Cohen, J. N.

THE NEW LEADER FORUM A Criticism of Critical Criticism By B d s Lew r r t K E above sub-title of Marx's ant 1 Engels' book against the YoungHegelians. ' T h e Holy Family." eeem; ^ r o...

...t h a t the members were debating what policy to resort to In their efforts to bring about the Socialist state...
...Comrades should realise t h a i the t r u t h can only come out In t h e clash of ideals.'* I could acres with Mae if be means t h a t the clash shall be at the regulated time...
...TO SOCIALIST PARENTS By William Oomberg A condition exists In our movement which calls for some drastic remedy...
...He says...
...What opinion of radicals does a young lib era...
...A guilt...
...Moreover, we receive occasional letters of Inquiry from those who receive Com munlst literature for the first time a n d who ask regarding the falsehoods It contains...
...For many years he has roundly scolded all those In t h e Party who in any way differ from a misty authoritarianism, on which he and a few others seem to bold the copyright...
...Such expressions may or may not be appro prlate...
...I am by no means alone In my opinion that the brazen refusal to print the Militant Program means that The New Leader Is being censored for the benefit of a certain clique Inside the Party whose vested Party Interests make them naturally antagonistic to dlssidence of any sort...
...All for 75 c e n t s...
...McAllster Coleman Joined the Socialist party because he believed i n t h e class struggle, the principles of Socialism, etc...
...The n e t result is, first, t h e b i r t h of altogether different Interests, carefully cultivated and directed by a bourgeois society with t h e bete of Its schools either In sports or fraternity life to t h e exclusion of all else and, second, a growing suspicion on the part of t h e members of the Y. P. 8 h t h a t something is wrong somewhere...
...First, we must "believe t h a t the American trade union movement is as definitely at the end of an era a* is capitalism Itself," and "it is the duty of Socialists everywhere to agitate for a militant industrial unionism...
...But don't let us be too critical, there is one important activity, through which we can help organize the unorganised and create a progressive trade union movement, we should—appoint a national labor committee...
...This sincerity must consist of a willingness to cooperate to the extent that the children of these members become members of the Y. P . S. L. A good many of our older comrades who are never too tired to make speeches about the futility of careerism in present day society are extremely careful lest the Ylpsels absorb too much of the time of their children or instil Any peculiar idea* relative to becoming doctor, lawyer or I n d i a n chief...
...At a meeting recently Comrades er, was b p t h e auditors epeakwith Colewere be had to say did not—in the fullest sense of t h e weed HJUUCUT with t h e purpose of she ateStbaj which was to bring t h e Socialist and Yipeel message to the young people who were invited to attend the meeting...
...The point is they are unpolitic...
...The columns of The New Leader since its establishment answer the question as to whether it is "prone to p r i n t critical letters...
...For instance, In Germany the Socialists "subordinate the revolution to the maintenance of the 'democratic' republic . . . Thelr conduct is t h e more to be condemned because i t is cloaked with lip service to Marxism...
...of the claw itrugg.e and what they consider Marxism direct their pronunriamento against -the apojoi i s u (within our ranks) for this deadly sort of gradualneos,' coropromlie and political trading parading under the BUM of Marxism" and "those who invoke the name of Karl Marx . . . in rupport of their qtikaceoce.- To name t h e Marxist* who are guilty of compromise and political trading and to state of what it consisted, has been conveniently omitted...
...He spoke on a controversial m a t t e r within t h e party and of which the young people there had no knowledge whatsoever...
...For the Ylpsels to function successfully, Its members must have implicit faith In the sincerity of the members of the parent organization...
...West Side Branches Prepare for May Day T h r e e w e s t side b r a n c h e s of the S o c i a l i s t party, Washington H e i g h t s , Morningside H e i g h t s and t h e Upper West Side, will hold a May Day dance and p a r t y after t h e b i g M a y D a y d e m o n s t r a t i o n on S a t u r d a y , April 30, in t h e Comm u n i t y Center, 210 West 91st s t r e e t at 9 p . m. This will be a g e t - t o g e t h e r of the members of t h e t h r e e b r a n c h e s . T h e r e will be dancing, r e f r e s h m e n t s , s i n g i n g and a general good time...
