N. Y. Socialists Urged to Vote In Primaries

N. Y. Socialists Urged to Vote In Primaries P o l l s Will Be Open Throughout the State On Tuesday PRIMARY DAY TUESDAY, APRIL 5.—It Is necessary that every enrolled Socialist in New York...

...RYjfrAITERS * WAITBEI8ES UNION ^ c H s b b bW Local l. u Bast l t t h AM St...
...Action on .both proposals was postponed until the next meeting, on Monday, April 11...
...April 24, "Fruits of Assimilation.' These lectures begin promptly at 8:30 P. M. On April 9, the branch will run another card party and social gathering at 96 Avenue C. v S8TH A. D.—The branch meets every Friday evening...
...Samuel Suumsn, Isidore Left/, Business Agents...
...Preparations are now being made for the big event on April 23 when a number of outdoor meetings will be held all afternoon and evening along 2d avenue culminating In a theatre party at which "All Quiet on the Western Front" will be shown under the auspices of the branch...
...J. Belaky, Secretary...
...EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE INTERNA iMHAl POCKETBOOK WOBKERS' N New York Joint Bourn Affiliated With the American Pederation of Labor Oenersl offlce, Bl West rial St...
...R a ti Thetien, Rec...
...PANTS MAKERS' TRADE BOARD Ol Oreater New York Amalgamated Clothing Workers >i America...
...Morris Blumenrelch, Manager: My man Novodor...
...At dilated with the American Pederation ef Labor...
...t - 73I4-7UB-72M Meet every let and 3rd Tuesday...
...Boerd ol Delegates meet* st tbe Labor Temple...
...The topics are: April 3, "The Average Mind arid the Roots of Prejudice...
...I P M Becutlve Bosrd tame dsy, 6:30 p. M M. Tigel...
...8TH A. D.—On April 19, Tuesday evening, the branch la running a theatre party at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 47th street, West of Broadway...
...Morrle W. Jscobs, Chairman of Exec Board...
...April 17, "The Economic and Social Factors in Race Prejudice...
...y f M H A l ORamere* JN msrL°Se?'y;ARobert Lefkowity, Pre...
...Come to 130 Charles street or to Mary Fox, 397 Bleecker street, for your assignment and circulars...
...Chelsea S-734...
...BUFFALO, N. Y.—Regular meetings are being held on Monday evenings...
...WUUsm R. Ohlsllng, Manager...
...THEATRE PARTY—Orders for tickets for "Blessed Event" for Thursday, April 7, should be sent to the City Office Immediately...
...Card will be held...
...In addition to these two events, on Friday night, April L the regular forum will be held in Bonywood Gardens, 896 Prospect avenue...
...Peter Rothman...
...The circle meets at 1581 Washington avenue...
...Detroit and Chicago, Hy Fish, Y. P. S. L. hiking agitator, continues to the west coast, stopping off In Omaha, AprU 3rd, Ogden, Utah, April 5th, and Sacramento, April 7th, continuing to San Francisco, central California, and on to Los Angeles...
...Hilton Roworoft Rec, Oorrespatjlng Bec'y...
...Patrick J. Hanlon, Vlce-Pr...
...Phone Algonquin 4-70*1...
...aafSJsW tlonal B u i l d i ng VJawHB rradee C o u n c i l, tm H M a m »«ects every ThqrsV J F e f K n a day evening...
...Joseph Sell loss berg, Oen...
...Phone, Tompkins Square S-540...
...Long Island City, N. Y. Tel...
...A mailing will be sent to some 21,000 enrolled Socialists in Greater New York reminding them of their duty to vote...
...The entire speaking forces of the party and the Y. P. S. L. in the Bronx win address these meetings...
...Arrangements are also being made for an enrolled Socialist voters' meeting for Thursday, AprU 7. Free Youth A Page of Young Socialist News Cooperating with the Young Peoples Socialist League, The New Leader will publish monthly a full page of articles and aewa stories of particular interest to young socialists...
