The German Social-Democrats
Marcus, Glen Trimble and Sayde
The German Social-Democrats By Glen Trimble and Saydr T, The editor's criticism of that partof the militant's program which opposes compromises and coalitionsover looks the actual kind of...
...In March, 1930, the Socialists resigned from the ministry because thebourgeois members sought to checkthe deficit by reducing unemployment benefits of the workers...
...FilipplTuratl urged the congress to supportthe government and he and his groupwere expelled...
...The British Laoor Party duringthe last term of office has to itscredit the extension of unemploymentbenefit, the enthusiastic support oiPresident Hoover's disarmament program and an increase of the Incometaxes oi six pence in the pound(2Vi%) which latter makes theBritish Labor Party slightly less progressive than the LaQuardia blockhi Congress...
...I am not calledupon to solve them...
...This Is what disturbs us, and it indicates that thecompromising virus has invaded ourparty too...
...This is sweepingand we pointed out that nowherehave Socialists or even Communistsaccepted this "as a general principleIn all circumstances...
...The strictures on the disarmament resolution of the recent International Congress and the attitude of the American delegates on that subject are even more Interesting...
...Particularly Is that the case now, when the world is In the throes of economic and political disaster and when war Is threatening more menacingly than ever...
...I know that they are con fronted with critical, fateful and Intricate problems, without parallel In the United States...
...Our delegation therefore decided to ote for the resolution but requested e to make a formal declaration of ur sentiments on the subject In open ongress...
...At the same time bothSocialist and Communist Deputiesvoted against the second credit forthis ship...
...The Boston comrades state thatSocialists and Communists couldhave passed a law for the nationalization of the mines when the Fascists withdrew from the Reichstag aithey had a majority...
...OcrmanSocialists have followed anothercourse in another period of Fascistmenace and Communist division ollabor's forces...
...y the Socialist International at the ienna Congress...
...Your comment Itthat there are times when it is better to compromise instead of meetingwith death...
...In JulyHlndenburg dissolved the Reichstagand in September the Fascists increased their number of Deputiesfrom 12 to 107 while the Socialistslost 10 and the Communists 23.The Reichstag was dissolved becauseSocialists and other members votedto revoke certain abnoxlous taxes.While the Reichstag was not sittingBrucning and Hindcnburg put thesetaxes through by an emergencydecree...
...We do not, however, regret our attitude...
...There were noextraordinary dangers facing theBritish working class from a menacing, Fascism on the one hand andan irrational Communism on th«other, each on some occasions beingthe ally of the other...
...They madearrogant boasts of their intention todestroy all "Marxists/' Their bandsmore and more followed the courseof Mussolini's Black Shirts in themonths before they marched onRome...
...The library Is not buying any more books because of the city's financial condition...
...Thethree groups in the party approvedaffiliation with the Third International, one without reservations, onewith reservations, and the third approving but insisting on unity of theparty without cxpulsolns...
...Theyofficially endorsed the capital levybefore taking office and forgot allabout It when in office...
...Today Italy is aslave state and there is nothing leftof a Labor or Socialist movement...
...This is the extent of the betrayal f "our national chairman...
...Meantime, Rudolph Breltscheld,Socialist leader, suggested unitedaction to the Communists againstFascism...
...We suffered persecution from the government on that account...
...Trotskypoints out a similar situation thatfaced the Communists in Russia.They hated the Kerensky Government but they did not hesitate tocome to its support when it wasmenaced by General Kornliow forthey knew that Kornliow would destroy all working class organizations.Every Socialist will recognize thestriking .similarity of the situation inGermany today with the Italy of1922...
...The first vote of the three Socialist ministers for the battleship wasdefended by them on the ground thatthey had to carry out a vote of theReichstag or precipitate a politicalcrisis which would be dangerous forthe workers...
...TheFascists became bolder...
...Muchdepended upon the action taken bythe 138 Socialist and 15 CommunistDeputies in Parliament...
...Par from serving the labor movements of these countries by thesecompromises, such compromises haveseriously diminished both the enthusiasm and the political power otthe Socialists in both Germany andEngland...
...The Socialist Deputies had to decide what they would do...
...we would take the same stand If war were declared tomorrow...
...We say, therefore, that at least we hope our executive committee will convoke a Joint conference with the Trade Union International without do-lay, and that the result of the Joint deliberations will be full, fearless and decisive...
...By The Editor The above two letteis require consideration...
...The majority of the American deleation felt that the language of the esolution might have,been more deermined and .vigorous but It recogised that on the whole it was sound n substance and furthermore that here was no way of amending it since t was the joint expression of two odies, one of which had already ratiied It In the precise form and lanuage...
