Referendum On Wet Plank Goes to Party

Referendum On Wet Plank Goes to Party Ballots Issued by National Office—Other Socialist News (By a Nate Leader Correspondent) Chioaoo—The referendum of the Socialist party membership on the...

...169th street and Boston road, Bronx.—Speakers, A. Levenstein, John Davidson, M. Levenstein, Sidney Hertzberg, Jack Schulter...
...Morris Kaufman, cien...
...I. Polsteln, P. J. Murphy...
...Seo'y-Treas N. t. JQINT COUNCIL Capmakers -cloth Hat, cap and Millinery Workers International Onion...
...A. U Bergtf, Financial Secretary and Treasurer...
...Regular Meetings every Wednesday Evening, at the Labor Tempi*, 141 Bast Mth Street, p. Wolloniaok, President...
...Msnager, * Spector: Sec'y-freas., Ales Best: Organisers, L H Ooldberg, A. lfeo-deiowits...
...Saul Hoses, MILK WAOON DBIVEBS UNION, Local AfHfQk Bast Firth Bt...
...Hall) .—Speakers, Amicus Most, H. T. Smith...
...8th avenue and 21st street, Manhattan.—Speakers, Ed Gottlieb, Mary Hillyer, John Herling...
...Despite the unemployment situation $41.00 was contributed to the collection...
...Harrison and Richmond avenues, Port Richmond, S. I.—Speakers, Walter Dearlng, Z. Antonaon, I. Stern -fels...
...Broome and Clinton streets, Manhattan.—Speakers, May Edelson, A. N. Weinberg, H. Bchachner...
...Joseph Schlossben, den...
...BUTCHEBS' UNION, Local 174, A.M.O* B.W...
...East 17th street and Kings highway, Brooklyn.—Speaker, August Claessens...
...Exsc'uUre OmYQ law Bo,rd the lad ^naTrasatX ¦"><* 4lh Thursdays St ukm Ifl Beethovso Hall, lift B. CI mm n(u> 81 Oba...
...Dltmars and 2nd avenues, Astoria, L. I.—Speakers, E. Stelnberger, Z. Antonsen...
...Eugene Bhrlgley °f Bayslde spoke on "Capitalism— Finished...
...Nicholas avenue...
...Speakers, Frank R. Crosswaith, Frank Poree, Noah Walters, Victor Gasper, A. Wlsotsky...
...MONDAY, JUNE 13 138th street and 7th avenue, Manhattan.—Speakers, Frank R. Cross-waiUi, Frank Poree, Noah Walters, Victor Gasper, John Davidson...
...East 4th street and Bright Water Court, Brooklyn.—Speakers, Jos...
...Charles PflauroTMn...
...Benny Welsalberg...
...Last Saturday great crowds attended the meetings held to Military Park...
...New York Bosrd ol "•legates meets at the Labor Temple...
...John and Fox street, Bronx.—Speakers, J. Umansky, M. Brownsteln* M. Metzler, I. Polsteln...
...Prank fsPll...
...Those Graduated Bruno Fischer, sneaking for the Rand School Fellowship, described the student activities during the year...
...THURSDAY, JUNE 16 133rd street and Lenox avenue, Manhattan...
...S3 Bast Moth straei *roi.TLohieh 4-H41...
...OEBMAN PAINTERS' UNION, Local 40», Brother-hood ol Painters, Decorators and Paperhangivs...
...Indiana GARY.—An overflow audience of approximately 125 people crowded into a hall June 3 to hear Dr...
...meetings, 1st and Ird Mondays...
...Al Bay...
...Danltl McCauley, Vice-President...
...ltCk'tfri^^Vr't a'castnt President...
...Street Meetings (AU meetings being at 1:3* p. m. ¦Blew otherwise indicated) SATURDAY, JUNE 11 Central avenue and Stockholm street, Brooklyn.—Speakers, Jos...
...The one disappointing feature was lack of enough literature...
...J. J, Fahey, J. J. Bambrlck...
...Secretary-Treasurer rRB AMALGAMATED f a dies' CABMEN t CUTTERS' UNION...
...Jos, Kessler, Secretary-Treasurer, WHITE OOWDI VTOaKIKS UNION, »f«tl ofof i l. u. w. o. I Won Chelsea sa7teVpjrr...
...It was agreed to push the sale and distribution of The New Leader and other Socialist publications...
...Chairman of Executive Beard, Morris Rosenblatt...
...Station Plaza, Far Rockaway, L. I.— Speaker, Samuel A. DeWltt...
