Brick layers Forced to Take Slash in Pay

Brick layers Forced to Take Slash in Pay 21 TrUmJLamak Oat Following Partial N. Y. Strike Settle, ¦neat The BvioMsfwrsf listen took «. prominent piece i* tee building trades attuat ion last...

...B'klyn Socialists to' Meet in Acad, of Music The Brooklyn Academy of Music will be the scene of a general meeting of the membership of all the branches in Kings County, Sunday afternoon, June 5th, at 2 o'clock...
...According to the program issued by the committee on arrangements the first session will begin Saturday evening...
...sflissnsa Jtoar out ef the Met seven street' emu* •aerUoas heM by Chlcace palter, a. "the prrWrrt tfawf written sj iii BMSte nets.¦irsaney, although *ri^k»er?na?i At ^'lasTmeetUkT the police tsshe up a sign test urged "T««( W/*«r»Joto the T. P. S. V." and took away the platform...
...Meetings of the unemployed of Eastern Bronx will be held every Monday evening at the Bellamy Club, 904 Prospect avenue, according te the announcement of Murray Gross, organizer...
...also ratification of all nominations made by the branches...
...John Gill, bustoeas agent of the Bricklayers' Uaioa, was beaten to death last week near the headquarters of local 37 In the Bronx...
...No clue as to the assailants of Gill or as to their motives have been found by the District Attorney's office...
...May Sfth...
...Conerous Tcaeliens PITTSBURGH- f FP) —Because of the depression this year, Pittsburgh's 3.500 public school teacher...
...ELECTION PAY NOVEMBER 1932 If we want to buld up great National and International Industrial and Political movements we must first build up local movements...
...W. Va...
...While w> must keep up our propaganda meetings all summer,' many Socialists who can not speak in public, feel that they are handicapped an 1 can't do much, they will And out that they can flo very effective work on election day and get a kick out of it too Now ail together, let us drill into the minds of every member to Man the Poll* on Election Day...
...Therefore IS Moundsville miners who picketed the colliery this May nave been found guilty of contempt of court and three of them sentenced to two months in jail...
...Arrangement* have been made with the Meal chapter of the own Liberties Onion to conduet a test ease to clarify the right to bold street meetings, which hat net previously been denied In Chicago Missouri Pour hundred people attended the State convention of the Socialist party heM la CWumbla, Me., last week...
...The interest demonstrated at this meeting spoke highly of the great desire on the part of the membership to get started...
...On to Victory...
...Instead ef the 313 offered by the contractors the wage was fixed at $13.20 a day...
...The old parties in this city will have much to answer for when we do get busy...
...Tlisns sad Iain WoJisan...
...In emphasizing the Importance of the meeting, Sol Sholes, temporary organiser of Kings County, urges all branc.i officials to Impress the membership with the importance of this meeting...
...The large employers organized In the Mason Bunders* Association^ which belongs to the Building Trades sun-ploy ers" Assentation, has recused to arbitrate the wage question...
...who .pre-' tested SgRssst dsstrsetton of Ttasel property, ante taken to the pone* station, where thejr were released after a few bains...
...Cold springs, N. Y., over the Decoration Day week-end, May 38, 3» and 30, when reports of the convention will be given by a number of delegates and others who were la Milwaukee throughout the convention...
...If you will ask some ef your... Jersey City...
...Brick layers Forced to Take Slash in Pay 21 TrUmJLamak Oat Following Partial N. Y. Strike Settle, ¦neat The BvioMsfwrsf listen took «. prominent piece i* tee building trades attuat ion last week...
...W. O. Meyer, 7S4I Barter aw-mm, St...
...State Secretary Lewi* Is touring th* Western part of the State...
...This Is dengues, prunarfly to bring Msathst the saest pronawtag men and women in the »oft ooal flekts of western Pennsylvania tor training hi party and Mbsr union esttrMr...
...the sustmer...
