Enthusiasm Marks Thomas Notification

Enthusiasm Marks Thomas Notification Candidate Calls for Utmost Vigor in Campaign LAST Sunday at 2 p m In Park Palace. 110U street sad FifU avenue, hundred* of Socialist Party members attended...

...No patch work af cspttsltom will serve say more...
...We must ail support our generals hi out daily work and no task is too small fer us to undertake We waat a great Socialist movement aad a powerful organisation ia every state...
...Aa enthasiastlc demonstration followed aa the dinner broke ap near aalaaagbl aad the comrades returned to their homes...
...cores Inadequate Measures "Our task,'' continued Thomas, "is to preseat the alternative af real Socialism aad to aaatoaa and Interpret It...
...What I fear Is that starving men may be too- weak to act for their owe liberation...
...Louis Kahn, Max Talma, James Oneal...
...When a politician like Davila ia Chile goes with this current it la significant...
...Morris Hlllquit, national chairman, also received aa ovation as he took his seat...
...It was a powerful speech and was received with great applause...
...He did not deny the right of members to their opinions but the danger ties la 6rganir.ed alignments within the party...
...The speakers hi the afternoon were Louis Waidman...
...June 38-36...
...said tab chairman, "are charged with the task of es-UblisUng bonds of solidarity with the workers...
...However, he had decided to accept the nomination...
...We could feed the sol-diem during the war...
...Justice, sad human welfare...
...and the owners skat Onmanelves slaves at their own system...
...fib) have been charged with being impractical," he continued, "eat it ip evident now that the only thing practical la Socialism It Is a great tragedy that the Socialist movement has been divorced from the organized working class but out massage will come home to them now and we must translate into words what must be in their hearts and minds...
...He found no fundamental issues offered by Militants...
...Rachel Pankea of the Women's Section of the party, and Julius Gerber, Executive Secretary, each of whom made brief addresies...
...Friedman favored Hilkfuit for chairman but could not understand why others should be questioned for supporting Hoan...
...Harry W Leaner, Jacob Pankea...
...mast Think Boldly "Party members are also chosen as soldiers ,1b the army of the social revolution...
...As in the past number of years, { the conference „ will be held at Camp Tamiment, Forest Park, aear Stroudsburg and Delaware' Water Gap, la the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania, Among the speakers at the con-, ference will be Norman Thomas,, presidential candidate for the Socialist party, who will act as chair- j man at the various sessions, and James H. Maurer, vice-presidential candidate, whs will speak at thei large Saturday night meeting...
...Face Fearth Winter of Hunger "We will soon face the fourth winter with no proper provision for the unemployed...
...His life and work were a notable contribution of immigrant labor to labor's emancipation...
...In the picnic arranged tor July 30...
...Thomas recognised differences ia the party and hoped for candor la discussing them...
...James H. Maurer, candidate for Vice-President, came on from Reading to attend it...
...Comrade Maurer said that be would give bis utmost services to the campaign aad he received a great ovation as he sat down...
...They might have done soma goad three years ago hut it at toe lata now...
...We should build the party not under the L. I. D. but by the party and for the party...
...Jim Maurer was the next speaker...
...Ia his.humorous way he said he had sat next to Hillquit and the latter had not even whispered that he (Maurer) was a candidate...
...Milwaukee showed life, the executive committee Is a good one and we must keep things going...
...We must think boldly...
...At Washington the House has passed the Gamer relief bill and the Senate the Wagner bill...
...Our platform will be your beacon light...
...The struggle in which Comrade Schlesinger lived sad died has yet to he carried on...
...Jack Altmaa...
...Gene Debs had never served on the N. E. C. when s presidential candidate and he did not believe that Comrade Thomas should...
...Samuel Beardatey...
...Solomon declared that there was aa element of ignorance in the light on Hlllquit and that it Is time that we had discipline la the party or wa would havs no party...
...The members came to hear the reports of delegates to the Milwaukee convention aad in the evening to attend a dinner at which Norman Thomas, presidential candidate, sad James H Maur-er...
...Altaian declared that he'found no evidence of deals or any anti-foreign sentiment and Henden foL towed by affirming that there was an "unholy alliance" Of discordant element at Milwaukee...
...Socialism is the only hope of the world," aald Comrade Thomas, "and wa shall go forward with the determination to win...
...nothing less than a radical change ia the capitalist system will do the work...
...The first session of the conference will be opened oa Thursday evening by a discussion on "Can Capitalism Plsa...
...7 E. 15th street The party will be glad to have a representative appear before the organisation properly to preseat the attractive offer...
...Comrades who h slang to such organizations are asked to get to touch With A. N. Weinberg at the Socialist party office...
...think of ourselves ia terms of a movement that win conquer this nation aad the world for Socialism...
...What are generals without an army...
...City Affair* Committee, New York...
...He endured hardship, faced danger, and sacrificed eaae, security aad health to the service of hat clam...
...I will not be unhappy if not elected," said the Presidential candidate, "but will be disappointed if we do not come out of the campaign with a big party...
...In days of defeat he thought only how to resume the fight, aad he took each victory aa the starting point for a new advance...
...We are facing a panic and a revolution...
...The extraordinary thing today hi that capitalism has had to turn to some form of State Socialism In the hope of saving Itself...
...Laidler discussed the mix-up that occurred on the prohibition issue and declared that Hoan was favored as chairman because he was from the Middle West...
...We are coming to Federal relief in the form af masked loans...