...A. Weil, Abe Belsky...
...Clark and Henry streets...
...Chairman, of Bxtc Board...
...158th street and Broadway, Manhattan.—Speakers, Max Delson, E. Koppel, Fred Hodgson, Morris Miller, 4phn Davidson...
...Bxoosilts Suoorviser...
...Avenue St...
...Joint Bx-ecutlvo Board meet* every Tuesday night «t 7:10, Board meets every Tuesday night at 1:00 in the one...
...FRIDAY, JUNE 17 72nd street and Broadway, Manhattan.—Speakers, J. J.*Coronel, Wm...
...122nd street and 18th avenue, College Point, L. I.—Speakers, Samuel A. DeWltt, H. H. Layburn...
...WESTCHESTER COUNTY CONVENTION.—A county convention for the Indorsement and recommendation of candidates for public office in Westchester County Is to be held in the Marlotte Building, 201 Third avenue...
...uptown office, 10 West 87th Street, phone Wisconsin 7-1370 Executive Board meets every Tuesday evening, I WM...
...Board meets -very Tuesday evening at the office...
...161st street and Prospect avenue, Bronx—Speakers,T...
...BaeeutlTe Board UhIi Everr Tussle ^JLan,toVr«S^I HUon Ha'ttab, IwlBJlBsTer t ha* Of x \m e^sBisaastaJs* 49COfBaa\Xy TYttsurcr._ -. BB1CKLATEBS' union...
...R. B. Green, of Chicago, talk on the current depression, causes, results and the Socialist program...
...LABOR SECRETARIAT OP NEW YORK CITY a cooperative Organisation ol Laboi Unions to protect the legal rights of the Onions and their members a John Block...
...10, L U OL W 0. Office 101 W. Uth St...
...Phone Penn...
...Collection, $5.20...
...Certificates of accomplishment were given to 27 young men and women who have completed two years' work In the institution...
...Sec'y - Treat...
...This convention wul make selections of candidates for Representative in Congress in the 25th Congressional District and candidates lor State Senator In the 25th and 26th Senatorial Districts, as well as Assembly and County candidates...
...A short play, St...
...Many of those who received certificates in past yeara are still students in the School, and It is taken for granted that many of those who have finished a regular two-years course will continue their studies next year...
...ii-w Union Square...
...PANTS MAKERS' TRADE BOARD «-Oreatet NtW ifork Amalgamated Clothing Workers at America...
...An initial order of fifty copies of The New Leader was placed with the State Secretary...
...Treasurer, Albert Held...
...Wilson, M.Metz-ler, Sol Marcus...
...monetae* s-sias...
...New Tork Olty...
...Always Lotk for This Label Workers: Eat Only in Restaurants Tbat Ssssiey tjsloa Wortsrs WATIBPBOOV OABHBNT WOBXEBr UNION, Local 10, I L. O. w. 0., I West Kth St...
...SoVy: Fr»n« F. Luts, Treasurer, Andrew «Kreit...
...Ballots for the use of each member of the party have been sent by National Headquarters to state secretaries and to locah In unorganised states...
...Philip Oretssy...
...139th street and St...
...William It...
...167th street and Gerard avenue, Bronx.—Speaker, August Claessens...
...AuitiD Hew son, President...
...Michigan LANSING.—Henry Jager of New Jersey spoke in Lansing June 1 and in two other cities on his way home from the national convention...
...Anns avenue, Bronx.—Speakers, Dave Oollub, Al Belskin, H. Salaman...
...Maurice W. Jacobs, Pros- Samuel Perlmutter...
...JinWawTW HbuTii at...
...7th street and 2nd avenue, Manhattan.—Speakers, David Kaplan, Seymour Stem, M. Ktsenberg, Jim Cody...
...The results will be announced on August 15...
...Referendum On Wet Plank Goes to Party Ballots Issued by National Office—Other Socialist News (By a Nate Leader Correspondent) Chioaoo—The referendum of the Socialist party membership on the reference to prohibition In the Socialist platform Is now under way...
...UNITED HEBREW TRADES, 171 Bast Broadway...
...TUESDAY, JUNE 14 179th street and St...
...rrais^Oo "^""^ Rtl - Tress.i L _ Ufkowlty, Prst...
...Dyokman street and Sherman avenue, Manhattan.—Speakers, Max Delson, Morris Miller, E. Koppel, Fred Hodgson, A. Wlsotsky...
...Ban Thenen, Bee...
...Out Levins, President...
...Treasures.__ ILLINBBI WOBXEKl' UNION, Lot*] 34...