...The one from Bostondrafted by Comrade Lewis Is based,in part, on misinformation regarding the German party...
...It has not yet recovered from the ravages of the war...
...Not a trace of a labor,Socialist or Communist movementwas left in Italy...
...In view of this decision the Labor and Socialist International and the International Federation of Trade Unions, through their respective com mittees, adopted a Joint- program of disarmament...
...Even if they hada majority and succeeded In nationalizing the mines this measure wouldnot have made any Important changein the situation for the working claoSas a whole...
...i Chicago, til...
...International split the Socialist movement hi Italy in 1921...
...The German Social Democrats, asS result of participating In coalitionsof capitalist parties, voted for the appropriation for Germany's warship,the "Ersatz Preusaen...
...No one couldpossibly say that the German labormovement was In any such danger asto have required such a compromiseat that time...
...In July the congressof the trade anions voted resolution*urging the Socialists to support thegovernment which "would guaranteere-establishment of elementary liberties...
...This was spurned by Communist leaders as "Socialist-Fascistcamouflage" although it was favorably received by many Socialists andCommunists...
...The Boston letter ignores what wesaid of coalitions and compromisesThe Militant program declares for"the ending of participation in coalition governments...
...e., until all preparations for war will totally dls- api>ear from the world...
...It also bombed Hinduand Mesopotamlan villages, and refused to press for nationalization otthe coal mines although their mlneimembers urged them to do so...
...We have decided to vote In favor of the resolution on disarmament which is before us...
...In the face of these facts tosay that the Socialists "preferred tosupport a capitalist government" isto either misunderstand or to misinterpret history...
...Coalition,compromise and concession are Justified by "both Socialists and Communists but only in certain dangerous and extraordinary circumstancesIt Is obvious that such circumstanceshave existed in Germany for a number of years...
...It is true that there Isn't muchsense in our party, which is a verysmall one, criticising these otherparties, especially as coalition governments and their resulting compromises are not a problem for American Socialists now...
...So are we and we hopethat a better method will be workedout...
...ahoela be used to feed poor children.So it has not been all compromiseIn Germany...
...The movement was not in peril and the LaboiParty paid the penalty for yieldingwhen it was not necessary...
...During thfperiod when this course was unfolding The New Leader also publishedcontributions by Fred Hendersonagainst the policy that broughtdisaster in England...
...It has been advanceand retreat but on the whole theworkers conceded more than theywon...
...This I did In the following language (I quote from the official proceedings f the Congress): "I rise to make a declaration in behalf of the delegation from the United States of America...
...The Inquiry contained in the second lettei is important...
...Somewere murdered, many seriously injured...
...During the World War ours was the only party Jn the United States that definitely, emphatically and publicly opposed our entry Into It...
...Snowden and Thomas feltthemselves unreasonably deserted bytheir former labor supporters whenthey wanted to compromise once toooften...
...Before the end of themonth Mussolini made his successfulmarch on Rome...
...We liad hoped that the supplementary resolution Introduced by the Commission on Disarmament would at least fully, clearly and emphatically state the position of the Socialist movement towards war, imperialism and disarmament, and speaking frankly, ws are disappointed with the resolution...
...Socialists and Communistsand republicans were attacked...
...Are there any pamphlets • on thsubject or would the Italian Socialistson Blue Island Avenue in Chicagobe a good authority...
...Eachcan give his answer but the finalJudgment rests with the Socialisthistorians of the next decade or tvjp.A SUGGESTION By John D. Wlghtman I find that the Chicago Public Library does not possess enough copiesof Norman Thomas' book "America'sWay Out" as there is at ail times •long list of people waiting for cople Alfred Baker Lewis has written a letter criticizing some of the editors views on the so-called Militant pro gram...
...The Socialist party In the United States occupies a special position with regard to war...
...Is this policy of the German Socialists one that is welcome...
...They becameso used to compromising that McDonald...
...By BBUCE LAMONT In an article by the editor, issueof April 9, mention is made of theItalian Socialist movement, a decisionthey reached in 1922 which had direconsequences...
...Perhaps I do not possess the knowledge of fact and clarity ol vision that enable Alfred Baker Lewis to pass such ready and annihilatingJudgment on our European comrades...
...Theychose the first course...
...Moscowinsisted on absolute obedience andthe party split...
...It was not Intended as a general declaration on war and mili tarism, on which both bodies had fullyexpressed themselves on previous oc casions, but as a statement of the Socialist point of view on the concrete questions with which the Disarmament Conference was called uponto deal...