...The evening dinner was sa inspiring affair...
...With us it Is now or never...
...Julius Gerber, two days before the convention, had learned from some Milwaukee comrades that the Wisconsin delegation had been bound on issues except the trade union resolution...
...Enthusiasm Marks Thomas Notification Candidate Calls for Utmost Vigor in Campaign LAST Sunday at 2 p m In Park Palace...
...HiUqult Makes Neaacattaa ¦ National Chairman Hlllquit was then introduced to notify the candidates of their nomination...
...ex-Judge Jacob Panken, Samuel Beardsley of the Jewelry Workers' Union, Algernon Lee, educational director of >he Raad School...
...Eveline Burns, lecturer of economics, Columbia University, and Paul Blanshard, executive director...
...Norman Thomas was the last speaker...
...Benjamin Schlesinger's whole life was Inspired by a noble liiwsham, and ail ate high abilities were unreservedly devoted to the cause af freedom...
...There had beet) a whispering campaign .and ha glifl that .issues, had been dragged into the open...
...This Is our year of opportunity in a nation of bonus armies and hunger marches...
...Had Hoan beta willing to accept for President he would have been glad to step aside...
...Discuss Party Convention Hlllquit...
...vice - presidential rnadMatS, were notified ol their nominations...
...We Socialists have predicted the downfall of the capitalist system sad we see It crumbling before our eyas...
...Hlllquit said that he subscribed 100 per cent for campaign harmony but as for the convention every delegate knew that Militants, the L. I. D. and Wisconsin were to vote against him and that delegates had been approached before their arrival...
...At the dinner $1,313 was coUected for the campaign...
...You are charged with the greatest responsibilities," said Hlllquit...
...Charles Baeeaaan...
...Sad-off disagreed with Henden...
...and Thomas were the last speakers...
...at uimer Park, Brooklyn, we offer to organizations the opportunity to realise funds for their treasuries or special funds while giving their membership aa attractive outing aad general get together...
...If we are to have evidence of good faith it should be by disbanding organised groups and upon the first sign of this the comrades will be welcomed with open arms...
...Closing his speech with intense earnestness...
...Many such organizations are already psrtacipatiBg...
...Pan-ken claimed there were five distinct groups and, criticising what he called the "Americanism" sen-ttmeqt, declared that we Socialists distinguish between an American party and a Socialist party in America...
...MANY patty members are also members of fraternal societies, lodges, social dubs, literary sad dramatic clubs ss well ss of their unions Such comrades can perform a service by a little co-operation...
...Louis Waidman was excellent as toastmaster and Introduced James Oneal, editor of The New Leader...
...Our enemy is watching, concluded Thomas, and if we turn to our tasks we shall not disappoint our enemy...
...Our standard bearers in thU campaign...
...Our industries have da...
...Party Members I ror-af tm Assist Plans for Picnic TO ALL PARTY MEMBERS...
...He regretted the Chicago Daily Newa story aad believed that a western delegate was responsible for it...
...Merchants are being reduced to our class by the chain stores and often when I think of the patieace of our class I lose my own...
...We print tickets to their own name and provide a special gathering peace fer them to the park...
...The speakers will be Pierce Williams, executive director, National Bureau of Economic Research...
...Beardsley had attended many national conventions but Milwaukee was the only one that had left a bad taste in his mouth...
...His heroic efforts through the last years of sjekaam aad pain crowned a splendid career...
...Quotes Can cage Paper Oneal quoted a pre-cosventioa story in the Chicago Daily News •urying the anti-foreign preju-1 dice and declared that in California an attempt was made to pack' the convention by throwing out names of nine veteran members and substituting boys in the referendum for delegates...
...110U street sad FifU avenue, hundred* of Socialist Party members attended the longest meeting held ia many yearn...
...We accept the party platform aa our beacon...
...He wanted harmony but not of the kind realised by the S. L. P. He disagreed with the view that a presidential candidate should not serve oa the executive...
...We must plsa for tomorrow's bread for there are millions of children who partly sleep because they are only partly fed...
...Tribute to Sohlesaager Thomas paid a tribute to the late Benjamin Scale singer whose brief life was a symbol of our ideals...
...We can rightly honor his memory only by increased devotion to the common cause, aad his' example should tosxere aad strengthea all of us in striving sa be strove for a better world"* \ Soeialtat Flaa raw laaialta to Be ¦iBBBhaaiaa Ss-bjert No program of the June conference of the League for Industrial Democresy to recent yean has excited greater interest than that for this season's conference, dealing with *A Socialist Plan for America...
...Umansky did not believe there were any deals and urged that comrades should not charge all Militants with the mistakes of a "few Idiots...
...When the applause had subsided he launched into the final address of the evening...
...Morris Hill-quit, aad Norman Thomas Waidman declared that there were, all aorta of bargains aad compromises made at Milwaukee to dominate the party and that these centered on an attempt to defeat Hilkjuit fer Chairman...
...The appearance of Norman Thomas brought the diners to their feet and Maurer received a similar welcome...
...Neither is goad...
...why can they not be fed now...
...said Maurer...
...WE MOUetW OUR LOSS rwtHB following reootettoa was adapted by the Executive Cem-1 mrttee of Local New York of the Socialist Party: "By the death of Benjamin ScWestngor oar pasty baa lost a true uimiadi, the working class has last a brave aad Ureases champion, aad all who knew him mourn a loyal aad beloved friend "To Comrade Scale singer's bereaved family am ealaad ear aeartfeat sympathy, and we hope their grief may be softened by a just pride in the memory of what he was and what he dbj...
...Even Japanese Fascism has taken this course and perhaps the revolution in Chile...

Vol. 13 • June 1932 • No. 35

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