...Board meets •very ruesdty at he office, Regulai ^t\n$jsnen?& .•we...
...Algernon Lee, President of the School, in distributing the certificates, laid stress on the fact that the Rand School does not "graduate" students In the ordinary sense of that term...
...204th street and Perry avenue, Bronx.—Speakers, Max Gorenberg, chairman...
...Peter Monat...
...Illinois CHICAGO.—State Secretary Ben Larks reports that a new local with 14 members was organised June 3 in Highland Park...
...S. OtBte and headquarters, 14 West ISth St., n. ?. Meets every Ird Sunday ol every month at Stuyvesant High School 15th St., Bast of 2nd Ave...
...Jamaica, L. I. (Front of Town...
...employment Bureau open ovary day at 6 ass._ AMALGAMATED Clothing woaaaas or America, Now Tors Joint Board...
...Executive Botrd meets every Monday af 7 p.m...
...I Jackson Are...
...S. Hcrshkowlts, Seo'y-Treas...
...Herman J. Hahn and Robert A. Hoffman of Buffalo were the speakers...
...Office and heiulquertera, Brook* n Phono'^ITri,.^10"/^ JS except Saturday Iron S A at to t rvh...
...Secretary of Executive Board...
...Thousands of leaflets are being distributed...
...Long Island City, n. Y. Tel...
...Business Agent, B. KalmlkoCt...
...A. Well, I. Grossman, Harry Bchachner, 8. P. Ulanoff...
...Cloth Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers* International union, Downtown office, 040 Broadway, phone Spring 7-4648...
...New Jersey NEWARK is getting into its stride...
...Attorney and Counsel IN B'way Rooms 1700-10...
...JOINT EXECUTIVE COMMlTTBh INTEBNAHCNAL fJOCKETBOOB WORKIR1' IU,0|< I New York Joint Board, Affiliated with the American Federation St Labor Oenrrnl otfiet, U West :ist St., New York...
...Vice President, Joseph Karrass...
...This stamping ground of American Fascism, the territory of the D. A. R. and the Legion, has finally been contacted and if the membership of the new local Is any criterion, we are due for a phenomenal growth...
...M Pelnston...
...New York MOUNT VERNON.—Local Mount Vernon announces the election of David Drucker as delegate to the State Convention, and August Schel-decker as alternate...
...Philip Lubllnrr...
...Abraham Miller...
...163rd street and Prospect avenue, Bronx.—Speakers, M. Cohen, M. Brownsteln, Henry Fruchter...
...Morris Biumeiireich, Manager: Hymen Novodor...
...Regular meetings first Monday of every month at Irvine Plasa, Irving Place and ltth Btrett...
...I r?as...
...Manager, a 8KORB...
...Bight hundred copies of The New Leader were sold...
...U BRIERS' JOINT COUNCIL Of R. I. LOCAL 101, 105, 110 and lit of The INTERNATIONAL FUR WORKERS OF 0. a and o., is West list street...
...Sidney Hill-man, Ota President...
...A Snyder...
...D. Oollub, J. Davidson...
...I P. M Beeutlve Board rame day, 1:10 P. M. M. Tlgal, Chairman: M. Brown, Vice Chairmen...
...Pitkin avenue and Bristol streets, Brooklyn.—apeakers, A. Flshman, Pete Mlettlnen, Jack Altaian, Judah Alt-man...
...Joseph Krai Is temporary secretary- treasurer...
...Phone Orydock 4-gglO...
...VB7AITEB8 a WAITRESSES ONION gfmKmgm II07 Bam Turkoi...
...7th avenue and nth street, Manhattan.—Speakers, Ed Gottlieb, Walter Dearlng, John Herling...
...Alternates are Louis Kaplan, James T. Self ridge and James R. Wlthrow...
...Phono, Chelsea 1-IS77...
...Max Dekon will speak on Wednesday, June IS...
...Stepan Kozekevitch roused great enthusiasm by singing a group of Russian revolutionary songs...
...Court and Carroll streets, Brooklyn-Speakers, B. Young, Spear Knebel, Frank P. Klein, Sam Sarranoff, Harry N, Perlmutter, V. Mannlno, Jos...
...Utlca avenue and Eastern parkway, Brooklyn.—Speakeri, Jack Schulter, M. Kurlnsky...
...Rscord-ing Secretary...
...125th street and 7th avenue, Manhattan—Speakers, Frank R. Oroes-'wslth, Frank Pom, Noah Walters, Victor Gasper, John Davidson...
