Misery of Slums Swells Astor Coffers by $16,000,000
Misery of Slums Swells Aster Coffers by $16,000,000 British Seetiea of American Dynasty Reaches Into Pockets of New York Poor; A o*69.008.iH Becpies* amd Not a Peamy of It Earaotl "TTANDS across...
...We do not pnesume to criticise the local victory which you have won in point of law...
...Year gate hi tots asattoi as at east to mflnono at Aassrte— ipiteu satejjh% wteaaae hi BterSfosas, To« end not ears oao peony of ate »W,MMM given to his sens shortly before his death by William Waldorf Astor and by every canon of moral %Jf" wsfMMa^pV ^fcs Mi?ori...
...It said: "Hon...
...The U. S. government levied a tax of $10,000,000 on this gift as an inheritance tax...
...An attempt was made to drag Aaron Levensteto back Into the train but he pulled himself free...
...olunteered their services as pick to, speakers at open air meeting sd as distributors of the unioi irculars...
...of fhfe jeMjp is ttk© cttfy wtecpc tttfci iM^BlC Hoping to interest Mr...
...In addition to thi sj four big party planet, *g be the main Sunday nej both Saturday and Sunday occupied with the ba shssj national conference aad 1 of the Young People...
...They even had picked the lake in which his body would be found but made little effort to find who had committed the kidnapping and "mar¦ dor...
...From as elevation one looked down onto • veritable sea of aptutned faces...
...En route, the young Socialists were severely assaulted, copies of The New Leader and Debs' Canton Speech being thrown from the windows...
...ens 2-3237...
...men of the Bronx Borough e Council of the Young* Peoples So1 delist League were badly beaten 1 on Tuesday night by National Guardsmen after an anti-war >, meeting held on Kingsbridge road, f near Jerome avenue...
...Applications for membership were made and collectively a profound Impression was Imbedded deep In the minds of all present for the need of cooperative working class' action...
...Arrangements are being made i have mam picketing of the ares involved...
...B'klyn Socialist, ft Academy of Mask Winter Lecture St One of the moat saWas dertaklnga to the iectsa planned by Socialists it tdj gsjueed to Brooklyn...
...Prominent Speakers Sos...
...asserted their legal right toe Inrush beneficiaries of this sweeping victory should consider toe plight of the unemployed In New York...
...s Stone has bean secretary of the I state Socialist party more than a t year and has been unusually active i hi arranging meetings...
...The coming week-end promises to , be as exciting...
...From them, poor enough homes as they are, many strikers have been evicted, and in one place have collected into "barracks" so uninhabitable that at night some of them sleep out on the hill...
...The d need is great and unflagging, for v miners must not only be relieved, but the supplies must be contta* ued...
...The . aaaLpoto iBMy...
...At the very moment that your clients win this enormous refund seme 700,000 workers ia New York are unemployed...
...Davis in the case, Thomas and Blanshard also sent a letter to him...
...Detectives Bert Kistler and < Daniel MeAuliffe believe Stone had 1 been watched at least five, weeks...
...Compared With Britain Relief ia desperately needed...
...Congress will probably hear of I this situation, when Jt meets, and I a resolution of investigation of labor conditions en Boulder Dam will probably be Introduced before the session is a week old...
...The Astors objected to this tax and took the case to court They argued that a gift made while their father was living cannot be classed as an inheritance...
...At Unity House The Crisis of Our Civilisation Has Its Effects Upon Literature," Is the subject of a series of lectures being delivered at Unity Bones...
...The Cheyenne police refused to believe Stone's story of kidnapping' and to make any Investigations...
...Among the speaker* a address the young Saciah be Alfred Hoffman, am Bonn, Jesse H. Holam i Hart Walker...
...He proved Ida complete control of the emotions of Ms gigantic sudlenne by having them deal a path for traffic shnpst Instantly...
...It i was necessary to call the police from the street to rescue him...
...The Astors create a great hubbub in England about their philanthropic interests...
...The couple i will spend the summer at Prov- 1 turn...
...the report of the finding of his car was held up for four days...
...The conditions the striken are enduring are as Incredible as the ruthless tyranny they arc fighting...
