Pennsylvania and Socialist Party Prospects

Wilson, Birch

Pennsylvania and Socialist Party Prospects More Than Million Jobless Are Given Doles of $1.50 Per Month—The Pinchot Record ___ i —...... '• \--» [This is tht fourth dilute in tht serits on...

...From Dec...
...PesumyUaaia Is Ripe Economic conditions make Pennsylvania ripe for Socialist propaganda...
...This state's answer to the cry for help from the hungry multitudes Is a sop of a dollar-und-uhalf per month for six months, for each of the 1,146,000 Idle workers —made available after a delay of four months, and Ignoring entirely the two or three million dependents la tfce famines of Jobless workers...
...The parties of privilege and plunder have nothing to offer them, whether employed or unemployed...
...But rock - ribbed Republican Pennsylvania can still boast that the incomes of her twelve to fifteen hundred millionaires, with Andy Mellon at their head, are safely protected by her constitution against taxation for unemployment relief thanks to the loyalty to their masters of the assemblymen who killed in committee the Socialist income tax amendment, designed to make [funds available for unemployment i insurance...
...Pinchot report ed 1,146,525 unemployed person In the state, as compared with lai Fall's estimate of 990,000, show lng an increase from 26.6 per ceo on Sept...
...They will foster the true social spirit with refreshments served at the Labor Lyceum...
...When the legislature was in session a year ago even Gov...
...Big Incomes Protected The constitutionality of that legislation was immediately challenged in the courts, where the case dragged along for more than three months before a decision of the State Supreme Court finally made the appropriation available early In April...
...It was Porter's police force that jailed Busick more than a dozen times during the past two years...
...IMP IMP j .Dec...
...Thus new members are properly educated, their interest in the movement is stimulated and the spirit of co-operation is promoted to a degree where there Is a hearty willingness on the part of the membership to carry on with the work of the organization...
...07.0 - 1.0 M.S — 5.1 11.11 Tort...
...The campaign la to be conducted on a class struggle basis, with the issue being Socialism and not just better government, reform, or a cleaner city goveaMpt...
...00.7 — 0.1 01.S —10.1 n 38 Harxiaburi..............._ 00.0 —Ml »L0 -ill 11.11 Haaefton-PotUvlUe...
...On April 4 Gov...
...with Dec...
...Within the local are six women's organizations that carry on special educational and political activities, principally among working class women...
...and owners and tenant farmers alike, while they continue to work, have little to show for their efforts but unpaid taxes, notes In banks, unpaid interest and other bills...
...70.0 + 1.0 IS.S —10.0 17.01 Newcastle........„.....«0.4 -11.7 11.1 - 00.1 10.M Philadelphia...
...Unemployment continued to increase during the j'ast winter, payrolls declined steadily, and in no section of the state is adequate relief being provided to meet the unprecedented situation which confronts hundreds of thousands of working class families...
...The discussion was warm, but at least 90 per cent of those present at the meeting were In favor of "no compromise"—that the issue in this, and in every other campaign, is Socialism, and not an attempt to "punish our enemies and reward our friends...
...The question "agitated" Itself as more workers joined the steadily growing army of unemployed, and conditions finally forced the Governor to call a special session of the legislature lato in the Fall...
...1930, to Dec., 1931, employment decreased 13 per cent and payrolls 26.9 per cent Average weekly earnings last December for those fortunate enough to have jobs amounted to $19.22, showing a decrease of 35 per cent comparcl with the 1923-25 Index numbers...
...07.0 —14.0 07.0 -M.O 15.M Sunbury...........______ 00.0 —11.1 47.1 —10.0 10.01 Wllkei-Barre...
...Omaha Rally May 1 To Celebrate Holiday Of World's Workers (i»r > New Leader Oerrtipenltnt) OMAHA...
...Affiliated with the local also are five Y. P. S. L. Circles, organized to reach the young folks and prepare them for future party activity...
...70.1 I —10.0 00.1 —Ml | 11.11 •rwfra ^«.„T.tiiwi and nnhlliihed In nonfunction with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia...
...When the two Socialist members from Reading Introduced an unemployment bill and demanded a public hearing, the attitude of the old party politicians towards relief was expressed by one of the memseveral tables which tell the story of widespread misery which has come Into the lives of the toiling masses of this highly industrialized commonwealth...
...In this county the Socialist party now has a dues paying membership of more than 1,900, of which number 701 were added since last November, when the party lost control of the city administration in Reading to a Fusion slate...
...J By Birch Wilson "¦TCONOMIC conditions and the political situation in Pennsylvania are both tragic in the extreme, viewed from a working class standpoint...
...The Socialists are handicapped in this election as the time is short for a campaign and the Socialist label will not appear on the ballot, aa all candidates are In theory nonpartisan...
...In 1930 the vote was 9,000... reform party is in the field to divert attention and divide workers, and the Communists are a political joke...
