RED FLAG PARADERS DEFY POTEE Party Urges Plan to Use Idle Plants News of Socialist Activ-ities in Many Cities Reported by Correspondents ——— *, (By a Leader Corretpondettt) SPOKANE,...
...D. C. Webb Net Authorised Word has been received at Socialist headquarters that D. 0. Webb, who held Mooney defense meetings at Milwaukee during the national convention, Is n it...
...The Warren comrades wiU hold their picnic Sunday, June 19, at Jim's place...
...Reading comrades are making preparations for extensive housing and feeding at the Socialist Park and costs will be cut to the minimum...
...W. O. Bocke-wits, sec, 608 4th avenue S. Michigan, Brown City: E L. Card, sec...
...A basket picnic will be held in Reeding Park at noon...
...Hazel V. Bowers for the 50th Senatorial District...
...Lincoln: Herbert Holmes, sec., 808 N. 14th street...
...1.75 to $2.50 per person for tingle rooms...
...An additional 2,500 Joined the marchers at the end of the parade for a mam meet l ng conducted by the party...
...for Presidential Electors, Charles Herrmann, Sellna A. Parker, Clara Hedqulst, Barnet Weln-baura...
...for State Treasurer, David S. Goldman...
...East 260th street off St...
...Charles victor...
...double with bath 8X50 to $3.50 Hotel Yates, single without bath $125 to $1.75, with bath $2.80...
...Ohio Seventy-five thousand platforms have been printed so far and distributed over the state...
...Warren Over 400 people attended the Strickland meeting...
...Cenventtoa Ji erases SUE Available A few hundred copies of the handsome Souvenir Journal of the National Convention are still available at National Headquarters...
...A program of entertainment, dancing, games, and speeches has been arranged...
...Ave, i* la charge of this work, the first Socialist activity in the Osark region of Missouri since before the war...
...University City: George Oerdes, 6519 Corbitt avenue, sec...
...Natsaa Coaniy Hempstead Branch has organized ten literature-distribution teams...
...Betel Majestic...
...Julian H. Weiss, Mrs...
...Utiea The Utiea and Oneida County Local is engaged in making preparations for the Sunday night mats meeting to be addressed by Norman Thomas and the state candidates... Pintnara farm...
...Rhode Itland Socieiutt dominate State Ticket PROVIDENCE, R. I.—The Socialist Party has nominated the following candidates: for Governor, Fred Hurst...
...The state convention of the party will be held Sunday, June 26...
...June 23...
...Delegates may make reservations by writing the hotels directly or through the state office...
...Omnd Junction: Louis In-gelhart...
...The local comrades are cooperating with the Yipsels in providing housing and food for the delegates to the Y. P. S. L. national convention to be held In Cleveland July 23 and 24...
...A parade of 2,500 Socialists aad sympathizers, each of whom carried a •mail red nag-, was held here to test a city ordinance forbidding toe pub He display of the international working-class emblem...
...with bath $1.75 to $2.25...
...Oneida county will be represented to the convention by Mrs...
...sixty cento for a down...
...Pennsylvania The party's state convention will be held lu the Socialist Park at Reading July 3 to 4. The stats Young People's Socialist I. -ague Will hold its annual conference at the same time, also at Reading...
...Following the picnic, business sessions will be held in Workmen's Circle HalL 1010 Echo street...
...two days after the meeting Comrade Flavell was discharged from his Job to the miOs...
...His tour to far hat resulted to a renewed interest to the Socialist movement, scores of converts, and a great deal of publicity Cleveland The city central committee decided to print 5.000 stickers reading "Capitalism is crumbling...
...sec., 1017 W. 11th avenue...
...Nebraska, Grand Island: Leonard J. Oardner...
...Continual layoffs are Ignored by the two daily newspapers...
...Committeeman FtaveU from the Hartford district made an effort to organise a local at Manchester, where the Cheney silk mills are located...
...We propose that the community take over temporary control of the essential factories, bakeries, and mills that are now closed and to man them with groups of workers who agree to work not for monetary remuneration, but to exchange the results of their labor for their needs by a system of labor chocks, enabling them to expend same through a central warehouse or exchange...
...It can be done," the Socialists say, "if there la the wUl to do It-New Locals The national office reports the following new locals organised within the past week: Colorado, Canon Cits: C. E. Zing-helm, org...