...What they ask is what should be their's as a matter of course—a livable wage, reasonable hours, their own checkwelghmen to see that they are paid for the coal they have produced...
...Telephone Die...
...Michael C. Arcone, who atr tempted to defend the platform, : was thrown prostrate by the mob ¦ and brutally kicked until he and Morris Cohen, who bad come to his . help, were rescued by the police...
...Miss Ruth Russell, < 106* Tenth street, to her home < atone bid her goodnight and told 1 tear he was tired and to tended go- ' lag home at once...
...1 Assn...
...E B. Arm- * strong at Concord...
...i The men rdsponntblc for Stone's 1 disappearance Sunday night posed < as state humane society officers...
...Every comrade or sympathiser wl owns an automobile must get to tout immediately with Max Rosen at U Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 31S Seel man street, Brooklyn...
...1 Mr...
...What they are fighting is a condition Of tyrrany so absolute that its parallel must be sought for to, the semiciviused tones of the feudal barons, aad so powerful are their overlords that against these workers, and their women and their children (the proud "heirs of all toe ages...
...It 'lis from this regular force of non' union workers, paid wages as low ' as law to the various states per- mits, that the 300 Uvea are to be - snuffed out ' I The model city which the In* terior Department press bureau ' has announced is being coos truet\ j ed for the housing of the workers I is situated on top of the cliffs, far from the actual Job...
...this legal hocuspocus...
...of toe Rand School...
...About 8 p.m...
...Before he died, toe late William Waldorf Astor created a trust fund of $46,000,000 for his two sons...
...Negro Socialist speaker, against a restaurant which had refused to serve Stone and Crosswaith...
...if home of tin L L a. W. rj...
...The whole value of toe Astor lands to both British and American heirs 1* derived from the labor of American workers, particularly of New York workers...
...Denver, police had reported Stone lost and expressed the opinion tout he had been killed...
...In closing, Thomas denounced the murder-of pickets at the Wildwood mine near Pittsburgh two weeks ago as "worse than a lynching" and declared the sheriffs deputies who did the shooting, guilty of "Indisputable murder...
...Speakers for the rest of the month will Include Beywood Broun, Walter White, Dr...
...Both esses wen Ismlssed by the Judge...
...They .said they were officers, there to arrest him, and climbed la the back seat Stone and Brummer were in front...
...They are both in Parliament where they —particularly the vociferous Lady—frequently offer sage advice to toe workers and warn mem against the ravages of Socialism...
...using badges resembling those of < such officers...
...Referring to a ! trip through the coal strike area s around Pittsburgh that he had i made that afternoon to company with a relief truck of the Socialist i Party, Thomas said, "This Bab' bitt who welcomed you did not talk of the hunger and misery within a few miles of this industrial empire...
...The Ku Ktax Klan has been strong la Denver, especially la the police departmentStone's disappearance was revealed Wednesday...
...The Pittsburgh Socialists are already distributing food where it to most required, but as the weeks dreg oa the need for food aad clothing spreads and grows with dismaying urgency...
...The police allowed the threatening guardsmen to enter the train after the Yipsels had done so, and failed to accompany them to prevent further violence...
...This is frankly an appeal to my m Comrades in the Socialist Party * and the Yipsels not for help or »f charity, hut to do their Mt So e desperate is the need that noth* tog of food, clothing or money, no '" matter however meagre, ia to be n despised...
...The plan to rsnsim three schools la honor of Robert M. Lafofiette, Emanuel L. Philipp, and Victor L. Berger has been fought by the American Legion and other "patriotic" groupa on the ground that Berger had proved himself "unpatriotic" in the late war...
...John W. Davis, Democratic luminary and Standard Oil lawyer, was their lawyer in...
...j atone and Brummer attended a picnic Sunday afternoon at Rocky 1 Mountain Lake...
...Tennis Tourney at Tamiment Saturday...
...Colo.— (FT) —WUUam C. Stone, state secretary of the Socialist party, reported kidnapped by two men from his garage in Denver, walked into ^ evenae and reported to the chief of police that he had boon held four days and then released seven miles from Cheyenne...
...His father f Is ill now at the Boulder Sanitari- s He attended the Brookwood t College in ~New York after spend- l tag his boyhood in Colorado...