...Discussing the present economic situation he said that he could not, like other commencement orators, promise his young hearers financial and professional success...
...All totals meet -very Wednesday...
...179th street and St...
...I, N. Y. 0. Affiliated with the American Federation *of^Uber sad Ma...
...Office: ii West ltth St...
...Prospect and Tremont avenues, Bronx.—Speakers, Herman Woskow, Samuel Klieger, Al Breslau, Al Bel-skin, H. Salaman...
...1.50, and nine new members...
...Rand School & Graduates 27 Students Lee and Solomon Address Class—Many to Return Next Year THE Rand School of Social Science closed Its year's work with a very successful and inspiring program on the evening of June 3rd...
...Holer, ("bsBsbBwa/ President and Business VlgnWT A,"u: M" ,l,bl...
...Following is a list of the graduates: Shirley Goldberg, Nathaniel R. Holder, Rose Kaplan, David Katz, Sylvia Leblnger, Dorothy Leon, Anna Lubar, David Moses, Miriam Mosher, Herman W. Schmid, Minna Schwartz, Hannah Simonoff, Leopold Somlo, Helen Strykoff, Bernard Tabb, Rose Weinberg, Sophie Alperin, Yetta Alperin, David Baum, Samuel Ban-is, Esther Bletter, Sophie Bruss, Joseph Di Bella, Mlrra Ginsberg, Jean-ette Handelman, Philip Kalinsky, Margaret Somlo...
...John Sullivan Orgtnlttrt...
...Phone, Tompkins Square t-6400 Meetings every 1st »nd Ird Wednesday evening...
...I j Local No...
...Meets every Tuesday at tot p. M. a Martin, Manager._ FUB DBBSSBBB' UNION, Local 1. In-tei national Pur Workers Union...
...Comrades' should keep this in mind and push the sale and distribution of The New Leader and other Socialist publications...
...Secretary, Samuel Mlndel...
...The referendum reads: "Should the following YDS NO plank be Included In the 1932 platform...
...Office and headquarters, Kit WlUpughby Ave., Brooklyn...
...nth* last Saturday of eaeb month at 1:00 D. m Ladies- oabmbnt^obkebV uNsvtt PhoT c^Jr,^ 'SenJg...
...E. Bonn...
...Office SBd Headquarters...
...Hazel Woo ten presided...
...Brio De Marsh and Edward Marts YONKERS.—The open-air campaign in this city is now in its sixth weak Well attended meetings, showing that people are Interested in Socialism, have been held with the following sneakers: McAllster Coleman, Eliot White, Sol Marcus, Leonard Bright and Amicus Most...
...Operators, Looal I—Regular meetings every 1st and trd Saturday...
...Chlsllng, Manager...
...Stelnway and Jamaica avenues, Astoria, L. I.—Speakers, E. Brown, E. Stelnberger...
...Repeal the 18th Amendment and take over the liquor Industry under government ownership and control, with the right of local option for eaah state to maintain prohibition within its borders.'" State secretaries must have their reports hi National Headquarters by August 13...
...Meyer, Recording Secretary...
...Cohen, S. Saraneon, C. Sunarsky, Jesse Gross, Max Krubllt...
...Peter BoU> man, Fin.-Sec'y...
...STagg 1-07M...
...Bd, Bt...
...Phono Tompkins Sq...
...liWlBPJ fold...
...VEST MAKBBS' UNION, Amalgamated Clothing Workers ot America...
...Tompkins Square 4-5400...
...Phone Algonquin 4)-70lt...
...Morris W Jacobs...
...In fact," Solomon said, "the world as at present constituted cannot promise you anything good except a chance to change it into a different sort of place...
...WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 Church avenue and East 49th street, Brooklyn.—Speakers, B. Young, A. Kaufman, Fete Mlettlnen...
...All meetings an held at III Second Avenue...
...David Dubtasky, Bsxsrotsjy-Trie surer._ ~'"jjg am a in anaTBD LITBOUBArHEBS OF AMERICA, NtW a-l^w...
...Lansing Socialists think Jager is a humdinger and commend him to other Socialists...
...Telephones Algonquin 4-8500-1-3-1-4-5...
...UNTERS ONION, Local SSI Office...
...Executive Board meets rvefy Monday...
...Phono Wis...
...Literature distribution, the organization of an Open Forum, solicitation of signatures for the Socialist petitions and a membership campaign have been approved...
...The council meets every 1st and Srd Wednesday...