...Hazel V. Bowers, Robert A. Hoffman and Charles H. Roth have been chosen to represent Brie county on the state convention...
...Two hundred legislative candidates throughout the state are already assured...
...Maplewood: Eugene H. Hoffmann, 3227 Sutton avenue, sec...
...Elma Sander and Earl J. Raatch am alternates...
...Plans for an Intensive tour of the valley in July by George R. Ktrkpatrlck, Socialist candidate for U. 8. Senator, will be discussed and outlined...
...5S2 W. Colorado avenue...
...authorised to represent the Mooney Molders" Defense Committee...
...Maine) Tear Oas fer Ptwawataytd Three hundred unemployed of Lew-Uton...
...The parade was quiet, and none Of the other marchers were disturbed by police, although all of them technically had broken the city ordinance, W. A. Werth, Mc-Kee, and Chairman Dilks of the Unemployed Union, spoke at the mass meeting...
...Simon Libros presided...
...Police armed with tear gas aad riot gum waited at the City Ball for the demonstrators, but the Jobless changed their announced plana and went directly to the Mayor's place of business and demanded a hearing...
...Indiana, Crown Point: C. H. Owens, seo.i Evansvllle: Dorothy - Halvorsen, sec., 60S E. Blackford street...
...Nor-walk is holding street meetings...
...California San Jeaesln Valley Convention Socialists of the San Joaquin Valley will gather In Fresno, California, on Sunday, June 26, for a mass convention and picnic, which members ot locals and members-at-large are invited to attend...
...The branch plant to distribute 10,000 copies of the national platform monthly and other literature...
...A banquet to the convention will he given at the Martin on the evening'of July S, price $1.25 per plate...
...Write to 549 Randolph street, Chicago "—r~'r~ Botltaa Beady Red buttons containing the names of the Socialist candidates are available at national headquarters...
...New Haven Delegates to the national convention will make a report at a special called meeting of the New Haven Local at the Workmen's Circle Center, 72 Legion avenue, Wednesday, June 22...
...A state campaign committee has been organised and plans are being made to carry oa an active campaign...
...The Assembly candidates will be John C. Pace, Walter F. Hackemer...
...The convention and picnic will mark the opening of the 1932 Socialist campaign in central California...
...for Attorney-General, Frank Merewether...
...The meetings are conducted not only for party propaganda but to boost The New Leader...
...Join the Socialist party and vote the Socialist ticket...
...Among the speakers at the opening session of the state convention will be Norman Thomas, James H. Maurer and National Secretary Clarence Senior...
...Dutchess county wtll send to the Stats convention Samuel Sshlab and Dirk Briers as delegates, and Michael stefauik aad Baas Peters as alternates...
...arranged by State Secretary W. C. Meyers, Covington Ball Is working in Missouri...
...M. V. Leof, president of the Labor Institute...
...tingle without bath, $150...
...Andrew J. Blemiller, executive secretary of the Philadelphia chapter of the L. I. D...
...A general meeting and county convention last week endorsed Herman J. Hahn as candidate for Governor and Elizabeth c Roth for Congress-man-at Large... Ar-blter-Mannor-Chor Park In West Haven...
...Prospects are good for locals at Mtddletown, Terry -vllle and Dan bury...
...Hotel St...
...Nutter Fort: J. A. Rowe, org., 333 Jarvls street, Clarksburg...
...It is expected that as a result of the convention a permanent organization will be formed in the San Joaquin Valley, to route speakers, to distribute party publications and to win the farmers to Socialism...
...Signs will point the way...
...John P. McKay, one of the par-tyVstate organisers, was arrested try police, but released shortly afterwards on $50 bond...
...Webb carries credentials which have been withdrawn, but which he has refused tu turn, back to the committee Labor and Socialist piiiiilitHini are warned not to cooperate with Webb In Mooney meetings, as he a making no financial reports to say responsible organisation, and Is still in debt to the Mooney defense for literature be is selling...
...All locals are taking in new members, and an especially good report was received from Local Easton, which reports a larger membership than the Republican party hat on its primary list...
...Rose Obtotz will address the meeting on her trip to Soviet Russia and Palestine...
...Krueger made a stirring pirn for cooperation in the campaign, He urged his friends who are not party members to Join, so that he should no longer be forced to make the invidious distinction between "comrades— and friends...
...The Socialists of Douglas county have put Hall on as full time organiser...
