250 Delegates in Milwaukee Next Week For Socialist Party National Convention
Levinson, Edward
250 Delegates in Milwaukee Next Week For SOcialst Party National Convention Sessions Open Saturday In Municipal AuditoriumSeveral Thousand Expected to Attend 'Gatherin—N. E. C. Meets Thursday and...
...The .broadcast will consist ofpart of the evening session, or addresses by leaders of the partyto be selected by the National Executive Committee...
...According to Crosswalth, "TheTenants' Aid League" will undertake: (1) To utilize every legal and decent means to arouse pub-llc opinion against such landlords (2) To organize tenants and lead them In their struggle for relief from the tentacles of such landlords...
...D. Emptage president...
...National Radio Networks to Carry Convention Addresses Sunday M{By a New Leader Correspondent) ILWAUKEE...
...The officers of the Tenants' Ai;i League are Thos...
...The N. B. C. is offering this program as foUowa: 8 to 9 p. m., New York daylighttime, on the entire bash Blue network, which includes thfollowing stations and cities: wjz—New York WJB—Detroit WBAL—Baltimore WLW—Cincinnati WBZ-WBZA—Bo»-KWK HI Louis ton-Bprlngfleld WREN—Lawrence, WHAM—Rocheaetr Kansas rCDKA—PltUburgh KOIL—Council BluffKOAR—Cleveland KWCR—Cedar Raplda From 8 to 8:15 p. tn , only thprogram will be offered also tthe .Red network and all the supplementary stations: Northwest Croup Southeast Group WTMJ—Milwaukee WRVA—Richmond WIBA—Madison WPTP—Raleigh KflTP—St...
...If tli-!candidates are not yet chosen,speakers will be drawn fromamong Norman Thomas, MayorHoan, Morris Hlllquit, JamesOneal, Heywood Broun and others.While many stations on the"Red" and "Blue" networks haveIndicated they will broadcast theaddresses, acceptance of thespeeches by many stations on thechains will be decided by theamount of popular Interest Social-•tta at home can stir up...
...If the nominees for president and vice-president have been* chosen by thatstage of the convention, they willbe heard over both the "Blue"and "Red" networks...
...Many will travel bytrain, others by easy stages including stopovers for campaignand organization meetings...
...Three resolutions on tradenion policies for the Socialistarty and its members were reorted by the agenda committee,ne outline proposes Socialistactics for winning over tradenionists to Socialism, while anther proposes the creation of aroup in opposition to the Amercan Federation of Labor...
...Many issues will be vigorouslyiscussed and debated in theourse of the convention...
...A feature of thtate convention will be addresset an evening mass meeting bymicus Most, organizer In Westirginia, and David G. Georgeirginia state secretary...
...The largest delegations will come from New York, Pennylvania, California, Illinois and Wisconsin, while a number of ther states will aso send good-ized delegations...
...Charles Eernstein and Dr...
...On Friday evening.ayor Daniel W. Hoan will tendern official City Hall reception tohe members of the N. E. C, deleates and visitors...
...The N. B. C. does not guarantethat all these stations wlU takthe program...
...Thousands of suchmeetings can be held, all over thecountry...
...250 Delegates in Milwaukee Next Week For SOcialst Party National Convention Sessions Open Saturday In Municipal AuditoriumSeveral Thousand Expected to Attend 'Gatherin—N...
...In eddltion . to numerous individualreservations which have beenmade, the following unions willbe represented: The Joint Boardand all locals of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...Get someonto call oa the manager of youavorite station, If It is listed, and Write letters, or call the station,to And out If It will be available,and at what time...
...onvention Delegates Leave N. Y. Thursday » The New York> delegation to the ocialist national convention at ilwaukee has arranged to leave or the West on the "Chlcagoan," Now York Central train which eaves the Grand Central terminal t 10:30 daylight saving time hursday evening, May 19th...
