Socialist Party Problems
Seidel, Edmund
Socialist Party Problems MILITANT MARXISM By Edmund Sddel The present crisis marks the finalbreakdown of capitalism, from whichthere is no recovery. TJiat is theIdea of a number of Socialists....
...Mine WorkersUnion which—in the face of appalling destitution and relentless' persecution—means to fight the Capitalist System on both the Industrial and political fronts...
...and the Socialist Party...
...I. L. P. By Murray Baron Some confusion has arisen concerning the relationship between tire Independent Labor Party of W. Va...
...If large umbers of men cannot get a chance o earn a livelihood by their own laor, what difference does it make for s to call them "excess workers" intead of unemployed...
...He is notexpected to speak "for all party members...
...The Kerenskylsts in Russia —nice bourgeois fellows to whom Socialism was such a fine Idea untilthey found a revolution—together with uncouth working men, thrown Intotheir lap, and who opposed by gun or poison pen, the workers revolution, should not have been tolerated to spike the Socialist construction of thatcountry...
...It Is a grave question as to whetherthe editor of a paper professedlyspeaking for all party membersshould go out of his way to give avitriolic tone to the discussion olparty principles and take the lead inan unfair attack upon the personalities of party members sponsoring.theMilitant Program...
...The I. L. P. and 8. P. are cooperating harmoniously under this pact—for the destiny of the S. P. and I. L. P. Is inextricably Interwoven withthat of the West Va...
...Along with other critics of the Militant program (which for Gawdsake.why doesn't The New Leader publish...
...Why didnt he put that first...
...And without naming one I (What logiekjAnd If he ever does name one, me-thinks that one Is likely to be a"Socialist" deserving to be Imprisoned or exiled...
...I would say there tfa theoretical consistency In theirposition, in the sense that, as representing a side of Marxian theorywhich has been overdone—the classstruggle side—they are logical...
...Since then followed the controversy In The New Leader, without comment...
...The road Is devious, and notin direct line with the theory...
...He then dives into his pet aversion—SovietSocialist Russia, and convicts himsell of the charge leveled against Socialists of his ilk, by showing his hatred for the Soviet Union, and by implication at least, saying that all trueSocialists should fight Bolshevism, etc (Meaning, I suppose, that we should join hands with Ham Fish, the D. A R., capitalists and their jingo servants in an attack 4m Russia at the first opportunity...
...Suffice it to say that I am certain his delightful humor is no more convincing to the mass of party members than" it is to me...
...Just howmilitant are these self-styled "Militants...
...And like myself, there are no doubt other "silent" comrades, all over the country, who stand with the Militants...
...We want togo ahead and do things...
...When a govrnment puts a man to death, the ffect is the same whether we call he act capital'punishment or "highst measure of social security...
...TheSocialist Party has tentatively agreed,subject to N. E. C. confirmation, thatIt desist from organizing "rival"locals In these counties...
...If we present to the non-Socialist workers an appeal that will get 'them In—If we build a real labor partythat has effective power and uses It to bring about better conditions we are militant...
...When a farmer oses his farm or a small business man s driven to the wall, it is no comort to be told that the fatal process s not a foreclosure nor a bankruptcy, ut Just a "reorganization...
...Let us joinIssue on principles and policies andleave the discussion of personalitiesto the Communists...
...The committee for books for poitical prisoners has just been organzed to take care of their requests and ollect and forward books...
...USD SPITZ, 74 SECOND AVE., who It known at florist e»traerdin.ry t. eeantleu labor, fraternal and theatrical artaiiliatlen*, announce, that he will (Ire a liberal dlseoHt to readera ef THE NEW LEADER...
...This is where the contradiction lies which at bottom explains thecontradictions la European Socialistparties today... was arrested for quoting from the ible the story of Moses leading the hildren of Israel out of bondage...
...In this respect, Eduard Bernstein'sestimate of Marxian theory is to thepoint...
...Among them, thethumb-nosing attitude towards Russia on the part of the opponents ofthe Militants and the failure of ourhands-ofT, do-nothing policy In regard to trade unions...