...The place of the meeting will be announced...
...Organisers, 1. H. Goldberg, A. Mendelowlts...
...MANHATTAN.— A hike to Tibbett's Brook haa been arranged for this Sunday...
...Speakers, Alice Goldberg and Esther Friedman...
...Daniel McOauley, Vice President...
...On Saturday night, meetings wiU be held at the following corners: along Prospect avenue at Longwooti avenue: lBist...
...P|| NECKWEAR MAKERS' I ' N I O N ^ L oS 11018, A. P. of L . 7 Rast ltth Street...
...Local No...
...1st snd t rd Mondays...
...110 snd l i t ol The INTERNATIONAL PUR WORKERS OP O. 8. and O., M Wsst list Street Phone Penn...
...snd Sec...
...Russell A. England of 22 Emerald street, South, ia the secretary...
...LABOR SECRETARIAT OF NEW YORK CITY A Cooperative Organization ol l.ahoi Unions to protect tbe legal rights of the Onions and tbelr members s John Block, Attorney and Counsel nt B'wsy., Rooms 1700-10...
...Mt W. Mth St...
...The latter will also contain an appeal to Join the party, to subscribe to The New Leader, and to help the cause financially...
...Abraham Miller, Secretary-Treasurer...
...Philip Lubllner...
...On May 1st, at Burnside Manor, a May Day celebration at 11 A. M. This Sunday morning at the Burnside Manor, Morris Hillquit will, lecture...
...The topic of the speeches will be "War—Its Cause, Prevention and Abolition...
...These gypsies of the Bronx are holding their meetings for the while at 615 East 140th street on Fridays at 8:30 P. M. CIRCLE 1 SR...
...Monday, AprU 4, Platbush Unit, Chairman, Jennie Goldman...
...CITY CENTRAL COMMITTEE.— The City Central Committee will meet Wednesday, AprU 6, at 8:30 P. M , in the People's House...
...Office: II West ltth St...
...Employment Bureau open every day at t p.m...
...The forum meets at the same place on Sunday afternoon at 8:80 P. M. ItD A. D.—The first meeting to organize a branch in the 22d A. D. will be held Monday, April 4. This territory includes a section of the Upper West Side...
...at 60 Main street...
...Oherles I Goldman Sec'y-Treas...
...0 7 Bam T u r k * ! , PBglpESa Pres...
...Sam Friedman Is the director...
...A meeting Is being called in Bridgeport on...
...even flrst end third Sunday at 10 a.m...
...I i a iw B D t l l l l l l ' U N I ON Local 114, AM O&B W of N.A., 1 l a s t ltth Street...
...MANHATTAN CHELSEA.—Our unemployed meeting is the largest project we have yet undertaken...
...Saul Oleeeky, Secretary-Treasurer...
...Ales Rose...
...Plums Algonquin * - 3 * 1 7 - MBS...
...Southern boulevard and Aldus avenue...
...I. B. Hertiberg...
...Charles Solomon will speak on Monday evening, AprU 4, In the Assembly Hall In Building F The meeting wiU start promptly at 8:30 P. M. 2D A. D.—A branch meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, AprU 5, in Paradise Manor, Mt...
...Phone Orchard 4 - 9**0-1-2...
...Beoretery of Executive Board, Saul Hodos...
...ANTI-WAR RALLIES.—The Manhattan comrades have completed their arrangements for their mass meeting on Saturday, April 9, at the Rand School...
...Tickets can be secured from P. P. Ohaiken, 741 West End avenue, telephone Riverside 9-8030...
...Ed Oottesmaa, SeoretaryTreasurer, i OESULtN PAINTERS' UNION, Local 4*9...
...N. Y Phone Tompkins Square I-B4O0 Hymsn Blumberg, Sidney Ressman, Managers...
...Circles arc urged to take bundles of The New Leader for distribution and sale...
