More States Select Convention Delegates
More States Select Convention Delegates Maryland PickRepresentativeSecond Hoan BroadcastIt* Sought—SocialismInvades Old Nassau—News From the StatesC(Bya New Leader...
...3rd avenue...
...Nameof these people are being sent to statsecretaries...
...National headquarters has arranged with E. P. Dutlon & Co...
...National Executive CommitteemanJasper McLevy and Martin F. Plun-kett addressed a large mass meetingon the Central Green, Saturday, April 30th...
...As6,600 signatures are required, theproblem of obtaining them it verydifficult...
...Both were mmediately released and no charges referred, and on the following Satrday evening a good meeting was eld In Clinton Square without police nterference...
...The price is $1.8for the two volume set...
...Oeorge Daggett...
...ALBANY.—Secretary Jacobson was rrested at the corner of North Pearl nd Monroe streets last Friday eveing for holding a meeting without t ermit...
...O. Peters, sec, 15Washington avenue...
...Krzyckl has long beenIdentified with the Socialist and labo:movement as a speaker and organizer.Headquarters address remains 536 W Juneau street, Milwaukee...
...Albert Sprague CoolidgeCharles R. Hill, Ellen O'ConnorLester M. Shulman, and Glen Trimble...
...nrolled Socialists from neighboring owns have been Invited as well as hose In Mt Vernon...
...During the day the police bad indulged In a wild attack on a Communist demonstration Which has seldom been equalled in recent years for its vicious ferocity...
...Daniels, formerly a Union Theological Student and active New York Socialist, was twice arrested for picketing activities in ladles g a r m e n t workers strikes...
...Five members from Branch Dorothy, Atlanticcounty, motored over, and attendedthis meeting...
...New Edition of "Capital" The Ohas...
...R will be a send-off to our delegates to the national convention...
...Among the miners In the Kanawhavalley district where petitions for theSocialist and the Independent Laborparty are being circulated, even moreterrible forms of intimidation are being used...
...Keep this date free...
...A vigorous campaign will be waged to he election on June 14, with Increased membership and vote certain...
...The letter to delegate* included amap of the vicinity of the municipalauditorium, at which convention sessions will be held, a tentative program, and a list of the candidatewliose election has been reported todate...
...state organizer ofCalifornia, will speak on party prob lems...
...edition oKarl Marx's "Capital" Is now out oprint...
...There has also been anattempt to Intimidate two universityprofessors, active in the party bytelling them that their contractswould not be renewed if they did notcease thel ractlvltles...
...The militant program" will also be disussed...
...BRIDGETON.—A public meetingwas held In the Eagle's Lodge Home,April 21st...
...Va., there have been so many signatures obtained, that there are practically no voters left for the Democratic and Republican primaries, andthe old party politicians have been attempting to Intimidate the voters bytelling them that the petitions wereobtained under false pretenses, andattempting to make the voters believethat If they did hot vote In the primaries they would be disfranchised...
...Calvin Berry, 102S...
...Comrades In Tennessee, KentuckyIllinois, and the extreme eastern citieIn Missouri and Iowa, may securMurray Baron, organizer In West Virginia, for speaking dates, by writinnational headquarters...
...Since his arrival in Philadelphia more than a year ago, he has been arrested five times in free speech fights and other Socialist demonstrations...
...After the meeting "gemuet-Uehet beliammsnafln", in other words It will be a "social" with tea, coffee" oaks, sandwiches, and what not...
...The Princeton Socialist Club hashosen A. 8. Grey at its (wssMtnt...
...E. H. H. Holman (all alternates)Oregon: Volney Martin, OeorgeBulckrood...
...Another' pen-air meeting is to be held this aturday evening...
...Washington: Walter A. Werth...
...ollowing a short business session, here will be a general discussion of he national convention agenda...
...Daniels was addressing an open air meeting Intended as a forerunner to the large May Day demonstration of Sunday, meeting closed...
...The following additional delegateand alternates have been reported:holConnecticutm: Mrs...
...Special Organizer Martin P. Plun-kett Is having great success In securing new members at Bristol, Walling -ford, Essex and other towns In thetate...
...ConnellsvllleLeon O. Hood, sec., 616 Race streetVandergrlft: I...
...Over 1,000 families are being fed by the County Welfare Committee and In numbers of casesminers who have registered as Socialist or Independent have had their re ief cut off or have been told thatnless they changed their registrationtheir relief would be cut off...
...Socialist AldermanFred Schwartzkopf of Bridgeport willaddress a meeting on the Green Saturday, May 7th, at 6:30 p. m. A number of students from Yaleappeared at the last regular meetingof Local New Haven and offered theirservices to help In organizing workin the commg national campaignwork here...
...Alternates include PauC...
...RogeiRush, fundamentals of Socialism...
...Both the Friay and Saturday meetings were adressed by visiting Ylpsels from New ork City, and as a result a Ylpsel ircle is being organized...