...167Ui street and Union avenue, Bronx.—Speakers, Tyrell Wilson, M. Levenstein, S. Hertzberg...
...SZ/ttary: Joseph J. O-Ooa...
...Local Ho...
...William Welngert, -resident...
...Peter Loses a Soul," was effectively presented by Henry Marguliea and John Macy, two Rand School students...
...Tompkins avenue and Hart street, Brooklyn.—Speaker, Wm...
...Miss Weinstein was the: fortunate winner among several., thousand persons who participated...
...Patrttk J. Htnl-in...
...Church avenue and East 31st street, Brooklyn.—Speaker,* Jessie W. Hughan...
...Prod Woll...
...OLE AN.—Five hundred people turned out to a meeting In Olean last Week Friday evening...
...ITHACA.—Local Tompkins County has chosen for its delegates to state Convention Monroe M. Sweetland, Jr., Wesley Eastman and S. A. Abbott...
...and goo...
...The hall seats 80 people but the popularity of the meeting In Gary is growing rapidly and people are willing to stand In the aisles, to hear Socialist speakers...
...Communists were present with the same questions, same tactics and same ideas In mind...
...Hinsdale street and Sutter avenue, Brooklyn.—Speakers, Frank Rosen-farb, A. Platoff, H. Bchachner, Pete Mlettlnen...
...LOOM Temple, Ml x Mil St., Room ix, Regular swotlngl everg first aad third Hunday at 10 a.m...
...Meets 1st and Ird Monday...
...125th and LaSalle streets, Manhattan.—Speakers, Ruth Shallcross, Chester Williams, Ronald Duval, L. C. Kaye...
...WmmUkm Regular meet Ins *JB ^LW «»ery 2nd and 4th ^^¦a**^ gsu...
...n. y. a INTEBNATIONAL FUR WOBKEBS- ONION ow the united states AND CANADA Affiliated with the American Federation ot Labor...
...James J. McOrsth, Secretary-Treasurer...
...Comrade Green handled them well...
...Miss Iris Weinstein, 1408 West 4th street, Brooklyn, N. Y., was the successful winner of a two weeks' vacation prize at Camp Tamiment offered by the Women's Committee of the Rand School...
...110th street and Broadway, Manhattan.—Speakers, Samuel Seidman, A. RegakU...
...M. Goodman...
...7-son Executive Board meets every Thursday at the office of the Union...
...Chelsea S-734S...
...Allerton and Oruger avenues, Bronx.—Speakers, Jules Umansky, Sol Perrin...
...Regular meet!age every Tsosdsy evening...
...Office, lit Second Ave.: Prions Orchard 4 - 9M0-1-1...
...Nicholas avenue...
...Secretary Larks and John Irwin of Chicago urged the organisation of a branch and the result was a unanimous approval...
...The Hempstead Forum held its last lecture of the season, May 20th...
...President, Morris Rclss...
...Warren Smith of Massa-.ppqus, and more recently of Magnibranch started its campaign with two street meetings—one in Freeport with August Claessens, and the other In RocJrrlUe Center with two members' of the branch...
...Om-VX' retary-Treasurer..., areeuiagsr...
...137th street and Broadway, Manhattan.—Speakers, Ruth Shallcross, Chester Williams, Ronald Duval...
...Junction and 38th avenues, Elm-hurst, L. I.—Speakers, L. C. Willard, W. J. Cordlner, B. Blumenberg...
...Milton Bowcrofl Rta, OorrespaWJIng Sec'y...
...Rutland road and Rockaway avenue, Brooklyn.—Speakers, Joe Viola, Jos...
...Offlce, II Won ltth Street...
...Ird floor...
...Lucy Oppenhelm...
...a Weltntr, Vice-President...
...243 East 14th Street...
...Phono Oramercy 5-1021 Charles Klein-men, Chairman: Chariot I. Goldman...
...I District council Mo...
...11 West Uth Street, Mow York, N. Y. Phone Tompkins Square « moo Hymen Ulumberg, Sidney htssnan...
...Mount Vernon, on Thursday evening, June 16th...
...Charles Solomon, who delivered the annual commencement address, emphasized the fact that the right sort of Socialist must be a student and that it Is a part of his duty to the movement to enlarge his knowledge and improve his thinking constantly...
...UNITED NECKWEAR MAKERS' ONION, Local 11011, A. F. of L., 7 Bast 11th Strest...
...Ol N.A...
...The Socialist movement,can expect big things from this new, live and aggressive branch...
...O. Glass, Z. Anton-sen...

Vol. 13 • June 1932 • No. 24

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