...True, our party Is weak and they may not feel called upon to dictate to the Intel-nation tl and the parties abroad, but why not at least tijtime some of t h e attitude of superiority over everything and everybody #htch the triumvirate t h a t signed the Militant manifesto shows to such a marked degree...
...Again, how much simpler to make a general insinuation, t h a n to name t h e guilty ones and to use the methods provided in the party's constitution for dealing with members guilty of conduct unbecoming a Socialist...
...And to facilitate matters, a hat of appropriate names, of those who endorse the program, Is printed on Its back page...
...receive after having heard a CommunistSocialist squabble, or after having read such nicknames as "Mussy" applied to Mussolini...
...Outside of the recent war and unemployment leaflets, our literature has not been so hot or simply has not existed...
...when all Russian Socialists fight Bolshevism, that is meaningless...
...A LITERATURE FUND . By I. N. Ckjhsa Many of us are only too anxious to level criticism at The Hew Leader when It does not toe t h e mark...
...I a m positive t h a t when Mae Joined the Socialist party it was not because he was told of a dispute taking place within t h e party...
...Imprisoned and exiled Socialists, but the Bolshevik dictators...
...Literature distribution is the most vital activity t h a t the membership can take up and it is the duty of the party authorities by book or crook, to see t h a t literature is placed in the h a n d s of the branches...
...And now to the one bright spot The European Socialist parties "flounder In the morasses of compromise and opportunism, losing sight of any goal...
...Now this problem can be solved, "an army of workers now reduced to pauperism can be welded Into a mighty revolutionary force by militant Socialist leadership.'* And bow...
...the American party is not "alive to the challenge of our times," but "Socialism can be and is being built today In Russia...
...Here is a statement concerning Party policy, s i g n e d ' b y active and responsible P a r t y members, whatever Oneal may t h i n k of their intelligence...
...The compromise of our Socialist ideals has been winked at by many high In our councils...
...However, for this a way is also shown: "Such a policy would begin with a thorough-going discipline of those party members who are also trade unionists, who have abandoned their Socialist philosophy by playing politics inside the trade unions for their personal advantage...
...Today he keeps his h a n d In by writing verbose answers t o those who are brash enough to send letters to "The New Leader Forum...
...not t o forget the holy family of three who signed it...
...Unfortunately, many of our critics are either too busy or not Interested to say a good word in The Mew Leader's behalf when it does the work at the p a r t y in such fashion as to merit commendation...
...Copies of it were sent to Oneal for publication i n The New Leader long before he published his caustic attack upon it...
...Opprobrious adjectives hurt their users the most I t does not matter who they are used by or whom directed at...
...Also, a casual reader may not find any good suggestion which is new or any new suggestion which is good...
...That others differ and prefer to endorse t h e desperate struggle for liberty carried on by the Russian Socialists "is due primarily to t h e prejudices engendered by t h e bitterness associated with the Communist split, the continued slanderous attacks of the American Communists and the imprisonment by the Soviet of former associates of American Socialists . . ." Our Militant vanguard which, contrary to others, was "able to rise above the h a t r e d s of 1919...
...One must answer and t h e n comes t h e temptation due to a sense of outrage and injustice...
...If necessary, let The New Leader appeal to its readers for a literature fund, and I have no doubt that the money will come across...
...Brooklyn, N. T THE ART OF CRITICISM By William K. Keisey From an article headed "Municipal Elections in Montreal" in your issue of March 26, I quote: "The Communist pet names 'Faker, traitor, social Fascist' which they so often use can be better applied to themselves...
...Surely t h e rank and file of the Party Is entitled to know what i t Is i n the Program t h a t has so raised the ire of Oneal a n d his ancient allies...
...Such tactics on the part of the Communists are the chief reasons I am affiliated with the Socialist party rather than the Communist party...
...Then you may be sure they will be used to our benefit...
...So, all's well t h a t ends well...
...Silence, t o my mind, is the best answer to an obvious lie...
...I t has been remarked from time to time that there is a regrettable paucity of good Socialist leaflets for general distribution by t h e branches...
...New York City...
...The program is presented to those "who are anxious to see t h e party move along the high road to Socialism," which evidently only t h e Militant* wish to travel and which the others have forsaken...
...At t h e end of our observations, after so much fault-finding, we should not be one-sided in criticizing...