...WASHINGTON.—Loon Lake: Mrlorn Gardner, sec...
...VERNON.—Norman Thomas nd Samuel Orr will address a mass eeting under the auspices of Local t. Vernon Friday, May 6th, at Mar-otte building, 201 So...
...Speaking Dates Comrades along Lincoln highwaybetween Oregon and Wisconsin masecure speakers from the Oregon delegation, which Is traveling to Milwaukee for the convention by automobileAddress Chas...
...Edward Shapiro, proletarian art...
...Hamden Socialists will gather at the home of Mr...
...Minnie Cedar- (additional...
...The action of the olice last week gave the Socialist arty publicity which otherwise would ot have been obtainable...
...Orln: Joe Standifer, tec, P. O. Box 76...
...By the way comrades who want to participate ui a bus trip to Milwaukee for a convention visit, should tend In their reser-rations...
...Twelve members of theCamden branch, headed by Organizer Frank JeReries, acting In behalfof the state office, presented the charter to this newly formed branch.About fifty persons attended...
...INDIANA.—Indiana Harbor: AlberJ...
...Illinois CHICAGO.—A membership meetingwill be held May 18 at Socialist PartyCenter, 3036 Roosevelt road, 8 p. m.William Busick...
...Connecticut NEW HAVEN.—The New HavenSocialists are planning for one of thelargest meetings held here in yearson May 12th with Norman Thomasas the speaker at Dorscht Hall, 270Crown street...
...for member of the GeneralAssembly, Ralph Emerson...
...Coleman as state secretaryfor Wisconsin...
...J. A. Oon-stead, John Kaplan, Mrs...
...WilEverett, John P. McKay, John MOlenn (all delegates...
...July 10th...
...Kolb, Labor TemplePortland...
...Madison: WaynFisher, sec, R. 7. D. I. California Many prominent Socialists hav•wen named on the faculty ol thnew Lot Angeles Labor College, whichwill h tu classes in the nasty' building at 1480 W. Jefferson boulevard...
...BUFFALO.—Local Buffalo will meet hursday, May 12th, at 8 p. m., at arpenters' Hall, 475 Franklin street...
...West Virginia West Virginia Socialists have beenshowing such remarkable progress inobtaining signatures for filing theirticket In the state-wide and local elections that the capitalist parties areresorting to various means to preventSocialist ticket from appearing on theballot...
...New Locals Reported COLORADO.—Goldfleld: W. E. Sen-ter, sec...
...Amerlnger's address Is P.O...
...The new branch formedwith 25 members...
...Soon ranches will be formed In the East nd, and possibly the West End...
...Laurel street, Brklgeton, N. J., isthe branch secretary...
...MAINE.—Bangor: Carl S. GodfreySec, 55 Arctic street...
...Wisconsin Leo Krzyckl has been elected to replace Wm...
...We start the camaign with over 100 members, where we had only 30 last year...
...A literature agent was also aken to the station house...
...Pll 11 .A DELPHI A. For the ordered the *> fenced to 30 days in the work7th time in his comparatively short term of service In the Socialist party, Franz Daniel, local Socialist organiser, was arrested here last Saturday at one of the party's May Day rallies...
...Virginia RICHMOND.—The municipal camaign plans were advanced at a memership rally May 5th, to be followed by another May 12th in the Worken's Circle Center, Laurel and road streets...
...They were obviously in an ugly mood...
...Washington The newly formed local at Everettlmi sent out a letter to all farmgranges In Its district asking for cooperation In fighting the battles olthe working farmers...
...Despitethitinues pressures, the Socialist party con to grow throughout the stateand Organizer Amicus Most has recently organized two new locals, atPhllllpl and Keyscr...
...However, theyhave courageously continued their efforts...
...Local Albany has alays maintained that no permit was eeded for a meeting...
...8. Boyd, tee...
...Helen CoatesStella K. Garrison, H. O. FuhrbergLeo Welsh (all alternates...
...Nevertheless, Daniels refused to close the Socialist meeting...
...He was forcibly taken to the station house...
...Savage, sec., 4006 Deal street...
...In thenewspapers of several towns have appeared stories, stating that those whosigned these petitions would be disfranchised...
...Comrade Huntzinger of the new branchspoke In behalf of his group andpledged full support and cooperationwith the party in state and nation.A formal meeting was then held bythe new branch, and the followingnominations made: House of Representatives, 2nd Cong...
...Chicago, CAMPAIGN RALLY AND PICNIC, —This year's party picnic will not be held in Rlvervlew Park...
...Dist., RobertSchrelber...
...A large number of New Leaders were sold...
...Atraw vote taken at the student conerence gave Thomas third place,head of Roosevelt, but behind Hoovernd Baker...
...Proceeds will goto the state organizing fund...
...Clarke refers the convention be changed to ew York City on account of the exense involved in meeting in Utlca, he state committee will vote on the otion by referendum...
