20,000 March in Milwaukee May Day Parade
60,000 Line Path of MarchThrough City Path of MarchThrough CityMayor Hoan Lead* TwoMile Procession —Great Throng HearsSocialist Addresses M (Hi/ n Kew Leader Correspondent)ILWAUKEE.—The...
...The arrival of the parade inUnion Square was an .inspiringspectacle...
...The slogans and the speakers atUnion Square, where a powerfulamplifier carried the voices toevery listener, near and far,stressed the tragedy of unemployment and summoned the workersto war on it Many of the slogans and the speakers utteredstrident demands that the TomMooney frame-up shall be endedand that labor's prisoners go free.Julius Gerber, secretary of theNew York Socialists, ably aidedby A. N. Weinberg, and manyscores of marshals, identified bytheir red armbands, worked wonders with the material...
...Saturday night andall of the next day some 30 localcelebrations were held, inspiringold and new comrades to the battle for Socialism...
...Behind them, fourabreast, came the main body ofthe marchers, with Mayor Hoan,Mr...
...Beneath a largely lettered Hoover Prosperity, amplifiedby the 1028 campaign slogan, "achicken in every pot" which snared workers' votes for Republicancandidates, some clever 15th Ward branch member fixed up a miniature outdoor relief station, withits ticket window and its basketof charity food...
...Green, A. Drcifuss,Karl Borders and Hyman Schneld.The Workman's Circle chorus, children and adults, opened the meeting singing the Internationale andother revolutionary songs, and received thunderous applause fortheir beautiful performance...
...Because red Is the color denotingthe International brotherhood ofman, for which yesterday's 20,000workers marched In the SocialistMay Day parade...
...He introduced AaronLevinstein, for the Y.P.S.L., Dr.S...
...The guest speaker, J. B. Mat-thems, of New York, narrated theeconomic and political conditionsall over the world and appealedto the working class to do theirpart to end capitalist exploitationand take the future in their ownhands...
...National 6,000 Parade In ChicagoFor May DayCHICAGO...
...14,000 OhioLegionnaires are readyto mobilizefor any emergency," JosephSharts, Socialist candidate forgovernor, told 700 Cleveland Socialists and sympathizers celebrating May 1st at Slov...
...Some of the slogans were notwithout their humor...
...LAUNTING slogans of Social,ist solidarity to more than100,000 banked along five milesof New York's most thickly populated streets, a parade of 15,000Socialist men, women and youngpeople celebrated May Day lastSaturday In stirring style...
...Here also the ranks ofthe Young Peoples Socialist League, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the fur workers, thebutchers, the dairy clerks, theSocialist women's section formed.The arrival of delegations fromthe unemployed league drewcheers as these jobless workersformed in line with the others.At 12.30 sharp, as per schedule,the parade started...
...The May Firstdemonstration in Chicago was a complete success...
...One floatwas provided by the 15th Wardbranch...
...Houn, Benson in Lead Then came the standard bearers, Frank T. Kunkle, AlbertWollcr, Albert Heukers and Aug uat Neitzel...
...Lifshit?, F. Crosswalth, NathanChanln, Sam Friedman, JacobPanken, August Claessens and I.Hamlin...
...After ashort march there appeared outof a side street, unannounced,the I.W.W...
...And red is the color of tire— the quality which burned In the words of Mayor Daniel W.Hoan, Sheriff Al Benson, former AHHcmblyman Carl Minkley,Mayor M. V. Baxter of West Allls and Senator Walter Pola-kowHkl, grand marshall, whopleaded to the faces Ailing the landncape around the new courthouse, to put that brotherhood Into practice...
...The twelve bands played the Internationale as they approached the Square and thethrong already assembled therewelcomed the marchers by cheersand joining in the singing...
...At15th street there gathered themembers of the Socialist party,marshalled by Frank Crosswalth,and followed by members of thecity executive committee of theparty...
