for t he anCer from overproduction, t a l k radicalism, u d a s k f or rger than a n embargo on foreign eil a n d a few other ots to give them more of t h e g r a v y ! Borne of t h e worst .ers in the South a r e fine radicals when it comes to cussitreet...
...Other sports will consist of a basehali.garne which will precede the SUtnti game, schedYoung Circle League, who wilt defend the "Norman Thomas Cup" they won last year from the Young Peoples" Socialist League...
...t t t is recognised her* a n d in Europe a s t h e instigator • a movement ha a r c h i t e c t u r e but he is too m u c h of an * to be thought of in t e r m s of a school and he is in Jaf many thing* done by t h e modernists o r in t h e name ™- His l i t e r a r y style is florid and only saved from P rhetorical by his s i n c e r i ty and b i s occasional pungi v h e n one disagrees—a* I do...
...and Mrs...
...Armed with these facts, which had been given much publicity In the local press, Thomas, Blanahard and some 000 resident* of Queens stormed t h e board of estimate hearing Friday...
...The Assistant Sexton knew instantly...
...I tried but could not make a living...
...9UM' COLLAPSES t," someone may s a y , ' i f this German crisis means the i of capitalist nationalism why bother about moratoriums pfesess of debts, or a id to G e r m a n y ? " That is a good •J ear present order might well be allowed to commit jsjpt that this w a y of suicide in Germany means, in m y test we and our children Tor a generation in Western d the United States would be in f o r a catastrophic aeries If disasters...
...Twenty aliens were held for deportation...
...When the infant daughter of Mr...
...On the day Mayor Walker was franchises, the brow of the Tammany mayor was f a r t h e r furrowed by t h e suicide of Traugott F. K e l l . er, chief nugtossi of t h e Dock Department...
...The 500 s t r i k e r s voted not to go back t o w o r k until all contractors employing men in Westchester County signed agreements to pay highway workmen S3 a day for an eight-hour day...
...Bosses and s t a t e troopers a r e heavily armed, access to public highways to refused, everything possible is done t o s t a r t trouble Relief is a serious problem of t h e strike...
...They were preparing for a march upon a mine in Sykesvule, 41 miles • away...
...Peaceful picketing is being carried on effectively...
...John Tabeek's testament may be read by all who are curious...
...invited m e n organise...
...John was a weaver and then proprietor of a stationery store in Jersey City...
...Down the aisles strode the lshers, walking in unison with rollection plates in hand, accepting the offerings of the devout...
...Walker r e fused to allow Blanahard to put pertinent question* to him...
...Walker and Harvey opened their private war a s to who first proposed the franchise* Harvey's belated opposition to the franchises caused Blanshard to remark, tn t he arena of t h e press, t h a t " t h e jellyBsh to t r y i n g to find his spine...
...The legislative committee now probing New York's municipal government* bad been questioning Keller for a week...
...A l&r&'e "SmUhTammany" mau mee~ wtll be lM14 thla Friday D.l&'ht...
...ml' tollowlDl' the blow-up _ tM bu...
...Thomas' reference to t h * unsavory i-^rtriHraf brought a n ew s t o rm of Ui»sst|j*» The Mayor completely lost his head and shouted "faker...
...An all star soccer game In which the famous Hakoah soccer team will play against * fine up of the Prague Football Club...
...Altogether In t he Sagamore field some 2,000 men a re affected...
...The .plan is to build up minority groups in t he United M a e Worker* of America and t h e West i Virginia Mine Workers' Union...
...I Demands voted a t t h e conference Jam for wage increase*, unemploym e n t insurance, t h e 6-hour day, 'union checkweighmen, recognition <of mine committees elected by t he .workers, abolition of company towns, stores, scrip and evictions...
...withdrawal of armed j forces, no discrimination agains' 'Negroes and foreign-born workers, I release of a r r e s t e d unionists and a j national collective agreement J violence Continues Five hundred men a n d 100 wojmen...
...I ssy these t h i n g s ? Mot t o discourage labor organisai political or economic field*, -out to encourage it...
...Distrusting t h e company man, as all miners' families do, t h e Devi tig called another' physician who l a t t e r signed a statement that he found the woman in convulsions and threatened With a miscarriage...
...Relief continues prime need as strikers' ranks bald fast...
...It fell from his quivering -fingers...
...The services moved on in solemnity to the end...
...rst part of it all i s t h a t the workers themselves a r e fooled • i f M j p s s d proponents of quack remedies...
...tU IIJibut omc...
...One s t r i k e r wan s h o t Later, more t h a n 200 w e r e arrested...
...Devit protested, th...
...And^yet t h e y and t h e r e s t of u s have • the bog t h a t capitalism and nationalism have created...
...They are poor and have children...