...Prank Schel, Pin...
...Phono TOmpklns Sq...
...i 1 • AMALGAMATEO CLOTHING WORK EES OP AMERICA, New York Joint Board, gl West lttb Street, New York...
...SINTERS UNION, Local «f I Office, «3 Bait i06-.li atraet...
...BRONX).—"The Scientific Method" will be the subject of I. Saltzman at the meeting on AprU 3 at 3 P. M. The charter wUl be presented on the following Sunday and J. B. Mathews will speak...
...A. Weltner, Vice-President) X Meyer, Recording Secretary: A. L. Berter, Financial Secretary and Treasurer...
...Jaokeon Ave...
...Election of the City Executive Committee Is on the order of business...
...Operators, Leeal 1—Regular meetings every 1st and Ird Saturday...
...NATIONAL JjOTES HY FISH TOUR—After several weeks of very effective organization work In Reading, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto...
...1ST A. D.—A meeting will be held Tuesday evening, April 5, in the Workmen's Circle Center, 615 East 140th street, at 6:30 P. M. 3-4-5TH A. D.—The 3, 4 and 5 Assembly District branches will open an intense organization drive this week-end with nine outdoor, meetings on Saturday night, April 2, and a rally of enrolled Socialist voters on Monday night, AprU 4, in the Bellamy Club, 904 Prospect avenue...
...D. oinjoid...
...William Welngert, President...
...Morris Plshman...
...A. M. Schultz spoke at the last meeting...
...The program is a debate en "Socialism or Capitalism" between teams representing the Y. P. 8. L. and N. Y. V. «TH A. D.—A meeting will be held Monday evening, April 4, at 2717 White Plains road, 8:30 P. If...
...AprU 1, at 8 P. M. at 241 Bast 84th •EVOLUTIONARY SONG GROUP...
...Max Llebler, B oW S retsry-Treseurer...
...Tuesday, April 5, Boro Park Unit, at home of Mrs...
...Comrade Hackemer was elected organiser and he lives at 52 Belmont street...
...The first issue of tela enlarged "Free Youth" will appear In The New Leader next week...
...David Dublnstf, Secretary - Treasurer...
...Tompkins Square B-8400...
...Be i o k l a y e r s ' u n i o n . Local Ma • Office and headquarter*, Brootlgn Labor Lyceum, MO Wtlloaghby Are...
...Meeting* every 1*1 snd Ird Wednesday evening...
...Executive Board meets every Thursday at the offlce of the Union...
...Offlce ^VffstMlsWs* *» Best llrd St...
...Meets every Tuesdsy at 11:00 P. M. B. Merkln...
...Joint Bkecutlve Board meets every Tuesday nlgbt at 7:io, Board asset* every Tuesday night st t o o In the office...
...10, 1. L. O. W U Office...
...M. Goodman, Lucy Oppenhehat Chairman of Executive Board, Morris Rosenblatt...
...He will tear 'off the stub and deposit the ballot in the ballot box...
...Friday evening, AprU 1, at 8 P. M. at 708 Madison avenue...
...Regular meetings M | second and fourth Tuesday at Arlington Hall, It Bt...
...UNION DIRECTORY Bow**, s i N o a a e m b r o i d e r e r *. T u c a a s t s , s t i t c h e r s «>a p l e a t - E H ' Jn I O N , Local M, I.L.Q.W.D., 7 Bast lBth Bt...
...Frank P. UlU, Tresiurcr...
...Joseph J. OOtSa) nor, Treasurer...
...Andrew Strelt, Bus...
...In New York City polls are open from 3 to 9 P. M. Throughout the rest of New York State polls open from 12 to 9 P. M. Go to the polling place where you voted from at the last election, give your name to the Inspector and ask for a Socialist ballot, take the ballot into the booth and mark a cross (X) in the voting section in front of each name, refold the ballot and return it to the inspector...