...4Tth street and 47th avenue, Wllisten, L. L, Wednesday I using, *Bbt*S* with Merman Thomas aad Louis ', <mim*m teotossi a r«u» ef dawees by Betake, atoweor to founder of the Art Theabre ef the ndtor!' te *«* lusrtH y^SS f^SmmS^ tee^isaplijnisnt fJtotoa at Western <*ee*a after this gathering wUI ceaUnue In • Ihssngbsnt Astoria, Weedcide and ggfifsssatstlTa* ef this Queens ¦rgeateata*n and ether unemployed tongues hhssHgftont the city met last Friday at 7 East 15th street te plan future activities In organizing' the jobless workers of New York, a committee from the various organizations were elected to cooperate with the secretary of the Emergency Conference en Unemployment In arranging unemployment mass meetings, demonstrations and parades...
...JOIW* ^ ^ Orsy^ ^Swnr»torr...
...7SS LAnouto WRSY TffnOBSmA rnnrtnpi...
...corner ef Jackson avenue and Orient avenue, Jersey City, which' marked the opening of the Presidential campaign In Jersey City...
...nstONX, win tare Irving Saieut as speaker thii Friday night, May 27th...
...Martin Wolf, St Louis, was nominated for governor, and J. O. Hodge*, Kansas City...
...He •Hi speak In Worth Adams and Huntington where locals ware ocganlaed last week...
...Ytpsri baseball practice 1* held Sundays, is 30 A. M. at the OretensPark Baseball Field, Clinton avenue and 175th street...
...The previous scale had been $15.40...
...If yen have no car...
...The rkjaa* Dramatic pi am under the auwetten of fgZ*wm*%kK*tl tt?alan Oepmtoj^IrrmV Sa\^Xa^mj!Zi Mfetor...
...He was sustained in the courts...
...Branch, Jersey City, ia conjunction with toe Jewish Socialist Ver-band, are opening an election cam-1 paiga which promises to be one ef the meat vigorous ever started...
...Gill had been expelled from the union by the International when he had refused te appear for trial la Washington before the International officers...
...friends, even though they do not belong to the party you may be, able to get a lot of help...
...Socialist Party Candidate for Governor of Michigan...
...G. F. Beck In the Labor Temple iSchool... the Temple at Avenue R and East ISth street The topic Is "Resolved, That Socialism WUI Abolish War...
...The index lias fallen every - week but three during 1932...
...Assurances have been received that this gathering will be the largest of active Socialist Party members that has been held in many years...
...If we want to capture th* Nation politically, we must first capture the precinct, the ward, the township, the village and the county...
...By special arrangement with the management of Camp Eden the rate for three full days is $7.50 and for two days $8...
...A Cheek-up by Us ootnsnittee showed, It was stated, that seventeen trades had gone back but that twenty-one bad remained out The Utter were considering whether to accept the agreement providing for a 30 to M per cent wage cut until the end of next year...
...FREE YOUTH There win be sa important meet-in* of th* OUt flggdssl Chanwaas_<*t inmbtt snaWTtTs ssoki oosio oowncu...
...get your wife te Mr her hsusiwsrlt «o gar a ennpli of days and visit with yens ¦friend* aad neighbors...
...raetor^Oavs Sritt *°* ***** ™ ctseu s. ssmoBs...
...Among the matters to be taken up are the following: 1.—Report of delegates to the National Convention...
...Meal chairman 'bear in mind that sp*rlal meetings should he held a few day* before abotton and -the last few^dlya beiwf'electto*, Sad u?7to da It...
...if you get oat and work hard te get them...
...W. B. seen, secretary...
...The arbitrators were Rabbi Stephen & Wise, selected by the unions...
...of Pittsburgh from unionization ef Its mine at Panama, W. Va...
...A fully organized committee to handle all the thugs necessary to the success of this campaign, was elected at an organization meet-, ing very recently, with SO members present...
...Philosopher in Action" win be the subject of the lecture to be delivered by Dr...
...3.—A report of the Brooklyn Forum by B. C. Vladeck, chairman of the Forum Committee...
...This award only affects the smail contractors...
...have voted "almost unanimously" to five back to the school board 10 per cent of their pay each month for the next .four years They are not protected by a union...
...The murder followed attendance at a meeting ef the local...
...CKrote mee^^hoyt been ohaagod to Monday evening* There wU...
...unofficial "militant" Socialist conference at Camp Eden...
...The arbitration board in the case of the Associated Brick Mason Contractors and the Bricklayers' Unions announced Its decision...
...The bricklayers unions are-not affiliated with the Building Trades Council...
...The camp has many faculties for sports and recreation...