...Paul WWNC—Alhvllle WKBO-Supcrlor WIS—Columbia, 8. C.WDAY—Fargo VV.IAX ,1,K k.< ill.-KFYR—Bismarck WIOD—Miami WFLA-WSUN— Ssatliwest Group Clearwater KVOO—Tulsa WFAA—Dallaa Saathentral GroupWBAP-•Port Worth WSM-Nashyllle KPRC O—Houston WMC—MemphisWOAit—Sat n Antonio W8B— Atlanta WKY-Oklahoma WAPI—BirminghamCity WJDX—JackuonKTBS—Shreveport WBMB—New Orleansn i ll.'J Hut Spring...
...Chicago Campaign Banquet Booming(flu a New Leader L'orretpondrnt) CHICAGO.—The banquet Ishonor of the Socialist candidatesfor president and vice-president,which will be held In Chicago onWednesday, May 25th, will bringout another overflow crowd...
...Maine and California,several Southern states and thestates in the Northwest will senddelegates...
...3) To secure competentlegal and other assistance for tenants in distress, Irrespective olrace, creed or political attachments...
...There is no doubt that out of the earnest, hard-ought debates there will evolve a Socialist party determined tomake the presidential campaignof 1932 a red letter event in the history of the movement...
...This will be but one olhe occasions on which Milwauee's Socialists will show theirospitality...
...and others incities, towns and states will putIn a busy day Friday when organizers, secretaries, literatureagents and other active Socialistswill meet for a conference on organization problems...
...At any rate Socialists withradios will be assured of good addresses when they tune in...
...Many New Faces On all these questions, as well as on any others, delegates wl!J have the privilege of proposing resolutions from the floor andthere is no doubt that many will avail themselves of this privilege...
...ransfer will be made at Chicago o the Milwaukee Railroad, the ilwaukee terminus of which Is nly a few blocks from the Audiorium and the principal hotel...
...Let the Socialist party, 549 Randolph street, Chicago, III., know I.'such a meeting Is going to be heldso that we can announce at themeeting how many such groupsthere are...
...Th •altimore delegations will comen a specially chartered bus...
...This gathering will take place in a large committee room of the Municipa'Auditorium...
...Some 250 delegates are expected...
...A retabulatlon of thetate vote by a special committeeas resulted In the election oflizabeth Oilman...
...The first convention session willtake place at 10 h. m., with National Chairman Morris Hlllquitelivering the opening addressreation of committees, by elecion or appointment, will then folow after which the conventionill take an adjournment, probbly until the evening session at p. m. The delegates who areot occupied with committee wo:katurday afternoon will be theuests of the Milwaukee Socialistsor an automobile ride throughhe city...
...Reservations should be sent atonce to the Socialist BanquetCommittee, 549 Randolph street,Chicago...
...Fred Meyers, secretary...
...Frank R. Crosswalth vice-president...
...Stiltothers will come by motor car,while a good delegation of youngSocialists will hitch-hike...
...On Russia there were also threeresolutions presented by the agenda committee...
...Socialists Hold Convention Tomorrow(By a New Lender CorretpondenI)HAGJBJRSTOWN, Md.—Thetate convention of the Socialistarty will be held here tomorrow.he convention will convene at 11...
...See that your localnewspaper announces the programand meetings...
...The delegates will meet In the idst of the most critical situation that has faced the workers f the United States since the amous St...
...Theauditorium is located at 5th andKiJbourne, three blocks from theNew Randolph, the official convention headquarters and hotel...
...Louis convention when ar flames were soon to sweep the country...
...The number of out-of-town visitors will probably bethree times that number, whileWisconsin Socialists in attendancewill swell the attendance tothousands...
...The Agenda Resolutions This committee, consisting oflllquit, James Oneal and Harry...
...Harlem Organizes To Aid TenantsFrank R. Crosswalth, directorof the Peoples' Educational Forum which holds its sessions each Sunday afternoon at 200S 7th avenue...
...Sunday night two net-works ofhe National Broadcasting Comany will carry Socialist addressesiloin a mass meeting to be heldn the main hall of the auditorium.Monday and Tuesday the conention will buckle down to hardork again, with resolutions,uestions of party policy, organiation and campaign methods tothe fore...