...Certainly not...
...The unionsurged Socialists to support the government and about the same time theSocialist Deputies asked the nationalcouncil of the party to permit themto abandon their opposition...
...Theycould either support the governmentor precipitate another election whenFascism was in the ascendant...
...We know that the time will come when our uncompromising attitude against any form of war will be remembered by the masses of the American workers with approval and gratitude...
...We are bound to say, however, that the resolution does not satisfy us as a complete expression of the Socialist attitude on the subject...
...Since then they haveparticipated in or supported governments which have cut wages andwhich have made the existence ofcivil rights in Germany today a merematter of favor...
...With all due respect to the reasoned opinion of Comrade Lewis I am Inclined to doubt that President Hoover would have voted for such a resolution.The resolution was accompanied by an elaoorte program of action on the part of the Socialist and labor move ments consisting of parliamentary pressure, mass demonstrations, na tional and International, and gathering of signatures to millions of petitions...
...This is an Important question tothe Socialists In Colorado as mostlikely the lone delegate to the National Convention will be one ot thosemilitants...
...The Socialist and Communistparties, the cooperatives, the tradeunions and educational societies ofthe workers faced a crisis...
...This was in 1929 and anew situation arose in 1930...
...It Is a practical, concrete program on a concrete matter...
...The Socialists in the September election fought the Brucninggovernment, the Fascists, and theCommunists with the results notedabove...
...Will Itavert a Fascist conspiracy In the end?We do not know, but we do knowthat the armed organizations of theworkers are ready for any such attempt...
...Each course Involvesgreat dangers and it is for the working class to make Its choice in eachcountry when such a crisis faces it.It Ls' these circumstances the writerhad in mind when he wrote in theLeader of April 9 that sometimes inmay be a "matter of compromise forthe time being or death...
...While it may be perfectly true that we cannot adopt a broader resolution in this Congress because 1 of lack of time, I believe that no great Congress of world Labor and Socialism should part without.renewing its expression of undying opposition to war In all forms...
...I try to under stand them...
...We will vote i for It first because It expresses on the whole adequately what It undertook to do...
...They springfrom a wealth of accumulated misinformation which is quite remarkable in a person so young as Comrade Lewis...
...Your criticism of the program ofthe militants for choosing delegatesto the International Congress is certainly not constructive criticism, forno one can well deny that ourpresent method requires change...
...In spite of the overwhelming en dorsement by the Boston Central branch the charges are entirely un founded...
...It demanded immediate and drastic cuts in all types of armament at land and on sea, the total abolition of the use of chemicals and aircraft in war as a first step, and the progressivecurtailment of armaments leading to total disarmament, "1...
...Nor have I ever presumed to condemn thepractical policies of our sister parties in Eurojie...
...Here are the facts: In January, 1931, the Preparatory Commission of the Disarmament Con ference of the League of Nations, yielding to the pressure of public clamor, finally decided to convene a plenary session of the conference In February, 1932...
...The Boston comrades are dissatisfied with the present method ofchoosing delegates to InternationalCongresses...
...Afew weeks ago Socialists of the worldpaid tribute to the memory of Turatl and in the perspective of eventsItalian Socialists who were opposedto Turati in 1922 today believe tin1he was correct...
...We did not overlook "the actualkind of compromises" extorted ofSocialists In Germany or elsewhereand to cite the case of the BritishLabor Party is a waste of wordsThe New Leader editorially and threditor under his own signature condemned the course taken in England So did Cpmrade Hillqult...
...Pacing the new dangers the Socialists, after consultingthe unions, made some concessions luthe Reichstag on wages and taxes in1931...
...No action wastaken without consulting the tradeunions...
...This letter was prepared by AlfredBaker Lewis and endorsed by theBoston Central Branch by a vote inthe ratio of 4 to 1. Boston, Mass...
...The result Is thatthe majority of our delegates at thelast International Congress, headedagain by our National Chairman, disregarded the disarmament resolutionof our National Executive Committeeat Bridgeport and voted for a resolution on armaments which wasabout as vigorous In its stand for disarmament as some of the utterancesOf President Hoover...
...They have done allthis without demanding In return fortheir support the nationalization ofa tingle Important industry...
...May I suggest that Comrade JLewls ubmit this explanation to the Boston entral branch for another vote...
...What chieflydisturbs us is that every time someComrades do criticise the compromising tactics of foreign Socialist parties,We And within our party a group ofmembers, headed Intellectually by ourNational Chairman, who defend thecompromising attitude of the foreignparties with vigor...
