A Socialist View of the Week

A Socialist View of the Week One Sector of Our Capitalist Hell E increasing depression I* like avast flood that continues to rise,sweeping unfortunates into the streamand leaving only those in...

...Moreover, in no other publication willmembers find so complete report* of what the partyis doing throughout the country...
...The mastersof our life control all fronts...
...Dismiss him from the jobl And let's make haste And quickly get another in his place...
...themovement is everything, for it I* theworking class army of liberation...
...Other aspects of human privation are revolting...
...It is freely predicted that both Austria and Hungary face bankruptcy an dtheir collapse would affect the finances of the rest of the world...
...The weak Socialisparty and labor unions were renderedhelpless and fearful conditions have surrounded Communists and other* whowar* Jailed...
...SocialismIs your agency for liberation...
...Soreads the frantic statement of one official...
...Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Yugoslavia are also badly hit The only thing on which the four powers are agreed is that something must be done . to avert disaster but they divide, Italy and Germany In opposition to France and England...
...A* a matter of fact, it appearsto be turning to Governor Roosevelt and into the respectable parlor of capitalistpolitics...
...The party membership Increased from 109,892 to 120,000...
...Shortly beforethis February outbreak the governmenthad reduced food ration* to the shockingly low sum of $1.60 a unit per monthResentment has been rising sinceFebruary and the storming of the Houselast week was the culmination of itWhat evidently brought resentment to swhite heat was the fact that chargeshad been made that minutes of the Executive Council had been falsified andthat public fund* had been manipulatedfor political purposes...
...The political groupings and electoral system In France are a puzzle to American observers...
...Czechoslovakia is alto facing an alarming situation...
...William Swoboda,Socialist, has been expelled from theSocialist party...
...Swoboda was entirely new tothe Socialist movement and by its actionin depriving him of party membershipthe Socialist party has given an exampleof what it will do In the case of anelected official whose actions in officereflect discredit on the party...
...Statesmen Pusnled WIn London Parley HILE Europe continues to sink the representatives of Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy meet In London ostensibly to save the Danubian States fro mutter collapse...
...An Investigation is promised and whatthe outcome will be remains to be seenCapitalism is a very rocky structurehere and across the northern border andIf the elemental resentment of the working class could be gathered into a Socialist drive many a bankrupt politicianwould be hurled out of office...
...This heartless policyhas evoked some resentment In Congrea*and we look forward to the June convent ions of the two parties to againassure farmers that heaven is justaround the corner if Hoover or Roosevelt Is successful in November...
...Socialists expect to make substantial, possibly big gains...
...In Racine Mayor...
...Our murder rate for 1931 In 164cities remains 10.9 per 100,000 population while therate in foreign countries, covering 53 leading citiesof the world, Is only 3.5 per 100,000...
...Retaining him is but a stupid waste Of valued lime...
...They overturnedtables, ripped out telephones, hurled inkwells and broke a picture over Prim'Minister Squires* head...
...Capitalism is hell for workers in all countries...
...Despite the fact thatHoover is today a* vulnerable a* a ragbaby the "progressives" suffer a defeat.If there was any vitality in middle class"progTessivism" it would certainly takea spurt forward In this period of depression...
...Hewas fortunate in being the son of his father: Hetried to corner wheat in 1898 and food riots followed in Italy...
...It has changed and will continue tochange with the view of improvement, but the staffwin always keep in mind that it is also a forum forthe expression of inner party views whatever maybe their trend...
...He was a sportsman and thousandsof wage serfs provided him with the funds to Indulge In horse racing...
...Factional quarrels in the Communist party brought the expulsion of two of its Deputies two years ago which reduced it* representation to 10 and a few week* ago there was s further rift with expulsions...
...North Tonawanda, N. Y., authorities are accepting potatoes in payment of taxes...
...Workers of the nation...
...A Deputy recently charged that 15,000 children face starvation and that j pigs get better food in soma Ruthe-nian...
...Seventy-five heads of tradeunions have bitterly denounced thesecontemptible proposals which will add tothe general economic misery and be ssignal to capitalists to make further reductions in wages...
...In the Mississippi area of the cotton kingdomnearly 40,000 small farms were sold under sheriff'shammers in one day and the state has becomeownerrof nearly 40,000 acres forfeited for non-payment of taxes...