...UPPER WEST SIDE.—A number of tickets for the concert of the Hail Johnson Choir given for the benefit of our branch in Carnegie Hall next Tuesday evening, April 5, are still unsold and all comrades are requested to help...
...Labor Temple, 243 E. »4th St., Room «. Regular meeting...
...Speakers at the enrolled voters' meeting will Include August Claessens, Louis Hendin, Henry Fruchter, Samuel Orr, Julias Umansky, Aaron Levensteln, Tyrell Wilson and "Sidney Hertzberg...
...Meets 1st and Srd Mondsy...
...This branch can boast of a good branch, fine Y. P. S. L. Circles, both Seniors and Juniors, and a woman's club under the leadership of Esther Friedman and Frances Schaffer, Sylvia Shore as usual playing a prominent part...
...343 Bast 84th Street...
...Rutes, 849 Linden boulevard...
...Admlsiion free to party members and YPSLS...
...Brotherhood ol Painters, Decorator* and Paperhangers...
...Of M.A...
...Wofsr, • J President snd Business WW Agent...
...at 6 P. M. at the Rand School...
...AU young people are Invited to attend these meetings...
...1 1 o» FUR DBBSSERS' UNION...
...French, Italian and English speakers will cooperate in this Red May activity and funds will be raised for the defense of Harlan, Kentucky, miners...
...John Sullivan Organizers Ve s t m a k e r s ' u n i o n . Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America...
...New York City, on tbe last Saturday of each month al 8:00 p. m. T H E I N T E R N A T I O N AL LADIES' GARMENT WORKERS' U N I O N, 1 a est ltth Street, New York City, Phone Chelsea 3 2148 Benjamin Bchleslnger, President...
...Ashland t- MWmlmmm...
...BUTCHERS' UNION, Local 174, A M O * B.W...
...Secretary - Treasurer...
...Vr/HITB GOODS W O R K E R S ' U K M R...
...6-7470 Austin Hewson, President...
...Al Baverle...
...April 10, ''The Psychic Factors in Race Prejudice...
...Local s i t meets on t rd SM Thursday of tbe month ^ at Beethoven Hall, lu) l a s t Pirth Bt...
...Regular meetings Brrt Monday of over* month at Irvine Plesa, Irving Place and l t th Street, a u s Levin...
...Phone Drydock 4-MIO...
...Jamee J. MeOrath, Secretary Treasurer...
...183d street at Fox street and Simpson street...
...Vice Preeldent, Bern Oroli...
...All members and friends are urged to meet at 10 A. M. at the Moahulu Parkway station of the Jerome Avenue Line...
...Phone Wis...
...At the Sunday Forum, Katherine PoUak will apeak at 8 party "Blessed •vent" on April 7, should call David Sinclair at Academy 2-1043 at once...
...HAMILTON, ONTARIO.—A new Yipsel circle has been organized with the aid of the Toronto members...
...uptown office, SO West 37th Street, phone Wisconsin 7-1270 Executive Board meets over* Tuesday evening, • P.M...
...BROOKLYN.—A Kings County Council wUl start functioning with representatives from Williamsburg, Brownsville and East New York, and Borough Park - Midwood - Platbush - Bensonhurst District Councils...
...Office open daily except Saturday from t A. I I . to I P. M. Regular meetings every Tuesday evening Chsrles Pflaum...
...H. llelb UNITED »EBREW TRADES, I7B East Brosdwsy...
...I. Offlce and headquarters, 34 West ltth St., N. Y. Meets every trd Sunday, ct every month at Stuyveasnt High School llth St., Best ol.'ind Ave Phone Tompkins So...
...BRONX.—Gertrude Klein will speak on her experiences in the labor movement on Sunday, April 3, at 4 P. M. at 908 Prospect avenue...
...Aaron Ifahien will speak on the IWW at the special meeting on Friday...
...P. Wollenaack, President...
...Amalltoose Bldg., M l Wsil 14th St...
