Oneal, James
BOOKS IN BRIEF By James Oneal the worth-while contributions to American history in recent years we may include the volume by Louis MHacker and Benjamin B. Kendrlc(The IWilted States Since 1885New...
...Leonard Bright of the Emergency Conference oUnemployment Is looking over my shoulder as Write this and he says to tell you all that Unemployed Leagues have been formed now In fifteeAfferent working class districts In Greater NoYork and that a big campaign for organizing themployed la going on in Newark...
...Now that you have ceased to be We reach a fearful hand unto our breasts To measure and perceive a beating there...
...The Beards intheir "Rise of American Civilization" become almost mystic onthe last page of their notablework...
...Furthermore, for all his shouting for Communism, Dr...
...Othe contrary, it is the differencbetween a new-style feudalism enforcing a new-style serfdom anthe masses wresting concessionfrom the plutocracy...
...Having brought the farmers under the yoke of an increasinglfat and powerful capitalist plutocracy, the latter turns to imperiaconquest and the expansion anconsolidation of its banking anindustrial enterprises...
...LaRochefoucauld (l«13-80...
...Will have so much of you to live and measure by, As we go on and on along your cherished way, Rett well, and know that it were worth the pain Of having fevered through this life Enough to have your thoughts fall down like rain Upon parched earth, and give the withered roots Of sapless grass, the strength to rise into the sun again...
...In capitalist society famine slta at the/neartk of the wprklng das* when granaries and cellars burst with the fruits of the earth, and when tae market Is gorged with the products of Irynustry/ Paul Lafargue...
...And listened to your passionate voice Against the sweating shops, There is an acrid sense of hating lost Something deeply good and irretrievable...
...Hence it is that public robberies become proofs of talent, and seizing whole provinces unjustly is called making conquests...
...I figure Norman will make that mightclear...
...I'd givhim less than a week in their company before hwould leave in well justified disgust...
...These rocks are her brolhcri, SHE it this clod ; Forgotten bv God...
...I had been uthere to help them organize...
...Then, there are the ones content to slay Upon the stifling plain, enhemmed by those Who need the closer guidance, and the touch Of hand to hand...
...Mill Girl Here is the place Under this ground Where not a trace ()f her can be found Hy Hunter or Hound...
...We are solemnly informed by E. R. Carpente"Federatlonist" correspondent, that: "At El Paso, Texas, the newspapers show a slighImprovement due to the fact that more stores aradvertising bankrupt sales...
...I hope oodleand oodles of Liberals will be there, because it'about time that some of them found out what thesphilosophies are all about...
...When, I mildly asked for prooof this, my opponent read aloud a piece I wrote ithis column about the unemployed road workers uin Westchester County, New York...
...Everything Is Jake In Texas a NY note of cheer is welcome these days, so w/\ bid you boys and girls to take heart over thglad news about the newspaper situation in El PasTexas, as reported in the current Issue of '"ThAmerican Federatlonist," the official cheer-up journal of the American Federation of Labor...
...Thisame orator said that I had expressed my deecontempt for the workers in articles appearing iThe New Leader...
...You have been one of these...
...Theiinterpretation is economic, socialpoliticaj and cultural and the firssection is devoted to the conquesof the farmers by Eastern capitalism, the best and most fearlessection of the work...
...Even though this is a lastminute notice, hustle over to the New School tonight...
...You have been quite a part of all our real selves, Much like our too familiar hearts, much like the sun That shines through far too many dayt, And by its constancy we may forget how needful Arc the light and warmth of it...
...If there were a universal flood, the "Federatlonist" would undoubtedly rejoice over the facthat it resulted in quite a sale of raincoats to th•urvivors...
...New York: HenrHolt & Co., $3.75) has beebrought out by the publisherThe historical section relating tthe parties, campaigns and issuehas been brought down to 193and the book as a whole, as thauthor writes, "has been so thoroughly rewritten and so much enlarged as to necessitate a completresetting of the type and the preparation of new plate.i throughout...
...Leaders come, flare flambeaus of themselves Upon the hills, light up the darkened space And oft as not they go Or fall, leaving in our fninds a memory Of light and silhouette...
...Thvalue of the book Is also enhancewith numerous charts, mapstables and Illustrations...
...have run into quite a good-sized mess of it latelyFate or something, maybe just human curiosityhas led me into several debates with various wingswlnglets and their spokesmen and spokeswomeOf the New Yortt Communists...
...How about youtown...
...Wife and mother, these you had fulfilled As selflessly as all the chores you carried through Along the pathway of our selfless dream...
...They struck and faileand, as usual, there was a lot of blacklisting...
...A revised and enlar&ed editioof a study of American politicby Harold R. Bruce which appeared five years ago (AmericaParties and Politics...
...This often happens In thecase of scholars who attempt' todraw conclusions...
...Barnes calls "robusliberalism...
...Hacker and Kendrlck fore-cast the social legislation tha must replace capitalist-indlvidulist policies but declare thawhether the plutocracy underakes this in its feudal industrieor the government through taxation is "a detail in m.-thod...
...Whoever tries To folloiv her here Though the dread whistle Cries for his ear Will not reappear...
...Harry Barnes is a delightful personality with a magnificent equipmenof very real and very subtle Irony...
...Tor us who kneiv you in the desperate years...
...The politicof the two capitalist parties correlate with the economic conquesand the fanners rise in revolt anare crushed in the battle of 1896The "short and glorious war" witSpain brought overseas loot, followed by Roosevelt's program foreforming the ruling class so ato cushion the yoke borne by thworking and middle classes...
...There are some crimes which become innocent and even glorious by their renown, their number, and their success...