...It had been chaarmg t h e m e n s o generously en t h e weight and underpaying them so for dead work, that when one of t h e miners, new t o t h e vicinity...
...Other sports will consist of fieM rod track events in which young workers otgenii tftfwH will have large representation...
...UNITED MINE WORKERS.— John L. Lewis fails to win approval of Secretary of Labor Doak for a coal "conference" with operators...
...He was just a bumf' Of course not He didn't belong...
...K is certain t h a t F r a n c e is losing a chance by JPJrZ Z regard to German credit* to make herself safer in t h e h e a r t s of t h e Germans than any armaments...
...A medical examination of 150 children in t h e mining camps at Gallagher and Ward shows them to be grossly underweight and suffering from anemia, akin infections, worms, and an t h e ills t h a t follow undernourishment according to Dr...
...And John's seven cents repose in the coffers of the church...
...The Mayor r e served his choicest epithets for Blanshard and Thomas...
...Those who appeared before the board were subjected to abuse and insult...
...P a . will anpf committee for t h e textile s t r i k e r s there...
...A V«in Hunt for Week Over in Brooklyn Jennie Tabeek sat in a tenement waiting for John Tabeek, her husband...
...By LOUIS STANLEY (New leaser Cirriipieiipt) -[r-jITTSBURGH.—Frank Borich, IF secretary of t h e Natl...
...that ~ OUI'h...
...The strike headquarters is besieged by miners wanting new d i s t r i c t s organised and by strikers asking relief...
...tused to allow TbDmu til...
...Operators Continue Terror in 2 States Sagamore Coaldiggers Cany On Gallant Fight —Conference in Pittsburg DEVELOPMENTS in the revolt of the mine workers this week are: PITTSBURGH DISTRICT...
...The Buffalo A Susquehanna Railroad runs through Sagamore...
...The miners around Sagamore, however...
...F ARCHITECTURE * * book review column nor am I a competent reviewer P*k on Modern Architecture, b u t F r a n k Floyd Wright's *t subject (Princeton University Press) is genuinely •ay one interested in a r c h i t e c t u r e a s a n expression of •ssniental to t h e n ew world we want to build...
...THE FRUIT OF CAPITALIST NATIONALISM • saf toe stupJairy a s weu a s me cruelty 01 our capitalist gyjt system better i l l u s t r a t e d t h a n in t h i s German a t - 5*eg chain of e v e n t s : World War, t h e iniquitous Peace M, tad the impossible reparations, our social order has JJit, ovra grave...
...finely Topics [ L ^ o n n a n T h o m a s the Uiiited^Swee ^The^BgsnjU^ of WJ^JLO Help the Miners—SkyserapReversal for Sabbatino K j f jft>r FAR AWAY < certaJB whether Germany can be saved from financial PVfceertain t h a t the Hoover moratorium by itself was I* * g ttU...
...Even t h e more intelligent mbjbwiIitiI this...
...The miners' demands a r e confined to securing a checkwelghman on t h e tipples and recognition of t h e union...
...That has n o t happened...
...the Apt 1000 proDWdJac...
...A workman in shabby clothes and seven cents in his pockets...
...Relief is also desperately needed in Kentucky in •tin they have been all kind* of difficulties which have td in the N ew Lender* The Emergency Committee will Msnsted gifts t o t h a t a r e a or t h e y m a y be sent to o ur a n d * Allen Keedy, Community House, Everts, Ky...
...Straying into the sanctum of the wealthy, the dead man had no passports that would admit him to the circle of the well-dressed possessors of riches...
...The i Pittsburgh have organized, a s I have previously said, * committee with offices in the Lyceum Building for t h e SBja...
...We m u s t be aggressively on o u r Job...
...Until t h e necessary enabWng legislation could be obtained from the s t a te legislature, be urged all fisisnlsea be issued for short terms and be revocable as soon as t h e c i t y w a s ready t o r u n i t s own system...
...Jellyfish" Harvey Seeks Hit Sphere Acting Controller P r i a l than produced * bombshell...
...A first rate concert, an open sic movie show, and interesting diverother prominent feeders of the movement...
...for example, with h i* U socialism means in architecture, one i s stimulated by j^tterest was p a r t i a l tarry g r e a t in what he h a d to s ay Vnnny of t h e skyscraper" and t h e f u t u r e of t h e city...
...But the "bum" in the morgue left a testament, all that be had in this world, except Jennie in the Brooklyn home...
...The march on Sykesville was to convince the miners a t the other mine of the H A S . , where 330 work, t h a t they ought to join their fellow-workers at Sagamore...
...Socialist p a r t y leaders,— has thrown the Tammai.y board of estimate into warring faction* Mayor Walker and h is satellites are now engaged In a word-battle with Borough President George U. Harvey, "reformer" of airport scandal fame...