...He whowould lay down a rigid line according to which the government was toact would soon come to the end ofhis tether, and would do better, fundamentally, to forswear governingaltogether...
...They were so Intensely militant that theyJust couldn't stand compromise...
...That Is a sheer impossibility.He Is required to explain and defendparty decisions made In nationalconventions but at the same timekeep the party paper open for dissenting opinions.—Editor...
...THE PAIN OF A NEW IDEA By J. F. Biggins Having read and carefully studiedthe booklet "A Militant Program for the Socialist Party of America" I am at a loss to understand the storm ol disapproval It has raised among the so-called Marxians...
...Cleveland, Ohio...
...The trouble is morewith the theory than with the Mill tants...
...Comrade Oneal's manner of attackinevitably gives rise to the belief thathe has compromised his position aseditor in using the columns of TheNew Leader to make propagandaagainst the Militants...
...He makes vague and general statements and charges aplenty...
...Butso are all theories, In themselves,logical, Just as all Utopians are theoretically perfect...
...Comrade Oneal, whose wish In thisInstance Is evidently father to thethought, says that In their short twoyears of existence, the Militants havemade no headway...
...Tin- composition of the April 23dNew Leader Forum is extremely Interesting...
...New York City...
...ew York City...
...I hope, Initiate likeaction by the oppressed Kentuckyminers In the Harlan area, exceptthat their prospects for permanentsuccess will be Inestimably enhancedby affiliating with the Socialist Party of America*—the only political movement in the C. S. which can articulate and effectuate the pressing demands and needs of the miners...
...These locals are now automatically I. L. P. units...
...This is justwhistling In the dark...
...I agree with Eduard Bernstein that there is need of superseding certain theoretical aspects ofMarxism here...
...A UNITED PARTY By J. R. Cook The Socialist party must be approaching the place where It can be made a real power for emancipation of the workers, for that Is the opportune time for the dissenters to do all they can to hamstring the movement...
...Many of our readers have books which they o longer want...
...We fail to find heresy, and shudder to think that its critics are undergoing thesharpest of all pains, the pain of a new and unwelcome Idea...
...Some issues'will carry more on one side ofa controversy than others and thiscannot be avoided...
...Bela Low, in your edition of April 16, justifies me, In my opinion, in asking for another coupleof Inches of space...
...Better quit than compromise I A united party of the workers Is what we should strive for, and It's a short-sighted Socialist who lets theory outweigh common sense...
...The effect of Comrade Oneal'sarticle has been to encourage suchbitter opponents of militancy as BelaLow, who in the laajj issue of TheNew Leader alleged that the Militantmovement Is merely a veiled attemptto muscle in on party •Jobs—as preposterous and Insulting an attack onearnest and sincere party membersas has...
...Where docs this Low get the license to question the integrity of those brave comrades who signed the program...
...TheMilitants a(so speak of "the mortalillness" of capitalism, and of "thedefinite end of an era of capitalism...
...BOOKS FOB POLITICALS By George Novack There are over 200 political prisoners In the Jails of this country under indictment or sentence for-their activities and affiliations with the labor movement...
...It the editor wishes to convince thecomrades In Boston of his belief infree speech soil an open forum, please print my original letter andthis one...
...There aresome thirty locals of the West Va.Mine Workers Union located In communities or camps dependent on coalmining...
...New York City...
...A few years ago Rudolf Breitscheld,leader of the Reichstag Socialistdelegation, said what essentially maybe regarded as substantiating Bernstein's appraisal, when stating:"There Is a certain consolation in thefact that no party In any parliamentary governed system was ever ableto achieve its Ideal unreservedly,even where there was no coalition,once It entered the government andwas no longer the opposition...
...The Socialist Party la allowed to join locals Inthese towns...
...The verbal brick-bats that are now being hurled at the committee and some of its endorsers, are exciting the wonder of some of the comrades ol West Virginia who are quite familial with the works of Marx and EngeJs and all other Socialist classics...
...Books f a serious character on politics,conomics and philosophy are wanted s well as books for entertainment...
...Address your packages to the chairan of the committee, George Noack, E. P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 00 Fourth avenue, New York City...
...Long live the spirit of the Militants...
