30,000 Building Tradesmen Strike in N.Y.
30,000 Building Tradesmen Strike in N.Y. As Settlement ApproachedPact of Elevator Constructors PrecipitatesTie-Up of Work ASLIP-UP in the negotiationsbetween the New York CityBuilding Trades...
...The Unemployed League of Essex County, New Jersey, has just been organized...
...David George, state secretary, and Will* ston Dawson, local secretary ot the Socialist party, were to lead the demonstration...
...The radical group walked out In a body five minutes later, when Governor Roosevelt was introduced...
...The admission will be 25 cents, and the proceeds will beused to carry on the work of this jobless league...
...This meetingwill be held under the auspices of Pioneer Youth of America, Leaguefor Industrial Democracy, Brook-wood Labor College and the League for Mutual Aid...
...As Settlement ApproachedPact of Elevator Constructors PrecipitatesTie-Up of Work ASLIP-UP in the negotiationsbetween the New York CityBuilding Trades Council and theBuilding Trades Employers' Association held up the signing oian agreement whereby the unionswould have agreed to accept wagereductions of from 25 to 30 percent beginning May 1. Instead ofthe men reporting to work asusual on Monday morning, mostof the 30,000 employed buildingtrades workers out of 115,000 belonging to the unions - ent onstrike, tying up the few large construction operations that are nowunder way...
...An entirely new feature Is a course in newspaper publicity being conductedby Arthur Rosenberg...
...He said theunion will war against wage cuts,ridiculing the idea that a way o;it of the crisis could* be foundthrough wage slashes...
...Theclasses will be conducted by Kath-erine Pollak every Friday at 4, and it is planned to continue them forseveral months...
...Board to Hear Hoffmann Pardon PleaHARRISBURG, Pa...
...Mayor J. Hampton Moore, present to welcome the delegates to-tho city, came In for a verbaldressing down on the score of the police part in Saturday's affair,from the Hps of Adolph Hirsh-berg, head of the PhiladelphiaLabor Union...
...A full-length motionpicture performance will be given at the next meeting on Thursday...
...Hisses and boos erected Governor Rolph of California, when he was int reduced at the reception to Governors la the Mosque Auditorium in Richmond last week...
...Speakers andcanvassers have reached at least1,000 families in the district, according to the estimate of JacobStelnhardt...
...Agaln.itwage cuts, Schlesinger urges cutsin working hours...
...It's a goodthing the city officials are frightened," said Hirshberg...
...Moore Is Denounced 'The only thing our captains ofindustry have so far seen fit toagree upon as a measure to bringback prosperity is to cut wageaand to reduce other workingstandards," he declared...
...Samuel A. DcWitt will speak for the AstoriaLeague on Saturday at Steinwayand Jamaica avenues, while theMorningside league will hold itssecond open air meeting at Hancock place and 125tb street atnoon on the same day...
...Rand School Notes The Rand School's new plan for the Spring term has proved to be a great success...
...Van Loon, B. Charney Vladeckwere to be the speakers, has been called off...
...Unemployed Leagues Hold Street RalliesPEN air meetings to reachjobless workers have beenundertaken by two of the N. Y.Unemployed Leagues, the Astoriaorganization, which was addressed last Friday by Nathan Fine,and the Morningside Heights Unemployed League, one of the firstto be organized...
...John A. Phillips, of theState Federation of Labor,warned against a drift to Fascism and urged labor to be prepared toblock such a drift...
...The Unemployed League of the Lower West Side has arranged adance and entertainment at theLabor Temple, 242 East 14thstreet, for next Thursday evening,May 12...
...To Tell of TennesseeJames Price, representative ofthe General Defense Committeeof the I. W. W., badly beaten and kidnapped at Pineville, Ky, recently will speak over WEVD Saturday evening at 7 o'clock...
...If theysaw the number of people starving they would be even morefrightened...
...Onthe second day of the strike, however, the employers decided toclose down operations completelyuntil the wage question could besettled...
...George Goebelwill address this meeting...
...Extensive plans havebeen devised for reaching the unemployed of Newark, according to the committee...
...A second unemployed leaguemeeting in the Bronx will takeplace on Wednesday, May 18, In the Lower Bronx...
...Amon^jthem is a proposed general strikeof 30,000 in New York, and aPhiladelphia waist and dressstrike which will effect 7,000workers...
...Though thiscourse was arranged with very little public announcement many of the party branches have designated members as their official representatives to get the benefit of this training and on Tuesday night a large group greeted Comrade Rosenberg...
...The 21etJL annual convention of -theInternational Ladles GarmentWorkers now in session here has{.Iven its sanction to a series of strikes In the cloak, suit and dress centers of the nation...
...Price-on WEVD...
...8th A. D. Branch, Bronx,$4.30...
...FP) ThePennsylvania Pardon Board haaset a hearing on the applicationfor a pardon for Alfred Hoffmann,hosiery nlon organizer, for May Jeers Greet Rolph When He Appears In Richmond, Va...
...Andwhile cutting wages and breakingdown the purchasing power of the people, they tell' us that prosperityis 'just around the corner.'" In the same spirit, N,ormanThomas, Socialist leader and auinvited guest, counselled a fighting labor movement which willrefuse to permit continued foisting of the burdens of the depression on the shoulders of the workers...
...The first of these purposes is being accomplished In the course on Socialism and Labor, a symposium including all workers training students and conducted by Algernon Lee...
...Thetraining for the campaign Is provided by two classes...
...B. B. Golden, defense counsel, retained bythe General Defense Committee.Price will tour New England un-ference, 90 East 10th street, New der the auspices of the KentuckyMiners' Defense and Relief Con-York...
