Yipsels Making 'RedMay9 Banner Month for the Cause

Yipsels Making 'RedMay9 Banner Month for the Cause HE month of May will be "RedMay" according to the plansof the Young People's SocialistLeague. Youth rallies will be held(hiring the month and...

...ALLARDT, TENN.—Organizer EllCohen reports an enthusiastic circleIn this small mining town and goodprospects in a number of neighbor­ing communities...
...The Far Eastern crisishas been used by only a fewgroups as the basis fori mlmeographed or printed statements.The burning to death In two firesof twelve people in New YorkCity, who were trapped In "oldlaw" apartments, was denouncedas "murder in every sense of theword" in a leaflet prepared by thecity organization of the YoungPeople's Socialist League...
...Aspeaker's class has been formed andSt...
...arry Lopatln, Samuel Tolmach and tun Tyler...
...The racers willstart at Douglas Park, carrying "FreeTom Mooney" placards on their backs...
...Leaflets should be issued on cur­rent events as part of the normalfunctioning of young Socialistgroups...
...Theregular educational meetings continueon Friday nights at 8:30 at the sameaddress...
...Yipsels will meet at the 42nd street station of the Broadway-an Oortlandt subway and at theoodlawn station of the Jerome sub­ay...
...The announcement reads:'Speakers . . . short and snappy . . .dancing . . . entertainment . . . andrefreshments...
...econd avenue and 14th street, at 8 . m. Frank Palmer of Federated ress will act as chairman and the dmission |s 20 cents...
...KINGS.—The firstanniversary of the Boro Park circlewill be celebrated on Saturday night,May 7th at the Boro Park Labor Ly­ceum...
...Hitch-hiking Yip­sels from other cities are always wel­ome, but are warned that they will be put to work...
...No efforts will be sparedto attract thousands of youngworkers and students in everycommunity to the message ofSocialism...
...Youth rallies will be held(hiring the month and leaflets willbe distributed at schools and fac­tories...
...MetaHLseman and Arthur Kent also spoke...
...Teat ..» uhM'Tlptkiiki an fifty oenU...
...21 New Circles This drive, which has been un­er way since the last meeting ofhe Yipsel N.E.C...
...CIRCLE 7 MAN.—Dances are beingheld at 96 Avenue C every Saturdaynight...
...Yipseis are aiajed to ob­ain copies at oirete meettnsa...
...P .8...
...Keepin close touch with the NationalOffice and notify them of localactivity...
...We demand the same for theworker* of New Tork...
...Hy Fish, the hiking agitator, has been active in the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast states...
...St KAN I ON, PA...
...Box 1475, San Francisco, Col.Put out special leaflets on thecase and distribute them at streetcorner meetings and rallies...
...THE YOUNG SOCIALIST.—Theirst Issue of the new monthly inter­al discussion organ features articles n Spain, the Militant Program, Co­lition Government, by Irving Smith...
...BRIDGEPORT, CONN.—Ben Mor­ton, Bob Parker, Eleanor Bchachnerand Ous Tyler addressed the MayDay Rally at Workmen's Circle Hallon Saturday evening and a numberof interest cards were signed...
...Yipsels Making 'RedMay9 Banner Month for the Cause HE month of May will be "RedMay" according to the plansof the Young People's SocialistLeague...
...Umansky also spoke at theLeague for Social Reconstruction(Canadian L. I. D.) and at an outdoormeeting, the first In Montreal, held In Phillips Square...
...P. 8. L. leaflets and slogans and it calling upon Yipsels with literary tal­ent to submit entries for both beforeJuly...
...TOLEDO, OHIO.—Comrades Coleof Toledo and Utrecht of Pittsburghhave succeeded in placing this largeindustrial community on the Yipselmap...
...MONTREAL, P. Q.—Julius Uman-;ky, National Chairman of the Y. P. S. L., spoke at three meetings and one demonstration...
...BRONX BORO RALLY.—The BronxBoro Council Youth Rally on the topicof "Socialism—Why Not...
...Pearl Green-berg and Jack Jaffe have been ac­tive In the territory between St.Louis and Detroit...
...Admission Is ten cents...
...A number of interest and applicationcards for both, the Yipsels and theParty were signed...
...OMAHA, NEB.—Secretary LaVemeEddy reports plans for weekly outdoormeetings and the distribution otthousands of leaflets as part of RedMay activity...
...Eli Cohen hasinvaded the wilderness of Ken­tucky and Tennessee, and Com­rades Cole of Toledo and CharlesUtrecht of Pittsburgh have beenorganizing in Northern Ohio...
...Letters of petition and Circle'"solutions to public officials may also be sent as letters to the editor...