...Through the workingclass residential sections of the west andeast sides, under the shadows oftall buildings in the garment andclothing manufacturing centsr,down Fourth avenue where thousands of office workers lined themarch, the parades passed andthen poured their streams of Socialist humanity into the square.Red banners, fighting slogans,graphic posters made the processions colorful while lusty voices of young and old kept up a steudycurrent of cheers and songs...
...At the strikeof 1 o'clock three bands playedThe Internationale and the paradestarted, headed by the Socialistparty and Young Peoples SocialistLeague division and followed bythe divisions of the Farmer-LaborParty, Paole Zion, Trade Unions,Workmen's Circle and the Committee on Unemployment...
...Algernon Lee opened the meeting andpresided...
...Minkley, Fmil Seidel andSheriff Al Benson across the frontline...
...Other speakers, all enthusiastically received and ofteninterrupted by applause, wereRoy Burt, Dr...
...Here thebakers union led the procession,while the unions of the UnitedHebrew Trades, the Socialist Zionists, the Jewish Folks Schools, thecapmakers, the butchers, theWorkmen's Circle Schools, theSocialist Verband and others fellin along the line of march...
...Most of the organizations hadtheir banners with them and hundreds of placards, with the workers' demands printed on them In red, were carried...
...A group of very small girls tripped around a May pole set up on another float, winding upstreamers of red as they danced.Like the coming of the new day, in the minds of the marchers, the start of the parade was not to pe deferred...
...It was a picturesque, beautiful demonstrationIt was the first parade arrangedby the Socialist party in yeanand 6,000 participated...
...In contrast to these seriousfloats was that arranged by theHosiery Workers, on which rodea half dozen girls in abbreviatedskirts to provide a hosiery display...
...The membersof the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, mobilized on16th street, formed the first section, and the others fell In...
...On the nick, the procession moved forward...
...and at 3 o'clock Comrade Shulmanopened the meeting to 4,000 people...
...Thered lettered banners which identified the various blocs of the parade as being composed of Socialist branches, Young People's leagues, Hosiery Workers or foreignlanguage groups...
...But yesterday its workers Joined those of all the large capitalsof the world in a spectacle of mass expression which caught the attention of 60,000 persons...
...Out of the street," commanded Officer Louis Yochum jovially of a group of youngsters wearing red tama...
...which attached itselfas a new division to the parade,greeted with cheers...
...TheGerman Saengerbund Freihelt wasthere too, as usual, Impressive and inspiring...
...Not us...
...The other section started fromAllen and Grand steets...
...A float dedicatedto Mooney's freedom was heavilydraped in black...
...The"Internationale" was the song ofthe day, with "The Red Flag" and"Solidarity Forever" running it aclose second...
...Since May Day was first celebrated by federated labor in Parisin 1889, Milwaukee has let labor'suniversal day of protest pass without a demonstration...
...It was one of the most festiveMay Day's In the history of NewYork City...
...EarlySaturday morning, the red-bunting bedecked Rand School saw thefirst of the marchers arrive...
...The parade arrived at the Ashland Auditorium at 2.30 p.m...
...Thetwo parades wound up at UnionSquare where between 20,000 and25,000 workers cheered to theecho Socialist and labor leaderswho rallying them to a ceaselesswar against capitalism, and forSocialism...
...Inboth parades the posters of theRebel Arts group were evident...
...they shrieked, whereupon Louissang out a good-natured "Good for you," and proceeded about hisduties of making way for themoving stream, led by the floathearing a large painting of a sunrise, symbol not only of the Yip-eels but of all who have takenheart from the encouraging election returns of April 5 in Milwaukee, of April 10 in Vienna andof those ballots, which, even asthey walked, were piling up forSocialism in France...
...leveland May Day Rally Draws 700(By it New Leader Correspondent)CLEVELAND...
...60,000 Line Path of MarchThrough City Path of MarchThrough CityMayor Hoan Lead* TwoMile Procession —Great Throng HearsSocialist Addresses M (Hi/ n Kew Leader Correspondent)ILWAUKEE.—The predomlnating color waa red...
...We're marching...
Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 19