...Slating ton: Russel R. Ux, 324 Kern Street, sec...
...The state executive committee hat made a bid for Comrade Norman Thomas for the second week to September...
...Sam Seklmau, and others...
...Very enthusiastic reports were received from all sections...
...RED FLAG PARADERS DEFY POTEE Party Urges Plan to Use Idle Plants News of Socialist Activ-ities in Many Cities Reported by Correspondents ——— *, (By a Leader Corretpondettt) SPOKANE, Waah...
...James Battistoni was choice for State Senator from the 48th Senatorial District...
...West Virginia, Anmoore: C. K. Weaver, see...
...Plunkett reports a new local at Bristol, where very large street meet-togs have been held...
...The headquarters at 208 S. Ludlow It being used more and more by the workers of Dayton as t center for their activity...
...The following delegates have been selected to represent the county at the state convention to Utiea next month: Comrades Merrill Crawford, Augustus Batten aad Thomas W. Davis, and as alternates Comrades Wegener, Karrell and Kees...
...A candidate to the 5th Assembly District was left to the vacancy committee...
...Tompkins county will send Monroe M. Sweet-land, Jr., Wesley Eattman and 8. A Abbott as delegates...
...Farewell to Maynard Krveger On June 4, Local Philadelphia opened its Finance Campaign with a farewell party to Maynard C. Krueger, chairman of the County Central Committee, who is going to Chicago...
...Alternates to state convention will be chosen on June 22...
...Ysakers Street Meetings Winston Dancls will speak Tuesday night at the regular weekly outdoor meeting in Yonkers...
...Ohio, Sandusky: Owen C. Neil!, Venice, sec...
...With him Jack Altman and others will speak...
...Pledges and contributions amounting to over 8400 were raised to start the campaign fund, and a number oi new members wen signed up...
...County Chairman Harold R. Raltt was nominated as candidate for sheriff of Brie county, while Julian H. Weiss, Robert A. Hoffman and Mark-let H. Harding were named for Congress for the 40th, 41st and 42nd districts, respectively...
...Syraeaw John Hein aad Fred Sander have been chosen aa delegates to the state convention...
...BaSfal* Herman J. Hahn, Mrs...
...Neissner at Military Park Herman P. Neissner, candidate for United States Senator, will speak at Military Park, Newark, Saturday (June 18) in one of the series of highly successful outdoor rallies...
...Wisconsin MILWAUKEE.—Since the owners 01 Industrial plants in Milwaukee cannot operate them the workers can and should take them over, the county central committee of the Socialist party declares...
...All groups united in praise of the devoted wort of a comrade who for three gears has put Socialist activity before any other consideration of security or academic advancement The sneakers included Joseph Schwarts, manager of the Labor Institute, Hairy Bcrger, editor of the Philadelphia edition of the Jewish Dally Forward...
...Directions: Take route 83 out of Warren to route 46, turn left, picnic grounds five miles from Junction...
...1 New Jersey Bergen County Picnic James Oneal, editor of The New Leader, will be the principal speaker at the Bergen county picnic Sunday, June 26, at Vtsentln's Country Club...
...Pennsylvania, Olenolden: Ektredge Brewster, sec., 313 S. Scott avenue...
...A candidate for the 49th District was left to the committee on vacancy...
...with bath, §3.00 and upwards...
...Joe Toll, of the Yipsels, and others...
...for LL Governor, Grace Haworth...
...Arthur lambma and Ailin Depew as alternates...
...Iowa, Port Dodge...
...Robert H. Rltchey and Frank A. Andrae wiU represent Albany county at delegates...
...Wadsworth: Robert P. Trent, 120 Broad street, sec...
...More orders are coming to weekly...
...Lansing: B. F. Underbill, S17 S. Butler, sec...
...Louis Kaplan, James T. Selfrldge and James R. win-row as alternates...
...Party differences were forgotten...
...Keawted-Sherrill Mrs Carlotta O. Kinsley, former prominent suffragist, and Charles H Rich wUl represent Madison county at the utioa state convention In July Both hall from Oneida Alexander Endter of Canastota Is alternate...
...Toledo Regular weekly street meetings are being held...
...Nomination papers are now being circulated and a sufficient number of signatures will soon be secured to place the Socialist ticket on the ballot for the .coming election...
...recently elected member of the National Executive Committee, as mala speaker...
