N.Y. Ready for Greatest May Day Celebration
N.Y. Ready for Greatest May Day Celebration Parade and Demonstration On Saturday Hillquit, Keeney anil W a 1 (1 m a n to Be Among Union Square Speakers THE labor unions, the Socialist Party,...
...N. Y. May 1 Rallies SUNDAY, MAY 1 Morning, 11 a. SB...
...Both sections wilt meet at 22nd street and 4th avenue and inarch to Union Square...
...I t will wind up at Union Square at 1 p. m. where powerful amplifiers will carry addresses to a record throng...
...Heywood Broun, 0. RomualrU, P. AUsgra, J. TartameUs, O. Valent...
...Morris Feinstone, Secretary of the United Hebrew Trades...
...Also fine concert: West Bronx Socialist Forum...
...Algernon Lee, Chairman of the Executive Commute* of the Socialist Party^ will be Chairman, and the following speakers will address the meeting: David Dubinsky, Secretary-Treasurer of the International Ladles' Garment Workers...
...Lefkowitz, vice-president of the American Federation of Teachers, is chairman...
...Concert and celebration...
...Speakers, Jacob Panken, B. C. Vladeck...
...Auspices, Socialist party, 18Ui A. D. Branch 2, Workmen's Circle School and Y. P. B. L. Bronx County, Socialist party, banquet, 8:30 p. m, Paradise Manor, Mt...
...Abraham Miller, Secretary of the Joint Board of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...Aaron Levensteln of the Y. P. S. L...
...Esther Friedman of the Women's Section of the Socialist Party...
...l a s t Flatbush, 3820 Church avenue, Brooklyn...
...The Uptown Section The uptown section will as.se"* ble in 15th and 16th streets from Union Square to 6th avenue...
...At 6th street, the Butchers' Union, Local 174, will join in the march, and the Cap Makers will join in at 8th street...
...Speakers, August Claesscns...
...Mooney Conference Urges All Join May 1st Rally TJ-KFORTS of labor and liberal 11 . organizations for the release of Mooney and Billings will begin anew and on a larger scale than ever with May 1st according to an announcement made by Dr...
...Louis Waldman...
...Frank Crosswalth of the Negro Workers...
...Amalgamated Temple...
...Vincenzo Vaclrca of the Italian Workers...
...The Bakers' Union, Locals 79, 505, 607, 509, will assemble there...
...The Workmen's Circle members, the children of the Workmen's Circle Schools, the Young Circle Leagues, and Jewish Socialist Verband, will lead the parade from 12th street and Second avenue, and the march will proceed up Secavenue to 22nd street, to 4th avenue, to Union Square...
...Speakers, Jacob Panken, Ben Parker, Charles Solomon, August Claessens...
...Grocery and Dairy Clerks' Unioi, Local 338...
...Evening, l :M p. m. Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman street, Brooklyn...
...Speakers, Norman Thomas, B. C. Vladeck...
...Chelsea branch, Socialist party, ban...
...The members of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers will assemble In 15th street In front of the Amalgamated Center from 5th to 6th avenues...
...Also concert...
...People's Educational Forum, 2005 Seventh avenue, Manhattan...
...The Executive Committee of the conference calls upon individuals and upon all labor add liberal organizations not to buy California products, to boycott the Olympic games, to send resolutions of protest Co Governor Rolph on his decision, to organize demonstrations and to wire Tom Mooney pledged of continued support of the movement for his unconditional release...
...I. Hamlin of the Poale Zion and Jewish National Workers' Alliance...
...1, East New York...
...Joint Council and Locals the Fur Workers' Union, Neckwear Makers' Union, Hebrew Butchers' Union, Local 234...
...Speakers, Charles Solomon, Samuel Orr, Esther Friedman, Ouy Tyler, August Claessens...
...The parade will consist of two sections, one assembling downtown and the other uptown...
...Abraham Lefkowitz on behalf of the Tom Mooney Pardon Conference of New York...
...Numerous local unions of Carpenters, Painters, Electrical Workers, Printers, Ladies' Garment Workers, Amalgamated Clothing Workers, together with the United He brew Trades, Conference for Progressive Labor Action, the branches of the Workmen's Circle, Socialist Party, the League for Industrial Democracy, and others participated In the conference...
...The Conference will take part In the demonstration and parade of trade unions and the Socialist Party at Union Square on Saturday, April 30th, in order to protest against Governor Rolph's decision and demand swift and vigorous action in the Mooney case...
...Afternoon, 3 p. m. Thomas Jefferson High School, Pennsylvania and Dumont avenues, Brooklyn...
...Speakers, Norman Thomas, Jacob Panken...
...Also concert...
...Workers' Sports and Gymnastic Alliance, Progressive Women of the Bronx...
...Y. P. s. L., Women's Section of the Socialist f. Socialist C o n s u m e r s' us...