...He compared the region to a cemetery^ Poverty-stricken fanners sell horses for 20 cents and cows for S3 because of an embargo on trade...
...The average income in 32,000 homes represent (8.20 per month...
...Some 30,000 miner*, averaging $2 a week, struck* late in March a* a protest against the discharge of 12,000 due to the depression...
...Never in the history ofthe city of New Tork ha* there been somuch poverty and misery appealing forpublic aid...
...Mussolinitrie* to cope with the depression withbombast...
...rNetejoundland Worker* Rise Against Parliament E rising of dlscontended masses inNew Foundland last week when10,000 besieged the House of Assembly,made a squad of policemen prisonersand smashed windows Is the human fer.ment due to unemployment...
...A Socialist View of the Week One Sector of Our Capitalist Hell E increasing depression I* like avast flood that continues to rise,sweeping unfortunates into the streamand leaving only those in the uplands insecurity...
...TheLabor Bureau, Inc., reports 903 decreases ud only 25 increases in wages in the •nonth ending Jan...
...Last February nearly a thousand jobless mensmashed their way into the Cabinetchamber to demand an Increase in theixunemployment rate...
...Hired Man Dismiss him from the jobl There is no time In keeping him around...
...For example, due to undernourishment there are men and women of the age of 35 in the rural regions who are old at that age and the death rate is high...
...Olthis number 410,000 are in "dire want...
...It's plain lo see' He hasn't got a bit of that experience Which makes for q good, sound utility...
...We doubt the correctness of t his view bur* In any event It is essential that the main party organshould provide a forum for such discussion...
...Working Farmer* and Capitalist Parties RKING farmers have had plentyof leisure to read the platformplanks of the capitalist parties in thethree Presidential elections since 1920and next June they will have two moreplank* to read...
...Our reader* will findnew* of this on another page but thisIncident occurs at the time that theparty elect* three members to the CityCouncil...
...We challengecomparison, bar none...
...Farmer*had already been looted and then camethe tum of the wage worker...
...It is a servicethat is esentlal to a. Socialist movement If it la toavoid getting Into a rot It reveals to new membersthat we are not routineers but that we are thinkingand questioning not only about our own movementbut also of the changing world in which we live...
...A Socialist Deputy charged that mine owners in one area alone last year made 17,000,000 profits and demanded the nationalization of the mines...
...The bankruptcies and mortgage foreclosures mean an enormous centralization of wealth into fewer hands and the pauperization of milHons, Those who itill nave a foothold in the lower level*are also being more plundered...
...If successful It will have slegal label bearing the inscription"economy...
...Mussolini no longer talks of huge armaments and airplanes that darken the sky as he Is forced to economise in ordei to keep his Fascist state Intact In England MacDonald becomes more pathetic each day as the hea* of a reactionary government and is tossed between fear of an economic collapse In Europe and unsolved problems In "Merrie England...
...Either this or a "forced-furlough" scheme, which means forced vacations without pay, which is favored b> Hoover...
...It is a»sumed that this detract* from the propaganda valueof The New Leader...
...The primitive tribe known as 100 per cent Americans will be Interested to know that the UnitedStates leads all the nations of the world hi themurder Industry...
...The farmers continued to sinkand they are today a ragged rural proletariat...
...The oaths heard in the lowest dive*tail to express one's resentment...
...The New Leader 1*never satisfactory to the staff responsible for Itspublication...
...Joseph JJeiter, Chicago millionaire, is dead...
...The Democratic party beat us to It...
...Further detail*are sickening...
...E marked Socialist success made inMilwaukee by our comrades is encouraging to Socialists everywhere andtwo other item* of news from Wisconsinare very Instructive...
...Poverty-stricken as the Socialist party iswe must summon all our resources toreach the slaves of capitalism with.themessage„of Intelligent revolt Three, Item* of Wisconsin Politic...
...ASocialist society would probably have found himuseful as caretaker of a livery stable...
...Few Socialist* anticipated that when the l inevitable depression came it would be so frightful or as world-wide as it is today...
...It is proposed to cut thewages of federal employes who receivea thousand dollars a year or more 11per cent...
...Pllsudskl reorganises the Polish Cabinet, Hoover's economy programwill be Imitated, and the public worksprogram will be curtailed...