...Meager funds raised from private contributions and local taxation have afforded the only direct relief thus far provided for the unemployed...
...But they are sure they will increase their vote and the campaign will stimulate activity and reach thousands of people with the message of Socialism, both through meetings and literature...
...IMS-IMS tVUU 100 I EARNIN03 CITY AREA I j Percent I I Ratal Chans* change compared Compared Dec...
...with it, _rWl Dec...
...The Fanners* Poverty The plight of the farmers of the state is little better than that of the Industrial workers...
...77.0 — 7.1 00.0 —14-7 11.01 Pittsburgh...
...Those responsible for the recall against Porter had varied motives and excuses...
...As the above figures are for lastDecember, they probably understate the situation as it exists now at the end of the Winter months...
...Eight Omaha radical organizations will supply additional speakers...
...and it Is also the third richest agricultural county In the state...
...We must teach them how they can gain a world—and happiness...
...Economic conditions in the city areas of the state are shown in tVio follrhuritio- taYilo...
...Though the time Is short, the Los Angeles Socialists are planning a vigorous campaign...
...Little Imagination is needed to realize the extent of the suffering that exists in the homes of countless thousands of working class families, for in no community in the state has provision been made to furnish adequate relief for those In need...
...Ml - 1.0 71.6 —151 14.04 WUUamiport...
...This is to be expected when it is considered that industrial payrolls have ben cut about half since the depression set in, and that prices for farm commodities are the lowest they have been in a generation—and in most cases are below the actual costs of production...
...The Socialists of Los Angeles have nominated William Busick as their candidate for Mayor in the recall election to be held May 3rd...
...The Issues Drown - The campaign was precipitated by a recall against Mayor Porter, which necessitates a special election...
...Dozens of open air meetings will be held...
...Socialists and sympathizers in the Omaha district are invited to rally on Sunday, May 1, at.the Labor Lyceum, 22d and Clark streets, at 2:30 P. M. for a May Day celebration...
...11.1 - 0.1 00.0 -10.4 17.01 Seranten...
...That both urban and rural workers alike can be organized politically, and party propaganda conducted continuously—and therefore successfully—is being demonstrated very conclusively in at least one section of Pennsylvania...
...After seven weeks of old party squabbling Pinchot's proposed relief program was rejected and another bill was enacted, appropriating $10,000,000 for unemployment relief, to be administered by the poor boards throughout the state...
...Pinchot, along with other politicians, denied that there was any need for the state to provide relief...
...These meetings are all visited by experienced party members who discuss party principles, policies and tactics, organization plans,, effective propaganda methods, political campaign work and similar questions...
...The best that can be said of the relief given to date Is that It has kept the most needy from actually dying of starvation...
...IMP f 1M1 Allen town-Beaton- I Bethlehem...
...but the actual distribution of the fund only began about the middle of April...
...same kind of workers and farmers, to reach and educate in Socialist principles as are found in other sections of the state and nation Th* f«/>t that thev ar»» aurceedlna In doing this proves that the job can be done—If and when Sociallata In a community quit making alibis for themselves and get down to work In earnest...
...Red flowers will be sold at all May Day gatherings to swell the state campaign funds...
...50 meetings have been arranged and tens of thousands of pieces of literature will be distributed... public meetings are held during the winter months, and scores of out-door meetings during campaigns...
...M.( - —11.1 411 —17.1 $19 95 Altoona_________.........70.S —10.1 M.t —il.l li.M Brie...
...bers of the committee when ha said: "I'm opposed to a public hearing...
...this local that almost equals in political strength the two old parties combined in the city of Reading, and is forcing them- into a fusion in the county—this local Is a 100 per cent proletarian organization...
...However, most o the more Important manufactur lng areas also are well above th average for the state as a whole Those below the average are th counties devoted largely to agrl culture...
...aad during the two months prior to the election the same number are distributed weekly, increasing in size up to a 4-page newspaper...
...but how their resentment will express itself politically remains to be seen...
...What it has done in the past and is doing now, other determined groups of workers can do elsewhere in the state—and in other states as well...
...In addition to this a 15-minute Socialist program Is broadcast every Sunday at 12:15 noon, over Station WEETJ, which has a radius of more than 150 miles...
...Wages Take Big Drop In the February, 1932,* issue o "Labor and Industry", publlshe by the Pennsylvania Departmen of Labor and Industry, appea EMPLOYMENT AMP I AX MINOR IN M aniifai TI'RINO INDUBTBU8 IN PENNSYLVANIA* -1-¦-vrmn EMPLOYMENT PAYROLLS WB1CKLY __Indea Number...