...I am, however, looking forward to a real debator symposium or whatever its sponsors want tcall it, when this Friday night, Norman Thomaand Harry Elmer Barnes and Jay Lovestone discusSocialism, Liberalism and Communism at the NeSchool Auditorium in New York City...
...The industrial war of capitalists .' . . has this peculiarity, that Its battles are won leas by means of enlisting than of discharging Its Industrial recruits...
...S. A. «le Wilt...
...Barnes, In my opinion, would be thmost unhappy of mortals, if he should ever takthe step into the camp of the extremists...
...This interesting event is being held for the benefit of the Unemployed Leagues organized by thWest Side branches...
...BOOKS IN BRIEF By James Oneal the worth-while contributions to American history in recent years we may include the volume by Louis MHacker and Benjamin B. Kendrlc(The IWilted States Since 1885New York: F. S. Crofta & Co...
...History anRole of Political Parties in thUnited States...
...Brief is the pathway, Cut through the loam (.lean to the wintry Box and the bone, That carried Iter home...
...Nothis was "wrote sarkastick" but from now on I agoing to see to it that every copy of The NeLeader which falls into Communist hands is marke"feeble attempt at humor," "essay in satire," etcA bleak, humorless, tight-lipped outfit, these Barricade Boys with their everlasting "theses," theidreary pronunciamentos, their windy and eternarepetitions of obvious falsehoods in a jargon thawould make a Choctaw Indian on a long bingsound like another Demosthenes by comparison...
...The generals, or capitalists, vie with one another as to who can dispense with the greatest number of his soldiers.- Karl Marx...
...If you want to know how to get started othis invaluable work write for particulars to Leonard Bright, at 7 East 15th street, New York City' By the way, if any one is interested I'm bac•fain five nights a week, all except Sunday anMonday, on WEVD, chattering away about what[think is significant In the day's news...
...When my distinguished opponents have finishetelling the audience that I am a bourgeois traitoto the working class, a yellow coward who doenot dare go out on the revolutionary front, und sweiter, they seem to have very little left exceptto hint that the members of the other Communisfactions are just as bad...
...The pack-horses at the bottorn of society apparently have nother role to play in the overthrow of capitalism than to be leby an "intellectual aristocracy.It is a queer ending to in informing history...
...He imainly concerned with the mechanics of party organizatiorather than an interpretation oparties in terms of an unfoldinbackground of economic changexpanding population, and changeIn interests and classes...
...Agriculture, once an aristocratic occupation of country gentlemensinks to the bottom of the sociasystem as the banking and capitalist magnates ascend to mordizzy heights of wealth and power...
...One of these orators In fine frenzy announced that the leaders of anotheoutfit were traitors and fakers, but neverthelesthe working people should put their faith in Communism, because it was the only hope left...
...This is her kingdom, Her earth and her sod... A Nutshell In former stages of society famine/appeare/ d only when the earth refused her harvests...
...The Chatterbox Atlantic Ocean Anthology HILDA O. CLAES8EN8 There is a great and definite emptiness for youl< children now, and for the tnan Who here remains to carry on alone, a trebled task, Since you are gone...
...Aabout that time it was announced that the wealthhunting set of Westchester was running out ofoxes to hunt and I made the suggestion that theuse the unemployed road workers for game, sincthey had already taken them for a long ride...
...The branch has also senample copies of the paper and memers will canvass those who have reeived than...
...The greater imperialism ithe era of their emergence to bedevil thinking through the perioof Coolldge-Hoover "prosperity.The collapse of 1929 Is followedby disillusion, gloom, and unemployment with workers and farmers unprepared for their tasks...
...McAllster Coleman...
...So give uear some night and drop us a line in oare of*VD panning or praising, however you feel...
...We have not sung Your name in blasty chords, we have not writ Your deeds for the ephemeral years to desecrate With tame oblivion, once brighter, shinier news Came tumbling down before our hurried tight...
...Hidden In old layers of thoughare the Kluxers and prohibitionists...
...At all events the A. F. of L. ought to keep close watch oh bankruptcy...
...Among the studieof this kind this one ranks withe best and an excellent Indeakes It all the more serviceable"Part of our work Is the promotinf the circulation of The Neieader," Is the statement made In etter sent by the Chelsea Branch ohe Socialist Party to enrolled socialt voters...
...the homelier service Where one points the way by stone and bog, Waiting for each step to print a firm And steady onwardness...
...5)The authors bring their narrativdown to 1930, concluding with brief consideration of the "specteof insecurity" and a forecast othe "future of America...
...And those of us who knew and loved you utterly Tor the high lowliness in which yon served, Tound fire and counsel in your thoughts, And trudged right on because you walked with us...
...Woodrow Wilson and the WorlWar signalize the emergence othe greater imperial republibased upon mass production ana vast merger capitalism witmore Intensified exploitation othe wage workers and the complete deflation of the farmers...
...He knows hitimes, but gosh darn it, he apparently doesn't knoyet that the Socialism of Norman Thomas hanothing to do with what Dr...
...At the Philadelphiconvention of the I. L. G. W. U. Morris Hlllquit tolthe delegates very flatly that the A. F. of L. wasuffering from "spiritual bankruptcy" and got big hand...
...And we renew our gratitude for common gifts Profusely given by the common sun...
...Bruce has provi led a verhandy volume In text book forwhich is satisfactory as a factuapresentation of the developmenof parties, party organizationmethods, machinery, nominationcampaigns and conventions...
...Eacchapter is followed by a selecteibliography...
...The survey is excellent and thwealth of Information presentedis Invaluable to the reader but thelast two pages are almost an anticlimax...
...They alsvision an "intellectual aristocracyto replace "a moneyed aristocracy...
...Mental and spiritual bankruptcy is not howevea monopoly of the A. F. of L. or the old parties...
...The plan Is one thaould be followed by other organisations...
Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 20