War Will Bring Revolution-Vandervelde
War Will Bring Revolution—Vandervelde Internationals Voice Demands At Zurich Meet Parties Representing 8,, 000,000 Workers Arc Represented as Executive* Confer rE executives of the...
...Most of trie prisoners were political and labor leaders who had made themselves objectionable to the Uriburu regime, either by agitating for better working conditions or by demanding the restoration of poliUcal freedom...
...Warns Of Revolt Labor's millions, said Vandervelde, mast build international peace bat should war come they most be willing to turn the war Into revolution...
...and they agreed Hill M. Vaadervelde that despite the failure of the Socialist revolt HBdnat war In 1914, it must be Whit certain to politicians that hereafter revolt will come in time ef war...
...War Will Bring Revolution—Vandervelde Internationals Voice Demands At Zurich Meet Parties Representing 8,, 000,000 Workers Arc Represented as Executive* Confer rE executives of the International Federation of Trade Union* and of the Labor and Socialist International met is Zurich, Switzerland, while the delegates of the Socialist Party were meeting in Milwaukee...
...The meeting Instructed the local union groups to act In accordance with this decision...
...The writer of the report is held to be an authority on Persia and has spent considerable time there...
...Net profits were 6,200,000 francs, slightly less than the year before...
...Greetings were received by the lettering from the national convention of American Socialists at MUsraukee...
...Considering the slow progress made at Geneva and the "ill will manifested by some governments," It was declared that solidarity of the workers Is their only hope of preventing war...
...Nepzava" Gains BUDAPEST (LJ3.I...
...The meeting was a joint conference on disarmament representing 8,000,000 enrolled members of the working class determined to take drastic action against war...
...Poor Peasants and Workers Treated Like Slaves in Persia VIENNA (W...
...Four-fifths of the arable land ls held by a few thousand land owners, who also occupy 120 of the 136 seats in tbe National Parliament and see to It that nothing is done to disturb their feudal relations with their peasant tenants, go fearfully are these tenants exploited through being compelled to ton over about half of the product of their toil directly to the land owners and most of tbe balance to usurers and tax-gatherers, that practically every year there are armed revolts on their part Then tbe Shah's "modem" army goes into action and the peasant rebels are quickly "pacifled," with plenty of casualties...
...In the meantime, dissension is already rife in the ranks of the new party...
...L. N.) — Future historians will probably set down the "Chaco" episode as one of the most unusual and disgraceful incidents connected with the semi-dictatorship, beaded by the late General Jose Uriburu, which came to an end on February 20, last, with the inauguration of President Augustin Justo and his government...
...Many }f them had been so long in Argentina, that they had lost all ties with their native land and almost lorgotten its language...
...Vigorous protests by Argentine organized labor and the Socialist Party had caused the release of about half of the number originally scheduled for deportation, and ever since the "Chaco" departed, a constant agitation has been kept up in their behalf...
...rarn _ Belgian Labor Bank Cains BRUSSELS, (W.LN...
...Argentine Deports 80 Workingmen Socialist and Labor Groups in Storm of Protest at "Chaco" incident BUENOS AIRES, (W...
...In the midst of hard times and general financial uncertainty, the Belgian Labor Bank continues to enjoy the confidence of both labor and business elements and to increase its activities...
...an end to the excesses of tariff protectionism...
...The propaganda campaign for the "Nepszava," which the ban on the paper only succeeded in encouraging, was crowned with such success in town and country that it made this reduction in price possible...
...Since then there has been no labor agitation...
...Some 40,000 Persians toll for tbe Anglo-Persian on Company in the petroleum district along the Persian Gulf under hard conditions and for miserable pay...
...Since the spreading of the world-wide depression, the market for Persian rugs and carpets has shrunken so much that tbe majority of the workers in the industry are reduced to beggary...
...A request by the Independent Socialist Party for representation on the General Council that coordinates the work of the Social Democratic Party and the trade unions was rejected by a vote of 285,794 to 16,871, with 114137 abstentions...
...Its report for 1931 shows an increase in deposits from 261,000,000 Belgian francs (worth 2% cents each) in December, 1930, to 426,000,000 a year later...
...As was recently announced in "Nepszava" the Executive of the Hungarian Party decided to reduce the price of tbe paper by half from May 1st onwards...
...L. N.)—That the so-called modernisation of Persia by Riza Khan Pahlevi, the former Cossack officer who seized power and was formally elected Shah by tbe Constituent Assembly in Teheran on December 18, 1925, to which enthusiastic reference is occasionally made In European and American publications, doesn't include any improvement of the condition of the 100,000 or so industrial workers and millions of poor farmers in that ancient kingdom Is evident from an article on the Persian situation printed in a recent issue of the ArbelterZeitung here...
...The common view of the delegates was voiced by Emile Vandervelde of Belgium who said that the world may emerge from the capitalist crisis either through a collapse or a fundamental change led by the workers...
...the growing distrust of the League of Nations as a cloak for spineless governments, and the destruction to democracy and International confidence worked by Italian and Mglmaii Fascism...
...Whether the world is to remain capitalist or become proletarian is vital...
...Rise Khan has become one of the biggest landlords In the country...
...Among the victims were Italians, Poles and Rumanians, fairly sure of being jailed and possibly executed if forced to return to their homeland...
...Only a few days before Justo's taking office, there sailed from Argentina a naval transport named "Chaco" carrying the crews for three submarines being constructed in Italy for this country and, incidentally, taking with it a cargo of deportees numbering about 80...
...Delegations from fifteen nations were present and throughout the sessions of the conference red flags draped the Hall of the People, the Socialist center of Zurich...
...In 1929 some labor leaders organized a union among them, but their first strike was ruthlessly crushed by troops aad tbe leaden seat to forced labor in the Northern provinces...
...All sorts of more or less fantastic reports from Europe as to the possible fate of the deportees, who appear to have been refused admission to almost svery country, except England, Poland and Russia have added to the indignation and disgust of the masses of Argentine workers...
...Those remaining at work are about as badly off...
...a guaranty of peace in the East against Japanese imperialism...
...Peasants trying to escape from this practical serfdom sometimes succeed hi reaching the cities and swelling the army of beggars already there...
...and a serious step toward disarmament French, German and British speakers at the meeting emphasised the danger of the ChineseJapanese conflict becoming a world-devastating war...
...As about 80 per cent of the estimated Persian population of 11,000,000 are engaged in agriculture, the agrarian problem naturally comes first...
...L. N.).— That tbe dissident Socialists who broke away from tbe regular Social Democratic Labor Party of Holland at the March national convention and organized the Independent Socialist Party have slight support in Dutch organized labor was revealed on April 9 at a meeting here of the leading officials and representatives of the Federation ef Labor aad its affiliated bodies...
...The bank's business turnover last year was 14,500,000,000 francs, compared with 9,400,000,000 in 1930...
...Dutch Union Bars Confederation With New Socialist Group AMSTERDAM (W...
...Re-establishment of international confidence, he said, is impossible without these four things —eventually set forth in one of the resolutions adopted by the meeting: A solution of the question of inter-governmental debts...
Vol. 13 • June 1932 • No. 23