...The subject will be "To what extent can the schools of psychology be harmonized...
...August Claessena Isconducting his usual course in public speaking with a fine group of students on Tuesdays and Thursdays...
...Governor Rolph's florid lace turned two shades redder as lit sat down, greatly embarrassed and obviously angry...
...The Building TradesCouncil had tried to compromisebut had failed...
...The speakers will be Joseph N. Osman, the Rand School's own very popular lecturer on psychology, and Werner C. Michel, of the New School of Social Research.The next of these symposiums willtake place on Friday, the 13th, and will deal with mysticism In contemporary philosophy and science...
...The first of the Friday night .symposiums will take place on May 6th a'- 8:30...
...JewishBranch, 2nd A. D. Kings, $1...
...Other noonday open air meetings will be held next week by the Emergency Conference on Unemployment...
...Tickets may beobtained by writing to Ed Gottlieb at 130 Charles street...
...150 Attend May Day Rally In Westmoreland Co., Pa, JEANNETTE, Pa.-The Westmoreland local of the Socialist party in Pennsylvania held "a propaganda meeting at Jeannette OB May 1. One hundred and fifty persons listened attentively and remained until the meeting adjourned...
...In Moore's presence,Hirshberg denounced the Mayorand his police, warning that repression will not solve the unemployment situtalon...
...Urging the establishment of aFederal system of unemploymentinsurance, he said the capitalisticsystem would be unable to continue in control "if 8,000,000 people are permitted to remain without purchasing ability...
...The Morningside Heights League is starting classes in thefundamentals of Socialism for the benefit of the unemployed...
...Theexperience of Price in Kentuckywhile similar to that of other defense and relief workers enteringKentucky to aid the cause of thecoal miners is unique in that Pricehas been openly engaged in defense work there since last July.At the time of being kidnappedand beaten on the main street ofPineville, he was enroute to aconference with Capt...
...Four signed application cards...
...TheInternational officials have cometo New York City to attend to the negotiations personally...
...Now, on the vergeof accepting the employers' demands the unions learned that theemployers and the union in theelevator construction trade hadsecretly agreed to fix wages at$11.20 or $1.20 more than whatthe other craftsmen would receive.When this information leaked out,the Building Trades Council insisted upon the same terms forthe other trades, while the Building Trades Employers' Association endeavored to bring all thepressure It could upon the Elevator Constructors' Association towithdraw its offer on the groundthat it had a prior agreement withthe parent body not to make separate agreements...
...James M. Rellly is chairman and Simon Smith issecretary...
...Militant resistance to the breaking down of wage standards wasurged by President BenjaminSchlesinger, in his report to theconvention and in his address atthe opening session...
...The meeting was opened by Anton Zarnik, organizer of the Westmoreland local...
...HoraceKallen, Ernest 8. Bates and Dominic d'Eustachlo will be the speakers...
...The reason for tlie walk-outwas the demand of the representatives of the Building TradesCouncil that their members receiveno more than the cut in wageswhich the Elevator Constructors'Association had verbally agreedto In separate conversations withthe Elevator Constructors' Union.The Building Trades Employers'Association had asked that theunions take a reduction from abasic wage of $13.20 per day toone of $10...
...Collections from booklets issuedby the Emergency Conference onUnemployment are as follows: Al Breslow, Martha Hohmann, InezPollak and Anna N. Davis, $5each...
...Because of conflict with many other important events on the night of May 8th, the Rand School dinner, at which Heywood Broun, Mayor Hoan, TerryDonoghue, Morris Hillqult, HendrlkW...
...Garment Union Votes ApprovalOf Big StrikesThomas Brings Convention Socialist Greet ings—Schlesinger Demands Cut in Hours (.Ry a New Lender Oorrenpondent)TQHILADELPHIA...
...The principal speaker was William Van Essen, candidate for U. S. Senator...
...Not all the workers who wereemployed went on strike on themorning of May 2. Those that didnot were the elevator constructorswho had come to a satisfactoryagreement with the employers, the electricians whose contractorswere not members of the Building Trades Employers' Association and the steel erectors whowork on an open shop basis...
...Beforethe course Is ended he will have some of his disciples out on the soap-box...
...By a New Leader < i. .-.,..<,irf< at) RICHMOND Va...
...Thomas also took occasionto denounce in vigorous terms the conduct of the local police insmashing the Communist MayDay rallies here and severelybeating many of its participants He brought the greetings of theSocialist party and was given agreat ovation...
...A large group of Socialists and Communists went to the auditorium early, with the intention Of demonstrating their dislike for "Pontius Pilate" Rolph...
...The next meeting to organizethe jobless in Queens will be held at P. S. 54, 127th street and Hillside avenue, Jamaica, on Monday, May 23, with Barnett Wolff andLeonard Bright as...
...Memorial for Eva Prunk A memorial meeting for EvaFrank will be held May 16 at 8:30 p. m. at the New School for Social Research, studio, 66 West 12thstreet, New York...
...B. Korn, $1.50...
...In the meantime theBricklayers' Union has insistedthat the employers submit thematter of wages to arbitration inaccordance with the agreementand custom prevailing for manyyears In the masonry line...
...The school has the promise of the speakers that they will be happy to meet with the friends ojthe school early in the Fall...
...The purpose of the plan is twofold: to give the students In the Workers' Training course a chance to summarise and harmonize the work and ideas developed in their variousclasses during the year and to prepare young party workers for their effortsIn the approaching campaign...
...Before they could start, spontaneous yells, boos hisses came from all parts of the iiiIIcfk i>, developing quickly into a noise of protest that completely drowned out the applaWN of the bourgeois audience...
Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 19