...as a prelude to the Na­ional Convention which will beeld in July...
...EAR-ROUND activity is ne­cessary to a well functioningand active Yipsel circle...
...will takeplace at Paradise Manor, Jerome andMt...
...CHICAGO, ILL.—Plans for the"Free Tom Mooney" street run arabeing completed...
...P. S. L. DE­ATE.—The Yipsel team, composed ol ack Altman and Ous Tyler will meet he Spartacus Youth Group on the uestion: "Can the Program of the...
...Your coming will encourage us, It will make us work harder, it will convince us that our labor has not been In vain...
...WEST ALLIS, WIS.—The circle has doubled Its membership since the visit f Organizer Hy Fish and a studyclass In Socialist fundamentals hateen organized...
...Eugene Wil­son, 2258 Delmar boulevard, is thesecretary...
...the one at CarmenSylva Hall on Friday, April B2nd, thefinest ever conducted by the MontrealY...
...Thecircle meets every Friday night at 708 Madison avenue...
...READING, PA.—Aaron Levenstelnwill speak at a large rally planned as part of the Red Msy activities thatis being arranged for May 31st...
...d ki KSTIONNAIRB.—All circles areY requested to return their ques­tionnaires to the National Office byMay 20th...
...PHILADELPHIA, PA.—PhiladelphiaYipsels have added the Y. P. S. LMessenger to the rapidly growing listof Circle publications...
...has already re­ulted in the formation of 21 circles in fifteen cities throughoutthirteen states and the provinceof Ontario, with a total member­ship of over 300...
...You will have the com­panionship of class consciousyouth, a chance to further study the greatest movement of today...
...Agitator for Mooney While this Is going on, old cir­cles throughout the country re­port increased activity in the way of street corner meetings, strikeaid, literature distribution atschools and factory gates,, educa­tional work, and agitation for therelease of Tom Mooncy, for dis­armament, and for unemploymentinsurance, in addition to the reg­ular Jimmy Higgins work for theParty...
...We pcint to thefailure of all previous methodsof private enterprise...
...Anti-war parades are plannedfor the Decoration Day week-endwhen the young Socialists willemonstrate their opposition towar and their determination toliminate the causes of war andreate a warless world...
...Why You Must Join The Y. P. S. L.After learning the cause ofour misery and its only cure, Socialism, you cannot stop...
...An additional12 circles are in the process offormation and it is expected thatwhen the final report is submitted, the quota of fifty will be sur­passed...
...Yipsels paraded the streets of Detroit, carrying signs advertising this meet­ing and the regular weekly circlemeetings at 69 Ersklne street everyWednesday and an audience of over300 people was the result...
...Latest reports from both theational and Eastern District of­ices of the league indicate thathe organization drive to add fiftyew circles before the July con­ention is well under way, andhat the report of the Nationalirector to the convention willhow a Y.P.S.L...
...Five organizers from the Na­tional office are in the held...
...that should com­are favorably in size andtrength with the Young People'socialist League of fifteen yearsgo...
...Theselans were worked out by the Na­ional Executive Committee of the.P.S.L...
...It has also beenfound effective to have a group ofcomrades meet at such intervals™ order to co-operate in compos-lng such letters, which are to be»*tTned by one of the group...
...PearlOreenberg of Chicago was the mainspeaker and Victor Ruthers...
...LOUIS, MO.—Two enormousIndoor mass metlngs on War and onthe Class Struggle featured PearlOreenberg's visit to St...
...Aaron Levensteln of New York addressed the May Day Rally which was held at the Work­men's Circle Hall...
...Phil Heller ofNew York has been travelling toScranton week-ends and a group of Interested young people expect to re­ceive their charter as a Yipsel circle within the next month...
...Contestants maysubmit as many entries as they cancompose...
...P. S. L. with an attendance ofover 400...
...The Information about the circle membership, age and occupa­tion of members, details about offi­cers, meeting places and time is essen­tial to the proper co-ordination ofactivities and to help determine circle representation to the National Con­vention...
...Prizes Include a complete auto­graphed set of Upton Sinclair's works, year's subscriptions to any three So­cialist papers, a year's subscription toThe New Leader, autographed copiesof "The Cry for Justice" and copiesof Victor Berger's "Voice and Pen".Leaflets should contain no more than 1,500 words and slogans are limitedto fifteen words...
...Alex Riback, 21Waller place, Is the organizer...
...We pointwith pride to the municipal hous­ing In Socialist Vienna, whereworkers live in up-to-date, clean,safe homes at exceptionally lowrentals...
...Additional activity is ex­pected as soon as the schools close, when a number of capable organ­izers will be free to tour variousparts of the country...
