Fight the System, Mooney's Call to Labor
Mooney, Tom
"Fight the System," Mooney's Call to Labor Labor Martyr Says Business Rules Kolpl <:alls for World's Workers to Rally A g a i n st Capitalist Kracliou [Immediately following the...
...Jessie Wallace Hughan cf the Textile High School are the faculty sponsors...
...Capitalist dictatorship holds us there because they fear the effect of our release on the workingclass...
...It Is t h e onjy thing that will prevent In t h e future the framing of workers for •oyalty t o their class...
...I am ready and willing today as always to give my life to t h e cause of the tollers of the world, regardless of race, creed, color or nationality...
...Hillquit to Speak at Boro Park Lyceum On Friday, April 29, Socialists of the Boro Park Branch, Brooklyn, will hold the second of their series of monthly mass meetings at the Boro Park Labor Lyceum, 42d street and 14th avenue...
...Rose Brody, $1...
...Having failed to lynch me legally, they decreed that I must die in prison...
...Not by a long shot The fight for m y freedom must and will go on...
...They have forced me to the wall...
...Public Service busses and trolley cars let you off at the door...
...Gabriel Mason, principal of Abraham Lincoln High School, and Dr...
...Even If you cannot afford to purchase any books, you a r e invited to come down and browse...
...Fight the System," Mooney's Call to Labor Labor Martyr Says Business Rules Kolpl <:alls for World's Workers to Rally A g a i n st Capitalist Kracliou [Immediately following the announcement of the refusal of Gov...
...A. Baum, $5...
...This decision in the face of worldwide protest against my brutal frameup is an Insolent and sinister challenge hurled by a doomed capitalist system into the teeth of the entire workingclass...
...George Stelnhardt, $5...
...Arrangements are being made to hold meetings in the high schools and colleges to present the facts on the fifteen years imprisonment of the Call fornia Labor Leader...
...Everyone is welcome...
...Thousands of students and many members of school faculties have already pledged their support of this drive...
...Sherwood Eddy, $5...
...The second Unemployed League to be organized in the Bronx will hold Its meeting a t P . S. 43, 130th street and Brown place, Wednesday, May 18...
...William Gomber of C. C. N. Y., Phil Heller of Brooklyn College, Sylvia Welngart of Hunter College, David Gollub of N. Y. U., Aaron Levenstcin of N. Y. Law School and Charlotte Tuttle of Columbia are the student leaders in this drive to express resentment against the denial of a pardon and determine to continue their efforts toward freeing him...
...The Cleveland branch of the Ohio AssoBiatlon for Unemployment Insurance will hold a conference on May 0th at 8 p. m. at the Ladles' Garment Workers Hall, 1766 E. 12th street, the fight for the Socialist unemployment insurance bill In the state...
...What chance did I have of receiving a fair and impartial hearing from representatives of a s unprincipled a bunch of pirates as ever scuttled a ship...
...The move ment was initiated by the Young Peoples Socialist League and the League for Industrial DemocracyTHE FREETHINKERS Mr...
...I call upon the united militant and revolutionary working class of the entire world to accept this challenge...
...They must •*» demand that the framed Beottsboro boys shall not die and **'""' the Harlan misers and all 1,000 Attend Jobless Rally In New York Columbus Circle Rally Leading Item of Activities Among Jobless AN effective and stirring rally of 1,000 a t Columbus Circle, a letter from Norman Thomas to President Hoover that received wide publicity, the ousting of Henry Rosner by Mayor Walker from a Board of Estimate meeting and t h e continued growth of Unemployed Leagues were some of the outstanding events in unemployment activity during the past week...
...I have grown old in prison before m y time but my head Is erect, my back unbent, my spiri t untamed...
...Norman Thomas Is the chairman of the petition committee and Professor John Dewey of Columbia, Morris R. Cohen of the College of the City of New York, Dr...
...Next Friday James Oneal and Leonard Bright will speak at P . S. 54, Intervale avenue and Freeman street...
...Prices have been reduced tremendously...
...It is not a m a t t e r of evidence t h a t is holding Mooney and Billings In prison...
...The 8th A. D. Branch, Manhattan, voted to take three booklets of s."> each...
...A good representation from all the leagues Is expected on Saturday for t h e p a r a d e and demonstration a t the assembly point for the Jobless, 240 West 14th s t r e e t . Contributions for the work of the Emergency Conference on Unemployment have .been received as follows: Morris Hillquit, $5...