...7TH A. D.—Samuel Orr rendered a very' interesting talk on "Current Events" at the Workmen's Circle School, 789 Elsmere place, last Tuesday, under the auspices of the branch...
...Rsgulsr Meeting* every Wednesday Evening, at the Labor Temple, 343 Best 84th Street...
...The play la "Whistling in the Dark...
...WORKERS OP AMERICA, Amalgamated Bank Bldg., 11-11 Union Square, Srd floor...
...IRonsldee « MO* Morris Kaufman, Oen...
...Secy - Tre«* WgUjmUW Regular meeting mmmjfmmf every and 4tb H P ' r n u r e d o y at ^ a m w R w - Beethoven Hall...
...YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIALIST LEAGUE.—The Y. P. S. L. will hold a dance and revolutionary revue on Saturday, April 30, May Day Eve, at the Rand School Auditorium, 7 East 15th street...
...Tuesday, April 5, Brownsville Unit, speaker, Anna Weiss, In home of Mrs...
...Cloth Rat, Cap snd Millinery Workers' International union, pswtjk town offlce, t40 Broadway, phone SprlM 7-4S48...
...Philip Oretisy, Asst...
...New York Phone Oramercy 5-1023 Charles Kleinman...
...Aaron Levensteln and Ben Parker of the New York League have arranged to visit these cities every week-end and help in the organization of Y. P. 8. L. circles...
...both of which have strong Socialist Party locals, are being invaded by the Ylpsels...
...PITTSBURGH, PA.—A memorial meeting for the anniversary of the Paris Commune wUl be held at Kingsley House, East Liberty...
...Louis Rublnn w M a s a V I H H feld...
...BURRELL TOWNSHIP, PA.—Black Lick has a new Socialist paper, "The Rising Sun," which is published by the local circle...
...Mark's Place Albert E. Castro, President...
...It Is absolutely essential that every enrolled Socialist vote...
...All locals meet -very Wednesday...
...Sunday evening, Comrade Clae&sens will give the first of a aeries of four lectures on "Race Prejudice...
...He will start east on May 4th, stopping off In about ten towns to address Yipsel and party meetings...
...Phone atagg t 4*21...
...I mjECRWRAR CUTTERS' IINION^LwS i l IMS, A. P. of l . . nit Broadway...
...A. D. BRONX GROUP.—Another Yipsel circle is being organized at 2717 White Plains Road and meetings are held on Fridays at 8:30 P. M. Circle 5 Jr...
...rc Br id meets •very Tuesday a l he ifflce Regular T i e e i i i i g i every P»> noc'y * rreas.j " l * Oreenltmer...
...Pred Woll, Secretary...
...163d, 165th and 167th streets...
...1M East tth St...
...J. J. Pahey, J. J. Bambrlck...
...The auditorium seats 700 and it should be filled, but it requires the canvassing of every home within a radius of five blocks of P. S. 3, our meeting place...
...Executive Board meets every Mondsy at 7 p.m...
...Board meets -very Tuesdsy evening at the offlce...
...A few $1.00 tickets are still available for the "Blessed Event" April 7. 6TH A. D.—The Sunday evening forum continues with capacity audiences...
...Petor Monet, Manager...
...Always 1*1 fsr This Label Workers...
...The page will make excellent propaganda material for prospective converts...
...speaker, Frances Schaffer, 55 Snyder avenue, Brooklyn...
...Cohen, 1369 56th street, Brooklyn...
...Another meeting Is to be held in Norwalk on Saturday evening, April 2nd...
...Arrangements for a Bronx rally are being completed...
...The speakers will be Samuel Orr, Patrick J. Murphy, Esther Friedman, George I. Stelnhardt and Dora W. Pass berg, chairman...
...The council meets every 1st and frd Wednesday, s. Hershkowlts...