...The prevailing excuse t h a t "our children are not interested" is very usually directly trseeaWs to a prevailing seutfmea* J | J $ . h o n e that "my children a r e going to think for themselves or I can teach say children Socialism, t h e Ylpsels are unoassary, or first let my children . come established In then* careers a n d then they win enter t h e party...
...but when one prominent Marxian Socialist is discerned by t h e keen eye of our critics who to some extent •hares their view on Russia, as Otto Bauer, then he Is worth quoting...
...Really, why carry on a light against Communism and Hitler ism a n d make tragic sacrifices to pre vent Germany from becoming Fascist, when all they need to do Is to make a revolution...
...I n his column of April 2 he was asked by a member to keep any controversial matter out of the discussion as there were non-party or new members a t t h e meeting...
...In our bumble opinion, a rather poor eclectic way to furnish authoritative corroborating opinion...
...The Socialist International Those who know how to save our party here, can naturally save other Socialist parties and t h e International also...
...Elaborate e n t e r t a i n m e n t is being prepared, a n d will Include songs, a special d a n c e p r o g r a m u n d e r t h e d i r e c t i on of R u t h Allerand, and an auction of some of t h e p i c t u r e s exhibited, p r o b a b l y to be p r e s i d e d over by Heywood Broun, Members of Rebel A r t s a r e now b u s y w o r k i n g on p o s t e r s a n d bann e r s for the E a s t Side A n t i - W ar D e m o n s t r a t i o n on A p r i l 23 a n d for t h e May Day d e m o n s t r a t i o n and p a r a d e . Those anxious t o cooper-, a t e s h o u l d g e t in t o u c h w i t h Samuel H . F r i e d m a n , One P e r r y s t r e e t, a t once...
...L e., during the convention, conference or special membership meeting, but Mac complains because he cannot say his say at any kind of meeting...
...I t is true, a Militant program for the Socialist party of America will not change the parties abroad to any great extent...
...THE MILITANT PROGRAM By McAllister Coleman novice in t h e gentle a r t of controversy...
...These staunch upholder...
...Obviously this Is a news item, of greater Interest than some of the parochially-minded New York comrades may think, to a large crosssection of our membership...
...l et us then see what this road is...
...But on careful reading, we come upon an important sentence, modestly hidden, the one definite and concrete recommendation through which our party, after all, can be changed to advantage: "Men and women with imagination and ability should be put in position of leadership...
...If he h a d spoken with t h e thought in mind of getting young people to Join t h e Ylpsels he would have been doing what any Socialist, "Militant" or otherwise, would have been expected to do...
...I know we will be told t h a t the p a r t y is running a deficit and does not possess t h e cash, or possibly the credit, to have leaflets printed...
...Furthermore, our delegates to InternaUonal Congresses "exhibit abroad a sense of Inferiority," which Is wholly unwarranted...
...To be sure, we use t h e above quoted adjectives to a lesser degree, but still too frequently...
...We shall t a k e u p Mac's accusations regarding "clique" and "censorship" later.—Editor...
...r o p r i a t e a* the heading for »om( obeerVaUons on the recently published program of another holy and t en critical family, the group known as the •MUitanis...
...Needless to say, our critics are "In complete disagreement with the policies pursued by the leading Socialist parties In Europe" and equally so with " t h e policies ratified at I n t e r national Congresses...
...Sometimes we made some pi ogress, at other times we suffered setbacks, frequently due to our mistakes...
...The exhibit, which will b e t h e first m a j o r event s p o n s o r e d by this newly formed o r g a n i z a t i o n of a r t i s t s in all fields of endeavor affiliated w i t h or symp a t h e t i c to the Socialist movement, will c o n t i n u e for two weeks The showing- will c u l m i n a t e in t h e Rebel A r t s Revel, a costume ball a r r a n g e d for May 6 a t t h e Alh a m b r a , 126th s t r e e t and 7 t h avenue ( H a r l e m ) . This ball will be, i t is expected, t h e "biggest and b e s t " ball of t h e year, a n d should prove to be t h e c e n t e r of a t t r a c t i o n for all who a r e looking for a colorful and i n t e r e s t i n g p a g e a n t ry —and f o r a good time...
...Superfluous to say that our Militants "heartily endorse the efforts of our comrades In Russia," and t h a t these our comrade* are not the persecuted...