...343 Saddle River road, Fair Lawn N. J. Comrade Oneal will speak at 6 p. m. The delegates to the state committee, which meets to the forenoon of the same day, will be in attendance...
...alternates are Ernest R. Terrin, John W. Church, Harris Berkowlta, Louis Uton and Joseph Zegarelli...
...Last week over 300 copies were sold at meetings addressed by George H. Ooebel...
...Elizabeth C. Roth, Louise Gugino and Ernest D. Baumann are alternates...
...double without bath $1.60 to $2.50...
...for Secretary of State, Wm...
...A plan to put this resolution into effect was made pub-lie...
...Ray Knapp, Clara Haus-hammer, Ernest H. Klelne, WlUard J Dawson and Henry A. Karlson in seven of the eight districts of the county...
...Maine, were lad by Theodore Roderick, former Socialist candidate for Mayor, in a protest aagmst the city's charily department...
...Schenectady Julius Gerber and State Secretary Merrill will be to Schenectady on Sunday and will confer with Schenectady Socialists in regard to organisation and a campaign...
...New York Stats Ceaveashm Utiea hotels have, announced the following rates for the stats convention of the Socialist party: Hotel Martin (convention headquarter...
...Police helped disperse the dissatisfied unemployed, but not until they had been promised a bearing before the Overseers of the Poor...
...The unemployment situation is acute, men of thirty years' service fat the General Electric and American Locomotive plants being let go without notice...
...Demands for return engagements for Fred Ouy Strickland, who Is now making a tour of the state, have come pouring Into the state office...
...Local Newark Meeting There will be a special meeting of the members of the party to Newark Tuesday at 105 Springfield avenue, with the local campaign as the special order of business...
...Jesse Holmes, candidate for Congress from Delaware county...
...An active drive is being carried out to get signatures on the state petitions...
...Cleveland's annual picnic will be held Sunday, July 31...
...0., sec...
...East View, Clarksburg: H. D. Lesure, Sta...
...Charles Bilamtsi to atoakeasd Caeaty Charles Solomon wUl address Rockland County Local at an open ah meeting In Spring VaUey next Sunday afternoon, June 19th, at three o'clock on the grounds of Bedar't Hotel to Lake street Comrade Solomon will apeak on "The Challenge of Socialism...
...The unemployed face a reduction in their charity allowance of more than one-third AU men are conunlled to work five days a week on various city projects for food orders which run from 83.50 to 87 a week...
...Erne Ma-der, Newton R. Jones, Otto L. Endres Guy R. Tobey and Ray Newkirk...
...Montana, Sanders county...
...Local Buffalo will meet at Carpenters' Hall Thursday evening...
...Jamas, slngte without bath $1.00 to 81.50...
...Dayton Two and three street meetings t week are being planned for the summer months...
...Missouri In addition to five dates for William W. Busick...
...A public mam meeting will be held at night, with John O, Pack ard...
...Franz Daniel, local organiser...
...Clare: Diana Papovich, sec...
...State Secretary Sarah Limbach announces that movies taken of the Socialist pageant and athletic meet at the International Socialist congress last year will be one of the features of the convention...
...William MeKeo, who was second in command of the parade arrangements, carried on the program In McKay's absence...
...Using work checks as a medium oi exchange, the now unemployed work-em would be able to provide for themselves aU the necessaries of life...
...double without bath $2.00 to $3.90, with bath $4 09...
...The guest speaker was Harry Laidler...
...A frightened Mayor appeared and tried to explain his pdaltion...
...Socialism will save civilization...
...They cost ten cents...
...The city administration retaliated by announcing that those who had gone on strik: would be denied relief that Connecticut State Chairman Martin F. Phinkett presided at the June 5th meeting ot the State Executive Committee...
...They will be sent prepaid for 10 cents s dosen, 75 cents a hundred, $5.00 » thousand Illinois «The annual picnic of the Socialist party of Cook county will be held Sunday, July 10, at Elm Tree Grove, Chicago, at the western end of the Irving Park street oar line...
...Milton Weinberg of Pittsburgh Circle One Is acting state Y. P. 8. L. secretary and reports that registrations are coming in satisfactorily...
...West Haven reports taking in new members...
...II the owners of the plants are not willing to cooperate in the movement, "it will be our duty to apply to the governor to commandeer such work places" the resolution said...
Vol. 13 • June 1932 • No. 35