...A meeting of the educational committee and the organisers, educational directors and forum managers will be held in the People's House, 7 Bast 15th street, on Saturday afternoon, April 2, 2:30 P. M., to go over the season's educational work and plan for the coming year...
...On their first trip there last week, they got quite a few names of young people who have shown an Interest In our movement...
...A resolution ooridemninf Block-Aid was passed...
...August Claessens and J. B. Mathews will apeak, in addition to several Youth speakers, and 8.000 leaflets are being distributed...
...Manager, N. Speetor: Sec'y-Treas...
...Many street meetings in the district will advertise this performance...
...Leon Hattab, Manager...
...AU Ylneels are urged to Join the chorus this Saturday, April 2nd...
...A committee to publish a Borough paper and leaflets has been chosen...
...Chelsea 8-I0T...
...lt-Sl A. D.—Branch" meetings are held every Saturday evening at 2005 7th avenue...
...On Thursday evening, April 8, at 20 East Klngabridge road, an enrolled voters' meeting wUl be held...
...N. Y. Socialists Urged to Vote In Primaries P o l l s Will Be Open Throughout the State On Tuesday PRIMARY DAY TUESDAY, APRIL 5.—It Is necessary that every enrolled Socialist in New York state and city go to the polls Tuesday, April 5, and vote for the election of the official Socialist Party County Committee, members of the State Committee, and delegates to the national convention...
...Business Agent, B. Kslmikoff, Secretary Samuel Mlndel...
...District Council No...
...t l west 1MB Street...
...Recording Secretary...
...atagg 2-0798 Reg...
...Eden and Jerome avenues, at 8:30 P. M. This is a special meeting...
...MANHATTAN — "Results of the German Elections" will be discussed this Saturday evening, April 2, at 96 Avenue O. CIRCLE 9 SR...
...Msurlce W. Jacobi, Pre* ; Ssmiiel Perlmutter, M„r Sec...
...M. Brown, Vlce-Ohslrmsn: M Pelnstone...
...Locsl 1. International Pur Workers Union Offlce and headquarters, k4t Wllloughby Ave., Brooklyn...
...Executive Board meets every Mondsy...
...All meetings are bold at 111 Second Avsaas, K. Y. 0. INTERNATIONAL FUR WORKERS' UNION OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA...
...CIRCLE 8 SB...
...Morris Olsnet are the active spirits...
...Executive H Bosrd meets on the 2nd 11 and 4th Thursdays, ai •PA Beethoven Hall, 218 Z mm pi n h Bt...
...The Brownsville and East New York comrades have secured the Labor Lyceum at 219 Sac km an street for Saturday evening, April 9, and will distribute 5,000 leaflets...
...and Mrs...
...Eat Only la Beelaaraot* That Easpley Helen Workers WATERPROOF GARMENT W O R B H Rr UNION, Local 10, 1. L. O. W. »., I West ltth Bt...
...Phono W a t - kins 0-77S4...
...Offloe end Headquarter...
...N. Y. o. Ate filiated with the American Federation of Labor and Ha...
...Next Tuesday, April 5, August Claessens will lecture...
...Cap and Millinery workers International Union, osioe, l i t Second Ave...
...Executive Board Meats Every Tuesday Right l a the Oases of ins union, z L . Preedmao, President...
...Hendln'a class in Marxism arranged by the Educational Committee of Bronx County in conjunction with the Y. P. S. L., will have its first session this Sunday morning, April 3, at 11 A. M. sharp, at the Bellamy Club, 904 Prospect avenue, Bronx...
...The meeting Tuesday discussed subsidizing a paid organiser jointly with Its neighboring branches, and a proposal to levy an income tax on members of the branch tor Socialist work In the district followed...
...Telephones Algonquin 4*800-1-2-3-4 5. Sidney Hillman...
...MILK WAGON DRIVERS' UNION, Local MM, L U. Of T. Offlce: 2M W. l t th St., City...

Vol. 13 • April 1932 • No. 14

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