...w i. b. Dubois and James Weldoa Johnson...
...They have an1 nounced that they will have no 1 need for the services of skilled 1 men, trade unionists, of too elec' I trical or other crafts, sines their - ] regular force will be adequate...
...The first viscount inherited the millions from his father, William B. Astor...
...Did he see the thousands who marched to the hunger parade to Pittsburgh...
...The three ranking Asters, Viscount, Lady and Major, inherited their wealth from William Waldorf Astor, first viscount of Hever Castle, if you know where that is...
...Held 4 Days...
...Forest Perk, Pa., by Dr...
...I League...
...I I Thousands of men will come and i I go, and few win he able to stand 1 I the heat and the bard work long j enough to learn to protect themselves against the dangers of fata) accidents...
...A . specific charge against three men failed to produce arrests...
...The outing will be Jones Beach, which is considered tl best anywhere for miles in or aroui New York...
...He was fined J100 for < Mocking the sidewalk and the ver- i dset was appealed by Whitehead...
...Did he, to welcoming you Negro delegates to this convention, extend an invitation to Negroes to Join the Chamber of Commerce...
...mately 500 out-oI-J tors from all parts of a! headed Reading-ward, a day young Socialist jsjl the Socialist Park in" Spring on Saturday sat j July U and 13, praausajs biggest event ever hstc h tory of the local Sochsg ment...
...Edward Alvarez i will take part Alvarez ia the I four-foot beard champion diver...
...E School Is Re-named L In Honor of Berger ^ tor A ate Iislir CimssialieO 0 MILWAUKEE...
...Young Socialist] ¦e urged to participate in this e>_ Our Duty to the Miners A Visit to the Strike Scenes...
...If ws all do our bit the mlns ers of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Vir- 1 e gtola will not be hopelessly waging I h a losing war for their elementary i 1 rights as men aad citizens...
...John W. Davis, 15 Broad Street H«w York City...
...IS ciaiiat party there hu tdj large Academy of afsssj course of lectures which a through the Fall ate wai win bring to BrooUBj famed authorities os M and social problems...
...Dear Mr: "We address yon not alone as a lawyer bat as a tonner aeessdenttal aaojjslate and as a leader la a meet ash life te as** yon to ask year client*, the British Asters, te consider net only tew bat tosttes In toe deposition of the Si«.000,00© hehcsahsBss tax refund which yon have won for Sham...
...The appeal is pending...
...Last week they were given a chance to make good their loud professions of friendship for the poor...
...t ' Bronx Militia d Viciously Beat 1 Socialist Boys e - 0 National Guardsmen i. Enraged by Peace d Rally—Police Permit Attacks e _ ' rartHE speakers and commlttee¦• -M...
...for the Advancement of f Colored People by Norman Tnom¦ as, Socialist leader...
...B. I deck is chairman of tktsl toe which Includes Isakl Anne Gould, J- F. viola Ji sky and Harry Krststi » lea win start on Nor...
...One contingent fej tree...
...He holds the championship of Can- t tral and South America and will i take pert to the Olympic Games of I 1832...
...Pinchot, both of • whom were on the program for the t first session, snubbed the confer¦ once, falling either to send a rep¦ resentative or a message...
...Thomas, a very at- j 1 tractive speaker, has recently , 1 come from Wales and so Is pre- t 1 pared to answer questions with t ' regard to the Labor Government, n ' the Welsh coal strikes or any . other matters bavins...
...Not satisfied with taking millions which they have never lifted a finger to earn, the Astors now stoop to the cheap method of evading the inheritance tax laws...
...Aaron Lev' ensteto, who was on the platform I at about ten-thirty when a regi. ment of the militia emerged from a near-by armory after drill, waa j thrown to the ground three times I but resumed the platform on each occasion while the other Socialists , supported the remains, of, the l platform till the end of the meet, tog...
...Buss Tartak...
...We simply say that ia point of Justice, having...
...to do with . i the progress of Labor to Great . s Britain...
...He was held until too late te testify in that case...
...a more central laeaBj the place he forsaeny «a*j...