...Plain, unadorned facts are far more effective t h a n ill-advised abuse...
...But then our critics forget t h a t our German comrades unfortunately have not among tnetr ranks the signers of t h e Militant manifesto, to uphold the banner of true MSSlaBB and usher In the Socialist revolution...
...I wonder if this criticism of our Communist friends might not well be applied to ourselves...
...when Socialist leaders sympathise with Socialism rather than with Bolshevism, t h a t is due to prejudice...
...A thief will not trust any one and a liar never believes any one...
...Incidentally, in writing this letter, I a m Interested in learning whether The New Leader is any more prone to print critical letters t h a n certain capitalist newspapers I am acquainted with...
...TO COMRADE COLEMAN By David M. Levies McAlkter Coleman seems to place an idea of bis above t h e principles and platform «< t h e Socialist party as laid wn in the regular course of action, either at national, state or city conventions...
...conscience always tells...
...The last three issues of The New Leader, the front page issues, have contained suitable and timely material and, with a change here and there, would make excellent leaflets...
...THE NEW LEADER FORUM A Criticism of Critical Criticism By B d s Lew r r t K E above sub-title of Marx's ant 1 Engels' book against the YoungHegelians...
...Syracuse, N. Y. Of course, the bitterness of which our correspondent complains should be avoided but In the case of the Com munista It Is a matter of dally pro vocation and It is not easy for some to answer a continuous shower of bricks by tossing back roses...
...I a m not...
...Comrade Solomon tried to explain t h e remarks of Coleman so that t h e young people would not misinterpret them, and he made a fine Job of i t I wonder what would have been the a t t i t u d e of Comrade Thomas had he been able to stay at the meeting and listen to Coleman...
...Communists capitalists, or Socialists...
...When the International calls on the Russian workers and peasants to struggle for freedom, that is not worth considering...
...However, since a substantial sum of money is raised annually for maintaining the city administration, it Is the belief of the writer that we can sacrifice some of our administrative activities In favor of the printing and distribution of leaflets throughout the city...
...To some it may seem t h a t a particular farm of organisation Is not t h e most important thing—the United Mine Workers, for instance, are organized on an industrial basis—but t h a t our task is primarily to make the workers class conscious...
...And if any one cannot see why such a committee should be able to accomplish things which existing party organs cannot, let him wait until the end of this article, and he will «ee how and why it will work...
...looks with equal Olympic calm on the violent suppression of every vestige of liberty by the Russian rulers, a* well as o n the Communists' activities all over the world, directed by the same Russian rulers, with t h e avowed purpose t o crush Socialism...
...The greatest problem which faced the American movement since its inception was t h a t of gaining support of the organised workers...
...Such undignified methods may well be left to our opponents...
...however, a novice in Journalism and I cannot for the life of me understand the peculiar ethics, to say nothing of sportsmanship, which permits Comrade Oneal to devote nearly a page of the issue of The New Leader of April 9th to what he evidently regards as a devastating answer t o t h e Program of the Militants, the while he and t h e rest of those in control of the policy of this paper stubbornly refuse to print the wicked document...
...T h e w r i t e r s ' g r o u p of Rebel A r ts will hold a m e e t i n g soon to prep a r e for t h e i r g e n e r a l conference, t o be addressed by a prominent r e v o l u t i o n a r y w r i t e r . An experim e n t a l w r i t e r s ' division will be formed...
...Which brings me to t h e point...
...Brooklyn, N. Y. Diego Rivera to Talk at Rand School Tuesday Night for Rebel Arts Group Diego R i v e r a , p e r h a p s t h e most f a m o u s of all p r o l e t a r i a n a r t i s t s, will s p e a k this Tuesday night, April 19th, a t t h e R a n d Qchool, 7 E a s t 15th s t r e e t T h e m e e t i n g has been a r r a n g e d by t h e Rebel A r t s. R i v e r a ' s s u b j e c t will be "Revolut i o n a r y T r e n d s in A r t" D i e g o . R i v e r a , J o h n Sloan and, Heywood B r o u n will be a m o n g the a r t i s t s s h o w i n g a t the Rebel A r ts E x h i b i t , which will open i n the s t u d i o of t h e Peoples House on Sunday, April 24...

Vol. 13 • April 1932 • No. 16

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