...This announcement was made after an executive committee'meeting of the Tom Mooney Pardon Conference held at the headquarters of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union...
...cert and speakers...
...Auspices, Workmen's Circle School No...
...The march will start from this point at 11:30 a. m. and proceed through the following streets: Gmnd street to Ludlow street, to Canal into East Broadway, past the Forward Building, where the following unions wi!l join the parade: The Mineral Water Workers, Local 311, and miscellaneous unions of the United Hebrew Trades, and then proceed from East Broadway to Cannon street, to Rivington street, to Pitt street, into Avenue C, to 7th street, to Avenue B, to 2nd street, to second avenue...
...A. J. Muste of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action, secretary, and the Executive Committee includes Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America...
...Ready for Greatest May Day Celebration Parade and Demonstration On Saturday Hillquit, Keeney anil W a 1 (1 m a n to Be Among Union Square Speakers THE labor unions, the Socialist Party, JWorkmen'3 C i r c l e , Poale ZIOHT and Jewish National Workers' Alliance, and the Socialist Consumers' League will celebrate May First in N. Y. City with a huge parade and meeting...
...The downtown section will assemble at Allen and Grand streets...
...Henry Fruchter, Sol Perrln, A. Katze nberg...
...Children To Be In Line The Poale Zion and Jewish National Workers' Alliance, the Pioneer Women's Organization, the Young Poale Zion, The Jewish Folk Schools, will fall in the march here, and the parade will proceed up Second avenue...
...Also concert and dance...
...11 Arion place, Brooklyn...
...S. Llpshitz, Editor of the German Volkszeltung...
...Speakers, Jacob Panken, Charles Solomon, August Clacseens, A. I. Shlplaooff, J. Altman...
...Finnish Socialist branch, 127th street and Fifth avenue...
...Speaker, McAUster Coleman...
...N. Chan in of the Workmen's Circle, and the Jewish Socialist Verband, Frank Keeney, President, West Virginia Miners...
...They will leave Webs t e r Hall at 12 noon and march from 11th street to 4th avenue, to 12th street, to Second avenue, where they will head the downtown section...
...Morris Hillquit, Jacob Panken and Louis Waldman of the Socialist Party...
...The International Pocketbook Makers, and the Suit Case and Bag Makers will assemble at their headquarters, 21st street between 5th and 6th avenue, and will march to 8th avenue and will fall In line back of the Unemployed...
...Eden and Jerome avenues...
...Fannla M. Cohn of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, Is vice-chairman...
...The Locals of the International Ladies' Garment Workers will assemble in 16th street in front of the I. L. G. W. U. Building, from 5th to 6th avenues...
...Irving place, 16th street and Irving place, Manhattan...
...Goldie Mcyerson, of the Labor Federation of Palestine...
...Finnish eon...
...Speakers, Jacob Panken...
...The Millinery Workers will assemble at their headquarters in 37th street between 5th and 6th avenues and will march to 7th avenue, where they will join the march at 37th street and 7th avenue...
...The Workmen's Circle, its school children, the Young Circle Leagues, and the Jewish Socialist Verband members will assemble In Webster Hall, 11th street between 3rd and 4 th avenues...
...Unemployed To Be Represented The Unemployed will assemble at 7th avenue below 15th street and will fall In line back of the division coming through 15th street...
...The Tom Mooney Pardon Conference inaugurated the movement for Mooney's release last summer...
...Burnside Manor, Burnstde and HarRISON avenues, the Bronx...
...Because the First of May falls on Sunday, the parade will be held on Saturday, April 30...
...Norman Thomas, Luigio Antonini, Roger Baldwin, A. J. Kennedy, president of the Amalgamated Lithographers, and others...
...The following organizations will assemble in 15th street from 5th avenue to Union Square, In front of the People's House: Socialist Party, all branches...
...The committee calls upon all who are for Tom Mooney's and Warren Billings' unconditional pardon to join the First of May Demonstration this Saturday, April 30, 11 a. m. at 15th street and Fifth avenue...
...This section will march in the following order: From 16th street and 5th avenue to 5TH avenue, to 15th street, to 8TH avenue, to 40th street, to 7 T H avenue, to 26th Street, to 4 TH avenue, to Union Square...
...quet at Cherrylane Restaurant, 42 Commerce street, Manhattan, 7 p. m . Morningslde Heights branch, Socialist party, 3109 Broadway, Manhattan...
...The Array of Speakers The meeting will be held on Union Square...
...The Button and Novelty Workers' Union will assemble at their headquarters, 552—7th avenue, and join at 40th street and 7th avenue...
...Auspices, La Stampa Libera, Italian Antl-Faaclst Daily...
...Upper East Bronx, 6th A. D., SoCIALIST party branch, 759 Allerton avenue...
...Painters' Locals 261, 490, 499, 874, 1011...
Vol. 13 • April 1932 • No. 18