...Their reference to ComradeHillqult regarding armaments is referred to him for consideration...
...Secondly, we support it because It is the Joint resolution adopted by the L. S. I. and the I. F. T. U. and we believe It would be Inappropriate to reject a resolution which has been adopted and ratified by both parties...
...I have never defended, vigorouslyor otherwise, "the compromising attitude" of foreign Socialist parties...
...In 1922 furious murder bands were destroying organizations of workers, their newspapersand buildings...
...when 20 million workers are starving through lack of work, and billions are being wasted on unproductive war expenditure...
...With the thought that the samesituation may exist elsewhere, I wouldsuggest that wherever It does exist, afew party members owning copies of "America's Way Out" donate them to the public libraries or lend them for a time...
...It was ratified by the International Federation of Trade Unions In con vention and came up for ratification to become available...
...Thepresent method of electing such delegates is that comrades who are wellenough off to take a trip abroad writeto the national office a request forcredentials as delegates to the International Congress, and the NationalExecutive Committee then selectsamong them those who are to bemade delegates...
...Also, the GermanSocialists have failed to protestagainst the sales tax existing in Germany today, though a similar taxeven the half-way Progressives inAmerica refused to swallow...
...The German .Socialistsmay or may not have exercised thebest judgment in meeting the dangers but that the Boston comradesare not the best Judges of this isevident from their account of recentGerman history...
...Thecouncil refused...
...However, as the Reichstag adjourned In October the Socialists andCommunists with some other supportut through a demand that the see...
...I wonder whether he has really read the resolution and knows the circumstances which prompted its adoption...
...Fascist violencemounted higher and In October, 1922,the party congress met...
...What would havebeen a better course to pursue...
...Our press was suppressed, our meetings were prohibited, our leader* were Jailed and our party was shattered TO pieces...
...Whatwas the decision...
...The Communis...
...To add force and authority to his arguments he submitted the letter to the Boston Central branch, whichendorsed it "by a vote in the ratio ol 4 to 1." Knowing Comrade Lewis as I do,I am surprised that he did not go a step farther and have his lettei acknowledged before a notary publicThat surely would conclusively establish the truth of his alleged facts and the correctness of his conclusions...
...Whenthe Nazis boycotted the Reichstagtwo years ago and withdrew fromparticipation to It, the GermanSocialists could have Introduced alaw for the nationalization of coalmines which would have passed theReichstag unless the Communistsvoted against It, for with the Nazideputies out of the Reichstag theSocialists and Communists combinedconstituted a majority of that bodyBut they apparently preferred to support a capitalist government ratherthan to nationalize coal mines withCommunist 'help...
...The German Social-Democrats By Glen Trimble and Saydr T, The editor's criticism of that partof the militant's program which opposes compromises and coalitionsover looks the actual kind of compromises that have characterized thecourse of the two most influentialparties in the Labor and SocialistInternational...
...The preamble to the program recites that "the working class by Its strug gles against capitalism which breeds wars and by Its efforts to build a new social order without class conflicts, prepares the complete and final realization of peace...
...But let usclear the ground on fundamentalsfirst...
...This Isn't trueThe Reichstag consisted of 57#-mem-bers of which the Communists andSocialists numbered a total of 220.Both combined lacked 30 votes Ihaving a majority...
...Italian Socialists followed onecourse and were destroyed...
...It is one, to quote Leninagain, that Is "extorted by objectiveconditions" that arise Independent ofthe will of revolutionaries...
...It is easy for us to make thechoice for others In an extraordinaryand abnormal situation as we do nothave to assume responsibility for it.Were the Italian Socialists wrong In1922 or the German Socialists rightIn 1932, or were the Italians rightand are the Germans wrong...
...Fascist violence wasalready raging...
...I would be pleased tohave the situation at that time inItaly more fully elucidated...
...Comrade Lewis asserts that "every time some comrades do criticize the compromising tactics of foreign Socialist parties, we find within oui party a group of members, headed In tellectually by our national chairman (that's me), who defend the compromising attitude of the foreign parties with vigor," and again: "The majority of our delegates at the last International Congress, headed by our national chairman, disregarded the disarmament resolution oLOur na tional executive committee at Bridge port (which, by the way, was formu lated by the self-same National Chair man Morris Hillqult) and voted for a resolution on armaments which wasabout as vigorous In its stand for disarmament as some of the utterances of President Hoover...
...The new Reichstag with its 107Fascists was a new situation...
Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 19