...Yet the i most dangerous of the rock excavation has not begun, and the Six i 1 Companies, paying $4 a day for ' {his dangerous service, have made i no real effort to safeguard the I lives of the men engaged in rock I I cutting...
...It was with pride that I noticed how the Socialists in Pittsburgh are relying upon the promised campaign of the New York Yipsels to collect help for the miners...
...The report of the kidnapping was made to two officers who did not bother to report it to too detective bureau for two days...
...tt will continue for ten asnss/j The committee la busy saf group of literals, Sociate laborites to support at * tore...
...Karlin in Radio Debate ? On Crime and Jails 1 Criminology will be the subject v : of a University Forum debate at f ¦ WPAP en Sunday, July 12, at 1 j 1 p. m. William Karlin, former So- ? 1 delist member of the N. Y. Legis...
...Private citizens viewing the spectacle as another example of gang warfare, did not Interfere throughout but one guardsman seised a nock of wood and threatened his friends with injury if they persisted to the attack...
...He discoursed searchlngiy and brilliantly on "Freedom and Social Justice...
...Arcone and Kelvin Wllbech wearing the pacifist 3% button, who had been present at the meeting were left lying to a faint on the platform...
...they 1 drove a friend...
...This will be followed by a series of lectures by Margaret Daniels, who has Jest returned from a sixyear study to Vienna The educational lectures are part of the program offered to the guests and visitors at Unity Bouse...
...There are often broken panes to the windows, walls and roofs to need of repair, and cheap crimson paint pub on no long ago that it has cracked and shredded off...
...Yet the miners are actually charged rent for these hovels...
...In the beginning the Astor fortune was built up by the first of die rich Astors by means of black-jacking, cheating, bribing and rtreljsjg of land on Manhattan Island from the poor Indians...
...Miss * HUlyer has been an organizer for ' Local St of the Z. L G. W. U. t and for the Consumer's League...
...The contract is held by the 11 anti-union group known as the Six e ] Companies, Inc...
...Bring your tunc rod bathing suits and leave the re to us...
...The policemen i escorted the Yipsels to the elevat: ed station at Kingsbridge road , and Jerome avenue, but allowed about fifth of the army men to follow the Socialists to the plati form...
...I It Is the opinion of the investl1 gator that since the men must pay back 11.65 a day board and i lodging, the turnover on this Job 1 I will reach 75 per cent a week...
...Fred Splta, ^sTmasy jssj ardent supporter at n*J Leader, recently B»**ssteS| tree flower shop mteSsMSl cue...
...One woman possessed one dress, and that bad been given to her, so great waa her need...
...At the botII torn of the canyon, 600 feet below the slightest breath of wind, 1 the men will toil under a sun which raises the temperature at times to 133 degrees, and during most of the working days of summer keeps the lava rock so hot I that it cannot bo touched with i bare hands...
...Kolski ia a well-known artist ' of New York City...
...Tenement holdings on the filth-ridden East Side was a considerable source of wis income...
...Mors than a month ago, when 1 Stone was rooming at the home of 1 C R- Axe:son, 9 Bannock street, 1 several men awoke Axelson late one night Inquiring for Stone...
...Big Week End Expected j (89 S New I—ess Crr—I) CAMP TAMIMENT, Forest i Park, Pa.—The Jury 4th week- I end was the most successful to i the history of Camp Tamiment, 1 the Rand School's summer camp...
...Young Socialists Aiding N. Y. Strike of * A. C W. Bnshelmei Members of the Young People socialist League, to accordanc with their role as a working elas with organisation, are aiding th 7. Y. C Buahelmen Tailors of th Amalgamated Clothing Worksn right against an association o mployers who have locked then >ut...
...Built the breadth of a road from the coke-ovens to one place I saw, on a windy day the smoke and heat must be unbearable...
...The Sunday activitta ha arranged to merge wits tat of Local Berks...
...Blasting has already i caused the death of a group of i five men, who were buried under . a slide of lava fragments...
...The living Viscount, Lady Astor and Major Astor, with alj their little Astors, have been living in England for years on millions wrung from the poverty of New York's poor and nearpoor...
...Party leaves st • o'ekx Sunday morning, July 19, and U price Is only *1.50, much less thi the railroad fare...