...This Friday night, May 27, there was a str«et at the...
...2.—A report of the Nominating Committee...
...The executive c—smUtoe of the IaUcne-Uonal Union now stationed ia New York Cttjr sotefted Pi istliat William Green of the Aiuartenn Federation of Labor that most of the unions affeotsd hjr the settlement made by tbe BslHisg Tisshs Hi an cli and the ihtnthsg Trades Employers' Association had not re» turned to work upon the resumption ef operations... nom TTMBrooi %m* will celebraf u^GOtJwTwx^iQs* Is^BwJP ^ffc^ sstvtSj^tt 4^sa^a ssiswVJF for th* eooaatao...
...Jersey Socialists Busy Socialist* of the 8th Ward...
...Mr united State* Senate r. Pennsylvania An Eduoatlonal Kncampment will be heM by the (tate organisation during the month ot June, to Fayette county...
...get out aad bawl the people to the Boils, you win be surprised hew many vote* wen can aw...
...1, »»P - - _ . .. 'a^ff^SVS ¦to^Ssryf1" !m «^^«^^n»?^rrM»2^ a. BSfSSa...
...The Socialists united with many civic, trade and religious organizations in an effort to secure at least temporary relief for the of the District On Friday, May 20, a joint meeting of Local District of Columbia, Its branches and several other organizations Including the Workmen's Circle, Paole Zlon, was held at which a large audience joined in making plans for active summer work...
...Cur Loadings Sug The New York Times Index of business activity, based on figures covering several basic Industries, car loadings, etc., has reached a new low for the panic after falling eight consecutive weeks...
...RdaMtaTSrRtF nsgsnlanl but a short taste, th* local organiaatton ha* by securing enough signature* to put the question of uneatafcyment Imuran** en the ballot in this district...
...William K. Tallman and George Bauer will be the local speakers...
...JUNE ISSUE aW TOCMQ SOCIALIST WILL APPEAR- ON JUNE 3rd The June issue of the Young socialist win appear on June 3rd... fis Bast 140th street His topic will be "Organising for Socialism in Virginia ' CIBCLR 1. JVNIOBS, SINGS... a hike of the two cTT aha Sunday...
...Prospect* are also bright for an organisation In ML Holyoke The psiusd work for a big Yhwel Circle to Northampton Is well under wav...
...Comrades meet at s 36 A. M. at the Hevkw Street station of the I. R. T, cwcle s, jiiNions...
...Thj u»ue will feature a translation of an article by Otto Bauer on Russia, and an article en "Why Osnuaunist Strikes Pall" by Morris Ototarn...
...AU YPSL players are urged to come out en tune...
...kings, »iu meet togrtb^wlTh^Cbol* 7, SenJkr...
...John H. Gray, noted economist, and, J. Mahlon Barnes, District secretary of the Socialist party, represented the Socialist party at a hearing of the Senate sub-committee handling the District appropriation bill for $600,000 fund for emergency relief work...
...Milton Mayer, chosen by the employers, and Professor Joseph P. Chamberlain oP Columbia University, appointed bp these two...
...Socialist Party News Organization Notes ma* wees, ». taSaTaino...
...June 9th...
...wlU debate with the Junior League lor International Peace Sunday...
...14th street and Second avenue, Sunday at 5 p. m. "iaolftas*" Socialist Conference at Camp Eden 300 Socialist* are expected at the...
...The nun-era appealed...
...Resuming activity he had recently been installed as a delegate to the Central Trades and Labor Council...
...H you have a ear...
...Inula, was elected state secretary for the coming year...
...then get some cards of some of the Socialist candidates, or party platforms or leaflets, and station yourself ISO feet from the polling booth and give them out urging each voter to vote the Socialist ticket straight...
...j Ojfteen* JoMai* t*> Give Entertainment Winding ap Its hvsber activities before the summer, the Unemployment Union of Western Queens whl heM a rethr aad give an en-tertaknment at P. S. 135...
...Miners Guilty Of Vi<»laiiiig Court Order 7 Years Old WHEELING, W. Va.—(FP)— Seven yean ago a West Virginia judge issued an Injunction protecting the Ben Franklin Coat Co...
...From now on antu election day We must urge all of our member i and sympathisers to register *» that they will be entitled to vote on election day...

Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 22

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