...They ran the gauntlet not only of deputy sheriffs armed with heavy sticks but also of t he more detested stool pigeons equipped with pad a n d pencils.* Early a s i t was t h e pickets were greeted a t Sykesvule by t h e constable, the superintendent and a squad of s t a te trooper...
...A t hm crescent moon low in the' s k y and t h e blue and yellow flames of t h e smolderi n g culm banks did n o t suffice to light u p t h e coal property of t he Buffalo A Susquehanna across the road...
...Lying on tile floor was a "bum" writhing in death agony...
...It is likewise certain t h at even if Germany weathers the present storm, what ana will have will be a lull in t h e g a l e a n d n o t f a i r skies...
...I tried to carry it, but I could stand it no more...
...used to be members of the United Mine Workers of America, when their district In central Pennsylvania, No...
...This is t r u e even if by some miracle economic collapse Is not followed by internal chaos and violence which will precipitate another European ! war...
...Maybe, but i t won't come JSmitectare...
...wUl be other opportWllUeA . .lD taM montha ahead...
...It m a t t e r s profoundly because a German economic collapse will have serious effects here and wul in every way m a k e our own hard times harder...
...A day or two l a ter...
...eantime town and regional planning and municipal " emphatically in order...
...On a marble slab in the morgue reposed the body of a "bum...
...It owns the coal mine 1" the town, employing 750 men...
...The beat international credits c an m me situation temporarily...
...Frightened by t h e convulsions into which this b r u t a l i t y threw the woman, the constable called t h e company doctor...
...No Communist c a n b e a t Kansas farm«ng Wall /Street and t h e government now...
...In anger, Walker was forced to submit the question for further study by the controller...
...Just a bum...
...Unemployed councils and r a n k and file committees wul bs formed a t mines a n d i n districts on t h e basis of demand* Borich attacked the operators, t h e U. M. W. A , t h e government, which he claimed a r e united to dejfeat the miners...
...for the N a t l , Miners' Union, t h e disgruntled men went immediately on s t r i k e This was June 16...
...At Nu Mine 490 have been at work, a t Yatesboro...
...give t h e keynote of his position on both questions...
...The d a y of their walkout they called in J o h n Ghizzoni, U. M. W. A. organizer and from then on t h e U . M. W. A. h a s been In direct charge of t h e s t r i ke All through District 2 t h e fundamental grievance of t h e miners is s h o r t weighing...
...600 men and woman, some of them visitors, met, at opening IF convention of "National S S k * t o f ! S & a 5 S s ^ ^& {miners out in Sagamore field, with [United Mine Workers in charge...
...Let n o one t h i n k t h a t t h i s doesn't matter to Americans in comparison to our own domestic trouble...
...The s t r i k e r s were bustling about, -tense but Jolly, though practically every one of t h em h a d but a few hours before returned from a mass meeting a t Olson'* farm a t Yatesboro, some nine mile* off...
...nimblinc of the two heavy trucks and t h e crunchi n g of the brake* of a score of automobiles indicated t h a t striking miner* were already gathering in front of t h e shabby inn t h a t b ad served-them hard a s ' headquarters s a d barracks in former year* of struggle...
...will make an early .tArt- em...
...They approached a man with soiled shirt, open at the collar, ,vearing ragged trousers, a conrast to those whose wealth pernitted them to place bills in the rollection plates...
...Each faction to t r y i n g to prove t h a t t he other first proposed the scandalous franchises...
...The r to economic Illiteracy for f a r m e r s and workers i s Soi esa get a hearing...
...AL RELIEF SITUATION clarify the relief situation in t h e s t r i c k e n coal districts, aerrency Committee for S t r i k e r s Relief, 1X2 E. 19th St., * concentrating on t h e West Virginia Miners' FederI is conducting a strike in t h e Kanawha region...
...land of t h e speed-up, check-off and 1 injunctions...
...The miners have been heartened by t h e report t h a t Illinois local* are going to asses* themselves for Kanawha relief and t h a t the Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief, 112 E 19th s t r e e t. New York City, under the chairmanship of...
...Other features will provide rnstinnons dancing from 2 P. M. to the early morning hear...
...The ui trouble in t h e world today is t h e l a c k of sufficient wisiror in the constructive forces...
...The world turned black before his eyes for Jennie was sick and he was an Ishmael, an outcast, in industry...
...Reports are difficult because t he field to so scattered, some mine* having neither telephone nor mail , service which can b e used by t he s t r i k e r s . But a summary en t he t h i r d day of t h e s t r i k e for a part of t h e field showed t h a t there were 4,109 on strike and 922 working...
...Charles Seacrist and her unborn child are dead in Hugheston and h e r neighbor, Mrs...

Vol. 13 • July 1931 • No. 3

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