...Rolph and his advisers did not base their findings on t h e facts of my frameup but merely carried out the bidding of their masters, men represented individually by persons like Herbert Fleishacker, Harry Chandler, Robert Dollar, Frederick Koster, William Crocker and collectively by the Chamber of Commerce...
...To obtain a seat be sure to come early...
...They must close ranks and raise louder t h a n ever the demand that the plunderbund of California let «-o their victim...
...Doors open promptly at 8 p.m...
...The capitalist conspirators tried by t h e foulest perjuries t o do me to death on the gallows...
...They must fight not only for my freedom but for t h e abolition of t he capitalist system...
...Speakers of the evening will include Morris Hillquit, William M. Felgenbaum and Robert L. Bobrick...
...Admission is free...
...They failed to hang me because the demonstration of the revolutionary workers in Russia in 1917 called the attention of t h e entire world to this monstrous frameup...
...Amicus Most, $2.75...
...Kund Bookstore Sole The Rand Bookstore '• h is launched its annual sale...
...Cleveland Conference For Job Insurance To Meet on May 8th (By a New Leader Corrr ipondent i CLEVELAND...
...All organisations willing to co-operate in this work are asked to send delegates to the conference...
...Thomas Speaks Tuesday In Union City, New Jersey (By • New Loafer Correiponienl) UNION CITY, N. J . - A meeting that is arousing considerable interest is the lecture to be given by Norman Thomas a t the North Hudson Jewish Community Center, 34th street and New York avenue, here Tuesdtr, May 3, at 8 p. m. Socialists from the northern part of the s t a t e should turn out in large numbers and give Thomas a welcome...
...i?ight I must and fight I will...
...We WIU Smash This System...
...The first Yipsel Circle to send In the proceeds from the sale of coupons is Circle 7, Bronx, which forwarded |1.20...
...Through the work of Fred Myers, vice-president of the Morningside Heights League, a colored family about to be evicted last week was permitted to remain while efforts are being made through the Urban League to assist the family...
...Does this decision settle the Mooney case...
...Joseph Lewis, who has Just returned from an extended trip through Spain, will give an address illustrated with moving pictures at the luncheon to be given by the Freethinkers of America May 1, at 1 p. m., in the Hofbrau, Broadway, between 52nd and 53rd streets...
...Young Socialists Are Organizing Students To Aid Mooney Fight Renewed efforts to free Tom Mooney are being carried forward through a student-faculty petition to the Governor of California drawn up by the Interscholastic Tom' Mooney Committee...
...Hundreds of signatures to unemployment insurance petitions were obtained...
...The cards were stalked and the dice loaded against me...
...This decision proves the utter impossibility of a n y militant worker ever securing Justice at the •hands of capitalist - controlled courts, governors and other poll ticlans...
...An attempt will be made to form a new local lh this part of the county, so comrades be on hand and assist...
...Branches are being or* ganlzed in several cities, and by fall It Is expected that every county will have a local organisation...
...One can find some excellent book values here at 7 East 15th street...
...Edward Levinson was chairman...
...The occasion will be utilized among other topics, as a protest against the Mooney decision...
...Beside the advantage of obtaining bargains, you a r e with each purchase helping .the Rand School carry on its work In the field of Socialist and workers' education...
...None whatsoever...
...Vlto Tancredl, 50 cents...
...Charles Blackman, $1.25...
...Because I was an incorruptible and militant trade unionist, always alert and ever active in the interests of the working class...
...Ethel ^Fiorito, *2...
...A number of young Finnish Socialists are planning to organize the Unemployed League of East Harlem with headquarters at Finnish Hall, 2006 Fifth avenue...
...Rolph to give Tom Mooney a pardon ami the release of Rolph's statement, filled with half truths and word trickery that amazed the most cynical, Tom Mooney gave Federated Press the following interview through the Tom Mooney Moldcrs Defense Committee:"] By Tom Mooney THE denial of my pardon in the face of Indisputable proofs of my innocence i s a perfect vindication of the whole rotten frameup system...
...Speakers in additloa to Norman Thomas were McAlister Coleman, August Claessens, Leonard Bright, Henry J. Rosner and Aaron evenstein...
Vol. 13 • April 1932 • No. 18