...FOR A FAIR DISCUSSION By Dan Goienpanl It is unfortunate that James Oneal,the editor of our party organ, shouldbe first to disregard the hope expressed by Norman Thomas that discussion of the Militant programwould be objective, impersonal andreasoned...
...IN DEFENSE OF THE MILITANTS By Charles S. Bernstein I read the program of the Militants with which I fully agree...
...Meaning, I suppose, the democracy of the Grand Duke successor to the Czar—or was this another case of office-seeking...
...The I. L. P. is confined to fivecounties of Southern W. Va...
...hail to the Socialist revolution in our time...
...He charges the signers of the Militant program, of which I am one, of being office-seekers (by not quite so vague Implication...
...TO COMRADE, LOW By David George The length of the philippic undersignature of Mr...
...Although only a Jtanpie Biggins In the party, I am not one of those who Uve ss a retired veteran of the movement...
...This I think, should give me some liberty to express my opinion in the present discussion...
...No other group In the history of the party ever received somuch space in a party paper as theMilitants and the editor has beencriticised for the space given to theraas a group.—Editor...
...Socialist Party Problems MILITANT MARXISM By Edmund Sddel The present crisis marks the finalbreakdown of capitalism, from whichthere is no recovery...
...And If our "stand-patters" would go out and do as we do, more would be accomplished...
...The definition of "rival" means this...
...Many of these prisoners have asked or books and magazines to read to ombat the deadly monotony of prison ife...
...This booklet raises many questionsthat need discussion...
...A poll ofMilitant supporters would quickly dispell this cherished illusion...
...On the contrary, I am carrying on as a Militant Socialist in the class struggle for the emancipation of the workers...
...What we want in the Socialist party is action...
...ever appeared in the pagesof a Socialist publication...
...That appraisal throws a light on thedualism in the European Socialistmovement nowadays, which comes tothe front when the parties enter thegovernment and face responsibilityInstead of remaining in "the opposition...
...Their terms range fromne year to life...
...At the conclusion of their programwe And this declaration: "Such anopportunity as is at hand for all of us to hasten the emancipation of theworking class of America may notcome again for generations...
...The Militants have raised legitimate Issues...
...As Bernstein said: "It illustrates a dualism which consists inthe fact that the work ('Capital'talms at being a scientific Inquiry andyet would prove a theory which wasalready perfected long before the results of the Inquiry were set down;that at bottom It contains a formulain which the outcome of the exposition was already fixed in advance...
...If we Instill into theseworkers the ideals of Socialism—andkeep working for it wo are more truly militant than those who could "classstruggle" the movement to death...
...However, even if this were so, Isn't It significant that the recent Influx of newmembers Into the Militant ranks maybe due to the fact that the activityand policies of the party have notJustified the Inspiration whichbrought them Into the party...
...not the waythe poor demented Communists aredoing, but like true Marxian Socialists...
...We all know that at present the party needs organization more thanMarxian Interpretation, but we may find that the program will be a great help to us along this line...
...The last paragraph of Mr...
...THE W. VA...
...Ah, welH There are Socialists, and then, again, there are Socialists I Hopewell, Va...
...This reduces his letter to a level beneath my personal resentment, or I would get real mad I J remember last year, in The New Leader, Mr...
...Comrade Oolenpaul is mistakenabout the editor's duty...
...And It is onlya matter of time and you have coalitions...
...Again, Comrade Oneal makes muchof the argument that he believes thatthe Militants are supported by younger mmebfirs of the party who haverecently Joined our ranks...
...The success of the I. L. p. will...
...Does not the program committee state it has beendrawn up for the consideration of the rank and file of the members of the Socialist party and the delegates to the national convention at Milwaukee...
...From the proverbial Maine to California, the program mi the Militants has receivedan enthusiastic reception from suchmembers of the rank and file as havebeen acquainted with its contents...
...Yet the Militantsare more logical in this respect thanthose who stick to Marxian Theoryand In concrete situations deviatefrom it...
...Thefact that a criticism, very nearly aslong as the Militant program, was?rliilrd in the New Leader under thedltor's name was quite sufficientcause for my letter...