...Moreover, Yipsel cir lea of the Bast Side are holdlnj pen sir meetings for the worker mich are attracting large crowds Comrade El sen berg of Circle I leniors was arrested twice for giv ig out leaflets to the vicinity o be Yipsel open air meetings deal ig with the lockout Comradi tetakto of Circle 7 Seniors wai nested for giving out leaflets ii be heart of the East Side distric ear the stores where the worken •ere picketing...
...This estimate is pub-1 lished in the July issue of the 'I Journal of Electrical Workers and ' Operators, whose editor, Marion e I Hodges, interviewed the lnvestlga' tor...
...On that * speaking program vffl a i ally attractive, wtta tens aemblyman August fliaesj James Oneal, editor a* 1st Leader, occupying to putj Socialist womensEsgaai as cooks and paste a tarty economical lunchsah that wish it While the young watt e fsrenee and Jambore* tea regardless of weeteK aaj the picnic event wffi teaj only If the weather htej In case of rein oa ttw IS Socialists of Local Bsfhssj their picnic the foUewkgf, July 19...
...They and men and women like them created this wealth...
...M>* favor of) j Thomas Raps Babbitts, Mine Owners at Meet Of Negro Association PITTSBURGH — (FP) — The strike of thousands of coal miners in Lie Pittsburgh district was i, brought directly to the attention t of delegates assembled here to the l annual conference of the Natl...
...As soon as the lockout wa leclared, the Yipsels tmmediatel...
...Every r- miner driven to scabbing by the >- cries of his hungry children is -s prolonging the fight into the winks ter months, is committing himself ¦e and his comrades to certain defeat ,and the moral blame for >s the continuance of this outrage'- ous system will be ours...
...He insisted that the Job must be let to private contractors, and not be built by the Rgelamation Service, which has constructed the other great f edsraf/dama to the west The record of jac Reclamation Service far cage of the lives aad the living standard of its workers is good...
...Stone arrived at his ansae, MB West 30th avenue, at 11 p. m., Sunday, with hie roommate, Eugene Brummer, 23 As Stone parked his car in the garage-behind the house two men wafted up...
...As one passes the miners' homes oa the road, it la with disbelieving wonder that one scans the rickety shacks that a humane farmer would hesitate to house his pigs in...
...1200 Will Die l\ In Building of : Boulder Dam * —— * I Five Workers Already ? Give Lives — Labor i- Conditions May Bring J Quiz °] "WatASHINGTON.—(FP)—That W 300 men employed on cone atruotion of Boulder Dam on the 'Colorado River will be killed to " j the course of that Job, is the estimate made by a representative of "a surety company which bonds e i contractors...
...The Satur*, tion, at 10 a. m, wOi "Youth and Industry," "Tsj Education" and "Youth at Following the discustioniS will be spent to rscrtsbs a banquet from T p. m tot dancing until midnight udi night barbecue in tin ¦ park...
...These same heirs, Waldorf Viscount Astor and Major John Jacob Astor, had previously won a similar tax suit against the federal government which sought to levy an inheritance tax upon the $23,000,000 of personal property in the United States which Wunam Waldorf gave to his sons three years before hu death...
...Before the meeting adjourned at i half-past eleven, the speaker and i his comrades were openly and to t the presence of the police threati ened with lynching...
...are used toe police, men called into an organization for the maintenance of law and order, to protect our hardly won crvU liberties, to guard the path of progress, And it is these paid servants of the community who fight the miners with tear-gas bombs, who Jail them by the hunirods, club them and shoot them, and use every atavistic means of Coree in their, power to keep these nea of their* owa clam in subjection to the Is s dors of an unmorU system...
...Is it not n very modest thing to ask that they contribute at least one-half of their winnings, even before your fee is deducted, for the aid of the unemployed who probably face the coming- of toe most terrible winter known In American history...
...M/ tysessri^ T« Reset Coal,*, Omeal, Ckettagg, m«i to Adair** Day Session (Br A *» r_ READXNQ, Pa.—w...
...The . Third * Street School has been renamed ^ Victor L. Berger School by the Milwaukee Board of Education, hi its final meeting of toe school year...