...LEAFLET AND SLOGAN CON­TEST.—The National Office has In­stituted a contest to secure effectivY...
...COUPON BOOKS.—Members andcircles, are urged to call at the cityomce and settle on Harlan Defenseand Unemployment Conference Cou­pon books...
...The or-ganlzer should urge several com­rades who understand Socialismrather well ,to send letters everyweek or fortnight...
...Our struggle for the liberationof Mooney and Billings has notbeen stopped by the latest denialof pardon...
...P. Emancipate the American Work­r" on May 8th at the Labor Temple...
...LOS ANCiELES, CAL.—Los AngelesYipsels are active in William Buslck'smayoralty campaign, conducting street corner metlngs, distributing literatureand doing the thousand and one Jim­my Higgins tasks necessary...
...Besidesthe usual educational, organiza­tional, relief and propaganda workwhich each circle should under­take, very often local incidentsand conditions present opportuni­ties that can be used to provideammunition for Yipsel guns . . .and to this end the National Of­fice has prepared a series of sug­gestions on What Yipsels ShouldDo, three of which are presentedin this Issue of Free Youth...
...A circle with an Interested and active membership has been organ­ized, and Walter Novak, 3130 Oak­land street Is the secretary...
...The Young People's SocialistLeague, comprised of militantyoung workers, will give you an opportunity to use your youth­ful energy In building a new so­ciety...
...Therefore, If you are at allconscious of the wrongs of capi­talism, you should join theYoung People's Socialist League and work with us for the real­ization of Socialism...
...GRANITE CITY, ILL.—The recent ly organized circle Is well up on ItsJob of organizing the young peopleand a charter application for a sec­ond circle has already been forwardedto the National Office...
...As a special featureof our Red May program, circlesare urged to hold Mooney meet­ings, rallies and demonstrations.Pass resolutions and send them toGovernor Rolph, newspapers,Mooney Moulders Committee, P.O...
...Eden avenues on Friday, May13th with Louis Waldman, WinstonDancis and Qua Tyler as the speakers.A total of five thousand leaflets ad­vertising this meeting is being dis­tributed and a record attendance isexpected...
...L. outdoor meeting was held a* Cass Park last Wednesday evening...
...Start argument and controversy.Aa interest in Socialism can bedeveloped by Instituting a contro-*»rsy on some Important problem*nd kept alive by members reply...
...Comrade Paul Bran-chaud was elected organizer and aebating team was formed Interest­ed young people are urged to get In touch with Henry Cote, secretary, at 286 Ht-rsom street...
...Youmust go on, you must convince others, you must spread themessage or else you will lapse into disinterested apat...
...Critical letters commenting oncurrent events are an almost cost­less and very valuable method ofspreading our opinions and the rea­sons why we hold them to thethousands of readers of Letter Boxsections of the daily newspapers...
...LEAGUE HIKE.—The first hike of he season will be held on Sunday, ay 8th to Dunwoodle and Tibbetlrook Park...
...Pansle Jo VaUghan is secretary of the Allardt circle...
...Louis Yipsels will be out in fullforce during Red May...
...The Eastern District office InNew York reports a total of sixorganizers in the field, working in the neighboring states of Penn­sylvania, Connecticut and NewJersey and In the province ofQuebec...
...Thename and address of the writermust generally be Included, al­though most papers will keep yourname in confidence and print yourpseudonym, If requested...
...We, as Socialists, demand de­cent homes for the workers,through a system of planned mu niclpal housing...
...all for a dime...
...CIRCLE 5 SR...
...A large anti-war meeting on April 27th wasaddressed by Hy Pish, Roger Rushand Milton Goldberg...
...The first Y. P. 8. L. street cornermeeting was held last week and agood number of New Leaders were sold, Plans call for at least two outdoormeetings a week...
...NEW BEDFORD, MASS.—CircleOne Seniors, organised by Lester Mi­chael Shulman during the days of the New Bedford strike and recently in­active because of opposition on thepart of parents of the members was recently reorganized and meets at the Labor Temple...
...The letters should be brief andtypewritten or written legibly inink on one side of the paper...
...Ten a. m. and bring your lunch...
...DETROIT, MICH.—Secretary Le-ona Fine«tone reports that the firstY...
...As a result of theseconcrete efforts, it is expected thatmany new contacts will be estab­lished and a great increase inembership' effected...
...Other speakers IncludedFelix Lazarus, David Lewis and SolHerman and a large number of In­terest and application cards weresigned by the young people present.Communists, as usual, attempted todisrupt the meeting, but a committeeof marahals readily changed theirminds...

Vol. 13 • May 1932 • No. 19

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