...Low assails its alleged "vagueness," and urges that we specify justwhom we are talking about...
...However,after reading the letter of ComradeColeman I not only agree with the program of the Militants, but withhim as well...
...The Labor ticket willcontain many candidates who are8...
...An idea f the charges against some of them ay be had from the fact that three f those charged with "criminal syn- 'icallsm" in Kentucky are local minsters sympathetic with the miners...
...Here Is an opporunity to put them to good use...
...I shall not take up his letter In detail...
...Not that I find faultwith the departure, but It does notconform to the preachments of thetheory...
...Boston, Mass...
...This of course, deals only broadlywith the general viewpoint, but asthe apace Is limited I must desist...
...rrangements can be made to call for ackages in New York City...
...P. members—but will appear onthe county ballot as a Labor ticket— the state and nation-wide ticket being Socialist...
...New York City...
...Theeditor in the issue to which ComradeTrimble refers outlined the reasonswhy The New Leader Board had declined the request and to run anotherletter repeating the request would addnothing to the discussion...
...To me this program la not a New York affair, but a national question.Here I am 200 miles from you, and as Interested as one can be In the matter...
...The mention ofold age pensions, unemployment insurance, cancellation of reparations,war debts, etc., Is sufficient demonstration on this head...
...In order that Jmay promote a clearer understandingof the matter, allow me to explain...
...Tom Mooney and arren Billings, the six Centralis men, the Scottsoqro boys and the Harlan, y., miners are among them...
...Thisdoes not sound like positive convlc-tio i that capitalism may not recover For all that, I should not beratethe Militants...
...Surely free discussion and open criticism will not harm our party...
...Theneveryone would have known Just what to expect...
...That Illustrates thelimitations Imposed on the application of theory to practice...
...Those of uswho are Militants know what it means to be kept back by those old In spirit, and who Invariably tell us "it can't be done...
...The Socialist Party agrees not to form a Socialist local in these communities.However, since the I. L. P. Is notstate or nation-wide the Individualminers are allowed to Join the Socialist Party as members-at-large—andmany of the miners have done so.As the union extends Its influencend organisation to other regions within the five counties the localsthus formed are I. L. P. Now there are many towns in the five countieswhere no coal mine or mining community exists and so the union Isunable to form its locals...
...Low urged the overthrow of the Soviet regime, and substitution of capitalism under s "democratic"government...
...The plain truth Is that the roadtoward social progress "within theshell of the old" Is through compromise, be it on the Industrial or onthe political field...
...I say there is more theoretical consistency in the Militants' positionthan in the Instance of those whohold to the theory and depart fromit In practice...
...In the old days it was Che same way with the 100 per cent Marxists, the "revolutionary Socialists" who^re the "only true Socialists...
...In the space devoted tothe Editor's remarks several of theseletters including my own which hasnot as yet been printed might havebeen Included, Really, you cannot expect to answersuspicions of favoritism and a controlled press by forums composedentirely of letters from the rightwing and none whatsoever out of thenumbers that the Editor himself mlmils he has received from comradeslees reactionary...
...Star City, W. Va...
...The letter referred to was a requestto print the Militant program...
...We go along and do our work, talking to people who are not Socialists, and carry on the message ol Socialism to those who know nothing about It...
...We cannot determine the character of letters receivedor the number received on any side.We resent the charge of a "controlledpress...
...Let'secognize facts, not play with words...
...And that Is because of the long-winded, dizzy letter of Bela Low...
...Low speaks, vaguely (I stress) of the Socialists "persecuted, Imprisoned and exiled" In or from Soviet,Russia...
...A CONTROLLED PRESS" By Glen Trimble It Is not necessary for me to belong to "an organized group" in orderto disagree with Comrade Oneal...
...It isof the nature of political propagandathat In Its opposition agitation thealms are set higher than can subsequently be achieved...
...WORDS AND THINGS By Algernon Lee "A rose by any other name would mell as sweet," and I suppose the ule is equally good as applied tohings we don't like...
...Baltimore, Md...
...Low'sletter seems to be the key to the tone...
...If the paper l« mentioned when Sowers for Mother'i Day are pnrehued front hint.—Adv...
Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 19