...A o*69.008.iH Becpies* amd Not a Peamy of It Earaotl "TTANDS across the sea"—and right into the pockets of American workmen...
...Stone was to have been a witness In the case of Frank Crosewaith...
...Thus far, the Astors and Mr...
...Stone Seized...
...Arcone was again knocked to the floor and kicked...
...When the Socialist Party relief truck trundled into the villages we were greeted by swarms of barefooted children to rags patched together for decency's sake...
...v That is the motto and practice of Lord and Lady Astor...
...Tremont and Weal Streets In the heart of the ex elusive shopping district In central Boston was amesed te set one of Its big main arteries Jammed with people intently listening to the Irrefutable logic of Frank Cioaswallli...
...Nat ' Slott and Arnold Dexs will take | part to a tennis tournament A 1 swimming exhibition is scheduled < for July 25th...
...Davis have chosen to maintain a dignified silence...
...T. A. Dunn, open shop manufacturer and president of the i Pittsburgh Chamber of Comt merce, gave an address of welr come stressing the industrial mag> niflcence of the city, drawing the ¦ fire of the Socialist speaker who i declared that it was futile to talk i of industrial greatness in the face ¦ of depression...
...They ; '* are looking to the Socialist Party, I 6 and when even non-Socialists are I * stirred to generous indignation, it - * would be to our unending shame i ^ should we fail these comrades at ' actual and violent grips with cap- | a italism...
...is making the tn>i stages, stopping to the W cities en route to hoMu - meetings and organist I party branches and yonajj circles...
...There Winston Dancls, [ chairman of the Bronx Borough , Council of the Y. P. S. L. and I candidate for- Alderman to the i 31st District on the Socialist : ticket was assaulted because be refused to surrender several un, sold copies of The New Leader...
...On Saturday, July i 11th, George Becker, former mem- ] tor of the New York University 1 tennis team, Mike Sanders, club ' professional at Fleet Hollow...
...Norman Thomas, cochairman of the public attain committee of the Socialist party, and Paul Blanshard, executive director of the City Affairs Committee of the Socialist party, made the pertinent suggestion that toe Astors give their unearned wealth to the unemployed of New York City...
...Last week the Astors won their suit and with it $16,000,000 produced by American workers, or paid by American wethers in rentals...
...A check revealed the 1 society had no reason to arrest t Stone, according to Whitehead...
...They and men and women like them, directly and indirectly, must now pay back this $16,000,000 to two British millionaires who received $88,000,000 of American wealth from their father Just before he died...
...t is very little tte.sahBSti.aski < ¦ to da after aU-they will an- t dure the anxiety and weariness, brave the bombs, the guns and the batons of the police, risk health re and limb and even life If ws will •a but see to it that the burden of te starving women and children is a, shouldered to some fashion...
...a , , Welsh Labor Leader At Rand School July 15 < * Ben Bo wen Thomas, head of ' 1 the Harlech Labor College, to f ¦ wales, will speak to the Library 1 of the Rand School on Wednes- 1 1 day evening, July 15, at 8.30, on 1 The Next Step to the British La^ bor Movement Admission will 1 be free...
...Lady Astor is the American-born spouse of Waldorf Viscount Astor...
...2,000 in Boston Hem Crosswaith Address Throng Block* TraffU By ARTHUR C PARKER Boston^*" Prank Crosswaith Bstinaal miaiilsis of too flnctel 1st Party, graphically Masttat ed the rising ttde of public sym program by hulawig over tw< workers here spell-bound foi two hours...
...Having lived among English miners through' the long nine months of the lock-out to 1036, I thought that I had plumbed the depths of indignation and despair and yet that struggle cannot compare with the strike now raging around Pittsburgh, either in its fierceness nor to its sheer battling for the primitive rights of man...
...The bcncSctertcs of this fond are reasons dee maids nt» of the Ante* who bctsgzd land to Mew York City and of a more recent ancestor who shook the dust of America from bis feet and by his wealth eusuked a Br tish title...
...Stone was in Pus- 1 Ho and police believe his kid- 1 nappers might have been from 1 FUabla, Stone was arrested la 1 Pueblo after he helped to arrange t a street meeting for the discussion « of the Mooney-Billtogs case to « California...