...We want your votes only If they are a class expression of your belief in Socialism...
...All party branches meet weekly and their headquarters are usually crowded to capacity, because special efforts are put forth to make these meetings both Interesting and educational...
...Busick Runs For Mayor in Los Angeles Socialists Putting Up Vigorous Fight in Recall Election Campaign _ (Special New Leaser Carreapewdewt) LOS ANGELES...
...Pinchot's Belief Record As far as state aid Is concerned, the Idle workers have received nothing thus far—except for the few thousands extra that were given jobs at 40 cents an hour on road construction work...
...The Los Angeles SocialisT§Tore telling the voters, "If you don't believe in Socialism, don't vote for Busick...
...The report just mentioned which lists the number of unem ployed by counties, shows that th percentage of unemployment 1 greater in the steel and coal mln lng sections of the state than I: other districts...
...Thousands of them have lost their equities in their farms...
...Instrumental music and group singing of revolutionary songs will augment the program...
...The Job Can Be Done During 10 months of the year between elections, Local , Berks distributes 55,000 4-page, 9x12 ineh class home In Reading, In every borough in the county and to most gflgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBSBB of the farms...
...30 to 80.1 on Jan...
...I making" this report public the Gov ernor stated that it probably ua derestimates the situation some what...
...This leaves the field to the Socialists, who should take advantage of this favorabli .situation to educate and organize the exploited tollers of the nation's foremost Industrialized state...
...70.0 +17.1 M.O + 7.0 10.71 Johnatown............________ 10.1 -17.0 10.8 -Ml 10.00 Lancaster...
...The social activities of this local consist of card parties, bazaars dances and picnics, the latter held In a park owned by the party and attended by upwards of 10,000 persons monthly during the Summer months...
...This is tht fourth dilute in tht serits on tconomic, soual and political conditions in tht states and tht prospects for tht Socialist Party...
...It la now more evident than ever before that the workers "have nothing to lose but their chains...
...One of the tables dealing with employment and earnings In manufacturing industries of the state shows that in Dec, 1931, employment was but 71.1 per cent as compared with the three-year average for 1923-25, and payrolls but 52.1 per cent...
...The progressive candidate promisee to grant free speech, abolish the "Red Squad," protect the power and light department and many other progressive promises, but the Socialists at a meeting that lasted until midnight decided to sail under their own banner, and fight for Socialism, rather than win or lose supporting a "good" capitalist candidate...
...This is indicated by the latest report of the Governor showing an Increase in unemployment, and by general observations with respect to part time employment and continued wage reductions In many establishments...
...Manacre Model" The suggestion has been made that Fordjs new 8-cyllhdcr car be called the Massacre Model in memory of the four workers who were shot to death while seeking jobs on the new car...
...In addition to the city branches, 13 strong, active branches are organized throughout the county, and this number is growing monthly...
...And.the local that is doing these things just mentioned...
...John H. Paul, Nebraska Socialist candidate for governor, will apeak on "The Socialist and the Farmer...
...Street meetings and demonstrations will be sponsored by the Yipsela and the Omaha Local...
...The act provides for the distribution of the money over a six-month period, which was to have started with the enactment of the bill last December...
...11.1 —10.1 11.S -Ml 10.1S Reading-Lebanon...
...In the anthracite coal mining Industry employment at the end of last year was 78 per cent of the 1923-25 average, and wage payments were but 66 per cent...
...The Socialists In Berk* Berks County, including the city of Reading, is the third largest manufacturing area in the state...
...However, denying the need for relief failed to Improve matters...
...Both old parties In the state are morally bankrupt and callous to the sufferings of the workers of city and country...
...That workers and farmers are deeply resentful against present economic conditions Is apparent to all who come in contact with them...
...The Socialist vote in Los Angeles in 1928 was 4,000...
...Much will depend upon the activity of the Socialist party, its ability to organize, and the intensity of its propaganda...
...Local Berks Is showing that this can be done, and it is up to the comrades throughout the state to follow her example and roll up such a large Socialist vote next November that its significance will not be lost on the leaders of the plunder-bund in Wall Street and Washington...
...Things are bad enough without agitating this question...
...It has the...
...The rally wlU be in the hands of the ladles in the evening...
...Porter's police force has been notoriously brutal In breaking up all radical meetings...
...In attempting to placate the Socialist vote, the lasue of public ownership and the question of free speech were brought into the campaign by the progressive candidate...

Vol. 13 • April 1932 • No. 17

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