...After you know that you canget the program, gather all yourfriends, Socialist sympathizers,and party members around yourradio and make up a group tolisten in...
...These Include resolutions on moving the national headquarters from Chicago to Washington, on organization of women, on the party press, on "red week," on cultural activities, cooperatives, the Negro workers, unemployed leagues, "international unity," proposing a new Federal constitution, on a "contact committee," another proposing a campaign slogan, and a final one "on third party movements...
...New York City, announces theformation of a "Tenants' AMLeague...
...Underthe system by which the NationalBroadcasting Company works, Itaccepts a broadcast for Its majorstations and then "offers" it forthe consideration of Its local affiliated stations...
...theJoint Board and all of the localsof the International Ladies' Garment Workers...
...Nominating Time Undecided Sunday will be a day of hardork, with business sessions at 10...
...While local party officials willconvene on Friday, the nationalexecutive committee will alreadyhave been in session for a day.Thursday and Friday, the N. E. C. will meet at the New RandolphHotel for the Ironing out of quel-lions involved in opening andcarrying through the convention.Saturday's Program Registration of delegates willbegin Saturday morning at 8:30a...
...the waiters, carpenters, bakers, typographicalunion, butchers, furriers, capmakers, millinery workers, musicians and news writers...
...At 2 p. m., Jasper McLevyof Bridgeport, David George ofHopewell, Va., and Amicus Mostof West Virginia, will open a discussion on Socialist problems insmall towns and rural areas...
...Theorning session will' elect officersnd act on organization planthe afternoon session will be deoted to the national conventiongenda...
...The deates will, to a great extent, folow the lines laid down In thelashing resolutions and stateents of policy submitted by varous party locals and drawn upor the consideration of the conention by the spefial agendaommittee...
...m. at Odd Fellows Hall...
...Laidler, reported April 23d.t submitted a proposed declaraions of principles, together withn amendment treating of theuestion of Socialist tactics durng a transition period...
...At 10, a. m., the conference willtake up problems of organizationin large cities, with Julius Gerberof New York, William M. Busickof Los Angeles and Leo Kryzckiof Milwaukee, leading the discussion...
...There are thirteen resolutions reported by the committee on organization and organization policies...
...It is up to the locaSocialists to persuade the statiomanager* to do so...
...m. and 2 p. m. While the exactrder of business has not beenormulated as yet, it is likely thatonsideration of theplatform willome up on Suiulajw It is possiblehat nominations of the candiates for president and vice-presi ent may take place Sundayfternoon...
...m. The big Milwaukee Municial Auditorium, one of the bost-equipped auditoriums in the country, will house the convention andits various committees...
...Powerf8radio stations of the National Broadcasting Company willtarry Socialist convention speeches to all corners of the nationSunday night, May 22d, from 8 to9 p.m...
...On the problem of war and peace, the agenda committee received and reported four resolutions...
...When National Secretary Clarence Senior calls the roll Saturday morning, he will face delegations representing a Socialistparty revivified and definitely victorious over the forces of apathyand reaction which threatened fora decade to swamp it...
...If the nominating session is held Sundaynight, part of it may be broadcast...
...Max Delson, outstanding member of the New York Bar.will act as legal advisor...
...E. C. Meets Thursday and FridayAgenda Committee Report Presages HarFought Debates SBy Edward Levinson OCIALIST leaders of the nation, delegates and alternates tthe Milwaukee convention, and a h<>$t of other active Socialists will entrain early next week for Milwaukee where the weekend will see the 15th national convention of the Socialist party in full swing...
...Conference on Organisation While the convention will notopen until Saturday morning, party executives...
...The banquet will startpromptly at 6:30...
...Some propose nominaions for Sunday while other deleates feel the nominations shoulde the closing order of business...
...TheLeague for Industrial Democracyand the Farmer-Labor party arealso cooperating...
...Samuel Neltadt as delegates to the Milwauee convention...
...Veterans of the Socialist party will meet with scores of newcomers when the convention convenes...
...Reservationsare $1.25...
Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 20