...They sent the following cable: toe neeto'e7\©*»00* Magtape*1 workers^New^ork" aty whose labor created wealth yon take from America to rents aad toaeto to these liiilaa is a* least as* half of the iia,See>eeo fate made by you and Major John Jacob Aster in recent tax dectesns...
...The larger gift of $46X00,000, which caused the present litigation, was made by Wilham Waldorf Astor only two months before his death...
...Only during i the meeting did the young Socialists receive protection of the police 1 who came to answer to a phone t call after the platform had been stormed and broken...
...Other ae ive spirits to this labor struggU re Comrades Belaky, executivt scretary of the N. Y. C. Yipsels ad Comrades Horowitz and Ineei r Circle 7 Seniors aad 8 Juniors sspecUvely...
...The mystery became mora com * I plicated with discovery by W. F. 1 Krummel, 333 Irving street, of i Stone's automobile at West 32nd i avenue and Irving street...
...Bravery Mid* Poverty By Nancy Elliot IHAVE recently had the painful and unforgettable privilegt of witnessing at close quarters the desperate struggle ofS the striking miners around Pittsburgh It is an experience extraordinarily difficult of adequate description...
...Then Freed Colorado Socialist Secretary Taken From Denver Home to Cheyenne DENVER...
...Clothing is at a premium...
...Officers, at their wits end to keep traffic moving, had to ask Mr...
...7 Brooklyn Socialists Outing to Jones Bead The Joint Socialist agitation coo mittee of Bast Flacbush, Bast N« York and Brownsville baa arrangl an automobile outing through whfa it hopes to secure enough money carry on the many undertakings thi are planned and to cover the deflci of the May 1 meeting and the unen ployed parade...
...John Jacob Astor, brother of the Viscount, and a major in the British army, also subscribes to the "hands across the tec'* motto...
...Already members of sj are on the way to Reedtej event From Montreal, 5 Los Angeles and from st I as Los Angeles, Calif, m delists are laapag fori some traveling by sshj hitch-hiking across the] all eager to visit the fust cent Socialist city is tat States...
...1 - i MARY HILLYER WEDS t Mary HUlyer of the League for * Industrial Democracy staff, was j married last week to Gen Kolski, t at the home of Mrs...
...Hundreds of appeals for help are being mailed, but the returns scarcely keep pace with the need...
...The $6,000,000 was interest and income on the principal...
...Shoes are badly needd ed, and every size (even that of P babies Just walking, piteous shame 0 though it is, can be utilized...
...The Socialist Duty 1 It is a battle in which every i >erson who applies to himself the , idjectives of "civilised" or "prorreaslve" has a right to a share...
...As he stepped to too ground < tares men ran past him and got , Into a largo sedan...
...At the Burnside avenue station, all were badly beaten and thrown from the train...
...Crossmatch, in Ingratiating tones, to do something about it...
...After riding a short distance Brummer attempted to learn the ( reason for Stone's arrest His questions enraged the "officers" and they ordered him out of the 1 ear...
...8 sew tary Wilbur is expected to defend the open shop and low-wage conditions imposed by the Six Companies...
...v r Mayor Kline of Pittsburgh, uns der indictment for malfeasance in i office, and Gov...
...i H. J. Cooper, 3015 Irving street ¦ was ob his front porch Sunday i Bight when he noticed occupants of - one automobile signaling to an- * other ear Cooper called the police, i Patrolmen H. l. Hsckart and John Uadloff investigated and found t an old sedan containing five men a The men produced humane society f badges, it was reported, and said i they were waiting to arrest a man t hi the neighborhood...
...They 1 refused to give their names, but i questioned Axelson at length con- I ecrmng Stone, 1 At toe tone...
...t ' lature, will speak to favor of ab> \ oliahtog punishment for crime and 1 the adoption of psychopathic treatment for criminals, This view will ! be oppossd by Lieut James F. Milde, New York lawyer and Ad- I Jutant of the American Legion, a Joseph Gruber, Director of the a University Forum, will act as the Chairman...
Vol. 13 • July 1931 • No. 2