...Massachusetts: Leon Arkln, JosepBearak...
...A. Toole...
...Recently a statement was Issued by the attorney-general, In whichhe said he was not certain the smallerpolitical parties would require petitions...
...More States Select Convention Delegates Maryland PickRepresentativeSecond Hoan BroadcastIt* Sought—SocialismInvades Old Nassau—News From the StatesC(Bya New Leader Correspondent)HICAGO.—Suggestions in regard to transportation andhousing of delegates to the Socialist national convention, to be heldMay 21-25 In Milwaukee, weremailed from the party's nationalheadquarters last week...
...Tonasket: J. LFreeman, see...
...Illinois: Donald Loarich, HaroldKelso, Janet McDowell, Ed VerburgOscar Elet, Jacob Slegel (all alternates...
...New Jersey PRINCETON.—A Princeton Socialist Club with 66 student and facultymembers came to life here April 29thfollowing an inspiring address delivered during the day by Paul Blan-shard, who presented the Socialistview at a conference on politicalproblems attended by 175 delegatesfrom 21 colleges...
...Obviously this was an attemptto get the Socialists to stop circulating their petitions because when Comrade Amicus Most, organizer, made inquiry at the State Secretary's office,he was told that it would be necessary to get these signatures...
...West NewtonPaul C. Breaklron, sec...
...Wicks, George Makela, S. RalphHarlow...
...Former GovernorCooper of South Carolina spoke forthe Democrats...
...Box 777, Oklahoma City...
...Isadore Polsky, a former candidate for Mayor, will act aschairman...
...Despite this array, aneditorial in "The Daily Prlncetonlan"declared "It was unfortunate that theconference should have received, withne notable exception, such fulmlna-tions of political 'hooey' as were perpetrated by the guest speakers...
...Roe we r were elected also but arunable to go...
...At its last meeting he local received four new applicaions for membership, making a total of nine during April...
...Definite promise was received during the week from the NationalBroadcasting Co...
...Minnesota: Leo Oisslen, MorrisKaplan, J. A. Oonatead, O. P. Victorian, Lynn Thompson, August, Slgmon Slonim, P. R. Anderson (all delegates...
...The Chicago ederation of Labor has been forced o put Rlvervlew Park on the unfair ist...
...The picnic and campaign ratty ill therefore be held in Elm Tret rove, at the end of Irving Park boulevard car line, on Sunday...
...that an hour will begiven over a nation-wide hookup forthe mass meeting Sunday evening...
...James M. Cox, formerDemocratic candidate for President,also spoke...
...H. Kerr Co... replace this edition with the ne"Everyman's Library" translation bEden and Cedar Paul from the fourthGerman edition, which was the lasthorough revision by Prledrlch EngelsAn Introduction to this translation Iby O. D. H. Cole, eminent English Socialist economist...
...Oklahoma Siegfried Amerlnger, managing editor of American Guardian, has beenelected temporary state secretary forOklahoma...
...Alfred Baker, Lewis and OeorgE...
...Convicted in court of disorderly conduct, and senshop, Daniels filed notice of appeal and was released on bail...
...Charles Kolb, AlbertBtrelff...
...Walter Thomas Mills will teachpublic speaking and economics...
...In the town of Rldgeley,W...
...Order frothe Socialist Party of America, 64Randolph street, Chicago...
...Local Buffalo favors the omination of Norman Thomas for resident and Thomas Mooney for Vice President...
...Walter P. Hall, of the historydepartment, who announced himselfa supporter of the Socialist party.One of the first tasks of the club willbe to send out its members to takepart in the New Jersey Socialist campaign...
...Ormsbee Robinson, '32, was most active in getting the club started.Blanshard was presented to the clubby Prof...
...Swen Ottosonand hold a social and entertainmentSaturday, May 7th...
...Peter F. Snyder, assistant secretary of labor for the Republicans...
...Fund for Hoan Broadcast The six hundred people who wrotto Mayor Daniel W. Hoan after hirecent radio speech have been askedto contribute to a special fund for second broadcast, In a letter sent oufrom national headquarters...
...round trip $2 25 Addressyou 303r reservation8s Socialist Party Cener, Roosevelt road...
...Maryland: Elizabeth Oilman, S. MNelstadt and Wm...
...and Mrs...
...STATE OFFICE.—Comrades please ote change of address, which is now . O. Box 854, Richmond, Va...
...New York State STATE COMMITTEE—Edward P. larke of Queens county has submited to the state committee a motion o rescind the action selecting mica or the 1933 state convention...
...Theone exception was "Socialist PaulBlanshard" Until the old parties"cease their merry game of sidetepping the Issues," the Prlncetonlan ontinued, "their flaccid procrastinations will continue to deserve thedium Which they inevitably receivehen compared with the brutal honsty of a Norman Thomas, or, more ecently, of a Paul Blanshard...
Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 19