...Tillers of the soil should throw intheir lot with the workers of the citiesin a huge forward drive through theSocialist party against the political vampire* that make mudsills of their class Picking the Pocket* AOf Ike Working Clou TABLOID history of the industrialcrisis should Include the following.A few millions of people were inducedto gamble In stocks and their stake*were gathered In by the sharks...
...It.may die In convulsions In the neat few years but it requires Socialist Intelligent* to organise It In the interests of the working masses.New Leader DiseomieHS OCCASIONALLY we receive a letter from aparty member objecting to the apace given todiscussion of party issues and principles...
...Noparty member can afford to be without The New Leader for to miss it la to miss one of the moatessential features it alone provides for SocialistsThese discussions are supplemented with elementary propaganda and the more sober articles ofcontributor...
...Now Congress turns to the noble workof looting...
...Beneath these negotiations is the rivalry between France and England on the Continent The French imperialists have a string of vassal states across Europe which they hope to use in any war and especially against the Russians...
...The individual is a minor consideration...
...TheNew Leader is the only party paper in this countrythat provides it for the members...
...If this drift towards barter continues throughout the country,potatoes, hairpins, buttons and brass spoons willbecome coin of the realm...
...This juggling offinances to serve politicians while theunemployed were on starvation ration*was regarded as an insult to the workingmasses...
...All over the nation the fat boy* have been picking the pocket* of the laboring masswrand the pilfering in wage slashes continues.'Little shop keepers by the tensof thousand* have also been "put on thespot...
...A shift to the Left in France will help to ease the tension in Europe and will also be regarded as a reverse for reaction in general...
...While the Socialistparty made a huge stride forward theLaFollette "progressives" In that statefind themselves a minority In the Republican state delegation to the nationalconvention of the Q. O. P. for the firsttime in 28 years...
...Capitalism has accumulated vast s powers of production that overwhelm its statesmen and politicians with its abt surdities and contradictions...
...He was one of those Individuals whom Hoover's "Umpire of Fairness" selectedto rule over us because of his superior talents...
...All forecasts indicate a shift to the Left and it is expected that Edouard Harriot 1* likely to succeed M. Tardieu as Premier...
...Hunger and Poverty EIn Sick Europe CONOMIC prostration in Europe Uproduclng political repercussionsthat are unstable for dictators...
...In by-elections in 1930 the Socialist* won six seats, increasing their representation In the Chamber of Deputies to 107 and the total elections also showed an increased Socialist vote...
...Never have so many familiesreached the end of their resources...
...The Yugoslav reactionary group* are themselves divided and dramatic events may occur Jn this little kingdom...
...Leon Blum, Socialist leader, in a recent speech to his constituents predicted that the Tardieu government will fall within a few day* after the election...
...Ttll him right to his fate No out can ever hold this job or slay Who stares at passing birds and dreams all day...
...It reminds one of General vonBiasing levying contributions on theBelgian population...
...French Elections Set for May Day FENCH voters will go to the polls on May Day and the second balloting will occur on May 8 in case* where a clear majority Is not obtained by any candidate...
...Two headlines in the New Tork Timestell the deadly story of what Is happening in the largest city in the world.The Commissioner of Public Welfare declares that $20,000,000 is needed or relief work will collapse by June 1. Anther headline declare* that the totalnumber of those In need of help in New Tork City I* estimated at 1,160,000...
...The board has been composed otcapitalists and politicians, receivers of(at salaries who have squatted on thisvast una of human misery and takencare of those corporations that thrivean the measureless privations of thetillers of the soil...
...The capitalist world Is in a sorry me...
...Premier Ziv-kovitch of Yugoslavia, heading a dictatorship for three years, turns the jobover to his Foreign Minister, a politicacrisis Is Imminent, and opposition to thesham parliament becomes bolder everyday...
...At the same time the Communist vote declined in nearly all local and by-elections while the membership fell from 45,000 to 30,000...
...Harding and Cox,Coolldge and Davis, Hoover and Smithand their Congressional followers haveall been unanimous in promising to placeagriculture "on a level with Industry.'During all these years agriculture continued to sink and the farmer* have beenrobbed of almost everything they had.Hoover's Federal Farm Board has fota number of years had the farmers incharge...
...Poor farmers did not have to waitfor the Socialist party to force them to "divide up...
...Here the division between Serband Croat* complicate the political andclass difference...

Vol. 13 • April 1932 • No. 16

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